This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 198: Planning the battle power and awakening the dazzling

Find the owner of the tomb?

Is it our turn to be the boss this time?

We set the hide-and-seek rules for this tomb?

Su Yu Niang and Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong showed disbelief, and a strong sense of happiness filled their bodies.

It was like drinking ice cola, a dripping cool feeling completely burst out of the body, rushing from the spine to the top of the head.

It was so cool.

This wave of planning gave a secretly pretentious plot, and these little blacksmiths gave full marks.

This is a cool game.

"So, our two families have to work harder, otherwise the world will not be peaceful."

Shi Youxing also felt that he should cheer up the allied Xue Lihua Li family, "At least, we have to settle in Linmen and return here."

"With the arrival of the chaotic world, it is very unsafe in the wild, and the state capital is still one of the safest places."

"Now, you have a shop, which is also very good!"

This is the best solution she got at her current poor knowledge level: return to the state city and hide from the chaotic world.

But this decision is very stupid in the eyes of Jiu Cai Rong and others.

Knowing some of the inside information, they understand that the current Zhoucheng is extremely unsafe, and the saint may have to patrol the world and provoke a war.

In this case, the best choice is to stay away from the nine Zhoucheng first.

"By the way, what is your business?" Shi Youxing finally set his eyes on the shop sign.

"Selling wine?"

Shi Youyou thought about it, but became curious about another project, "What is that medical beauty project like? Can I do it?"

Su Yu Niang's eyes fell on Shi Youyou's flat chest, revealing a meaningful look, "Yes, there are no side effects, but maybe in the short term, there is a lack of brains."

Lack of brains in the physical sense.

Su Yu Niang said again: "But this medical beauty, we can't do it in the short term, the attending physician has returned to the family."

Shi Youyou nodded, not quite understanding.

Yu Jin Jiu Cairong said: "By the way, don't tell others about our identity as Xue Li Hua. No one in the world knows who opened this shop."

"I know."

Shi Youyou deeply agreed: "This is normal. Other shops will not easily expose the controlling family behind them."

"Your Li family returned to Linmen and opened a small shop. If you are discovered, you may be targeted by some old enemies. Some people don't want you to come back. It's better to hide first."

Ning Zheng was eating lunch in the room while watching the viewing angle of [There is a Shop].

I was a little surprised and emotional in my heart.

Before, when I first came to Xinyizhou City.

The day I just entered the big city, he envied the masters in other people's tombs, who were incognito and had a leisurely life.

The guests and geniuses of the whole city, and the historical paintings of the tomb masters all wanted to find the hidden true body and grant opportunities.

Now, it's our turn to become the master and play hide-and-seek. Countless people are eager to get our Linmen opportunity!

"It's just that, should we continue this hide-and-seek Easter egg rule?" Ning Zheng was silent. This was originally a customary rule for the dead. It looked like hide-and-seek, but in fact it attracted the great geniuses to come and gave certain opportunities to the descendants who were compatible with them. It was a gift from the tomb elders to the descendants, a kind of promotion. But this was the default rule for the dead. It was a kind of fun for those ancestors, a game in boredom. If a living person like me didn't follow this "hide-and-seek" game, no one would say anything. "We have to wait and see." Ning Zheng thought about it and sighed: "We set up this kind of Easter egg reward, which really helped Linmen to attract more tourists, so that they came from all over the nine states." Now, the name of Xirong Team is still very loud. "Besides, if we attract more people, we can indeed find some suitable affiliated families." Ning Zheng pondered. A top sect should not only have branches and garrisons in various states, but also affiliated forces. How can a big force be isolated? Especially those god-level professional families who are not good at fighting.

Their family magic is non-combat type, and they concentrate on studying a certain field, so their combat power is extremely weak.

They need a group of guardian families to protect them.

They are basically cultivated from childhood, looking for wild geniuses like Jian Xin, and are expected to become a master-level genius.

"Now, there are probably many large combat families who are eyeing this."

"Want to become our guardian family."

Ning Zheng pondered, "Because everyone with a discerning eye knows that we dare not show up because we are very weak. It is likely that our guardian family is not strong enough!"

But only they know it themselves.

How can this be a guardian family with insufficient combat power?

This is nothing at all.

There is only a small cake mecha, which can be used for a while.

They are now equivalent to fresh lambs, without the ability to resist, surrounded by wild wolves and tigers, and will die if exposed.

The guardian family, free combat power, if it is reliable, it is not impossible to find a few.

But in Ning Zheng's heart, it is just for use.

It is impossible to really reveal the details and identity.

Just let these powerful people and families who surrendered to him be stationed in Linmen City for dispatch.

After all, if the real location of his villa is exposed, he will be courting death if he has so many secrets!

He must still hide.

"Recruiting some families to protect the way can only be a temporary transition"

"And our direct combat power is the core of our own people! They are truly trustworthy and cultivated."

Ning Zheng's mind fell on Yan Hua.

Gui King!

If our villa has a Gui King, it will be a rapidly rising combat power.

Gui King is a thing that is illogical.

As long as you eat enough Gui, your combat power will continue to rise rapidly.

Look at Jiao Wuyu before, he took advantage of the battle in Xinyizhou to eat Gui like crazy.

If Jiao Wuyu continues to eat, it is not impossible for him to cross from the two-phase state to the one-mind state!

This is why the world is looking for the Gui King.

Every Gui King grows up to at least one-mind state, crazy growth, and walking terrible natural disasters, which brings great instability to the dynasty.

If Yan Hua becomes a Gui King, as long as he spends money and eats Gui in a short period of time, he can become a good combat power.

"The awakening of Yan Hua really depends on the layout of those blacksmiths, even if it costs a certain price."

Ning Zheng thought in his heart.

"Dazzling, the probability of awakening may be low. It is not enough to just lay out the plan. You also need a certain amount of [luck] to achieve awakening."

You still have to smash the luck value!

Ning Zheng sighed.

The sword fairy in front of her has obviously started.

Ning Zheng opened the forum and looked at a pinned post.

This is the Dazzling Forum Strategy they posted.

The novel is now the seventh chapter of [Dazzling Traveling Through the Other World].

"Chapter 7: The mysterious scale gate master summoned, passers-by envy Dazzling!"

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