This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 214: Saints Discussing the Dao and Teaching Each Other

The goal of this last saint is very clear.

——Burn those heretics to death.

This requires increasing strength as much as possible in a short period of time.

Casting magic tools is a good choice.

This is one of his academic specialties. In addition, he is very curious about the Xirong team. Joining it can also get in touch with the new field of this era.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At this time, the sword fairy was not panicked at all, and said familiarly:

"Your Majesty, this design drawing will be handed over to you and Xinyi Baishan. Teach your junior Xinyi Baishan well."


Some people on the side had sweat on their foreheads.

The sword fairy is a very carefree spirit.

The little blacksmiths who are not natives are naturally not in awe of NPCs, and they also speak to this majesty.

But Xin Xichen didn't care, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I will take on what I should take on."

"Is it the same sentence again? Ignore my other identity. I am now a master craftsman, a forger in a team."

"Is this the name of the tower defense I came to help build?"

"Build the so-called Xinyizhou City Tower Defense, various traps, underground tunnels? Towers? Bunkers? Kill those assassins who attack in waves." He kept learning the "new vocabulary" of this era.

Sword Fairy: "Catch the turtle in the jar!"

Xin Xichen smiled: "Catch them all in one net?"

Sword Fairy proud: "Close the door and beat the dog!"

Sword Fairy was ecstatic.

The little blacksmith in the villa said before that he wanted to train the old steward's AI intelligence, and he intentionally or unintentionally said modern vocabulary of the new era in front of him

Now, isn't she, the Sword Fairy, going to train the AI ​​intelligence of a wave of saints?

The Sword Fairy secretly said in her heart: "Very good, why not learn to train the AI ​​intelligence of a wave of saints first, gain experience, and then go back to train the AI ​​intelligence of the old steward."

"Besides, it seems that the saint is very friendly and easy to train."

But this last saint was indifferent, and thought to himself:

"It is very simple to train the logic of this ember spirit."

"After all, existences like the poison doctor have fixed and repeated logic. It is not difficult to train her logic after a little understanding."

Each ember logic has fixed thinking and even a habit of speaking.

The poison doctor said "I will come back again" every time he was killed. Sometimes you can guess what she is going to say next without thinking.

At this time.

Doukouhong and others watched this majesty teasing the Sword Fairy, and their tense nerves gradually relaxed, and some excitement flashed in their hearts.

It is said that the Nine Spike Saint in the past was also so friendly, and he pulled a group of friends in the crowd to revolt, reform, and avoid being hunted down together.

And now.

Aren't they following a saint to conquer the world?

Just like the group of founding heroes who followed the Saint Jiusui back then?

When they thought of this, they were extremely happy.

This is also a great honor.

They are already at the top of human professions, and they don't have much demand for money and power. They just want to leave their names in history and pursue a higher realm.

Doukouhong couldn't help sighing in her heart:

"This is the mind of the emperor. You know clearly that this is to win over the ministers and walk into the crowd, but your heart can't help but get close to them."

Weak strong people use violence to make people submit and serve, that's called a reckless man.

The real strong people use personal charm to make people submit and follow, this is the best strategy.

Gradually, with the chattering of the Sword Fairy, the live treasure, several people also sat down to chat and talk about the arrangement.

In fact, the basic work distribution has been determined.

Doukouhong, researching spiritual root magical powers.

Xirong God Craftsman, using spiritual roots to cast instrument spirits.

Lan Zhou, researching the formation connected under the defense tower planted on the ground.

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Xinyi Baishan, is to cast a defense tower, and now there is another saint who acts as a divine craftsman.

But this erudite scholar gradually showed his strength, and he also gave some pointers on Lan Zhou's formation.

Xin Xichen showed a thoughtful look:

"It seems that the main structure of blacksmiths in this era has hardly changed, but the formation has developed a lot, and some of them are unrecognizable."

"As for the spiritual farmer, I can't understand it at all. The change is too big. Planting spiritual roots is unprecedented."

Today's blacksmiths seem to have not changed.

But in front of us, new changes have appeared from Xirong divine craftsman.

Lan Zhou respectfully explained:

"Over the years, the formation has changed a lot."

"It's because the Jiusui saint has a strong research on the formation. A large part of the resources after the founding of the country was used to build the ground veins, which is itself a huge formation."

"Indeed, it encompasses the nine states and increases the imperial rule over the world."

This last saint deeply agreed, and even he had to admit that the saint's achievements in it were amazing.

[Nine Provinces Earth Veins] is actually the prototype of another [Historical Painting Wall].

If it continues to develop, it may become another national treasure!

Of course, [Eternal Sun and Moon], which is still under development, has three prototypes of national treasures.

And these two have only appeared in recent years. It can only be said that the times have changed so much that it is really impressive.

"If he hadn't taken the core of the earth vein away, I wouldn't have been in so much trouble."

Xin Xichen sighed, "We can't monitor the information of the earth veins. The ruling power is too weak to know the identity information of your Xirong God Craftsmen through the earth veins. Do you have any solution?"

The Sword Fairy was stunned.

What do you mean?

Let us help you decipher the earth veins, and then let you catch our true bodies through the earth veins?

Is it really okay for you to say it so directly?

The Sword Fairy shook her head frantically.

"No way, no way, um, you have to ask Doukouhong if she can come up with a new fairy root magic."

"I think since this is a [network], I will create a Trojan virus of the Yin spirit - Sadako, and crawl along the network cable to the TV opposite to kill people."

"TV?" Xin Xichen said.

"Well, it's the projection of the communication."

The Sword Fairy said: "For example, I was chatting with a certain existence, and suddenly a monster crawled over on the opposite projection screen, wearing white clothes and with disheveled hair, which looked very creepy."

Xin Xichen didn't know that the Sword Fairy was playing a joke, but thought seriously:

"If there really is such a bound earth spirit crawling along the earth veins, then it is not a bound earth spirit and is not controlled by the region. That is the real horror!"

"If this so-called Sadako is controlled, the earth veins can be strictly supervised. If it cannot be controlled, it will follow the earth veins to bring disaster to the world."

Xin Xichen showed emotion.

It has been a long time since I discussed, summarized, and collided with my peers in the circle.

It is really good to be alive after walking out of the tomb again.

He found this new world very interesting, and he couldn't help but be more full of hope and vision for the future. It is a new century for him to show his talents.

At this time, the Sword Fairy asked: "Your Majesty, where is the Crown Princess? Which one did not come with you?"

"The Sun and Moon in the capital are managed, and as the nursery, they cannot go to the Nine Provinces without authorization." Xin Xichen replied: "The situation in the capital is a bit complicated now. Monsters and demons gather together. Although my body is in charge, I am too lazy to manage it."


They talked about business again.

The Sword Fairy also had some new ideas about the defense tower.

"The defense tower needs an ancestor to sit in it, which can amplify the bombing power of the ancestor's artillery."

The Sword Fairy said: "However, the firing mechanism of these ancestors' artillery is very inflexible, and it is too scattered to launch their own attacks!"

"What are your preparations?" Xin Xichen glanced at the Sword Fairy with a calm expression.

The Sword Fairy said proudly: "I suggest using the mechanism of ejection to connect the artillery beams of all defense towers in series."

"I call this kind of defense tower a light prism tower."

"The beams of each tower, like a network cable, are chained and ejected to one tower, concentrating the power to use one tower for a unified attack."

"For example, the mana of the three thousand ancestors is ejected to me and poured into my magic weapon. How powerful is the mana? I swing a sword that shakes the world, and I can cut out an army of scarecrows!"

The Sword Fairy's calculations are so loud that even the neighboring continent can hear them clearly.

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