This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 144 Team Afternoon Tea Time

All the beings present sighed, a little regretful.

Participating in this project is certainly important.

But what is really important is to get in touch with the other party.

It is normal for divine doctors and divine craftsmen to want to join and learn.

After all, everyone guessed that this eternal divine weapon was a masterpiece of various fields that could only be forged by countless professions. Joining can learn knowledge in their own fields.

Especially Shennong, who did not join, was even more uncomfortable!

They wanted to join the research in advance, seize the initiative, and even obtain experimental data on synthetic spiritual roots, so that they could cultivate spiritual roots themselves in the future and supply them to those blacksmiths who would forge eternal divine weapons in the future.

Everyone knows

Casting the sun and the moon must use heavenly spiritual roots for synthesis.

And how rare are heavenly spiritual roots?

Participating now is equivalent to using the court's foundation and spending the court's money to accumulate their own high-end experimental data.


Who wouldn't be jealous?

Who can refuse?

So Shennong came!

Moreover, starting his own weapon spiritual root research and development path in advance can also get in touch with this Xirong divine craftsman.


Their spiritual farmers are responsible for providing spiritual roots, and Xirong God Craftsmen are responsible for making spiritual roots and magical weapons. This is a win-win situation!

It belongs to Xirong God Craftsmen, who took them to fly together.

In the era opened up by the other party, they got a free ride, which is free!


"That's it."

Some beings didn't say much, just smiled and greeted, and turned around and left.

Too much entanglement makes them look low-level.

They also have to save face.

The team's list is confirmed, with a total of 20 people.

They are all top beings in various fields in Jiuzhou. Although the number is small, the gold content is terrifyingly high.

In the afternoon, the team briefly introduced themselves and went to the palace for reporting.

The old eunuch glanced at the Sword Fairy and the others and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that a remote master craftsman would become the leader of a team."

"Originally, professionals in remote communication were basically not up to standard, and their identities were relatively hidden, so it was safer to hide by themselves, so they were not personally escorted."

"Now that he has become the leader of a team, perhaps it would be better for me to go and pick him up in person, as it would be more convenient to communicate face to face."

The Sword Fairy was shocked.

I thought this old eunuch was a good person before.

I didn't expect that he would cheat us now!

You will personally go to Xinyizhou to pick us up?


Such a high honor is unnecessary.

The Sword Fairy looked calm and composed:

"Don't bother so much. We have luckily opened the bud of an era and led the weapons revolution. Now people all over the world are paying attention, and those ancient beings are also watching. Although you are powerful, you may always make mistakes."

The old eunuch pondered for a while, "That's right. If we go again now, the number of people who attack will probably far exceed the turmoil in Xinyizhou before."

"You must hide well." The old eunuch repeatedly reminded.

After all, he is the core leader of a team.

He is not in the capital, and his identity may be exposed at any time outside. If the team is almost done with the research, he will be arrested suddenly, and the whole project will be suspended.

The resources and efforts invested in it are fatal!

"We will be careful." The Sword Fairy said.

Very soon.

After the registration was completed and the team was established, the old eunuch led them to a palace complex.

There are various high-level forging furnaces, alchemy furnaces, and top equipment for various professions, which can be found here.

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"Next, you will live here for a while."

The old eunuch said calmly: "If you need any materials, you can apply to me. For the materials for casting, the court will open the treasury and provide materials."

The sword fairy nodded.

After everyone settled down, no one was restrained, and no one even started to talk about work.

After putting down the luggage and simply tidying up the new room, they walked out the door and started to prepare a banquet. A group of people cooked together.

"Everyone, get together!"

Shennong took out all kinds of natural treasures and various monster meats he cultivated.

The divine doctor has good knife skills, cutting vegetables and making delicious food.

The divine alchemist, making soup.

The divine craftsman has good fire skills and is responsible for grilling skewers.

The sword fairy was stunned. Isn't this a waste of talent?

"You probably haven't had this meal before."

Doukouhong came over, smiled and said, "This is an old practice for us to work together. We cook together."

"We are all old acquaintances. Even if we are not familiar with each other, we can still name each other."

"But the team still needs to run in, and cooking together is a good warm-up."

"And we can chat at the dinner table and get to know each other."

The Sword Fairy suddenly realized.

Team building of the new company!

After all, everyone is about to build the strongest project in Kyushu together, the pinnacle of their lives!

It is not good to rush to forge iron and discuss too impatiently.

Attitude is very important.

They have accumulated countless days and months of struggle and hard work, and suddenly they are summoned by the saint.

This moment is their highlight moment. Regardless of the final success or failure of the game, they must produce the most advanced and greatest works in their lives.

Now, take a day off.

Everyone run in, become friends, and chat

Thinking of this, the Sword Fairy was also very happy and started chatting with Doukouhong.

"What do you think of the synthesis of the spiritual root?" The Sword Fairy was also very familiar and spoke.

"Compared to the spiritual root, I admire your skills in raising monsters."

As a spiritual farmer, Doukouhong felt that the other party's skills in this area were very powerful, "raising those money boys so anthropomorphic"

The Sword Fairy broke out in a cold sweat.

What is anthropomorphism?

Although they look like monkeys, they are actually human beings.

Doukouhong said: "Golden money boy is a demon beast, his IQ is not high, and he needs to read and bloom three flowers. This breeding cycle is estimated to be very long, and it may take ten years to produce a batch. Do you have enough?"


The sword fairy said: "Make sure the number is enough, plant the heavenly spiritual roots for you, complete the collection of various data, and select the most suitable few heavenly spiritual roots for synthesis."

The sword fairy paused, and said: "I am afraid that the number of heavenly spiritual roots is not enough. After all, the materials do not allow it. Let's do more experiments."

"That can be more reassuring."

At this time, Xinyi Baishan next to him was grilling skewers. As a master craftsman, he was skilled in controlling the fire and mastering the skills, so that the skewers he grilled were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

"The heavenly spiritual roots of their Doukou family are natural spiritual farmers, able to detect the mutant branches of plants and make various corrections." Xinyi Baishan said: "The first Shennong family in Jiuzhou is not in vain."

Every heavenly spiritual root is extremely amazing.

The opponent's magical power is non-combat. It is said that after tasting it, you can detect the mutation probability and branches of the spiritual root, and various data. It is like a natural Shennong! This is the foundation of the opponent's existence. It can be seen that even if a spiritual root of their family is leaked, even if there is no matching practice, it will cause irreparable huge losses to these big families! Because don't look at it as just a spiritual root of their family. In fact, it is the inheritance of generations, and the hard work is concentrated on it. Xinyi Baishan smiled and said: "With her, the consumption of the spiritual root should not be too high, and other divine craftsman teams also have the Shennong of the Doukou family. This is the standard configuration of each team, which shows the strength of their Doukou family!" 83 latest address Read the latest chapters of this group of players are more weird than weird. Please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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