This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 129 The Saint invites you to establish the casting list of the sun and the moon!


Rong means weapon.

Weapon for the rising sun? Or a weapon that symbolizes the rising hope?

The sword fairy pondered for a while and felt that it was okay.

The sword fairy said: "I am most afraid of giving it a name that is a bit too shabby. It is rare to give it a formal name this time."

Jiucai Rong complained, "Do you think I am stupid?"

A high-class master craftsman naturally needs to have a meaningful name.

This is the world of scholars.

The route they are going to take is to become a well-known forging brand in Jiuzhou!

An excellent name determines the value of the brand.

Look at those well-known luxury brands, which one has a rustic name?

The sword fairy said: "Then, noble Xirong master craftsman, are you really not going to attend today's master craftsman meeting?"

"Highlight a maverick and be taciturn." Jiucai Rong replied lightly.

It is better not to participate in the meeting to recast the sun and the moon!

At least you can't take the initiative to get involved. If they talk about concepts, something will go wrong.

I heard that by then, several "sun and moon" teams will be established at the same time to start the project together.

After all, it is understandable that eggs cannot be put in the same basket.

Divine doctors, divine farmers, divine craftsmen, divine alchemists and all kinds of professions have come, and each profession will definitely set up a project to study the sun and moon in their own plan.

Just like the plans of several wall-facing people in "The Three-Body Problem", each chooses a way to build the sun and moon.

If the saints are optimistic about these little blacksmiths, they will also set up a project for them

Then we will talk about it!

After all, it is cool to think about being the head of one of the project teams and being responsible for the sun and moon!

The sun and moon made by the little blacksmith, hang it up!

It depends on whether the saints will give it to them. They have done their best, and it depends on fate.

If I get it, I am lucky, if I lose it, it is my fate.

They can only be so Buddhist, after all, there is a chance only if they don’t fight.

"Then you are not going to the side hall of the palace today, and are going to continue the sales meeting?" The Sword Fairy looked happy, "This time, can I be the host? I know those slogans, and I want to have fun even if I don't want 998!" "How can there be so many weapons to sell." Jiucai Rong shook his head, thinking that the Sword Fairy was too excited. The Sword Fairy is now the spokesperson for the villa. After everyone confirmed the mass production of the magic weapons, countless people wanted to talk and communicate with the Sword Fairy. The Sword Fairy has become a hot figure in the entire capital! "We are not selling anything today, we just want to contact you." Jiucai Rong lowered his voice and said: "Is there any kind of natural treasure that can rapidly improve one's realm, or a powerful natural race, or a spiritual root?" "Our requirements are not high, such as a race that is born with the five-body realm or the four-organ realm." After all, they have heard about it. Some divine beast races are born with the five-body realm, and some exaggerated ones are born with the four-organ realm. "You're dreaming!"

The Sword Fairy complained, "To make a meat tank, at least you need a mature and powerful beast, and it has to be alive. Do you think it's that simple?"

Jiu Cairong thought about it and said, "Anyway, I'll ask for you."

The improvement of the blacksmith level is still very important.

They don't dare to think of becoming a blacksmith in the Sanyuan realm. Sanyuan is to cultivate the soul and can't take shortcuts.

But the five bodies and four internal organs are the ninth level of the physical body. There is still a chance to take shortcuts for the physical body.

"Okay then."

The Sword Fairy thought for a while, "Xinyi Auction, I met a beautiful person in charge yesterday, Xinyi Yuer, who is very nice. I'll ask her, she must be well-informed."

Next, the Sword Fairy discussed the after-sales opinions of various customers with Jiu Cairong.

The spirits of the weapons have different personalities, they are chatty, naughty, love to steal things, and love to brag.

In fact, these are not bad. They basically won't sing the opposite tune when they brush the favor of NPCs.

But the biggest problem is:

"Fear of heights?" Jiucairong's voice suddenly rose, "This is a big trouble I didn't expect!"

According to the description of the sword fairy, most weapon spirits have this situation.

Now they fly with swords, which obscures the external perception of the weapon spirits, which is very troublesome.

"This is indeed a huge flaw in combat."

Jiucairong listened to this question and knew that most modern humans are afraid of heights.

Cultivators are different.

There is no fear of heights.

Because fear of heights can be overcome artificially, they often fly in the sky and are not afraid at all.

"Well, we have to give our weapon spirits a unified training in the villa, bungee jumping." Jiucairong silently took a pen and wrote it down, "You have to overcome fear of heights before you die."

As a sword-making force with dreams and pursuits, they want to bring a better experience to their guests.

The villa bungee jumping training of the forge furnace water army monster is about to start!

Xinyi Auction.

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The sword fairy who went out asked Jian Xin to bring her here.

The Sword Fairy chatted with Xinyi Yu'er for a while, and the other party was immediately surprised: "You want a living demon king or a divine beast?"

Xinyi Yu'er thought, is the other party looking for materials to make traditional divine weapons?

This material is in short supply.

Ordinary people don't have channels and can't get it at all.

Especially some demon kings, they are hunted by various great monks who have joined forces and risked their lives.

"I can contact them." Xinyi Yu'er thought for a while, "You want to make new divine weapons, right?"

"Yes, yes." The Sword Fairy replied.

Xinyi Yuer said that she would pay attention.

Jian Xin nodded and left with the Sword Fairy openly.

"Are we going back to the palace?" asked the Sword Fairy.

"No." Jian Xin said, "I saw a few old friends when I went out just now."

Walked out of the street.

Flowers were blooming everywhere, and people were coming and going. It seemed that because of the incident in Beijing, there were more people and more lively on the street now.

Jian Xin came to a teahouse.

He entered the box and saw that the other two people had already taken their seats.

It was Xu Huan and Jiao Wuyu.

Xu Huan held the tea in one hand and repeatedly watched the projection video of yesterday's auction, studying the details: "I think this weapon is very interesting and strange, and we are the Ghost King, so it is naturally our camp."

"We just arrived too."

Jiao Wuyu looked up at Jian Xin, "What to eat?"

Jian Xin sighed.

These two rebels came to him openly, and they were two awakened new era Ghost Kings.

They are considered to be emerging forces that have risen recently.

I always feel that it is easy to get into trouble when I meet them.

Originally, he was still in charge of hunting down Jiao Wuyu, but who knew that Jiao Wuyu would invite him to have tea now.

But fighting is not allowed in the capital. Even if fighting is done, it will only cause the Dharma to fall, and it is impossible to completely kill the opponent.

Everyone is not the original body.

Those ancient beings traveled around like this.

"Are you back to the Dragon Palace?" Xu Huan asked.

Xinyizhou is a large continent along the coast.

The human race and the dragon race are also on good terms, so Jiao Wuyu went to Xinyizhou City to communicate with the human race.

"Yes, I'm back."

Jiao Wuyu smiled, "You also went to the hidden forces of the old humans, um, no, it's the forces of the remnants of the previous dynasty. Among the old antiques in the previous auction, there won't be your ancestors of the previous dynasty, right?"

Xu Huan couldn't deny it, "I am from the old human forces, this is my natural camp."

Jiao Wuyu touched a broken flower in his hair, that was Li Youzhu.

The ghost entered the nursery.

As long as someone guides, it can fall into a specific area.

In addition, the two ghost kings, who command all ghosts, are extremely sensitive to the breath of ghosts, and soon found Li Youzhu who fell nearby.

Jiao Wuyu intends to use this method to keep in contact with the other party for a long time and help Li Youzhu awaken again.

"What are you going to do recently?" Jian Xin couldn't help but said.

"No plans to do anything."

Jiao Wuyu smiled:

"Gui King, do you have to rebel? That's unrealistic. What we are thinking about now is how to survive the great wave of the times, strengthen ourselves, and protect ourselves."

The three of them discussed some content.

Li Youzhu didn't speak the whole time, and couldn't speak, so he could only play a flower.

The sword fairy listened to the side and said secretly: "This is the beginning of the CG plot."

Jiao Wuyu, Xu Huan, and the Dharma phase entering the capital are expected.

After all, the second phase realm has the ability to enter the capital.

They talked about some past events, but didn't say anything confidential. After several sighs, they also stood up to say goodbye and leave.

But just as they walked out of the door, they saw a kind and amiable old eunuch standing at the door:

"Everyone, the saint invites you."

Everyone was stunned.

The old eunuch glanced at the sword fairy and smiled kindly: "The results are out. Although the God Craftsman Council has just started, the saint has promised you a place in advance to start the project of casting the sun and the moon."

"That is to say, you can preside over the casting of the sun and the moon."

The sword fairy was shocked, and an indescribable joy rushed through her body.


can set up a project, invite everyone, and start working directly?

The sun and the moon!

That's the sun and the moon.

But we, a group of little trash, don't understand, what should we do.

"As for you," the old eunuch looked at Jian Xin, Jiao Wuyu, Xu Huan and others, "please also come with the saint."

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