This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 206 Communication and Suggestions

The production of the ark is progressing steadily, and the second batch of arks has also been cast day and night.

The speed is so fast because the members of the team have tasted the sweetness and have begun to expand production, inviting some high-level blacksmith teams to help.

Four arks can be evenly divided among the team.

Ning Zheng also got an ark, which can be regarded as the crisis of the villa completely resolved.

The spirit of this ark is Yan Shuangying.

As the captain of the villa's security team, he is responsible for controlling the villa's defense and supporting the villa's protective shield as a formation plate, which can also be regarded as his job.

"From now on, navigating the villa will depend on you!"

Ning Zheng patted the boat in his hand.

Yan Shuangying weapon spirit: "My lord, you can rest assured. The car door is welded shut. Please watch my racing skills. I will pull the villa and the mine and run wildly in the mountains and rivers!"

"I am a Sanyuan realm cultivator, and I am being hunted by a master of the Yixin realm, but I am not panicking at all, because his boat is not as fast as mine!"

"This holy land can only eat dust behind me!"

He said proudly: "Don't be afraid of the sun and moon chasing behind. I will overtake in the corner and leave the holy lands behind and take a beating for us!"

Ning Zheng was speechless and held his forehead.

But what he said does make sense.

There is no big earth-binding spirit in my villa, which does not affect the speed.

The earth-binding spirits of others, the ancestors of all generations, pull the boats, but the speed is not as fast as my villa with light equipment!

The big ship of the holy land can only eat dust behind our big ship of the villa!

But, just because their boat is slow and can't keep up with you, it doesn't mean that they won't send strong men to fly over and hunt you.

"There's no need to be so conspicuous." Ning Zheng warned tactfully: "Even if we want to run, we have to be more concealed."


The ark in front of him was pulled away.

The ark was still shouting, "Blacksmith shop, can you modify it for me? After my second transformation, the mobility of this boat is a bit poor. I can't accept tasks and can't move bricks."

Dao Jiujiu poked his head out, "How do you want to modify it? Add a pair of legs?"

"You really have no aesthetic taste."

Yan Shuangying's embers looked down on him: "Look at the weapons on the hands and feet of the mantis next door. They are so ugly that even dogs will hate them. I want to add tires and transform it into an Autobot. Do you understand? If I add some special effects of fire, I can transform it..."

The customer's requirements are quite a lot.

The blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop rolled their eyes.

These days, the orders they received were messy, but they were used to it.

Dao Jiujiu kept taking notes:

"This is a big project. It takes more than a hundred blacksmiths in our blacksmith shop to work together. It needs to be transformed, right? Is your ship a shield, a hat, or a belly of the mecha?"

Yan Shuangying thought for a while: "Let's use the belly as the main body. In the future, the security department of our villa will be a mecha patrol team. Please call me Optimus Prime! Yan Shuangying transforms!~"

"When I have money, my whole body will be made up of artifact parts, and I will beat up traditional monks."

"Flesh and blood are weak, and machinery ascends." He chattered, imagining a beautiful future.

The rapid development of the villa has attracted more talents.

Yan Shuangying's combat type and Ye Kuangxiu's think tank type became one of the pillars of the villa soon after they came in.

Nowadays, the Ark series is becoming more and more skilled, and has formed a kind of assembly line.

Xinyi Baishan felt that she had never been so smooth and so refreshing in her life as she was in making magic weapons now.

At this rate, about 40 to 60 arks can be produced in two months, which can be said to be the first progress in the history of human magic weapons.

In this regard, Xinyi Baishan said with emotion:

"Originally, the magic weapons were all customized, and there were almost no similar ones. Now the assembly line can mass-produce the same magic weapons."

"We will open a new era!"

"Our history of magic weapons will be like a sailing ark, heading to the highway. No one knows what kind of sea of ​​stars is waiting for us!"

Xinyi Baishan's evaluation is very high.

He felt that promoting Xirong, a doctor, to become a god craftsman was the most correct thing he had done in his life.

He could join in and open up history together and witness history!

However, everyone in the team felt that their days were infinitely beautiful, but Ning Zheng knew that the chaos was about to break out.

They, the neutral professionals, felt that they would be fine, but if they really fought thoroughly, who would care what profession you were in?

Ning Zheng was not only worried about his own safety, but also about their safety.

The output of these arks was far from meeting the needs in Ning Zheng's heart.

In this regard, Ning Zheng tried to communicate with Xinyi Yun.

"Sir, communicating with Xin Yiyun is a very good plan to save the world."

"According to our character analysis report, Xin Yiyun is very interesting, very willing to listen, and very humble."

Ye Kuangxiu pushed his black-framed glasses, looking like a senior intellectual:

"Gentle, no airs, very good temper, and very good at balancing various forces."

"Before, Yan Hua wanted to bang his head against the pillar, but he solved the problem with a few words, making Yan Hua smile and work for him."

"Yesterday, he was persuading various forces, which is also a kind of balance."

"In his eyes, we should be a very important part of Xin Yizhou's rise in troubled times, so he will be kind to us and very patient."

This point has actually been confirmed.

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Ning Zheng asked him about the details of the Nine Spike Saint, and he told her the truth with a very friendly attitude.

He really has the spirit of a royal family or a future prince.

He knows people and appoints them to the right positions, and attracts talents from all over the world.

As expected.

When Ning Zheng passed the message, Xin Yiyun immediately put down his work and was very patient: "Do you mean to gather thousands of cities in Kyushu and gather them together?"

"Yes." Ning Zheng said.

If you can save a thousand local cities, you should save them.

Ning Zheng is not a saint, but she is also a normal person.

Each city has countless billions of people, and they are all living lives.

If you mention it and warn Xin Yiyun of the possible crisis, he will naturally save it.

Ning Zheng thinks.

Before, Pingchang City and even various local cities were destroyed in an instant.

It was mainly because Xin Yiyun and others were not prepared at all and could not think of it!

Preparing for the end of the world will be thousands of times better.

Xin Yiyun pondered for a while:

"I have also considered that moving to the state capital is the best option, but you should know that our state capital is relatively dangerous recently."

Accommodation is not a problem.

The state capital is so large that it can easily accommodate a thousand local cities.

A thousand local cities have always been nodes of the teleportation array. The total area is not as large as the area of ​​3,000 city walls.

Moving local cities is actually not too difficult.

The Dharma giants in this world cover the sky and the sun. If you press your palm horizontally or vertically, you will see mountains.

It is no problem to move a huge city to the state capital.

It is just that it is a bit unsafe to evacuate back to the state capital now.

And after the evacuation, the control over Xinyizhou will be greatly reduced. Without a thousand nodes, everything that happens outside will be black.

"Let me think about it." Xin Yiyun was silent for a while.

The people in the local cities are his people and his living force.

Of course, he is more anxious than anyone else.

But he really has no way.

Xin Yiyun said: "Let me ask you a question first. Are you sure you can reinforce Xinyizhou City?"

"We can only try our best." Ning Zheng answered calmly.

Xin Yiyun was silent for a moment, "Then move them back. If the battle in Xinyizhou City breaks out, it is likely to affect them."

Xin Yiyun asked the historian and censor standing beside him, "What do you think?"

Historian: "I think we should respect history. Xirong God Craftsman opened up an era and was destined to become history, but now it should not become history in advance and move into the Linmen in advance."

Xin Yiyun pressed his forehead.

Historian: "I abide by my duties and will not exceed my authority to mention things outside of history."

The censor said: "As your adviser, I think we should respect the other party's ideas."

"Oh?" Xin Yiyun said. "The other party's background is very mysterious, and forging and medicine have made amazing achievements." The censor said: "As a neutral family, he should not get involved in such things, because whether he guesses right or wrong, it will not benefit them, and it will easily arouse your suspicion, unless they have clear secret information." "They know that the people of the entire Jiuzhou will be in trouble, so they will remind you!" Xin Yiyun was silent in his heart. Will there really be a crisis? In fact, he couldn't understand the entire Jiuzhou. Even the smartest people in the world can't understand how this chaotic world will develop. Countless forces gathered together and appeared one after another, and the chain effect was too terrible. "If there is really a crisis, is it the sun and the moon?" "The only way to destroy the entire Xinyizhou is that that person walked out of the tomb." Xin Yiyun murmured, and the reason for that person's appearance could only be a complete collapse. "Is it really possible for things to develop to such a desperate degree?" He couldn't determine the source of Xirong's information. Maybe. The other party is the Saint Jiusui, who also secretly arranged a backup plan. Who told them before his death?

But there is no doubt that he will now face two choices.

1. One thousand local state cities will be transferred to Xinyizhou City, but the people will now face the aftermath of the assassination of the saint.

2. Not to the state city, but if a major disaster really occurs, they will not be able to save a thousand cities immediately, and the miserable situation of the local people can be imagined.

"Take the people over."

Xinyiyun suddenly said: "We can only hope that Xirong God Craftsman can make some achievements and turn our city into an iron wall."

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