This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 203 Xinyi forces the emperor to abdicate, the sage's plan

Just as Ning Zheng handed the camera to the two hosts and continued to auction the products to hype up today's ceremony.


Ning Zheng's screen turned, and another group of people appeared opposite the open projection.

The high-level leaders of various local major sects, holy places, and Xinyi family have already taken their seats.

It was not the real body, but the Dharma image that came.

They congratulated one after another:



"I thought your power would be more than half a day, but I didn't expect it to be so concise."

"Concise, with the forging style of Xirong God Craftsman."

Before him, he officially stepped into the high-end circle of Xinyi.

Everyone here is a top giant in Xinyizhou or even Jiuzhou, and the heads of various forces are almost all in the same state of mind.

It was also the first time that Ning Zheng saw the Xinyi King of this generation - Xinyi Yun, a man with a gentle face and polite manners.

Ning Zheng subconsciously thought:

Then, the beautiful woman in white who came to his shop in the capital was the first generation of Xinyi King?

The princess of the previous dynasty?

"Everyone, today's protagonist is here. Don't talk too much, it will steal the show." Xin Yiyun smiled, "Let's ask the protagonist to say a few words first."

Ning Zheng smiled:

"The affiliation of Linmen means that our forces will join the big family of Xinyizhou. It's meaningless to be too polite. We will give you some gifts."

After that.

The sword fairy ordered the maid to bring a tray with several exquisite bottles.

The bottles were all high-level origin spirit liquid, which was extracted from various useless spirit medicines and plants in that batch of business buildings.

The spirit liquid in each bottle can be worth millions of magic money, which can be said to be a huge investment.

"Is this today's featured product?"

Several people didn't even look at the things in the bottles, but just smiled and accepted them, and then ordered people to send various gifts.

Reciprocity is the way to make friends.

"The establishment of Ximen is just a small matter. Welcome everyone to come and support us today." Ning Zheng got straight to the point and talked about business:

"Everyone, if you want to buy our Ark series, you can make a private reservation. Now that the world has changed drastically, this kind of defensive artifact is indispensable."

"We are doing neutral business, and we will need your help in the future."

Ning Zheng spoke very politely and officially.

Everyone present is a smart person. If you talk nonsense and expose information at this time, it may cause a big problem.

Xin Yiyun smiled: "That's right! We are all one family in Xinyizhou. What do you think of the current saint?"

The leader of the Ancient Language Sect is a white-haired old man, and he is also very official: "Since it is recognized by the Nine Spike Saint, we naturally recognize it."

"How dare we make any suggestions? We can't interfere in the affairs of the court." Another leader was also very official.

"Very good."

Xin Yiyun said: "Since it is recognized as orthodox, we will naturally support this newly enthroned saint."

Someone next to him frowned slightly and was about to speak to refute.

Xin Yiyun smiled again and said, "We just got the news that the Saint Xinchao will come to Xinyizhou for inspection, and will build a temporary palace and live here for a long time."

Live for a long time?

The faces of the leaders of the major sects present immediately showed doubt.

Is this saint going to treat Xinyizhou City as his new capital?

Is he crazy! ! ?

He doesn't want the newly moved capital, he wants to come here?

The major forces in Jiuzhou have already planted spies, replaced the identities of some natives, mixed into his capital court, and pretended to be various ministers in the court, ready to work.

The result.

This Saint Xinchao did not play by the rules, and directly moved to Xinyizhou City as his palace, ready to live for a long time?

Everyone can understand his mind.

He obviously knew that the court was full of spies, and the Saint Jiusui deliberately disgusted him before his death, and made crazy troubles in his court.

He wanted to completely jump out of the capital, and from the outside, he would catch the spies in the capital one by one from the perspective of an observer.

However, he was too arrogant.

The capital is a shelter that is easy to defend and difficult to attack!

Now he came to Xinyizhou City, where the defense is not strong. Is he really not afraid of being besieged?

Everyone present had a few changes in their expressions.

How to make trouble is another matter, but Xinyizhou, as the main battlefield of the war, is going to drag everyone into the water!

"Everyone, what do you think?" Xinyiyun smiled gently.

Everyone was choked.

This one is obviously forcing the palace.

How could they not know that the Xinyi family now has completely surrendered to the saint of the previous dynasty!

Xinyiyun himself is of royal blood, and he is also a man.

That last saint was so obsessed with having children when he was alive.

There is a male in front of him.

This Xinyiyun might be made the new prince!

Although Xinyiyun looks feminine, he obviously has the curse of royal blood.

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But as a man, it is already a new breakthrough!

Xin Yiyun said:

"You are all old ministers of the previous dynasty. You betrayed the court back then and transformed from the holy land sect of innate spiritual roots to the sect of acquired spiritual roots by studying the technology of planting spiritual roots."

"But that one was magnanimous and chose to forgive you, knowing that you were forced by the situation, as long as you returned to the side."

He paused,

"The various holy places in our Xinyi Continent were all old subordinates of the previous dynasty, and they have lingering ties. Why don't they return now?"

Xin Yiyun continued:

"Everyone, you may be cursing in your heart that we are traitors to the court and fence-sitters."

"But how come you don't know that it was not the Saint Jiusui, the strongest hero in human history, who left behind the secret arrangement?"

"The saint passed the throne to the Saint Xin, which is justified. How can we be considered traitors if we surrender?"

He stood up, glanced around, and fell on everyone:

"Now, everyone in Jiuzhou is trying every means to obtain the core of the [Book of Years] in his hands. If we become descendants of the royal family, wouldn't it be easy to get the core?"

"Everyone is planting spies, but they don't know that our Xinyi family is blessed to be the biggest spy!"

Everyone was silent.

They already knew the deep meaning of this saint in their hearts.

This is to take over Xinyizhou first, and then use it as a base, and then break each state and "talk in detail" one by one.

In this silent atmosphere, Xinyiyun drank tea silently, glanced at Ning Zheng on the other side of the projection, and smiled kindly.

Ning Zheng secretly sighed in her heart:

"I have really entered a den of thieves. This place is full of old subordinates from the previous dynasty. I can't wash myself clean here."

"No wonder that Xinchao Saint was so optimistic about me at the beginning. It turns out that I was forced to label myself as him from the beginning in Xinyizhou!"

"No wonder even Jiusui Saint doesn't want to care about me, and doesn't even summon me alone."

"This is because Jiusui Saint knows that he will die and can't take care of things after his death. He wants Xinchao Saint to protect me, a young reformer, in the troubled times."

It is best not to contact and leave it to the next saint to ascend the throne. After all, his era has passed.

According to this situation, Xinyizhou City will become a new temporary capital, and all kinds of assassinations are inevitable!

At this time

The blacksmiths who were lying in the blind spot of the projection, the window of the room, and the crack of the door saw this scene and were heartless:

"Hehehe, the land price of Xinyizhou is going to rise, we are making a lot of money."

"Yes, even if it is the fifth ring of the capital, the land price is also a huge profit."

"King Xinyi is going to become a prince."

"I am superficial, the owner of the manor married into the Xinyi family, this is marrying into the royal family, a royal son-in-law!"

"Why are you still playing the old tricks, shouldn't this be the story of the heroine?"

"Crown Princess, there are two crown princes now, Crown Prince Jiusui, and Xinyiyun who may become the crown prince."

"Oh, right, Crown Princess, this is a story of two husbands fighting for your wife?"

"The fairy tale drama is here!"

Everyone was happy.

This new expansion pack was originally thought to be just: the saint inspected Xinyizhou and was besieged.

Who knew it was more exciting than expected!

The saint came here directly to station, and the status of Xinyizhou City was instantly upgraded.

Isn't this equivalent to occupying the gate of a capital city?


The saint was attacked, didn't he enter from our gate?

Tower defense game, come on stage again!

They remembered those tower defenses in ancient times, protecting a crystal.

This saint is the crystal, tower defense, all kinds of traps


"It's really fun!"

"Sure enough, ironwork is the main line, so show."

The blacksmiths chattered heartlessly.

The masters of the various holy places were polite for a while, stood up and said goodbye.

They said they were ready to think about it and make a decision.

If they had directly joined this dead saint before, there would have been no future.

But if they joined the living Xinyi family, then maybe there would be a bright future.

Because the Xinyi family now has a real saint behind them, and they may not be unable to become the new master of the next dynasty, the new royal family.

If they invest now, they will also have the merit of following the dragon!

If they succeed, they will be able to become one of the nine kings in the new division of the Nine Provinces.

How can they not be jealous?

Becoming a king of a continent is much more likely than overwhelming all competitors and competing for the next generation of saints.

So they are hesitating.

After these people left, only Xin Yiyun and the sword fairy who was still holding the "camera" with a confused look on her face were left.

Xin Yiyun said politely: "In the future, there may be some orders that will trouble you."

"We only accept business orders, regardless of current affairs, hope you understand."

Ning Zheng sighed secretly and asked directly: "Excuse me, is the Saint of Jiusui really dead? I'm just curious. If you have any difficulties, you don't need to answer."

Xin Yiyun smiled and said, "I went in alive, but life and death are meaningless."

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