This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 221: Brainless Spirits and Brainy Spirits

Ning Zheng had to imagine the scene.

When fishing, a powerful person's Dharma image became the bait for Ning Jiao Jiao and Su Yu Niang, and was hung at the mouth of the well with a look of pain and fear


The corners of his mouth raised a little arc.

Suddenly he remembered that in the Forest of Yesterday, as a flower in a flowerpot, he watched that old existence catch a puppy Dharma image for his daughter to play with.

He felt inexplicably envious before.

Now, do I have to become that kind of existence?

But the current villa is still far away. This is obviously those ancient powerful secret realms, similar to the Forest of Yesterday, where people keep sneaking in.

But at this time, he is somewhat interested in this so-called rule talk.

He looked at [Sweet Home].

Among the more than a dozen rules to be followed, they are a bit absurd, a bit weird, and even more thrilling.

Ning Zheng fell into deep thought, thinking:

"However, if it was Ning Jiaojiao, her copy rules should be that bird shit would make her lose her IQ"

Ning Zheng still thought Jiucai Rong's plan was good.

He raised his mouth slightly, revealing a happy smile.

This plan, he, the owner of the manor, voted for it!

Ning Zheng said: "Well, work hard, you can apply for any resources you want, I will help to review and submit it to the owner of the manor."

"Let's do a pilot in the capital first! Experiment with the saint's lair and explore the experience. Besides, we are all loyal to this Xinchao saint, so naturally we have to help him control the capital."

Hearing this, Jiucai Rong was full of confidence and shouted:

"Don't worry! Now we are still in the honeymoon period, that is our Xin's adoptive father, it is normal to work for him and help him work, help him defend the capital and resist the rebels in the world."

Ning Zheng's face was dark.

What Xin's adoptive father, this word is a bit unlucky.

Because they kept shouting about killing their father, it seemed like our villa might become the biggest rebel at any time.

We are a neutral unit, how can we rebel?

We will work for whichever saint is in power!

Just as they were discussing, the sword fairy suddenly sent a message.

"The saint was attacked?"

Ning Zheng was stunned when she heard the news that Xinyizhou City was attacked.

These big guys are really swift and decisive.

At this time.

The Sword Fairy was already happily cleaning up the battlefield over there, and was very proud:

"Hahaha, I am dying of laughter! The saint laughed at the assassin for being dead, and the assassin laughed at the saint for being dead. Both sides had a sense of superiority in planning and crushing IQ!"

"Only I know that the saint died, the assassin died, and the eight tower defense ancestors who besieged with me died. I am the only living person in this group of tower defenses, and I am the one with the most superiority! But I won't say it!"

She paused, and a huge joy seemed to penetrate from the communication token:

"Alas~~ I watched this group of dead people sinking and confused, and I felt that I had occupied the high ground with my IQ instantly! They are so pathetic and pitiful!~"

Everyone: ""

You are also nesting dolls to show off this sense of superiority?

You are also a dead person!

You think you are a second-level weapon all day long, and you are still playing games. You are an artificial retard.

In the eyes of the blacksmiths, this battle today is indeed outrageous!

But think about it carefully

It seems that the background of this world is like this.

Perhaps some old predecessors are used to it, focusing on the three questions of life.

You died, he died, am I dead? I am a little scared.

At this time.

The fairy doctor was in the dark, watching the chat between the old steward and Jiucai Rong. After hearing the news, her face turned black: "This person can't be me, and you still feel superior? This wave of sword fairies is a living clown! [○`Д○]"

Su Yu Niang: "The clown is you! However, they fought too fast. We didn't know until the battle was over, and we didn't react."

Ye Kuangxiu: "This is the real assassination, okay, it's as fast as thunder! The main focus is an instant kill. If our little blacksmith in the villa far away from the capital can react, why do they do assassination?"

Everyone thought about it and it was right.

The whole battlefield was very short. It was over after more than half an hour.

After all, there are waves of city wall turrets in their territory, and they really can't stay for long.

The previous attack on Xinyizhou City was just that short.

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In fact, Ning Zheng didn't really want to pay attention to this sudden outbreak of war.

He was just a lazy fisherman, sitting on the shore and watching the fire.

It is estimated that after the arrival of the chaotic times, there will be many such wars.

It's okay if our tower defense can withstand it.

That saint is obviously strategic.

He personally joined the tower defense construction, looking confident. This kind of big man is cautious and doesn't need to worry about him.

At this time, Jiucai Rong asked the sword fairy over there: "How is our new weapon spirit in this wave of assassination?"

"It's okay." The sword fairy said: "It can only make a ba ba, stupid."

Jiucai Rong nodded: "Isn't that right? We have driven people crazy."

The two sides chatted for a while and hung up the communication.

It's obvious that the sword fairy is very busy.

But in order to show off, the sword fairy still took time out of her busy schedule to come here to brag. It's really hard for her.

Jiucai Rong couldn't help but take credit: "Sir, our new weapon spirit seems to be quite effective in battle, and it can be put into production now."

That defense tower is an amplifier.

Amplifying the people standing in the tower is useless for weapon spirits. Making them brainless weapon spirits is their first experiment.

"This is a successful experiment!"

Jiu Cairong brought Ning Zheng to the blacksmith shop.

When they walked into the blacksmith shop, they saw several young blacksmiths abusing a weapon spirit that was being forged. They took syringes and injected all kinds of foul air and resentment into it.

"Uncle will give you an injection to make you mentally retarded."

"Don't turn around. It's me, your good brother."

"Brother, you smell so good."

A group of people were laughing wildly and injecting a weapon spirit that had just merged.

The scene was horrifying, and even Ning Zheng, who was used to it, was shocked.

The weapon spirit screamed loudly:


"This needle is so big."

"What are you doing? I am not dazzled, why are you abusing me?"

"Wow, did I really travel through time? Why do I feel that the blacksmith in the villa has become so scary after the second transformation?"

"Old steward, come and save me, come and save me!"

The weapon spirit screamed.

He seemed to be dazzled for the second time, and felt that the whole villa had become very terrifying.

"Look, sir!" Jiucai Rong introduced the assembly line of the workshop seriously, and the loudly wailing weapon spirit: "According to the methods and ideas provided by the saint, we succeeded after several tests." "It is mainly through the birth moment of the other party's fusion, to inject various turbid air into the unformed weapon spirit, turning the other party into an idiot, a lunatic, and ababa!~" "Such a weapon spirit is very stupid, and can only talk wildly, just like the turbid air between heaven and earth!" "But this kind of crazy talk, combined with the psychedelic formation of the defense tower, is very effective." Jiucai Rong said that this is a new type of weapon spirit. Now they are divided into two categories: brain weapon spirits and brainless weapon spirits. Today, each blacksmith can only sell once, for example, if a sword fairy appears, a second one cannot appear. So there is a problem. Jiucai Rong introduced the significance of this:

"We only have 500 blacksmiths now, which means there are only 500 magic weapons with brains. Everyone hopes that their ember baby will become a more advanced weapon."

"Especially now, for low-end weapons like Yin Yang Corpse Slashing Sword, those blacksmiths are unwilling to be the weapon spirits in them."

"Our plan is to replace the low-end [Corpse Slashing Sword] series with brainless weapon spirits."

Jiucai Rong said: "This will speed up the mass production of this youth version of the magic weapon series. However, because the function of the weapon spirit is greatly reduced, it may be sold at a lower price."

Ning Zheng looked at the casting assembly line in front of him: "It's not a problem to be cheaper. Have you thought about the explanation?"

"It's easy to explain."

Jiucai Rong said in a serious voice:

"We said that we don't have enough embryos for the fusion weapon spirit."

"In the future, low-end magic weapons can only use this kind of low-level brainless weapon spirit. I believe they will understand."

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