This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 3 The Appointment of the Warden and the Appearance of Ping Zu

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"The stars also seem to be missing a lot."

After walking out of the house, Ning Zheng looked at the starry sky.

Then she clicked on the [Constellation Chart] that Su Yuniang had posted on the forum before and drew it privately, and compared it with the current stars.

"A rough comparison shows that about half of the stars are missing."

He raised his head, his brain calculating rapidly.

"I guess I'm busy. At the same time, this is the starry sky that belongs to our Xinyi Continent. The starry sky in other continents probably has many fewer stars."

Halfway through the night walk, it started to snow.

Ning Zheng didn't pay attention and continued walking. Suddenly she saw Erya from a distance.

Two people were lazy in the task of cutting down trees and building a snowman. They were talking to each other, and there was a sour smell of love.


Ning Zheng quietly avoided the two people and continued up the mountain.

The night was like water. I opened the door of the villa and went straight to the Linggong area, passing through various farmlands and arriving at a breeding room.

There is a dazzling array of equipment placed in the corner.

Ning Zheng didn't understand much, and he didn't even do the purchasing.

He had to go to the forum and watch various videos from Lingnong District.

After carefully studying the equipment operation instructions recorded in it, I opened a cabinet and saw the mutated spiritual roots cultivated inside. The burgundy seedlings exuded a gloomy atmosphere.

[The most suitable direction for mutation]

Ning Zheng murmured softly.

【—8000 Luck Value】

He showed a hint of physical pain, which was almost reaching the small realm of the four internal organs, enough for him to break through.

In fact, if other people knew that he had cultivated a suitable middle-grade spiritual root at such a small cost, they would be shocked and would be called the strongest spiritual farmer.

After all, the cultivation of spiritual farmers not only requires hard power to pass the test, but also really relies on luck. Seven points depend on strength, and the remaining ninety-three points depend on luck.

Ning Zheng is a professional counterpart.

From a small realm of the Four Internal Organs, his operation to exchange for a middle-grade spiritual root that can become the foundation of a family in Pingchang City can be described as incredible.

But Ning Zheng obviously didn't care. He didn't have a career in life. Now he just helped his family's spiritual farmer a little, and he was already feeling a little distressed.

After closing the door of the equipment as instructed, Ning Zheng turned around and left without looking back.

The plants did not mutate immediately and needed a little time to grow.

It's like he made a wish for the server to come to him at that time.

"We can look forward to the ability of the mid-grade shadow spiritual roots."

"After all, the low-grade shadow wine rice is too useless. It just controls the shadow of the rice."

The next morning.

The days are still the same as usual.

The saint's affairs did not affect anyone in the villa.

After Su Yuniang finished eating, she was about to go to the prison to supervise the work. Suddenly she asked, "By the way, do you want to be a jailer? Anyway, our prison is built next to a village, so it's fast to get to and from get off work."

"Prisoner, can I do that?" Ning Qiaoqiao had a rough idea.

"Of course, you were born to be a jailer, and you have very beautiful feet." Su Yuniang nodded, "You can also combine the two feet into one, turning into a tail. It's small, short, and super cute."

Ning Qianqian: "?"

"Brother, do you want to be a jailer?" Su Yuniang tilted her head and called Ning Qiaoqiao "brother" shamelessly.

Ning Zheng was also stunned. Forget about inviting Ning Qianqiao, why don't you invite me?

Ning Zheng shook her head: "I have to practice on weekdays."

Su Yuniang also expressed her understanding. After all, it is normal for monks to practice.

"Then just put your name on it and come and help out occasionally. It's boring after all." Su Yuniang said, "How about it?"

Ning Zheng thought for a while and agreed.

I feel that if I go to prison in the future, I will have a reason.

There will be two talisman masters in the prison soon. If you are bored, you can go and have a chat and find out what you have seen outside.

Although it is impossible to find out about the saint's assassination, it is still necessary to ask for some basic common sense and knowledge.

You can even learn how to make talismans.

It is estimated that other high-level professionals will be imprisoned in the future, and the future potential is also great!

This prison may become a very important building in the future.

With nothing to do, Ning Zheng also accompanied the two of them to the prison. After all, she was also very curious about the construction of the prison.

Because of the 24-hour non-stop construction, divided into three groups of people taking turns, a building framework has now emerged.

The outline has been initially built.

On the construction site, a huge panopticon wall was erected, with small wooden houses inside.

It can only be said that the villagers in this world, or Gui, are very nimble in their movements, and they can build walls and houses very quickly.

And the blacksmiths on the mountain have no plans to build any high-end paper houses. What kind of tall villas will the prisoners live in?

The prisoners will hang them!

Remaining weak, even meat was rarely given to them.

After "stepping on the sewing machine" and producing a certain amount of goods, there will be a certain supply of meat.

Moreover, the prison is also equipped with interrogation rooms, solitary cells, and other punishment items.

If you forget that memory, the beautiful interrogator Su Yuniang, a female imp, will personally go into battle, wield a whip, and torture these stinky fish!

Ning Zheng walked around. As the owner of the village, he was very satisfied!

These villagers work really fast and efficiently. If such a large city wall prison is successfully built, it will be quite a sense of accomplishment to imprison some powerful prisoners.



A group of people were carrying a huge rolling log.

Ning Zheng and Ning Qianqian were also watching, watching with great interest.

Su Yuniang, on the other hand, watched for a while and then left and went up the mountain because Jiucairong on the mountain asked her to go up with a sign.

After taking the cable car and climbing to the top of a mountain of more than 5,000 meters, Liaicairong was already escorting the two prisoners and waiting at the entrance of the villa. "They have been trained."

"It's so fast, it's only been three or four days, right?" Su Yuniang felt a little unsteady, "How about you train for a few more days?"

"No, no, no!"

The two Talisman Masters screamed loudly, "Please, take me away, take me to that so-called prison."

"Go away, you two idiots." Su Yuniang took several steps back.

Hearing the word "miscellaneous fish", the two talisman masters shivered in fear as if they had suffered some kind of stress reaction.

Apparently the medical fairy used this term and caused severe psychological trauma to them.

The medical fairy patted the medicine box on her waist and said proudly: "In the future, if they are disobedient and you call them a bastard, they will be afraid."

"You're really 6!" Su Yuniang gave a thumbs up and said suddenly: "I didn't know the name of the prison before, so let's call it the Miscellaneous Fish Prison. There are a group of miscellaneous fish inside, and the whole body will tremble when you call them. "

"No need to!"

Jiucairong stood up and immediately stopped us, "We have to be stylish. What if outsiders come to visit and see it? Our prison will become bigger and stronger in the future, and it will become a holy place!"

"I think the Demon Suppression Tower is good. It shows that we have great ambitions to suppress all the great demons and evils in the world. They all come in and step on the sewing machine."

Liaicairong had obviously discussed the name with them.

"Tacky." Su Yuniang said nothing and took the two people away.

Behind him, a blacksmith shyly handed over a note,

"I prepared this before, but they are too weak. They are just two Talisman Masters, and their mental endurance is too poor. This torture method is not used. You can hold it first."

Su Yuniang took a look.

Oh haha!

It turned out to be various techniques for training military dogs.

Throw bones, jump over railings, reward with meat

Feeling a little neurotic

, if you don’t know how to interrogate, don’t use random things to make up the numbers.

Su Yuniang shook her head speechlessly and led the two people down the mountain.

At the same time, they also carry so-called "sleeping charms" for them to use when sleeping. When they wake up in prison, they will become earth-bound spirits.

She quickly took the two prisoners who were still in cages down the mountain, and then threw them into the prison as the first batch of prisoners.

"You continue to work, keep the prisoner away, and leave him alone."

While supervising the work, Su Yuniang began to interrogate the two talisman masters. Those who had just come over were tortured to give the prisoners a warning, "Ning Qianqian, I will teach you how to train people. First, you have to call him Zayu. With a very contemptuous look"

"What is this doing?"

Ning Qianqian and Su Yuniang turned their heads.

Looking at the masked figure, Pingzu unexpectedly appeared and said in a calm voice: "Why did such a big house suddenly rise up here?"

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