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Early in the morning after updating the announcement, from time to time blacksmiths would run to see the batch of bred seedlings, making the spiritual farmers roll their eyes wildly.

"What are you looking at?"

"The seedlings only emerge in the afternoon. No matter how fast they are cultivated, it will take twenty-four hours."

"Stop looking around our cultivation room like a thief. In the afternoon, I guarantee you will have green hair and plant your precious spiritual roots."

But these blacksmiths said they just couldn't contain their excitement.

Just like the husband waiting outside the delivery room for his cheating wife to give birth to their second child, he was anxiously going back and forth, feeling both happy and worried that his hair might not be green enough.

In the medical clinic.

Auntie Fairy and the Medical Fairy are working together to research the river demon.

The medical fairy said: "My baby Ember has disappeared again. He hasn't sent me any signals recently. Maybe something serious has happened."

"They are very busy, busy escaping." Aunt Xian shook her head, "It's only been two days, and it took more than two days for them to stay in seclusion and repair their weapons."

"But I really hope that the [letter system] will be opened." Medical Fairy said: "After all, Sword Fairy is the only window for us junk blacksmiths to get access to high-end products."

Aunt Fairy ignored the medical fairy's chatter and cut into the muscle texture with one knife. Every time she cut, consciousness overflowed, making her feel like she was operating a microscope, giving her a strange state.

The two are currently conducting a study, collaborating on surgery, and combining their magical powers.

At this time, a group of hairpin girls suddenly appeared outside the door.

The leader of the hairpin girl is Qian Loli. She is beautiful. She pinched her sleeves a little cautiously and said, "Auntie Fairy, can you try to carve this hairpin?"

"No problem, I can give it a try."

Aunt Xian took the hairpin, then looked at the plan handed over by the other party, and started to engrave it with a tattoo pen.

As the magic money in your hand gradually loses its luster, textures are also drawn on the jewelry.

"Successed in one try?" the hairpin girl said in surprise.

"Well, I did the surgery, so my hands won't shake, and I have the blessing of magical powers."

Auntie Xian said: "Besides, if I'm not wrong, your pattern engraving is the lowest level."

"There is nothing wrong with being the lowest level."

Several hairpin girls looked at each other excitedly.

Unexpectedly, this soulless flower really solved their problems in the past few months.

You must know that the threshold for Hairpin Niang's jewelry and magic weapons is very high, and it is more than ten times more difficult to engrave fine patterns than large weapons.

As a result, they have not been able to successfully get started until now.

"We, the hairpin ladies, want to buy the soul-living flower."

"Our Hairpin Tower is about to rise."

They looked at each other excitedly.

The villa will soon produce jewelry and magic weapons.

At noon, Ning Zheng went up the mountain.

Jiucairong excitedly told Ning Zheng the good news that Ling Nong had cultivated new spiritual roots.

Ning Zheng just nodded. This spiritual root was grown by going up the mountain in the dark and secretly changing the probability.

He went up the mountain just to see the Hunlihua.

The birth of this spiritual root is indeed the type of celebration that everyone in the world celebrates. As soon as they entered the villa, they saw a group of people smiling and energetic at work.

The joy of drawing cards to get the best quality is so simple!

"Go and do your work, I'll just look around." Ning Zheng was also infected by this joy and warned her.

"We will start a three-flower blooming ceremony for the new spiritual root in the afternoon. We welcome the old steward to come and watch."

Jiucairong didn't show any pretense and went directly to Lingnong District.

Soon, Mu Mu led a team to take out ten spiritual roots and said to Liaicairong: "The decrease in production is not due to a lack of reproduction speed, but a lack of materials. We need some natural and earthly treasures."

He took out a list with the spiritual fluids and materials for various spiritual plants.

It can be seen that the cultivation of middle-grade spiritual roots is so expensive, let alone high-grade, heavenly spiritual roots.

Breeding such high-level spiritual roots requires a high price.

"I will contact Zhang Huaping to purchase new materials."

Liaicairong nodded, came to the square, and looked at the attentive people sitting at the loan table.

"here we go."

"Those who want a loan come and line up. There are only ten plants today."

"Because there is no mass production, the material nutrient solution has not been supplied, and the price is 700 French dollars per plant."

"If you find it too expensive, you can buy it later. If you want a loan, priority will be given to those who pay in full!"

As soon as this was said, many wealthy people came forward.

"I come."

"I pay in full."

"Finally I can draw cards."

Soon ten people appeared on the stage.

Even Lian Cairong himself was among the ten people, leaving a piece of the soul-living flower spirit root to himself, which made many people look at him sideways.

"Liao Cai Rong, come and bloom the three flowers yourself." Su Yuniang said.

"Give it a try." Liaicairong nodded.

After all, as a steward, even

Besides, now that there are no other folks around, it’s the best time to bloom three flowers.

He has also been working hard to study recently. He can try his best. If he still doesn't succeed, forget it. Anyway, he won't lose a lot of money.

Soon, they started to open the three flowers.

Because there are no people in the world yet, the program has no effect at all. On the contrary, some people are not used to it.

So a few people took the lead, their eyes were crooked, their mouths were slanted, and they were talking.

"Hahaha, it's time to get up, you'll be at ease after attaining spiritual roots." Someone shouted while blooming three flowers, pretending to be cool.

Someone is like a goddess in the countryside, saying:

"Ha, I planned it right. Every time I get involved, I, the tauren, will steal your game account. I will use your body to perform the Yangko dance, and fuck the blacksmiths. Grandpa gave you money, why don't you kneel down and thank me?"

Everyone watched with gusto.

Soon everyone discovered that after this wave of suicides, all ten people used props to increase the probability, and two embers were directly released.

One of them turned out to be Liaicai Rong.

"What are you looking at?"

Huo Chai Kun didn't realize that he was dead. He looked at the crowd watching him and kicked Huo Chai Kun on the butt. "Go to work."

"Ouch, what are you doing?" Shao Chaikun turned his head and said angrily.

"Don't you feel anything special?" the God of Cookery asked.

"No." Liaicai Rong also felt confused, "I have to go back to my desk. There are still many submissions for today's tasks that have not been reviewed."

After saying that, Yan Lili Rong left directly.

Everyone's heart was numb.

Liao Cairong even squeezed his own ember, and put his ember baby to sit in the office to help process documents.

Ning Zheng was also watching quietly.

Having someone help her sit in the office made Lian Cai Rong feel much more relaxed, and she was completely liberated.

However, the blacksmiths around also complained, and finally reacted and began to murmur.

"From now on, with two stewards, the workload will be halved, and he will finally feel better."

"Don't make trouble. It's not just that. From now on, there will also be stewards in the villa at night, working overtime at night, processing documents, and making plans.

"Liao Cairong is completely liberated and no longer has dark circles under her eyes every day."

"Hahaha, this game is poisonous."

"Liao Cai Rong not only exploits us, but also exploits himself. He can be called the strongest capitalist."

At this time, Liaicai Rong, who had just been resurrected at the entrance of the villa, also saw his own embers and was immediately overjoyed.

"Wait, don't rush to see the embers. I'll bloom three flowers again. I have a hunch that I have an 80% chance." He bloomed three flowers on the spot, and it was indeed successful.

Embers, new spiritual roots, double happiness, it was finally his turn to enjoy the treatment of a medical fairy.

Some people in the crowd were jealous, thinking that today's plan would be to secretly change the explosion rate of Ember card drawings.


"Otherwise, I will commit suicide today."

"I think it's okay. I'm a low-grade shadow rice. I have to commit suicide and be resurrected before I can bloom again. It's better to commit suicide in advance."

Next, a group of people thought that today might be a good day, so they committed suicide first to cleanse their spiritual roots.

A white body, waiting to get it


More than a hundred people died one after another.

Because this group of people all used their savings over this period of time to buy 50 mana plus ember probability props.

As a result, seven or eight more embers emerged.

Everyone was happier.

"Damn it, finally, the embers have returned to normal quantity!"

"I just said, these lucky ones won't be happy for long. We can make a baby even if we move bricks for two months."

"Brother, would you like to form a baby collection team?"

They were so happy. This afternoon, this wave of collective activities was so exciting that even the new blacksmiths who didn't have any legal money watched it with gusto.

Ning Zheng also laughed.

All the savings from moving bricks in two months were completely wiped out.

Just for these few little embers?

These people say they are insidious, but they say they are too innocent.

The wages I offered them were actually quite high, but I couldn't bear to save money to spend in the Villa.

At no cost to me, I just used the bodies produced in several meat vats to secretly recycle the legal money in their hands.

He even owes 500 to 700 French money.

Besides, this is just the beginning. In the future, synthesizing embers and advancing embers will still be a bottomless pit.

At this moment, Ning Zheng, who was very satisfied, suddenly received the news of the communication token.

It's an unfamiliar signal!

Ning Zheng, who was happy to see it, suddenly became excited, "Who is it?"

I don’t know myself.

That must be someone the original owner knew.

From the relationship network of the Villa Yao during his lifetime.

Could it be the imperial backers behind him, or the group of demon cultivator friends?

He took a deep breath and opened the summons token.

There is a charming voice over there, which makes people feel warm all over just listening to it:

"How have you been at Guishan Villa recently? The court is in a hurry and it's time for us to show off our skills. Do you want to join us?"

She lowered her voice, gently and softly, and exhaled like a orchid: "Recently, there is something new and big, and I sincerely invite you to join us."

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