This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 142: Crazy involution, the envy of academic leaders

At noon.

The Xinyi sales meeting was bustling with people.

The huge arc-shaped staircase seats were already full of people.

The Sword Fairy was very satisfied!

Everyone came to participate in the "monkey show" mode of the hunger marketing lottery. Thousands of people drew eight low-level magic weapons and enjoyed the fun of drawing cards on our side.

"A lot of people came today."

As a Shennong of Doukouzhou, Doukouhong sat in the seat and looked around and found that a lot of people came.

Divine doctor.


Divine craftsman

According to this situation, I am afraid that the number of people discussing in the side hall of the palace has decreased by a quarter.

On the seat next to him, Xinyi Baishan smiled gently and said, "It seems that this quarter of people are interested in joining Xirong's team, so they come here to wait and see!"

Xinyizhou has talents and has good relations with their Xinyi family. They sell magic weapons at their Xinyi sales meeting.

The other party gave their family face, so he naturally wanted to make friends with the other party.

He even discussed with his family and prepared to join the other party's divine craftsman team.

Although the other party's forging technology is not good, only their group of Xinyi God Craftsmen know it. They are responsible for covering it up, so that everyone can feel better. After all, they are on the Xinyi God Craftsman List, and it is not convenient to expose this mistake, so as not to become a laughing stock for the world. Now covering it up and cooperating with the other party can also be a win-win situation. "Ninety percent of the Shennongs in the team entering Beijing are here!" Doukouhong pondered in his heart: "This is really a big trouble! Please introduce us to one." The old man Xinyi Baishan was beaming with joy: "Shennong, almost all of them are here. Obviously, these people have also discovered this magic weapon. What a great impact it has on your Shennong industry!" "Don't worry, I have a good relationship with this god craftsman, I will introduce you." Xinyi Baishan was very happy. It seems that not only he is suffering, but also the god doctor is suffering, and Shennong is the one who suffers the most. Doukouhong nodded with a heavy face and said: "The opponent's weapon is a historic moment for our Shennong industry!" What is the essence of the enchanted magic power of this weapon? Different from the natural magical power of monsters, it is a synthetic natural magical power.

It is a synthetic spiritual root acquired later!

The two mixed spiritual roots of the [Yin Yang Corpse Slashing Sword] merged into a new high-grade spiritual root spirit, and then injected it into the weapon.

This involves the cultivation of spiritual roots, which makes all Shennong feel very interesting!

It completely subverts the traditional profession of Shennong.


The spiritual roots they cultivate can not only be used by [humans], but also used to cultivate [weapons]?

——We are going to steal the job of the blacksmith next door!

This belongs to a new god for each version.

Blacksmith, take a blow.

Spiritual farmer, epic enhancement.

"So, we must ride the waves of this era!"

Doukouhong said lightly: "The market demand for synthetic spiritual roots will be huge in the future. When people make weapons, they will no longer hunt monsters in the wild, but instead raise monsters in captivity and cultivate spiritual roots."

"The field of weapons has evolved from the hunting era to the captive era."

"We must also study the spiritual root technology in this area and become a link in the weapons industry chain."

"We must cultivate spiritual roots and supply them to Xirong God Craftsmen!"

The eyes of countless Shennong present were shining, and they actually thought so.

Join the Xirong team to help study synthetic spiritual roots.

Don't underestimate the heritage of the ancient holy land of this world. Even the divine doctor of Xinyizhou worked for a few months and made a fusion ember that looked like a strange beast.

I heard that the divine doctors of the neighboring Bi'anzhou are already studying it.

It is estimated that in a few years, the dual-circulation instrument spirit technology of splitting souls and fusing cavitations will be developed, and a prototype that can be commercialized will appear!

But Xirong Godsmith was the first to completely lead the revolution of the entire weapons industry.

And they, Shennong, must seize the opportunity of Xirong Godsmith and be the first to board the ship of the new era.

Just as they were daydreaming.

"Please start drawing, absolutely fair and just."

"Our villa has developed another small category of weapons, the Scissor Sword."

With the introduction of the Sword Fairy, the weapon was displayed, and then everyone began to draw lots.

This time, it was almost full of powerful people from various fields. The holy lands sent people and attached great importance to it. Even some ancient holy lands that had never been born came.

Of course.

The princes who existed in various forbidden areas before did not appear again.

It seems that they only appeared for the first time to witness a moment. Now they seem to be waiting for news and development in the air.


"This sale is completely over!"

The Sword Fairy smiled gently, "Please look forward to the next sale."

Eight weapons, each with its own destination.

These lucky ones simply tested it for a while and found that there was no difference from the last time. They were overjoyed and ran to show off.

The sale ended, but it was just the beginning.

Everyone knew.

Today, Xirong Master Craftsman will take advantage of this sale to select the team members.

Soon, all the professional masters were respectfully invited to enter the back hall of Xinyi Auction.


The water mirror opened.

At Zhujian Villa, two people appeared opposite, Xian Xiaoyi and Shao Chai Kun.

"Masters, for safety reasons, our Master Craftsman cannot show up. Please forgive us."

Auntie Xian said, "Today, we will host you all."

The professionals present all smiled and said "no problem" and "understandable".

If they were in his place, they would also hide their identities.

This is the beginning of an era, and it is a wealth of wealth!

If you are not vigilant, those old monsters in the ancient tombs will run to catch people in the next second!

Even if my family is a great holy land, one of the top in Jiuzhou, it is estimated that it can't withstand the joint coveting of these old antiques.

At this time.

"The formal exchange has finally begun." Ning Zheng also sat on the edge of the steward's room through the projection, according to the handover of their group, the friendly talks between the two sides.

There are not many divine craftsmen who came, basically all of them are from Xinyizhou.

The number of divine doctors is also small, very few.

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The largest number belongs to Shennong, and basically all Shennong are here.

"Everyone, no more small talk."

Xian Xiaoyi said calmly: "First, introduce your abilities, what positions you can accept, and what suggestions do you have for our Sun and Moon."

If a weak indigenous cultivator saw such a powerful man who was famous all over the world, he would be so shocked that he could not speak.

But in the eyes of Xian Xiaoyi, the opposite side was a group of NPC indigenous people, and there was no awe at all.

"Divine doctor, from Shengdaozhou, also good at studying soul art" a middle-aged old woman slowly opened her mouth and introduced herself.

After that, Xian Xiaoyi nodded and recorded the file like an interviewer: "Next."

These big guys introduced themselves one by one.

No one put on airs.

It is normal for you to put on airs to the lower-level people, but who among the present is not a big boss in the industry?

At this time.

Professions such as divine craftsman and divine doctor are all here to join in the fun and participate in the team's election. Success is a good thing, but failure does not matter.

After all, the other party's core technology is probably not disclosed, and it is difficult to steal.

But the Shennong profession is the most competitive at the scene!

They are not here to learn technology, but to be suppliers, responsible for cultivating spiritual roots and building good relationships with the other party so that they can get a share of the pie in the future!

"We are from the other shore continent"

"We are the Rose Continent"


Various Shennong from all over the vast nine states spoke one after another, wanting to compete for tickets to the new era.

Auntie Xian listened attentively.

Rose Continent, don't look at the elegant name.

In fact, the other shore continent is a daughter country of Yin spiritual roots, and they are all strong men with Yang spiritual roots in the Rose Continent!

Roses have thorns.

In their continent, many spiritual roots are thorny, and they are all Yang spiritual roots of the meat shield type.

You hit him without breaking the skin, and it hurts back, which is very painful.

In addition, the cultivators in this world are difficult to kill, and the strong men in the Rose Continent are the most disgusting physical cultivation type.

They have a passionate personality, are quite tough, and are tall and strong.

The people of our Xinyi Continent may be southern potatoes in the eyes of the other party.

"We, the Rose Family, are willing to welcome you to our continent." A tall and mighty man said, "We can even marry each other."


This is one of the nine royal families!

The divine craftsmen and divine doctors next to them were shocked and watched Shennong's internal roll silently.

Marriage is the highest level of cooperation.

There is even an exchange of family heritage, technology, and spiritual roots.

Now the world of scholars pays the most attention to reputation. Even high-end magic cultivators must keep their promises. If a magic cultivator does not keep his word, other magic cultivators will despise you and will not play with you.

If the two sides marry, they will definitely support each other in the future.

A beautiful woman stood up next to him and said with a smile:

"Who would like you, a group of muscular men? And the average level of your Shennong is very low. Most of our other shore continents are beauties. There are many divine doctors who cultivate Yin spiritual roots and are proficient in the soul field. They are a good match for the weapon spirit field of Xirong divine craftsman. I believe that after our marriage, there will be more topics."

The cultivators of Doukouzhou also stood up and said lightly:

"You divine doctors are here to steal technology, and our Shennong family is a perfect match. We provide spiritual roots, and the other party uses spiritual roots to cast weapons. Naturally, marriage is not a bad idea."

Marriage is a deep binding.

Which of the kings and generals of each continent present is not a gambler family? Which one does not have a unique vision?

Back then, they were able to invest in saints, and they have come to this day. They have the gambling nature in their bones that those conservative ancient holy places and major sects do not have!

Their family is very young.

Only tens of thousands of years old, naturally there is no lack of this kind of fighting attribute.

They don't mind taking a gamble, deep binding.

This Xirong master craftsman has unpredictable abilities. If he can forge the sun and moon, he can even defeat other teams.


The family that manages the sun and moon in the sky is likely to become the tenth prince besides the nine princes in Jiuzhou!

Ning Zheng sat next to him and saw him frowning slightly:

"We are standing on the cusp of the storm."

"It may not have been so popular before, but suddenly we got the approval of the saint and became the first construction team to control the sun and moon. What is the saint's vision? They are completely moved."

"In addition, their various think tanks have deeply analyzed the market behind this magic weapon and believe that our power, as long as it does not die, basically has the potential to become a forging holy land!"

"So, they will not lose money no matter how they invest."

"Even if the mass production of [Yin Yang Rice Flower Sword] and the batch production of scarecrow babies become the guardhouse pets of the lower-class people and monks, there is still a huge market."

Ning Zheng did not get carried away.

But she thought deeply about the deep meaning behind them.

There is no love or hate in this world without reason.

No one will suddenly favor you and invest in you.

After the introduction, the Shennongs of various forces were very excited, and even provided various excellent promises, and even long-term cooperation, and the two families gave up part of their family's technology for marriage.

The strong men of the professions of divine craftsmen, divine doctors, and divine alchemists who came to participate were stunned!

Are they crazy? ? ?

No, it is their Shennong who is going to rise again!

And now

even the second strongest profession, blacksmith, they are going to intervene, supply spiritual roots, and start to share the profits of divine craftsmen?

Many people felt complicated and even uncomfortable!

I thought the Shennong profession was strong enough. You can have no blacksmith or alchemist in your family, but you have to cultivate Shennong in your family. If a certain generation cannot grow high-quality or heavenly spiritual roots, your family will be in a period of transition and the inheritance will be broken. It is terrifying.

Now, Shennong has been greatly strengthened.

——If we had known earlier, we would have become spiritual farmers and farmed!

They were depressed and felt very uncomfortable.

After all, they made the wrong choice.

Sometimes, choice is more important than hard work.

The bigwigs in various fields, who felt sour in their hearts, watched the crazy internal rolls and intrigues of these spiritual farmers.

They felt that even if they were not selected, it would be worthwhile to watch a spiritual farmer drama.

The more they watched, the more an idea came to their mind: in the future, spiritual farmers will be the big outlet, and the first popular profession will be strengthened again. Let the younger generations in the family learn agriculture in the future.

"Everyone, please wait!"

Aunt Xian nodded and stood up.

Soon, she came to the old steward who was sitting in the distance and watching quietly, and said: "Old steward, please choose someone."

The high-level professionals on the other side of the projection finally saw the high-level steward of this mysterious force.

Of course, Ning Zheng also changed her appearance.

"Everyone, thank you for taking the time to participate in the election of our Sun and Moon team during the discussion in the side hall of the palace."

Ning Zheng nodded, slowly stood up, came to the projection, and looked at the domain masters before the meeting.

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