This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 120 They will overturn the entire history of weapons! (4,000 words)

Leaving the palace, we returned to the capital.

The bustling streets, pedestrians coming and going, vendors shouting and hawking, it was so lively.

The capital is a flower city with flowers everywhere.

It is in line with the name of Jiusui, and the meaning of Jiuzhou is named after flowers.

On the streets along the way, the flowers are picturesque, and the blooming petals are like gorgeous brocade.

Occasionally, there are miscellaneous flowers with fewer petals, and the children, adults, and vendors on the roadside pull them out with ease!

Because they are weeds, which will affect the growth of normal flowers.

"It's still quiet here."

The sword fairy left halfway, and the arguments of the group of high-level professionals behind her gradually dissipated, as if entering another quiet world.

"The capital is a city without walls."

"It has been like this in all dynasties."

Jian Xin smiled and said, "Some people say that because the saint is here, who in the world dares to attack?"

"Some people also say that the wilderness outside the capital is the largest wall."

"If it weren't for the teleportation array, it would be easy for all kinds of accidents to happen if the real body walked in from the wilderness."

The housekeeper's room of Zhujian Villa.

The communication token has been turned on, and Ning Zheng and others are also listening silently.

Ning Zheng thinks it makes sense.

Who can easily go to that sky city and nursery land?

Even if you are a three-flowered man, you will encounter those mysterious huge prehistoric figures when you cross the clouds!

Sanhua, you can be resurrected after being killed by those things.

The main body crosses and goes to the capital?

If you are killed when passing by, you are really dead!

Compared to a soul flower crossing the clouds, the flesh and blood of a living person crossing the clouds can obviously attract the attention of those mysterious and strange beings in the sky and clouds.

It's not that the capital has no walls! Those ancient creatures coming and going are the walls!

Just at this moment

"I haven't been to Beijing for a long time. The people on the street are all dressed differently." A scholar dressed in ancient robes, not modern ones, walked in from the city gate skillfully, entered a restaurant, watched a play and drank tea.

"After exploring the dangerous secrets of ancient times, it's time to be free and easy."

This unknown ancient man even wanted to invite the monks in the capital to go out for an outing.

The people in the surrounding teahouses all avoided him and pretended not to see him.

The ancient man left some money, and the waiter in the restaurant silently brought some food, did not dare to communicate, and left directly.

"Who is that person?"

The sword fairy was shocked.

He remembered the second rule.

[2. If you see a life in the city that is not in line with the times or in strange clothes, please ignore it, do not talk to them, and do not accept their invitation to go out of the city. You don't want to know where they will go after you leave the city. 】

The Sword Fairy exclaimed: "Even the city walls can't stop them from entering the city?!"

Jian Xin smiled:

"They are in the tombs in the deep mountains and forests of Jiuzhou, maintaining their logic before their death, and the Dharma image rises into the air, flies into the nursery, and enters the capital."

"And how many ancient tombs are there in Jiuzhou? As many as stars, we have only dug a part of them now, and more tombs have not been explored."

"The prehistoric life with strange shapes in those ancient tombs flew to the capital. As long as we don't talk to them and don't let them trick us out of the capital, we can't do anything to us."

Jian Xin said this, revealing a trace of fear:

"When I went to Beijing before, I saw a being wearing a yellow robe on the road. Walking in from the city gate, that was terrifying!"

"Everyone on the street was shocked, and the guests in the restaurants along the way didn't dare to say a word!"

Jian Xin is a genius of the younger generation. He has reached the great perfection of the second phase realm at only a few thousand years old. As long as he doesn't fall, his one mind realm is almost stable.

But it is this kind of people who know fear and awe.

Instead of those fake geniuses, who are complacent and arrogant.

The Sword Fairy said: "The people in the imperial robes have come in, won't the saint take action?"

"It's useless to take action."

Jian Xin shook his head, "If the Dharma is killed, it will be resurrected again, unless the other party's tomb is found."

"Even if the tomb is found, it will be difficult for the saint to withdraw from the capital."

"We can only wait for people like us to attack those ancient tombs, but there are still many ancient imperial tombs that have not been taken down!"

"And these beings maintain their logic before they died, and dare not make trouble in the capital. After all, the capital has been the capital of all dynasties, and the fear of the capital has been imprinted on them before they died. If we are not deceived out, basically nothing will happen."

The Fairy Sword Girl listened and became more and more interesting.

The entire capital has its own logic.

It is also a safe haven for the entire nursery area.

It seems that at the junction of the entire long river of history, the owners of ancient tombs in various ancient historical stages may appear in the capital!

This is an ancient cultural city that crosses the vast long river of history.

This is the case in the capital, and it is even more dangerous in the suburbs!

Basically, no one dared to go there in person. They could only send Dharma images to the wilderness secret realm outside the capital, die and be reborn, and continue to send them out.

Mainly use a resurrection CD!

I have to say that the cultivators in this world are really perverted.

It’s okay that the immortality of the flesh is so exaggerated.

The soul has such a strong recovery ability, mainly use a spring water resurrection, and explore the secret realm!

The realm of the second phase is really a qualitative change!

The management room.

The communication token has been turned on, and Ning Zheng and others are still listening silently.

I have to say that through the circle of these high-level cultivators, I can know a lot of things.

Now that I have entered the capital, I can really get in touch with the top of this world!

At this time, Ye Kuangxiu in the steward's room said across the air: "Senior Jian Xin, we are looking for an auction, can you introduce it to us?" Jian Xin listened to the voice over there and responded calmly: "Our Xinyi Auction has always been good. You want to sell weapons? Want to use this method to stand out among the divine craftsmen?" The Xinyi family naturally also has industries in the capital. "We are indeed going to sell divine weapons." Ye Kuangxiu said: "Since we are in the capital and participating in this event, we naturally have to bring out something different." "Oh?" Jian Xin was surprised. "We are going to bring out a large number of low-level growth divine weapons to impact the market." Ye Kuangxiu's words startled Jian Xin slightly, and then he smiled deeply. He really didn't bet on the wrong chips. He thought these people were probably of some standard before. Although the sword fairy was unreliable, she boasted about the mysterious sword-making villa every day. But to be so loyal and loved by the other party, she must have some means! "Without further delay, I'll take you there." Jian Xin took everyone to the Xinyi Auction in the capital. Jiucai Rong did not steal Ye Kuangxiu's limelight, and let him be responsible for communication.

Among the confiscated goods, there is a communication crystal.

This is a more advanced thing than the communication token of 1,000 magic coins, and it is worth 5,000 magic coins.

Connect it to the communication token and you can use it.

It's almost like connecting a mobile phone to a display screen, so you can make a video call.

However, in general, the communication token is more used. It is simple and straightforward, and the projection seems redundant.

Connect the communication crystal.

In the steward's room, Ye Kuangxiu walked behind a white wall, turned on the "video" function, and said to the person in charge over there: "We are going to start a sales conference"

"You should publicize it to the outside world, saying that you are a master craftsman from Xinyizhou. In this discussion, you must debate in a unique way and promote your own ideas."

The person in charge of the Xinyi family over there was stunned, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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As a qualified businessman, he clearly knows how big a selling point this is!

The Beijing team entered Beijing, gathering the powerful secondary professions from all over the world in history, and recasting the sun and the moon. This is an unprecedented event!

Now, those who were in the team entering Beijing were all discussing in the palace.

But there was a divine craftsman who was unique and left the scene early, showing his forging skills in this way?

This selling point alone was enough to attract the attention of all the cultivators in Beijing!

Everyone would want to see how this divine craftsman from Xinyizhou would express his ideas and whether he could defeat other cultivators?

"One hour, we only need one hour." The person in charge of Xinyizhou was so excited that his eyes were red, "I can immediately hold a special sales meeting that will resound throughout Beijing!"

Only the Xinyi family could have such a big tone.

After all, they are one of the nine royal families under the royal family, and the overlord who rules a vast continent.


A piece of news spread throughout Beijing.

"Selling divine weapons?"

In the palace, the divine craftsmen who received the information were shocked. They had never thought of this trick, or they were too honest.

"Grandstanding?" Someone whispered.

"But that may not be the case." A master craftsman who was debating received the message and shook his head slowly. "If the growing eternal divine weapon can really be mature, it can be popularized to the whole world. This is actually a brilliant trick."

Xinyi Baishan was discussing with others and heard about this in the palace. He was stunned:

"He is a divine doctor. Why does he come to sell divine weapons instead of stepping on the faces of divine doctors? Stepping on the faces of our divine craftsmen?"


An hour later, the whole sale started.

The scene was full, and powerful figures whispered to each other.

It is not necessarily that they came to buy divine weapons. Everyone came to see the excitement of the divine craftsman in Xinyizhou.

It is said that the other party forged an eternal divine weapon, which can repair itself and grow infinitely. Now it is on sale. The children of various large families who have nothing to do come to take a look.


Some ancient beings wearing ancient robes came in one after another.

However, these ancient creatures sat alone and talked to each other.

"Hmph, are these things appearing in the new era?"

"I'm really getting older and older."

"I can't keep up with the times."

They didn't realize their own death, but just thought that they were the remnants of the previous dynasty, entered the capital, and entered the auction openly, and even thought about reviving their previous dynasty.

This time, the sale was not hosted in person, but a projection.


Shao Chai Kun stood in front of a white wall.

He wore a scholar's robe, his hair was combed like an adult, and he smiled gently:

"Friends in the capital, the magic weapon is worth at least tens of millions of magic money, and there is no market for it. Today, we plan to prepare eight magic weapons for everyone!"

"The remaining few are still being forged."

"It is estimated that we can complete it today if we rush."

As soon as these words fell, the people in the seats below were surprised. Several magic weapons can be completed today. Is this mysterious god craftsman force exaggerating, or does it have a unique mature technology?

Not only the auction side can see the projection of Shao Chai Kun.

Ning Zheng also saw the picture of the auction side.

The place was bustling with people and lively, and each seat was occupied by a powerful presence.

Just because of the angle, only Shao Chai Kun and Auntie Xian, who were hosting the auction, were seen at the villa.

And these two people also changed their appearance.

Ning Zheng silently watched the auction in the air, and said in her heart: "I wonder how the effect will be? They have rehearsed several times."


They introduced the general power of the magic weapon.

The energy storage effect of black magic copper is very amazing, especially for the ghost.

"In order to ensure that low-level cultivators can also afford it."

"We use the original process of the growth of non-level weapons."

In the auction.

Everyone was stunned.

Non-level weapons?

This seemingly high-sounding term, they have never heard of it.

"What is a levelless weapon? It means that it can be used even at a low level, and it will grow with your realm, and it is about companionship!"

"It saves you the trouble of constantly changing weapons as your realm changes!"

"In addition, our starting realm is a mid-grade magic weapon, which can also reduce our forging costs and give customers more discounts!"

"Because it saves a lot of high-level materials for forging, this magic weapon only costs 19.98 million magic money, and you can take it home directly."

Everyone thinks this price is acceptable.

The realm is also okay. What kind of magic weapon is used in the five-body realm? The four-organ realm is a starting point. Get a mid-grade magic weapon for the younger generation, which has the potential for evolution and immortality.

Moreover, ordinary tens of millions can only buy ordinary magic weapons, and powerful magic weapons cost hundreds of millions. After all, it is a magic weapon to suppress a large family.

They think this price of magic weapons is affordable.

It is estimated that it is also because of saving materials that it is so discounted.

It is conceivable that the market for this levelless weapon is very large, because everyone wants to cultivate young people, and it is also very good to buy it as a gift for the younger generation of their own family.

At this time, Auntie Xian ran over and said, "This price is wrong. We are here to promote it. Lower it again!" Shao Chai Kun smiled bitterly: "Miss, 19.98 million magic money is already a break-even operation. We have already shown our sincerity for the sake of fame. This is a magic weapon. If you do this, the old owner will be angry." Auntie Xian: "It's not enough. Change it to a number!" Shao Chai Kun rewrote the price: "15.98 million magic money!" Everyone was not surprised yet. "How can you change it like that?" Auntie Xian kicked him away and directly erased a 1 from 1598: "Change it like this, 5.98 million magic money, which is suitable for a young cultivator to take home his first magic weapon!" Shao Chai Kun was shocked: "No, this is absolutely not possible! You don't erase zeros like that!" At the auction, everyone was stunned. So casual? ? Even some ancient beings were lamenting that there were so many tricks in this new era? There are many ways to auction, and scholars are also very good at tricks. They have seen many auctions hosted by these two people.

But this price

And it has broken the limit of traditional magic weapons.

This price has dropped to a level that makes his peers collapse.

Shao Chai Kun made an exaggerated look of shock, "No, no!"

"No? Then I'll change the number!"

She crossed out another 5 from 598, "980,000! Only 980,000, losing money to gain reputation, take the magic weapon home!!"

"A magic weapon worth at least tens of millions, not 1998, not 598, only 98, take the infinitely growing magic weapon home!"

"And, the youth version of the magic weapon will always be this price, our villa promises that the price will never increase!"

Aunt Xian smiled heartily and said the price that made her peers completely collapse.

At this moment, countless people witnessed this scene through the auction.

The whole scene fell into a dead silence!

If everything is true

Anyone can imagine that the high-priced market for magic weapons on the entire earth.


The entire history of human weapons will change because of this!

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