This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 152 Yin-Yang Creation Furnace? Create [Login Race] Character Function!

Sword-casting Villa, blacksmith shop.

Burning golden sparks constantly splash out of the forge, and the hammers that constantly collide with metal form a symphony that rises and falls.

Clang clang clang!

A piece of black copper is constantly being shaped.

A bunch of people nearby are pointing and talking at Dao Jiujiu who is forging.

"Ahhh!! This is how I forge iron. I'm sorry that my skills are not high."

Dao Jiujiu complained loudly while forging: "I'm really fed up with you. I'm just a middle-grade blacksmith. I can't meet your requirements."

No one in the outside world of Kyushu knows.

The god-level artifact spirit they are extremely eager for, the unprecedented strongest yin-yang artifact embryo, is being stuffed into a "rotten house" made of garbage middle-grade materials.

It was made by a middle-grade blacksmith of the level of a small shop.

It can be said to be a waste of natural resources.

But this group of blacksmiths are used to it.

"Dao Jiujiu is just a noob."

"Damn it, we can't ask the master craftsman outside to forge it."

"We have to maintain our status. How could Xirong, the great and aloof master who has devoted himself to the reform of the world, mess up a small magic weapon?"

"Cry, cry, cry! When will we stop pretending to be awesome and become truly awesome?"

"Letting Dao Jiujiu forge the immortal root is like putting the imperial seal, which was appointed by heaven, into a Wal-Mart shopping bag to be the boss."

Dao Jiujiu felt more and more that it was not right.

What else do you want? Why don't you just forge iron yourself?

"Forget it, the first version is like this, a weak middle-grade magic weapon, a youth version of the magic weapon." Ye Kuangxiu complained, "The best baby, if it is cultivated in the future, it will probably be a super bottomless pit again."

The God of Food next to him ran in:

"Ye Kuangxiu, stop playing, Jiu Cairong called you home to do the review, haven't you become the review writer of our villa?"

"Master is busy!" Ye Kuangxiu shouted.

In the distance, Su Yu Niang looked at her ember baby - the warden Su Yu Niang, and was a little speechless.

My baby, a pirated sun and moon, with seven-color spiritual roots, should be the most watched baby in the whole villa!

How could this be

It's obviously the happiest thing, the greatest joy

Why is no one paying attention to her?

She was speechless.

She also wanted to find someone to forge a pirated sun and moon artifact, but Dao Juju couldn't even make a sun and moon carrier, indicating that the seven attributes could not be forged at all

She felt uncomfortable:

Is it because I fell into a super big pit?

Why are the scraps of the two guys, Vomit Clay Maker and Night Madness Repair, so cool?

[Make Galaxy]: Convert the Yin attribute earth veins into Yang attribute earth veins.

For the little blacksmith in the villa, this ability is not as attractive as the other two!

Who cares about her now as a hero in the late stage?

Eat dust obediently.

Yin and Yang spiritual roots seem to have potential at present, and the five elements spiritual roots [Persuade Good] are a bit difficult to find without the ember swallowing.

"I'd better go down the mountain obediently and be the warden."

At this time, Su Yu Niang, the ember warden next to her, calculated the time and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow if there is anything. My family is waiting for me to cook."

After that, she went down the mountain directly.

Here, the god-level spirits that break the times and create changes will cause violent earthquakes in the outside world.

But every blacksmith here doesn't care.

Even the strongest god-level spirit is coldly treated.

If outsiders see the scene in the villa, it is estimated that their worldview will be overturned.

And it's not just that that subverts the worldview. This god-level artifact spirit has no airs at all. The warden Su Yu Niang, the pirated Sun and Moon that will shine in the Nine Provinces in the future, also ran to the kitchen to rob.

"Oh, what are you doing!" The God of Food was furious.

"I owe you the money for the food first."

Sun and Moon Su Yu Niang ran away, eating the greasy skewers while running down the mountain:

"I forgot to cook, just took it down the mountain to eat at home."

Time came to dusk.

After a toss in the blacksmith shop.

"Tomorrow, I will get your artifacts done tomorrow!"

Dao Juju was annoyed, and the excited and blushing vomiting mud craftsman and Ye Kuangxiu tossed them for a long time, and finally drove them away.

Ye Kuangxiu looked at his god-level baby with great satisfaction.


"Try the effect of [Yin Yang Creation Furnace] tomorrow."

"The classic pet combination system is finally online."

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He was very excited.

What is the prospect of pet combination?

Needless to say.

Similar to the long-standing games such as Fantasy Westward Journey, a superb baby is synthesized, and the skills, mutations, and qualifications make countless gamblers go bankrupt.

Another example is the egg-laying system of Pokémon, which is also an alternative synthesis in a sense.

And now Palu, the synthesis system has also fascinated countless people.

Synthesis, this is simply one of the conventional classic ways to play the game!

This is also the reason why he frantically contacted various local tyrants to get this project.

In the future.

He is responsible for the [Combination of Pets] function, and the money of those leeks and blacksmiths will not come in a rush?

It is estimated that in the future, we will have to buy pets from the outside world, various monsters, and fuse them to study the formula.

Even, we can create a [Login Character].

What is this?

It is a free face-shaping and race-shaping system!

What about the money boy and the mermaid race? These are all races that are everywhere, and dogs don’t choose them.

We create a race and [login] the game character.




It's so hot!

This opens the [Synthesis] and [Race Creation] functions.

The game planner is so awesome, I love you so much.

"What an advanced gameplay!"

"A huge brain hole that breaks the sky!"

Thinking of this, the happy Ye Kuang Xiu finally started to write a review happily.

Now, next to the [Task Bar] and [Update Announcement] signs in the square of the villa, there is a new [Review Column].

The special review writer, Ye Ye Kuang Xiu's sixth body, is on stage.

He wrote directly on the sign:

[Hello everyone, I am Ye Ye Kuang Xiu's sixth body, and a new review is here. ]

[Today, we have passed a historic moment. We are about to celebrate the birth of the sun and the moon with a bonfire party tonight! 】

【The order of the saint, the completion of the spirit of the heavenly spiritual root, means that the most difficult level has been passed. The rest can basically be handed over to the divine craftsmen and divine doctors in our team. We can start the slacking mode and wait for the magic weapon to be completed, and then reap the fame and fortune of the world. 】

Everyone watched him write the review post.

It feels a bit strange!

This is the new mode of the sixth body of the night-time crazy cultivation.

Write the review directly in the writing column in the game, and then upload it to the forum through the [bystander perspective].

【According to my guess, the reward for this order of the sun and moon magic weapon is probably our twelve heavenly spiritual roots, and no extra money will be given. 】

【The royal family is not stupid. The twelve heavenly spiritual roots seem to be consumables, but in fact they all go into our pockets. 】

【We take these top spirits that surpass the heavenly spiritual roots and casually create some top magic weapons. They are all incomparable and priceless. 】

【This reward is equivalent to having been paid. 】

Everyone is also discussing.

The reward for this order is probably really these spiritual roots!

After all, one plant costs about 100 million.

Twelve plants.

1.2 billion!


Everyone took a deep breath, making this snowy day even colder.

As the main C of the casting team, they can be said to be extremely high-priced with a forging reward of more than 1 billion.

[Even, I feel that we have to pay some of the 1.2 billion, which may be the reward of our entire team of divine craftsmen. ]

[So, we may face the cost of giving up some of the heavenly spiritual roots. ]

[But how can we give up the few god-level babies in our hands? ]

[When you go out, you have to be thick-skinned. If you still owe wages to other members, we will help them forge weapons in the future and give them some discounts. Anyway, we can't give them the heavenly spiritual roots. ]

These heavenly spiritual roots are indeed precious.

Even unique.

Most of them were looted from various cults, major sects, and holy places that disobeyed the court.

Some are randomly mutated wild heavenly spiritual roots.

In any case, there is no matching practice method or breeding method to cultivate the corresponding spiritual roots.

The imperial court was too lazy to develop the matching skills for these spiritual roots, so they were left to grow and reproduce in the treasury.

After they were used up, they became extinct.

In the future, it is estimated that the same spiritual roots will not appear again.

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