On the other side, in an ancient tomb.

If you want to be pretty, you have to be filial.

Su Yu Niang wore a white prison uniform and felt that she was not only pretty, but also that she would become more and more filial, respecting the owner of the manor, the three ancestors, and the old steward.

"This copy is interesting!"

She lay on the railing and observed the surroundings.

It was getting dark very quickly. At this time of the year, Zhujian Mountain Villa should have started a bonfire party to celebrate.

And it's time for dinner in the prison here, right?

I just don't know how to eat.

Should I deliver food to each cell, or go to the prison cafeteria?

She observed for a long time and could only sigh that it was worthy of being arranged according to the government's prison layout, and the layout was very reasonable.

She was in the women's prison area.

There were women all around, who looked pure and pretty, and I felt pity for them.

She even saw a beast-eared girl of the demon race.

A furry round rabbit tail, a girl with fox ears, and a little loli with a pair of bear paws.

All kinds of beautiful young girls.

My God!

Is this heaven?

The quality of this card pool is too high!

Of course, Su Yu Niang also discovered her true identity, and was discovered by the female prisoner in the next cell that she was not herself.

She successfully won over the female prisoner in the cell next to her through the shadow spirit rice she brought, and the set of words she used to break into the prison, and got a lot of clues from the side.

"You cover me, I will definitely take you out."

"Don't worry, we have a professional prison break team, and we guarantee that everyone will be rescued, and no grass will grow!"

Su Yu Niang constantly instilled ideas into the female prisoner next to her.

This prison will conduct labor reform regularly: collective activities, go to the so-called manufacturing area.

Dan, paper talismans, ironwork, planting

This should be the prison rules that the government had before.

Sure enough, no matter which world, a group of laborers will not be raised in vain, and they have to step on sewing machines in prison, let alone a group of valuable monks.

This prison is probably piled up with a lot of magical instruments, various materials, and resources made by Gui.

This made Su Yu Niang shout that it was a waste of natural resources.

It's okay for the living prison, but the things made in this prison for the dead are stained with too much filth, and the living can't use them basically.

What a waste!

The pills, spells, and magic tools they made are too polluted.

In fact, this is also the situation of most tombs. The various burial objects and underworld objects taken when going to the tomb are all very unlucky.

Special means must be used to whiten these underworld objects so that they can be used by living people, but the loss of resources is very serious.

At this time.

According to the description of the female prisoner, the proportion of female prisoners in this prison accounts for 90%, and the remaining 10% are monsters and male prisoners.

Among the 90% of women, beast girls account for 30%, all of which are captured by major tribes in the wild. After all, human settlements only occupy one-tenth.

And most of the human female prisoners other than beast girls have the attribute of beautiful ***.

Su Yu Niang said.

Really good at playing!

Are you really building a prison for your ancestor?

I'm embarrassed to expose you.

You are building a harem here.

This city guard is still having so much fun. He doesn't love good families, but female prisoners.

They are all thieves.

It's the same old saying: The burial objects in the graves of the dead are countless times richer and more nourishing than those of a living person like you.

But after death, can men and women still do that kind of thing?

Su Yu Niang has asked about it.


It's essentially a soul.

But people follow the logic of their life.

Just like Ning Jiao Jiao and Yu Jin Su Yu Niang, they make quilts and pull heating pipes.

Do they really need to spend the winter?


They just maintain the logic of their life and feel that they need it.

"So, he probably just looks at his harem, right?" Su Yu Niang sighed: "And, pretend that he can still do it."


She suddenly realized something was wrong.

Feeling that he is still okay after death means that he will come here regularly to see the female prisoners.

Su Yu Niang was shocked: Then I am as beautiful as a flower, isn't it dangerous?

No, they like ***, but I'm fine. I'm a young and beautiful girl with twin ponytails, and my attributes don't match at all. I should be fine, right?

But I'm going to log off at 8 o'clock.

Will there be any problems during sleep?

All kinds of plots from the book suddenly popped up in her head, and she was taken away

"No, no, Green Hat Villa can't be trusted. For my integrity, I must protect myself."

After that, she committed suicide on the spot, and blood flowed all over the floor.

[Audience Perspective] A group of people who were about to log off at 7 o'clock were also stunned.

"What is she doing?"

"Amazing, she came here to commit a murder in a closed room, and wanted to frame who was the murderer?"

"Hahaha, she was afraid of the city guards and attacked the cell at night."

"Does she think the body can't be kept while it's hot?"

"What are you thinking upstairs? The smell of blood has stirred up all the evil around. Do you think there is any scum left?"

"This is called killing but not humiliating."

Everyone chattered and felt that this copy was too realistic.

A little bit unserious.

But this unseriousness, on the contrary, seems extremely real.

If I don't find a group of beautiful prisoners as my burial objects, can it be called burial objects?

Soon after committing suicide, Su Yu Niang happened to log in and posted a quick post on the forum:

[Pure Love God of War, severely condemn this ancient tomb instance, suggest changing to a man dressed as a woman, the city guard appears, you can pick up the soap. 】

A group of people replied in a mess.

"I can do this."

"I want to try it."

"It's so cold! Can men stand up? Why don't they buy male burial companions?"

"The cultivators in other worlds really know how to enjoy themselves. After death, they all have 3,000 beauties in their harems to be buried with them."

"Bah, I can also have 3,000 concubines when I am alive."

"You know shit. I was in a hurry to practice when I was alive. How could I have time to play so much? I guess I was practicing hard and only enjoyed myself after I died."

"This is really making money while alive and taking the money into the coffin to enjoy after death."

Many people scolded the perverted city guard and complained wildly.

Everyone thought it was a proper prison layout, but it was really a pleasure prison in the form of burial companions, and the prisoners were so charming and beautiful.

Ning Zheng was not surprised to see this scene.

They were just making a fuss.

It was not a proper prison, but a prison built for burial companions.

Who buys goods and doesn't buy good-looking ones?

Ning Zheng ignored them, practiced peacefully, and then went to sleep, maintaining sufficient energy and a good life schedule.

After all, the villa has been very busy recently

Sword Forging Villa.

A heavy snow stopped last night, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow, and all the buildings were dyed white.

A group of blacksmiths received the task of clearing snow in the early morning, and they were shoveling snow frantically, busy in full swing.

"I'm back." Su Yu Niang strode in.

Everyone has heard about Su Yu Niang's resurrection and giving up the dungeon directly.

The vomiting mud craftsman just got out of bed, listless, bored and said: "Welcome."

Jiu Cairong: "Well, do you want to accept today's task?"

Shi Shen: "Sorry, you have died once, you can't go to the mine, you can change people."

Although Su Yu Niang's retreat affected everyone's dungeon strategy progress.

But everyone didn't think there was any problem.

They were all very considerate.

It feels like I have to run away.

I can only complain that this game is too toxic, and pure love warriors really have to guard against this.

Moreover, after some negotiation, they prepared to place a man dressed as a woman, Shao Chai Kun, to replace him and perform the infiltration mission.

Shao Chai Kun made a orchid finger and blew: "I guarantee to complete the mission. If the city guard comes, see how I can deal with him!"

"You always blow so loudly, but you run the fastest." The Fairy of Medicine complained in a low voice: "Before, I said that the river monster sleeping bag was your favorite, but I made it. You

Shao Chai Kun's mouth was very hard: "It's not that I'm afraid of the river monster, but the sleeping bag is too ugly."

The Fairy of Medicine sneered: "Then you are now dressed as a woman. Do you want to have a bladder surgery for you? The owner of the tomb will definitely be fascinated and will take a fancy to you among countless beauties. I guarantee that you will be the master of the harem."

Shao Chai Kun's mouth became even harder:

"I am ordinary, but I can also stand out. Just because I watch the palace fighting drama for nothing? Please call me Niu Hulu Zhen Huan Kun!"

Everyone ignored him.

Because the old steward came.

Ning Zheng walked into the gate of the villa and said, "Be more stable today and don't make any big trouble."

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong and others nodded in agreement.

"It's another beautiful day, let's go!" Ning Zheng ignored them and was looking forward to chatting and talking with Shi Youxing and other responsible persons.

After all, the villa is too boring.

Blacksmith, Ning Jiao Jiao, Yu Jin Su Yu Niang

Which of these guys I meet every day is normal?

Finally met a few serious living people, it is inevitable to sit down and chat together, and listen to some interesting stories and gossip, which can also broaden your horizons.

They praised each other's family members, although Ning Zheng was always a little embarrassed when they praised the blacksmith for his promising future.

Anyway, the two sides are now in an alliance and are in the honeymoon period.

Digging graves depends on fate.

Ning Zheng was too lazy to care whether it would succeed or not, and believed that the blacksmiths would do it well by themselves

Through the teleportation array, deep in the snowy mountains.

Ning Zheng led the team, and the two sides sat down to discuss and exchange information.

Shi Youxing, who was standing by, came over, handed over a bronze mirror, and said to Shao Chai Kun: "I just heard that the woman you sneaked into last night died."

"She died gloriously." A group of blacksmiths immediately said solemnly: "She died heroically."

Yu Jin Jiu Cairong came out: "Although she died, we will not give up and are ready to send

Shi Youxing nodded without being hypocritical: "It's a narrow escape, but I believe in you."

"This is a projection mirror. You can also project the surrounding images. We can help you remotely."

Obviously sincere.

The situation inside the prison is very important.

Only in this way can we write a certificate for the construction team.

The blacksmiths prepared and prepared to carry out the tomb work of yesterday again.

With the last experience, this time it was still safe and sound. They sneaked in the tunnel in the dark and successfully replaced Shao Chai Kun.

This process took only about an hour.

But after that, the blacksmiths withdrew and did not go deeper. They just moved other peripheral areas horizontally to move bricks and dig pits.

Shao Chai Kun, dressed as a woman, entered the cell and replaced Su Yu Niang. After spending three or four hours, he continued to explore and ask questions indirectly. He got a lot of information about the prison, the daily shifts of the jailers, and even the names of the prisoners.

And today, the Shi family monks didn't even go down to the tomb.

They began to study and imitate, disguise the spiritual roots, styles, and habits of the construction team, and "rehearse" outside to make it lifelike.

Ning Zheng saw this scene, the lively scene of each party working hard, and smiled: "Both parties are carrying out their assigned tasks."

They are all advancing the tomb-robbing project in an orderly manner. "Shi Youxing smiled, "It seems that the young people on both sides have become familiar with each other after a few days of running-in."

Ning Zheng also smiled, and said hypocritically: "These young people are the hope of our family's future. It's good to communicate more."

In the mine.

Digging bricks while chatting.

Someone asked: "Fatty Zhu, how is moving bricks today?"

Fatty Zhu scratched his head innocently, "After I became proficient, I feel that I can move more today, and I can sleep well. Sure enough, the way of hiding that the elder brothers taught me is very practical. This will be the core spirit of my magic cultivation in this life, and I will use it for the rest of my life!"

"Work hard!"

A group of people continued to go in and out of the tomb-robbing hole.

There were even more people setting up stalls.

Selling various goods has formed a small market consisting of five magic cultivation families.

This scene reminded the fairy doctor of the temporary clinic of the military training in school, where several instructors led the team to work together and rehearse separately.

This scene of cooperating in the tomb was somewhat similar to the military training in college.

"Want to eat? This is a specialty of our place." Shi Youxing took Ning Zheng to the market and picked up a grilled fish.

"Of course." Ning Zheng looked at the luck value and found no problem, so he took it and continued to chat and go shopping.

He was a little touched that he was finally not visiting the ghost market.

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