This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 28: When a person dies, the lamp goes out, leaving only an ember.

"Kill him now?"

Ning Zheng hid in the grass on the mountainside as a sniper and didn't recover for a long time.

Because it seems so weird.

In this battle to defend the villa, which was suddenly retreating steadily, news of a great victory came?

Are they showing weakness to their enemies?

"I really worry about them in vain." Ning Zheng sighed, they were having such an exciting time.

To be fair, this trick is indeed brilliant!

However, he also took action to help them lure the Crow King out.

According to the previous situation, they never showed up. Just commanding the crows and attacking blind spots to break through their tower defense could consume them alive.

Ning Zheng did not make any unnecessary moves, but hid on the mountainside and silently observed the situation.

The next situation is quite simple.

They blocked the tower defense gap opened by the Crow King.

The headless crow king outside was flying around everywhere, like a headless fly with only its body instincts left.

Ga! ~

Ga! ~

Without any command, the crows fought on their own and became a mess.

The windows of tower defenses began to be attacked again, densely packed like swarms of bees.

But without organizational discipline, they are like a bunch of soldiers without any structure and can't find temporary blind spots in the movement.

The defense towers of each villa shot arrows to cover each other, so they were defended in an instant.

The war is going great!

However, that crow king was very strange. It flew around headlessly for a while, and then it seemed that it suddenly became weak and its vitality was slowly disappearing.

The strong survival instinct caused the headless body to attack a passing crow next to it, and cut off the opponent's head with its claws.

Lowering your head is like putting on a crown again.


Putting the other person's head on his head, the two dim green eyes slowly lit up again.


In the defense tower.

The blacksmiths were stunned and obviously frightened to a certain extent: "The boss still has this trick? Grafting duck... bah, crow head?"

How do you describe this worldview?

Being a blacksmith used to be a bit strange, but now it's getting weirder and weirder.

However, out of emergency, the Crow King, who had put on a new head, was obviously much stupider.

Even basically certain.

The Crow King's head has been replaced by another soul, which is no longer the original one.

Although the head in the Five Body Realm is not dead after being severed, the soul is still parasitic in the head.

It’s hard to live without a head.

In order to survive, it is understandable that the body finds a new partner for cheating.

It can be seen that this game is really full of greenery.

Whether it's a blacksmith or a crow, the server has only been open for a few days, and they will be attacked if they are not careful.

"What a pitiful boss."

"When I go out, I have to make two emoticons and put on a cuckold."

"You guys didn't make it green? You scum!"

"You only think about the surface, but I think about the deeper level. For a headless crow, the body's instinct is to find a head? If a monk is also beheaded, his body's instinct is to live, will it go everywhere? Looking for a head?"

When everyone heard this, they thought this angle was quite new.

It seems really possible.

Looking for clues everywhere, wouldn’t the original monk be cheated?

If there is such a good thing, please ask this headless body to come to me through the busy town and the sea of ​​people, cut off my head and put it on.

It's not a question of whether to be a Cao thief or not.

The main reason is that they are greedy for the opponent's body. Obtaining a powerful body out of thin air must be a chance from heaven.

"Don't think about the green monks."

"Yes, I just want to eat shit."

They shook their heads and continued to shoot arrows while chatting.

Suddenly, a blacksmith noticed from the lookout window an apparently dead crow standing up staggeringly on the ground outside.

It was actually a soul body.

And something strange happened.

This soul body was like an empty bubble, and it actually began to swallow the flesh and blood of the surrounding crows, and began to fill it with flesh and blood. The dense feathers of the surrounding corpses also slid onto it like running water.


The crow came to life.


Everyone got goosebumps when they saw it, and they quickly notified Su Yuniang to come over.

A few minutes later, Su Yuniang climbed up the defense tower from the tunnel behind her. She was slightly stunned when she heard everyone's words, "It's just embers."

"What are the embers?" Everyone was curious.

"The resentment after the soul disappears is the ghost in our eyes. The resentful spirits in this world have entities and can devour flesh and blood and attach themselves to them."

"Now that thousands of crows have died, isn't it normal for an ember to appear?"

Su Yuniang has read this information.

This is common sense that ordinary people know and is very popular.

It's just that blacksmiths like them didn't grow up in this world, so they find it surprising.

The scientific name is【Embers】

People are like candles. After they burn out, there will always be some residual flames left behind!

Ning Qiaoqiao, and even all the people in Lingzhuang, are also the "embers" after death, transformed by obsession.

But that was produced by the demons using special spells.

But now some of the villagers in the villa have only empty spiritual bodies because they have not been filled with flesh and blood for too long.

Not everyone is like Ning Xiaoxiao, who is fed by others and often eats meat to maintain the fresh and delicate body of a fair-skinned girl.

For a weak crow creature like this, the probability of producing [embers] is inherently low.

Even if it occurs, it will not last long and will dissipate soon.

Ordinary people are not surprised by this kind of thing.

Some people even keep "embers" at home after the death of their loved ones. After a period of time, the family's obsession will gradually disappear.

Of course, if you are dissatisfied with your family's "Embers", you can also ask a monk to kill them directly and eliminate the roots. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

After hearing what Su Yuniang said, everyone was a little surprised.

"Is this the world view outside? People are accustomed to it."

"It's a pity we can't go down the mountain."

"Then what should we do with this crow's ember?"


After hearing what everyone was talking about, Su Yuniang thought for a while and said: "People will follow the logic of life before death and have no ego... Just ignore it, treat it like an ordinary crow and fight back normally. It will disappear in a few days." of."

Everyone found it interesting.


Death is like the extinguishing of a lamp, and occasionally the embers of the lamp remain.

Many people felt a sense of horror and inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

The embers are just the last hope of the lonely survivors in this world.

At this moment, the mysterious world is beginning to unfold, and some people can't help but imagine what the glorious town scenery outside the villa will look like.

In the wilderness, headless corpses travel through towns looking for new heads.

In front of the mourning hall, the people hugged each other and cried holding the shadow of the embers of the deceased.

Outside the town, the demonic cultivators hunted down the dark monks and used their flesh, flesh and spiritual roots to reconstruct the dead body magic weapon.

And their sword-making villa outside Pingchang City in Xinyizhou sent the forged weapons to various towns, and wrote various stories in people's hands.

"This is a palpable and majestic epic."

Someone whispered, "There is a letter system. Although we are high above the mountain villa and isolated from the world, we can communicate with our customers below the mountain, forge weapons and armor, and intervene in their life journey."


"It's a pity that we can't go out and see the world with our own eyes."

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