This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 178 Xirong Master Craftsman, showing off his forging skills?

Our villa is obviously the leader of the [Ark Series] team, but Ning Zheng feels very uninvolved, and the blacksmiths feel even more so.

"This planner is not good, he will be defeated once he is praised."

"This subtle sense of participation now is like the subtle sense of participation when a goddess goes to a hotel and asks me to help buy a set."

"This metaphor is great."

"I can't join, isn't it because you are too rubbish and your skills can't be improved?"

Countless people complained.

Although a wave of strong pretense and in-depth analysis of the truth of the capital stabilized the team's morale.

But when it comes to serious forging technology, I still feel that I really have no sense of participation, and I feel like I am slacking off.

Although slacking off makes people happy.

But that is limited to working at work and studying in class.

When playing games, everyone hopes to be the main c, play more than 40% of the team's output, and get five kills.

They are not the casual party hairpins next door, how can they slack off when playing games?

The passionate ambition of the tough blacksmiths who move bricks every day cannot be used in this forging, and they feel like they have strength but nowhere to use it.

Of course.

Other team members didn't think so.

Especially Doukouhong, seeing that they had such advanced soul fusion technology, the same soul split and synthesized

It was simply too powerful!

Now they were just casually planting spirits of spiritual roots to show themselves.

That was the accumulation of the foundation revealed, the display of arms!

I'm afraid I don't know how much cost and resources were spent behind the scenes to cultivate such an anthropomorphic spirit.

Therefore, Doukouhong was more serious than anyone else and wanted to save every spirit bubble for them.

Try to use as few experimental subjects as possible to make the finished product.

At the same time, Doukouhong also discovered:

"Why does this Xirong God Craftsman feel like he doesn't feel like a God Craftsman forging and has no sense of participation, but only studies the forging of spirits?"

Although Xinyi Baishan and others helped to cover it up, they still found some abnormalities.

The skills of the God Craftsman were not seen

They were all divine doctors.

Although it can be understood that their forging technology is also very powerful, they just gave it to Xinyi Baishan to focus on forging spirits.

But Doukouhong's intuition always felt that there was still a problem.

Even the divine array master Lan Zhou discovered some clues about this.

But everyone is smart, so they know it tacitly and don't ask, but just keep it in mind.

They think the other party may be a little bit water.

Of course, the suspicion between the two of them soon disappeared with the next thing.

Jiucai Rong: "Before forging the sun and the moon, a large number of divine craftsmen assisted, so we didn't need to participate in the forging."

"But now, Xinyi Baishan alone may not be enough, and this time it is mass production, the workload is very large."

"So, several divine craftsmen in our villa, with dozens of high-level forgers, apply to help forge."

The sense of participation we want has come.

Although this sense of participation is still extremely subtle, relying on the Yin-Yang forging furnace to participate.

But it is better than not participating.

Doukouhong was stunned: "Will it be too troublesome for you to join the forging?"


Jiucairong said: "We can cooperate in stages. We are responsible for smelting, fusing semi-finished products, forming rough embryos, and then handing them over to Lanzhou to reproduce the array pattern, and Xinyi Baishan to forge the final product."

Doukouhong was shocked.

The most difficult and physically demanding process of a magic weapon is to fuse various natural treasures

You never know how difficult these high-level materials are to smelt and forge.

Properties, melting points, heat, and techniques.

Every natural treasure is different.

If you make a slight mistake, the material will not be smelted evenly, and the mana will not be connected, then the material will be scrapped.

This is also considered the threshold of a divine craftsman.

If you can perfectly fuse various high-level materials, then you have the basic entry ability of a divine craftsman.

Doukouhong couldn't guess that it was the Yin-Yang forging furnace.

Because the function of the fairy root is very powerful, she only determined a general direction, and the specific ability is unknown.

You don't know until you try it, so she doesn't know that the ore can be synthesized.

"Don't worry, leave it to us, we are also part of the team." Jiucai Rong laughed.

Xinyi Baishan was also a little surprised when he heard it.


Are they really master craftsmen?

But soon they were stunned by the situation

The next morning.

Zhujian Villa, Yin Yang Forging Furnace.

The young blacksmiths who had just woken up yawned and came to the square one after another.

"It's here, the machine team, now let's see if the efficiency of the manual team can be compared."

"Hurry up and synthesize it for me!"

"Finally I feel involved."

One copper ingot after another was synthesized, and a day passed quickly

In a mansion in the capital.

The various forging materials sent by Xinyi Baishan, Doukouhong, Lanzhou and others were turned into a perfectly fused rough artifact ingot according to the ratio they provided.

Lan Zhou was good at praising people, and he praised at a glance:

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"This is really amazing, this efficiency, if it is not a forging family with a strong foundation, there are not four or five master craftsmen in the family to lead the team to build it, it can't be completed within 24 hours."

"It's more than amazing, it's amazing to the sky, amazing in the nursery, destined to be famous."

Doukouhong smiled bitterly, with a touch of shock in her eyes.

She is a spiritual farmer. Even if she doesn't know much about forging, she knows that this level is the most challenging for basic skills.

This is the most difficult to fake.

Once this batch of materials comes out, it will be ironclad!

Doukouhong felt ashamed that she had misunderstood them before.

Doukouhong said: "The other party has helped us complete the two most difficult steps. Especially now, the rough blanks are refined according to the proportions we require. We will be able to cast them very quickly. I am afraid that if we hurry up, we can start selling the first batch in a few days."

"This technology is really amazing! It's so solid. What do you think?"

The two looked at Xinyi Baishan.

Xinyi Baishan is the contemporary forger of Xinyizhou.

Even if we look at the entire Jiuzhou, he is the top level and the peerless master who opened up the era.

Xinyi Baishan's face changed slightly, as if he had discovered something, but he finally restrained his expression and sighed: "Of course he is amazing, and his basic skills are very solid."

As soon as Xinyi Baishan finished speaking.

This god craftsman is completely confirmed!

Moreover, they are also highly skilled inherited divine craftsmen, and there are many of them. It is not as simple as one or two. This is a lineage with deep background.

Doukouhong and Lanzhou secretly sent messages to the families behind them, evaluating the level of importance, and the degree of importance will be raised again.

The lineage of Xirong divine craftsmen is not simple.

Only Xinyi Baishan thought to himself: "Ordinary people can't see the problem, but I can see that the flaw of this thing is too perfect."

Forging depends on the feel.

As long as it is a person, there will be slight differences in proportion every time, which is called fault tolerance.

But what about in front of us?

Every fusion rough ingot is exactly the same.

This doesn't look like something made by humans at all.

The other two are not divine craftsmen, and their fields are not right, so they can't see any clues, but he, Xinyi Baishan, can see it at a glance:

"Those who study medicine have been forging immortal tools recently. I don't know what amazing things they have made."

"A group of doctors are pretending to be divine craftsmen again. They like to pretend to be blacksmiths like us. Do they have a serious illness?"

Xinyi Baishan felt a toothache.

It was as if I saw another group of sword fairies in the air, looking like they were going to study medicine to change the world. Maybe those who study medicine are all sick.

The sword fairy is a medical student, and she is obviously from the family of the divine doctor. The side effects of studying the soul are very large, and her brain is a little abnormal.

He felt that it was too difficult for him.

We are the forging industry of the noble divine craftsman, this is a humiliation!

But they all covered it up for the other party, and they can only go all the way and will not expose it.

Even now, the other party has made such a thing, at least it is more like a fake.

"It's their fairy weapon"

Xinyi Baishan frowned slightly, muttered to himself, and felt a little sour in his heart:

"A group of medical students, doing this kind of soulless assembly line casting embryo, I don't envy it."


Doukouzhou City.

When the news came here, the Doukou family had just cleared out a group of think tanks who were just eating and waiting to die.

A new era is coming, and they should clean up their internal affairs again. Now they know that they have been too comfortable for more than 100,000 years, and gradually a lot of dirt and filth have arisen.

The temporary think tank is now served by the top leaders of the family.

"In just one day, more than 30 rough embryos of divine artifacts can be cast." Everyone looked at the only divine craftsman in their family, "What level is this? I'm afraid it's quite powerful?"

"More than powerful, it's simply powerful to the sky." The old man smiled bitterly, with shock and awe in his eyes.

"Seventeen thousand years ago, the divine craftsman named Mantianxing followed the saint to conquer the world. His forging technology supported the logistics of the entire saint's army. That peerless figure established Mantianxingzhou after the founding of the country and became the king of the continent."

Everyone knew it.

If their Doukouzhou was given to the Lingnong meritorious family of that year.

Then Mantianxingzhou was given to the meritorious officials of the forgers.

The nine states in the world were re-established with the names of the nine kings of the continent.

For example, the Doukou family, the king of that continent, whose surname is Dou and whose name is Kou, studied a family heirloom spiritual root and named himself "Doukou", and the family changed from a single surname to a double surname, named Doukou.

The same is true for Mantianxing.

Mantianxing was originally the name of a founding hero, and later became the name of the continent, the name of the spiritual root, and the name of the family to commemorate the great achievements they had left behind in the founding of the country.

"Mantianxing, this lord, swept the forging circles of the nine states of the world, and was famous for his extremely fast forging. He swung an iron hammer and hit the Mantianxing flower. One person was enough to support the army. There was a similar record of forging rough blanks of divine artifacts."

"He led the team to cast more than 30 rough blanks in one day, shocking the entire forging circle."

The more the Doukou family's god craftsman spoke, the more respectful his attitude became.

When everyone heard this, they all showed some surprise.

In other words, the Xirong god craftsmen hid very deeply, and their forging speed was not inferior to that legendary figure who founded the dynasty.

"Is there a possibility that they have several god craftsmen?" A Shennong spoke calmly.

"Back then, there were also divine craftsmen in the casting team of Mantianxing." The cardamom divine craftsman shook his head, "According to the normal ratio, it does not rely on powerful technology, but purely on the number of people. At least a dozen divine craftsmen of ordinary level like me are needed to cast it."

Everyone's expression remained unchanged, but they had already made up their minds.

No matter which possibility it was, there was a very terrifying and very long-standing lineage behind it.

With countless divine craftsmen as support, they secretly studied the system of "fusion of divine weapons", which was hidden very deeply and had never been revealed in Jiuzhou before.

"No matter what, in addition to the eternal divine weapon, the opponent's solid foundation was revealed, which was very strong. No wonder he could research such a divine weapon that changed the era!" This divine craftsman spoke word by word with a heavy voice.

In fact.

Xinyi Baishan, the insider, helped Xirong cover up, which caused this misjudgment.

But Xinyi Baishan had no choice. He fell into the trap at the beginning. He was misjudged as a divine craftsman. He could only help him all the way and cover him frantically.

Xinyi Baishan felt uncomfortable, and the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it.

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