This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 201 The Opening of the Hidden Vein Map

Hidden Vein Paper House.

The courtyard is very simple, the bricks on the ground are red, and the sticky texture gives people a weird and gloomy feeling of horror.

The God of Food and Shao Chai Kun were invited into the courtyard, and they soon saw some of the Blood Flower disciples of the Hidden Vein.

There were not too many of them, only one head was left, and there were scarecrows underneath.

Because the disciples thrown into the Hidden Vein were not very talented, and they couldn't even complete the Five Body Realm.

So they simply let their heads be inserted into the "Blood Giant" in advance, and live for the first body of the Five Body Realm for 800 years.

Moreover, these heads can also help this thousand-headed giant to practice.

It is equivalent to countless people sharing one body and practicing together.

It's just that their own practice speed is slow, and they still can't repair this flesh and blood giant.

"Why are you here."

The dazzled people looked at Shao Chai Kun with surprise, and they were very into the play.

"Yes, why are you here." Swollen eyes also looked happy.

Routian Yujie frowned slightly, and her doubts were less: "Did you know each other before?"

"Yes." Yanhua said: "Before we came here, there were many transsexuals in the villa! All of them were of the same race with horns."

There were many before?

Routian Yujie was shocked and understood.

No wonder, I always feel that there is something hidden in the villa recently, but it is obviously the bloodline of the family

It turns out that such a horrifying thing is hidden, and it turns out that the bloodline of the villa has made such radical reforms!

She felt that the education of the new owner was problematic before, and she didn't expect that even the races were mixed.

"Why didn't you say this before? There are many mixed-bloods in the mountain." Routian Yujie frowned.

Because there was nothing before!

Yanhua certainly wouldn't say that, but looked aggrieved: "You didn't ask before."

Routian Yujie sighed and believed it more.

After all, she could never have imagined such an outrageous truth:

A group of people took the immortal weapon that could shock the Nine Provinces, mixed blood, and deceived her, a little cultivator in the Three Yuan Realm.

How could she deserve such an amazing treatment? ?

But she could never have imagined that there was really a group of lunatics who did not play by the rules, just to do such tricks, and still felt that they had taken advantage and were extremely proud.

"What are you doing here this time?" Routian Yujie couldn't help but speak.

"We are here to repair the family heritage, the thousand-headed giant."

The God of Food said: "And, our family now has a relationship with the Qilin clan, and has obtained the qualification to borrow one of their artifacts."

"Oh?" Routian Yujie said: "We have a relationship?"

For things like hooking up with the demon clan and betraying humans, their family doesn't care at all.

What demon, what person

That's just an excuse for the righteous cultivators to kill you.

Those holy places, sects, and I secretly make friends with some demon clans and various mythical beast races in exchange for resources.

Look at the previous Xinyizhou City, Jiao Wuyu, a member of the Jiaolong clan, was able to enter the human city and make friends with humans.

However, the only thing that made this ancestor a little uncomfortable was that they were on good terms with the Qilin clan, and they were afraid that they would become a subsidiary family.

She also had a guess in her heart:

Their new owner, or a newly promoted Sanyuan cultivator, was afraid that he would be beaten and scolded after marrying into the Qilin family, and was not favored by the family.

Living under someone else's roof, an unequal relationship, is bound to be angry.

She thought in her heart:

"However, our family is weak, and now there is no way, we can only live under someone else's roof, especially when the troubled times are coming, we, a middle-grade family, can also have a backer."

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Her idea was actually what the group of monsters in the original villa thought.

After escaping from Linmen, in order to prevent the Xuelihua family from being destroyed, they surrendered to the Fang family, the inspector of Linmen, and helped mine outside Pingchang City.


After Ning Zheng occupied the magpie's nest, he killed the living people on their mountain, chased to Linmen, and killed all their superiors, the Fang family.

Pack them all away.

Now he has occupied Linmen, which is a bully out of the cage, and he will kill them all.

"Alas, it's good to have someone to rely on."

This stone ancestor sighed, "By the way, what is the magic weapon you borrowed?"

"It is a magic weapon that can repair the flesh and blood giant."

Shao Chai Kun said: "This is similar to the transformation and fusion surgery of Xuelihua, but it is more advanced."

Shao Chai Kun said: "It can fuse some organs and some tissues of beasts and monsters. You are an expert in this field, so we came to ask for advice."

"I see." Routian Yujie nodded, "Let me see the data."

Shao Chai Kun was ecstatic.

Before, Doukouhong helped them with reference.

Now, there is an ancestor to help them with reference.

We only need to be responsible for slacking off, and let the real big boss NPC help and provide professional knowledge and literacy, which is the correct way to play.

How can you learn everything by yourself?

It's not Superman.

The game in front of me is a management game, recruiting NPCs from various fields to become employees, and it is a card collection game.

"By the way, after you look at the data, study our family giants." Shao Chai Kun said, "See how to transform them."

Soon, after some discussion, Routian Yujie began to agree that this hidden vein paper house area would be temporarily open.

Ning Zheng also allowed them to teleport and communicate in real time.

After all, he really didn't need that much money for the teleportation array, so he only charged 10 magic coins symbolically.

It is estimated that in a period of time, the map of the villa and the paper house can be directly opened.

"Wow, this is the hidden vein."

"So interesting."

Some of them are human, and some are Qilin children who came here, constantly watching and studying the flesh and blood giant in the underground cave.

Sister Routian sat on the chair and occasionally raised her eyebrows:

"So many mixed blood? Can they really give birth? Could it be that the blood flower of our family has developed a fourth branch and has this ability to give birth?"

"Will it not come up with a name similar to the Wusheng Sect?"

She fell into thought again

Ning Zheng was not afraid that Sister Routian would find out anything.

1. I can already kill her with a wave of my hand. At worst, I can kill her and reset her. The control is in my hands.

2. I can see the luck. If something is wrong, I will know it at any time.

3. The logical cognition of the trick is flawed. It is not as flexible as the wisdom of a living person, and it is easy to be exploited.

Just like when the Shi family robbed tombs, they often took advantage of the cognitive loopholes and logical flaws of Gui to break into the house and steal.

Just like when Ning Zheng robbed tombs before, he also took advantage of the flaws and dug the floor in front of the city guards.

In front of him, this Routian Yujie has a chance to bluff.

"Let's take a look."

Ning Zheng sighed:

"Anyway, this person's life logic is to take care of the family and do the family logistics. As long as the blacksmiths are all blood-leaving flowers, there shouldn't be any big problems."

"They will still be good at logistics."

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