This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 138: The Fusion of the Manor Master's Missiles, Launching the Nursery

Ning Zheng: ""

If no one had said that, he would never have dreamed of such an operation.

My three flowers, planted on your head as spiritual roots.

He felt a little numb.

Fortunately, the Princess Xin'e made a joke, looked at Ning Zheng's spiritual grass, which grew bright and beautiful, and then left with two maids.

Ning Zheng did not dare to do anything more, continued to inhale and exhale a lot of spiritual energy, and then returned silently.

It's terrible.

People in this era have no common sense at all. The three flowers growing here actually want to be planted on their heads as spiritual roots.


Falling quickly, back to the house.

Ning Zheng opened his eyes and felt his harvest of 20,000 luck, and was very satisfied.

As long as he digested the storage this time, his transparent three flowers could be condensed!

He began to think.

His situation in the princess's mansion, and what Xu Huan and his men were going to do inside.

Godfather: Looting everywhere on the way to the nursery.

Li Youzhu: It's so wild to the nursery.

Think about it this way, you think the three ancestors are all honest in seclusion, but in fact, their retirement life after death is extremely rich!

Only Routian Yujie is a real honest person.

Manage the family's hidden veins, work hard to do logistics, and don't know how the Eye Legend Four are doing recently.

"The most outrageous thing is that the saint just gave you a chance, and as soon as you entered, you immediately blackened the saint, saying that the saint is dead, becoming the biggest terror in the world, and there will be no living people in the future."

Ning Zheng's expression was a little stiff.

This wave is very show!


What they said is not impossible to happen.

It is even a kind of prophecy in the future!

After the saint died, Jiuzhou might indeed die completely, which is based on the fact that the saint's eyes are still there!


After the saint died, it is indeed possible to follow the history and hunt down dynasties one by one, and open all these tombs.

In summary, can you say that they are lying?

The word "traveler" is also very logical!

"They want to disturb the environment of the tomb."

"Only when there is chaos can there be a chance."

Ning Zheng fell into thought, thinking about their plan:

"They even want to deceive the tomb natives here and let them escape to a more distant era with them."

"Use the painting wall to attack the painting wall next door!"

"This move is amazing."

Time travel is naturally impossible.

Physical travel is very likely.

They want to trick this group of tomb natives to attack another tomb native.

In addition, there is Xu Huan, the insider. The "ancient man" who really lived 280,000 years ago, returns to this period, just like returning to his hometown.

With the aura of the old human beings of the natives, Xu Huan as a spokesperson can increase the persuasiveness.

The more Ning Zheng pondered, the more he felt that this was a very feasible plan.

Obviously, this plan was not proposed by Xu Huan.

Xu Huan can also be regarded as an upright and charismatic figure.

Jian Xin is a pure swordsman.

Jiao Wuyu was a simple girl who was deceived by Li Youzhu. Now she is much older, but she is probably still no match for Li Youzhu.

This unethical and unconventional layout was definitely proposed by Li Youzhu.

Only an old sly guy like him who likes to set up traps and fish can come up with such a thing.

"As expected of a high-level cultivator, he is very good at tomb robbing."

Ning Zheng felt that she had learned a lot and should absorb the experience of her predecessors.

As for her own situation?

I guess I have to go to this pond for "photosynthesis" next time.

After all, that place is the most suitable environment for my cultivation. The princess is a mortal and cannot discover me.

And there are all kinds of natural treasures.

It's that princess who wants to pull out her three flowers and plant them on her head.

This is a bit embarrassing.

I have to find a way to solve it. This opportunity comes with a crisis.

He suddenly had a thought, and remembered a thought he had before:

"Before, I was thinking about whether my ember missiles could gather, grow three flowers, and enter the nursery and the capital."

"In this way, my missiles can not only move on the ground, but also go to the nursery in the sky for long-range attacks!"

"And now, can this manor owner missile also give him +20,000 luck points, so that he can follow Li Youzhu's line and run to the nursery? Sneak into the emperor's tomb?"

He was hot in his heart.

Theoretically, it is possible.

Li Youzhu, the ember can bloom three flowers and enter here.

My prison ember should also be able to bloom three flowers and enter here.

I am a flower.

The manor owner missile is another flower.

Let alone, even if it is just taking root here, it is double the happiness!

What's more, the flowers of the manor owner can be controlled by the blacksmiths, so that they can help practice.

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Even so, his mind was opened.

Is there a possibility:

Is the three flowers of my embers used as a spiritual root to give this Xin'e three flowers to enter the immortal gate?

Growing on her head?

"Feeling" Ning Zheng admitted that she was a little whimsical

After Ning Zheng finished practicing.

Looking at the situation of his adoptive father, the blacksmith was harassing him crazily, and his adoptive father was fed up and drove him out.

Ning Zheng felt that the delay time was just right.

Soon, he sent a message to Jiucai Rong, asking him to focus on the fusion of the prison's owner's missiles.

Sword-casting Villa.

Jiucai Rong was still busy with various plans in the blacksmith shop.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we will be able to get a new batch of eight weapons and hold another sale."

"Take advantage of the hot sales, make crazy promises, trick a few master craftsmen into joining us, and then we will study the development of spiritual roots."

They kept sorting out their ideas.

Just then, Jiucai Rong received a call from Ning Zheng: "Huh? The old manager asked us to study the owner's missiles."

Dao Jiujiu next to him was stunned: "This task was agreed before, it is a hidden task to open a new map. The owner's missile, if it blooms three flowers, we can enter the map of the nursery!"

Everyone heard it and found it interesting.

Their owner's missiles can be opened on the nursery, so can't they see the sword fairy?

Interact with the sword fairy in person, and see their auction?

Jiucai Rong nodded: "I have asked Aunt Xian to study it before, and Su Yu Niang below is also studying it. Recently, a nuclear test is also conducted every day!"

Shao Chai Kun next to him said:

"I think that for the fusion of the embers of the sun and the moon, we have to experiment with the fusion of the embers of the manor owner first. The fusion of the manor owner's missile means that the fusion technology of the embers has greatly increased!"

Jiucai Rong also felt that this was the truth when he heard it.

As expected of the old steward, let us study the manor owner's missile first and conduct a wave of experiments!

Coincidentally, they just got a wave of her soul technology information from the sword fairy.

So they started to study frantically again and fuse the embers of the manor owner.

Time passed.

Soon it came to three days later.

These days, they have completely focused the research and development of the fusion of the embers of the sun and the moon on the fusion of the embers of the manor owner.

The nuclear test of the manor owner's missile is launched crazily!

Originally, those female prisoners were already weak after being chopped once a day, but now, because the villa is rich, a lot of resources have been given to supplement.

These female prisoners sucked resources and chopped like crazy, and could conduct four or five nuclear tests a day.

Various technologies were rapidly improved, and the fusion parameters were constantly improved.

The owner of the Ember Manor, who was already in the Three Yuan Realm, became even more powerful with the addition of the new 1,000 female prisoners, and completely merged into a Three Yuan Realm Divine Yuan cultivator.

And it looked like a real ember.




In the prison, Su Yu Niang shouted loudly.

A large number of transparent bubbles rose above the prison like balloons and gathered into a human shape.

A towering and huge figure of the owner appeared, which looked more integrated than the previous chaotic stitching.


Ning Zheng vaguely felt that his ember clone could open the three flowers.

He decisively controlled the growth of the three flowers, and continuously floated a transparent and slender vine, passing through the clouds, and finally hit hard and came to a nursery wilderness.

"Where is this?"

Ning Zheng controlled his ember clone and looked at the prosperity around him.

This is the capital, and he was actually very lucky.

No. Very unlucky.

"Hey, mom, there's a flower with two leaves here."

"It's a weed, pull it out quickly."

"We have to let normal flowers grow."


Ning Zheng felt his three flowers being pulled up instantly.

The entire ember was suddenly damaged, and the owner's missile of the villa prison also split apart.


"Fuck, it collapsed so quickly?"

On the villa, each blacksmith was recording the data this time.

In the room in the courtyard under the villa, Ning Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

He knew that this time it was successful.

"It can grow in the nursery, which means that if I give my ember +20,000 luck points, it can also grow by the pond of the princess's mansion?"

Ning Zheng's face lit up.

I don't know if my three ember flowers can absorb that energy.

If this ember can also absorb it, it is equivalent to having an extra storage bottle.

When he comes back, I will pull out his three flowers like a robbery cultivator and suck out the energy stored in it. Wouldn't it be double experience?

In the future, two people will add 40,000 together. If I go with Yu Jin, I can bring back double the resources and save more time for cultivation.

"Double Sanhua, double happiness."

Ning Zheng feels that Yu Jin, the missile of this prison, is getting more and more perfect.

The manor owner's missile can not only help me enter Xiaogao's head and fight Xinyizhou City, but also help me go to the nursery.

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