This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 184 The magic weapon is eternal and will be passed down forever!

The big screen on the stage was showing the history of "the development of human weapons".

At first, primitive people used stone knives and bone hammers for slash-and-burn farming.

Later, the tribesmen used iron knives and iron hammers in the Iron Age.

The picture slowly turned, and human history was moving forward.

"As you can see, this is the history of weapons in our Jiuzhou."

"And since its development, we have all kinds of magic weapons, but humans have always faced an unsolvable century-old weapon problem."

"Weapons are damaged and iterated."

"No matter which stage, the fate of being broken is inevitable."

At this time, the screen showed the picture of broken stone knives and broken iron knives.

"And since its development, our high-end weapons have become stronger and more expensive. Such expensive things can only be used a few times, and they will be gone in a snap."

On the big screen, various famous mythological battles in history appeared, and famous scenes of broken and shattered magic weapons in battles appeared.

Many of them are famous scenes of the battles of the sage army of the Jiusui Dynasty. After the magic weapons were broken, the two sides fought with fists and feet.

On the podium, the sword fairy spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Weapons restrict many monks in battle."

"Weapons make monks feel that weapons are more valuable than their bodies."

"I asked many friends, what is their first reaction when they encounter enemy attacks? The strongest attack, first use the head to resist, the second strongest attack, then use the weapon to block."

She laughed, holding the teleprompter, calmly and confidently on the stage, and told a stand-up comedy.

"I would rather be injured than the weapon. Is this carrying a weapon? This is carrying a father."


The following supporting actors laughed and applauded continuously to mobilize the atmosphere.


The sword fairy made a gesture, and her voice was light:

"But you can't not carry a weapon. If others have it and you don't, then you will be weaker in the fight."

"This is a century-old problem and a pain point for Jiuzhou monks. In order to solve the problems of difficult use, short service life, and high repair costs, our Xirong team has devoted itself to research and development, and has pioneered the research and development of the Eternal Series, so that your magic weapon has self-repair function."

Animation special effects appeared on the big screen.

A broken magic weapon took root in the earth, rotating in mid-air to repair itself.

She raised her arm and shouted:

"Our design concept is that one weapon can be passed down for thousands of generations, and the weapon will still exist after the person is gone."

"The eternal imperial weapon, suppressing the family, immortal for thousands of years."

She shouted out the advertising slogan:

"The magic weapon is eternal, and one weapon will be passed down forever."

"Everyone look at the big screen again!"

The history of human weapons in Jiuzhou, one weapon era after another, stone knives, iron knives and magic weapons, finally stopped in the picture of the [Yin Yang Rice Flower Sword] in front of them, and stayed on the sword fairy who was giving a speech.

This means that the weapon that is standing on the stage for a speech today - the Yin Yang Rice Flower Sword, will end the history of human weapons and reach the end of the development of weapon history!

"Everyone, today, we will change the epochal problem in human history!"

The sword fairy shouted, and her voice echoed throughout the auction.


The warm applause from below sounded at the right time, continuing to heat up the atmosphere of the sale and mobilize emotions.

The people below were also slightly surprised. The appeal was strong, and every link was carefully designed.

New product launch.

Like the blind box model, this is the first time that this kind of sales structure has appeared in Jiuzhou.

It's not that their scholars are stupid and can't think of it, but the environment does not allow it at all.

Because of the raw materials, each magic weapon is privately customized and tailored, and it is impossible to form a series of mass production.

Naturally, there is no press conference.

How can there be such a unified introduction?

It's interesting.

Everyone looked at each other, raised a smile, and found it quite interesting.

Moreover, this auction is not a boast.

Today's auction, perhaps every word will be recorded in history forever.

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In the future, the textbooks of scholars will record today, and even the must-test books for the blacksmith profession will record this exam focus.

Sword Fairy:

"Of course we dare not be proud. Before, in order to test the performance of this [Eternal Growth], we first made a small-scale youth version of the magic weapon to let customers feedback on the experience. Now, we are officially selling it."

The sword fairy turned around and pointed to the big screen behind her.

Hualala! !

With the melodious and beautiful sound effects on the big screen, an ark appeared, shuttling between the mountains and above the sea.

"Let me formally introduce the [Yin Yang Square Ark] we launched today. It is eternal and growing, and also has the two basic characteristics."

"As the first series of magic weapons we officially released, it also has a new concept that subverts the times."

"As we all know, the times are changing. Every year, various new mutant spiritual roots appear. The Wusheng Sect has already appeared in a new series of wall-breaking series. The defense of the ancestors of each family is no longer omnipotent."

"For this reason, we have thoughtfully launched this new defensive array artifact, allowing you to have an extra layer of protection on the wall."

"The Wusheng Sect and other evil cults have committed many evils. We are irreconcilable with you, and we have specially launched targeted protection!"

There was an uproar below.

This team's passion to not associate with the evil forces and resolutely fight against them was fully demonstrated.


Use practical actions to show their firm position.

"This is the defensive section, and we will introduce the functional section."

The Sword Fairy continued to talk: "As we all know, the earth-bound spirits and the ancestors who cannot move are the pain points and defects of many people."

"It is difficult to move the ancestral tombs. This is the second century problem in human history!"

"Many people have imagined that if the ancestors were not earth-bound spirits, how good would it be if they could move?"

"Don't worry, our press conference will turn your fantasies into reality!"

Everyone was shocked.

This artifact can actually change the ecological structure of the earth-bound spirits?

"Today, we have grandly launched a subversive solution."

"Strategic artifact, movable earth vein ark!"

Just as everyone was in doubt, the big screen flashed, and a technological animation demonstration appeared.

On the big screen, a shocking picture appeared, a huge and majestic translucent bubble ark, the earth veins under the semi-perspective map were intricate, and the ark was slowly moving above the earth veins.

With the earth-bound spirits riding on the ark, slowly dragging the line of the earth veins, continue to move forward.

"Today, we redefine the basic base of a power. In the future, all powers can move slowly." She also sang a jingle, "Don't worry if it's difficult to move the grave. The Ark will move to help you." "The ancestor is sitting on this boat. You can take your ancestor to travel around. He worked hard for your family during his lifetime. Afterwards, you can honor him and take him to travel around and enjoy the beautiful scenery after tens of thousands of years." "Of course, there are pros and cons. If this Ark falls into the hands of people with bad intentions and the hands of those ancient secret masters, the consequences will be disastrous." "The ancient secrets and prehistoric tombs that they could not move before can now move slowly. This will change the pattern of Kyushu!" Pa Pa Pa! There was warm applause from below again. "Today!"

The voice of the Sword Fairy was passionate and infectious, like a torrent hitting people's hearts.

"We will redefine the operating standards of the forces in the future era of the entire Jiuzhou!"

Her voice echoed, resounding throughout the sales meeting, echoing again and again, passionate and shocking. According to the speech, when Jianbusi, he boasted wildly at the press conference,

"Today, we will solve two centuries of problems in human history in one go!!"

"Today, we will take the lead in opening up a brand new era!"

"Xirong, forged for the rise of the world's Jiuzhou, I will push the wind of the times, illuminate the heavens, and sail the Jiuzhou."

"Today, the goal starts with the [Yin Yang Fang Lantern] series."

The passionate voice echoed, like a huge bell, hitting people's hearts hard.

"This! !?" The major forces were in an uproar, and many leaders of the forces stood up in shock.

Never expected it.

The Doukou family, the Xinyi family, and the Xirong master craftsman joined forces to make this era-changing heavy weapon and released it today.

"If I'm not mistaken, this will be in addition to the [Earth Vein Teleportation Array] and [Earth Vein Communication Token]"

"The third artifact that changes the times, the [Earth Vein Ark] that moves forces!"

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