This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 146 The Choice of the Spirit

Originally thought that the double spiritual roots were the upper limit.

But they saw the real upper limit of this weapon: the fusion of seven spiritual roots!

These members were like chicken blood, extremely hardworking

They had devoted their entire lives to their professions before, and their dream was to forge a perfect work of the pinnacle.

And now the opportunity is in front of them.

How could they not go all out?

The fusion of two low-grade spiritual roots is so terrifying that it is comparable to the magical power of high-grade spiritual roots.

The fusion of seven spiritual roots

They showed a trace of horror.

The most majestic and infinitely growing eternal [Sun and Moon] in history is about to be born in their hands, shining through the ages and running through the long river of civilization.

In an instant.

They all thought in their hearts that they would be willing to witness the birth of the epic in mythology, even if they died after forging this weapon.

Xinyi Baishan was in turmoil, and even remembered the letter sent before:

[In that villa, a forging miracle that is more mythical than myths and legends is happening, which is the result of countless lives and blood and tears! 】

【That is the romance hidden in their bones and blood, like magma erupting and turning into a proud fire all over the sky, choosing to use tens of thousands of years full of blood and tears to write a love letter to forging. 】

【Such means, such courage, even if it is the forging holy places and aristocratic families in Jiuzhou, who can do it? 】

"Everything is true."

Xinyi Baishan said hoarsely, stunned: "They are so patient, in the second cycle, they can already shock the whole world and bring about changes."

A hoarse voice next to him: "But they are still dormant, forbearing, and pushing the road forward."

The technology that Xirong God Craftsman has worked hard for generations has finally bloomed.

It doesn't seem to belong to this world. It is full of brilliant divinity. It finally breaks out of the cocoon and becomes a butterfly, changing like a flame, casting the sun and the moon in this era, making the whole world eclipsed.

A blockbuster!

If we had some achievements, we would have shown it to the world long ago!

Xinyi Baishan and the other divine craftsmen looked at each other.

The passion and enthusiasm in the bones of this divine craftsman team are worthy of admiration from all of them.

The establishment of a team has already formed a default process.

When they first met, they cooked together, got to know each other, and then discussed the general situation of the world at the dinner table.

Finally, it was the leader of the team who showed his strength and convinced everyone in the team.

This is the routine!

Otherwise, no one would be convinced.

The world of scholars is like this, and the people before were following this process, silently waiting for Xirong divine craftsman to show his skills and ideas.

And now, the skills shown by Xirong, the leader, have convinced everyone.

At this time.

The families and members in each team secretly remembered an important message:

This must be an ancient clan that has never appeared in the world, so that it can cultivate such a terrible technology, but not show it.

If it is a general foundation, I am afraid that if there is some achievement, it will show the world to gain reputation and earn research funds to promote this technology.

And the other party has been forbearing, and there is only one answer.

——They have enough research funds to spend tens of thousands of years to cultivate. They must be a mysterious and ancient family in the deep mountains. Sword Casting Villa. Sword Fairy is also communicating secretly: "Hehe, after your planning, step by step, double cycle, five cycles, seven cycles, step by step, we expose our "powerful" tactics, occasionally revealing our difficult but hard-working look. They have fallen into the trap." Sword Fairy is very satisfied. These tactics are the best strategies after the big guys overturned more than a dozen tactics. After all, these big guys are not easy to deceive. In the end, they still chose the most stable method: still practice silent meditation! Talking to them about professional technology will expose yourself and you can only remain aloof. But as the leader of the team, how can we not show our strong strength to convince everyone? So. This method can be shown from the side. We just don't open our mouths to talk about technology, that is, to show ourselves from the side. The second cycle has already set off a huge wave in Jiuzhou, but the ancient forces in the world are crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Some miracle doctors build teams and spend money crazily. It is not hopeless to do it. But if we come up with five cycles, how should you deal with it?

They will be shocked and think that we are not just a step ahead, but a block ahead!

Then, we will further impact the opponent's psychological defense line, indicating that we have the opportunity to impact seven cycles and break the unprecedented upper limit!

In this way, their surprise will explode further.

Of course, this is also a conspiracy, using the simplest and most practical method: [I have come up with seven cycles. ]

Our strength depends entirely on your imagination.

In this way, the character setting must be established!

The sword fairy said:

"Our chicken blood technology is very successful. As soon as they heard that our team still has such a trump card against the sky, and the forging upper limit of the sun and the moon is so high, they have all risen up, worked hard, and are full of blood."

"After all, don't look at their calm and calm appearance. In fact, behind the scenes, they are secretly trying to compete with other teams and want to win completely! They are very happy to see this trump card now!"

"They are already a mature Palu, working hard for our villa!"

The Sword Fairy was very happy to say this, with a sense of common honor.

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"Xinyi Baishan, with a face full of emotion, was shocked by our seven-cycle technology. I can't imagine how we split into seven ember bubbles."

"That Doukouhong is even more hardworking. She is sorting out the information, working day and night. She said that in one day, she will be able to preliminarily arrange the experimental combination and conduct some simple dual spiritual root matching experiments to see the results."

"The day after tomorrow, we will be able to get the first heavenly spiritual root and start it."

Everyone was very happy when they heard it, and they clenched their fists and cheered loudly.

We really succeeded, and the whole scam passed the assessment of the entire team.

That is a heavenly spiritual root comparable to the divine beast level!

Each one is extremely amazing, and now, it is in our hands immediately?

This is too cool!

Even if they are working for the orders of the saint boss, the heavenly spiritual root is not really in their hands, but they can be happy.


There is no opportunity for them to embezzle the heavenly spiritual root and keep it privately.

The court gave them a kind of precious medicine that can turn low-level embers into embers with almost 100% probability.

Their realm is low, and the probability of turning into embers is 100%

"Who to open the spiritual roots for is a problem."

At the bottom of the villa, Ning Zheng watched them having so much fun.

He thought hard, if he could go in person, that would be great!

However, the login rights of blacksmiths can only be given to small blacksmiths in another world.

He and other native living people and native ghosts cannot log in as players.

Otherwise, he would have allowed Ning Jiaojiao, Yujin Su Yu Niang and others to log in long ago, and he could also peek through them, which would be much more convenient.

I tried it before, and it takes a huge amount of luck to open up the rights of natives to log in.

"I can't go up myself, so I can only choose the blacksmith."

Ning Zheng thought.

He initially set several requirements for the spirit of the sun and moon.

First, be loyal to the villa, which all blacksmiths meet.

Second, behave normally and handle things smoothly.

Third, have enough potential and have talents for fighting and research.

Fourth, the difficulty of ember awakening.

"Being smooth and behaving normally will eliminate most people." Ning Zheng thought seriously.

Pian Ge - the sixth body of night-time crazy cultivation, women's clothing - Shao Chai Kun.

These behaviors are not normal.

Those who are smooth are Jiu Cai Rong, Jian Xiannv, Xian Xiaoyi, Su Yu Niang, Shao Chai Kun, these social awesomeness.

But Jian Xiannv has already appeared and needs to be excluded.

Shao Chai Kun was kicked out in the previous item.

The next item, the potential is enough, and the combat talent must first exclude the wretched Jiu Cai Rong. He was the first to run away when something happened, and the main one was to protect everyone in front of him.

Of course, all need to be considered comprehensively.

Ning Zheng thinks that the most important thing is the conditions for awakening, that is, what is the blacksmith's dream.

Jiu Cai Rong, dreaming of becoming a capitalist, after becoming Sun and Moon, awakening is possible, but how can the court tolerate Sun and Moon who become capitalists?

Xian Xiaoyi and Jian Xiannv, both of them have the dream of awakening to become world-famous doctors.

These two are the easiest to achieve!

Sun and Moon, opening the red sun is to save the people, isn't it to become the doctor of the whole world?

It is estimated that the moment you become the sun and moon, you will awaken directly.

Aunt Xian is the first candidate.

Secondly, it is Yan Hua.

She is not good at speaking and her fighting ability is average, but her dream of awakening is that the traverser will reach the peak of life, and the moment she becomes the sun and moon, she will also awaken instantly.

Yan Hua is the second candidate.

Su Yu Niang's dream is actually very vague.

Ning Zheng has roughly understood it after getting along with her these days.

She is the same kind of person as herself.

Her dream is to roam freely in the world, do whatever she wants, roar when she sees injustice, live happily without being bound, and be a cool knight.

This dream is actually very difficult to achieve.

If you want to roam freely in the world, you must have enough strength!

To become the sun and moon, Su Yu Niang may not awaken, and the strength of the sun and moon may not be enough to roam freely in the world.

But the sun and moon, which cost the entire court's foundation, are infinitely growing. When they are strong enough, Su Yu Niang will awaken.

It is undeniable that Su Yu Niang has the strongest overall strength, strong combat talent, meticulous logic, many small thoughts, and is very knowledgeable about human relationships.

She should be the best in the position of Sun and Moon.

It's just that the awakening speed is very slow, which belongs to the "late hero" in the mouth of the blacksmith.

Ning Zheng thought for a while,

"The weapon order is set by the saint, and we naturally respect the customer's choice."

"Three anonymous weapon spirit code names, No. 1 (Xian Xiaoyi), No. 2, (eye dizziness), No. 3 (Su Yu Niang), choose one of the three."

"And send the awakening dreams of the three candidate weapon spirits to the saint, and he will naturally consider it."

I am running a business, so I have to be sensible.

I don't need the customer to mention it, I have to take the initiative to ask the customer's opinion on weapon customization.

We are the Sword Casting Villa, and we define ourselves as a neutral force, accepting business orders from heroes and powerful people in the world.

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