This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 229: Calculation and Hidden Hands

Mantianshou returned to Mantianxingzhou City, and it was completely dark.

The moon belonging to their Mantianxing Continent hung in the sky.

The moon was dotted with stars, symbolizing the highest masterpiece of their forging continent.

"What a pity."

"It was obviously the highest masterpiece of our old era, but the new era has come."

Mantianshou's wrinkled old face showed a trace of regret.

Soon, he finished dinner with his family, and the younger generations also curiously inquired about the sales meeting in Xinyizhou City today.

And every table expressed their concern for the Xirong God Craftsman, and showed admiration in the conversation.

This made Mantianshou, the former No. 1 God Craftsman in Jiuzhou, silent.

Their family was obviously the strongest forging family in the entire Jiuzhou.

After dinner, he crossed the teleportation array.


Soon, a group of people appeared in the room.

Divine doctor, Shennong, God Craftsman

All professions in Jiuzhou appeared here.

Almost everyone attended the sale today, or watched from a distance.

After a brief greeting, they finally started talking about business.

"It's about time to join forces."

A cold old man said: "This is a blatant challenge to our status and overturning our rice bowls!"

"Yes, the divine craftsmen, divine doctors, and divine alchemists present here, which one is not a high-ranking figure? When have we ever suffered such humiliation!" Another old man said angrily.

This is no longer a humiliation.

This is cutting off their roots!

Cutting off someone's path is like killing their parents, how can they bear it?

Each of the four projects took away the rice bowl of an ancient family present.

This is a clash of interests, and someone wants to share their cake.

"Don't be proud of those who are not affected, let alone gloat over the misfortune."

Someone snorted coldly, "The day before yesterday, he could announce the creation of the eternal divine weapon, yesterday, he could shape the sun and the moon, today, he took away four bowls, and tomorrow, he can take away the bowls of everyone present!"

Everyone's expression sank.


That person's wave after wave of attacks was too fierce.

It's only been a few months, and he has been testing their bottom line so frequently. I'm afraid he is well prepared.

If he is given another two months, won't he completely ride on everyone's head?

"A mere Xirong God Craftsman is so arrogant."

Someone sneered, "We should report to the new saint and let him deal with Xirong. Our families have joined forces, and even the saints dare not not respond."

An old man slowly said: "The Saint of Xinchao can't find the other party's whereabouts, otherwise do you really think that person is kind? If he knew the location of Xirong, he would have dug up his nest long ago!"

Everyone's face was gloomy.

Now, only the Saint of Jiusui, who has mastered the core of the earth veins, can trace his whereabouts.


That "keyboard warrior" is really messing with you and disgusting you on the Internet, and you can't find his ID address and can't come to check the water meter.

"We, otherwise sneak into the tomb of the Saint of Jiusui and tell the outside world the truth, so that the one will give" Someone showed a fierce look.

"Be careful with your words!" Someone immediately said, "Are you going to die? That is the most terrifying tomb in human history. Do you dare to go there? If you cause a disaster, you will be a sinner who will be recorded in history!"

The person who spoke also reacted and knew that he had made a slip of the tongue. He could not help but feel scared.

"Stop making noise."

Someone frowned and said, "We should compare the skills of both sides and have a fair fight. Don't play tricks."

"Yes, don't hide it anymore. We should join forces and study new technologies together."

This proposal has been made before.

Unfortunately, these non-combat monks have ulterior motives and are hiding their intentions. They are unwilling to open their hearts and cooperate.

Just like the combat monks who attacked the Xinchao Saint next door.

A ridiculous pile of loose sand.

They only attacked twice and started a fight. When they saw that things were not going well, they immediately became cowardly.

If these combat monks completely joined forces, how could the Xinchao Saint resist alone?

But they couldn't trust each other and were afraid of being stabbed in the back by the other party.

Man Tianshou, the first master craftsman in Kyushu, finally spoke: "Xirong's speed is too fast. I thought it would take a long time for him to complete it. Let him explore the way and make mistakes. Who knows if we, the latecomers, can catch up quickly?" Everyone was frowning. The other party's speed was too fast. In addition, is the Doukou family still human? The Doukou family was originally recognized as the first professional family, because spiritual farming is the strongest profession. Now, they are still working on the fusion of spiritual roots and magical powers, completely playing a monopoly! Forging iron, refining pills, and studying medicine will all involve the spiritual roots of the Doukou family. Who can bear it if they rely on others? They are afraid of Xirong, and even more afraid of the Doukou family. This agricultural association is too unethical! "We must work hard." Someone said seriously. "But our speed is a bit slow, and the survival rate of the fusion instrument spirit is too low, and it cannot be used commercially at all." A divine doctor from Pansy Island spoke. "That's what you guys are researching separately. This is an integrated technology."

Man Tianshou said coldly: "The monks of the other shore continent are good at Yin Linggen and soul-related. You Pansy doctors are researching soul repair."

Everyone kept discussing.

This time, the crisis of death was really looming overhead.

Everyone began to be completely scared.

When everyone was discussing, someone suddenly said: "Everyone, don't worry, we have invited a real master, this is a real all-rounder, one person can complete this kind of weapon spirit integration process." They turned their heads to look. They saw a mysterious man in a cloak suddenly appeared in front of everyone and said: "I have roughly completed this kind of fusion of spiritual roots, everyone, please take a look." Everyone looked closely and was immediately shocked. It turned out to be a weapon spirit fused from two low-grade spiritual roots! Has a force already made it? It's only been a few months, and it has caught up with the progress? "Who are you?" Everyone changed color slightly. 83 latest address They are not stupid. This person must have a great plan for showing such skills. "Hehe." The man chuckled: "Find an existing eternal divine weapon for me to study, and I may even have a chance to track down their location." As soon as this was said, everyone changed color. "Give him the [Yin Yang Corpse Slashing Sword]." Someone said coldly. Soon, a Yin Yang Corpse Slashing Sword was brought. The weapon spirit was [Sensitive Ji can also use it], digging mud in the yard and doing beauty makeup. When Sensitive Ji was brought over, she was still confused.

He looked at these people at this time and felt bad.

"Weapon spirit, I'll give you a chance to tell me what you know." Someone said, "You can get whatever you want."

"What are you doing? Humph, do you want to die? To deal with our Xirong God Craftsman?"

Sensitive Ji was stunned for a while and laughed, "Ahhh! Dare to harass me to put on makeup, you are dead, open your ancestral graves! I will come back! We are natural disasters and never afraid of death!"

"What an arrogant tone!"

The words of this weapon spirit made the whole scene curse.

"Just a new small force, unknown, but just got the key to the new era by luck? How can it compare with us?"

"You have no foundation, you don't have as many resources as us, and we have cultivated talents from generation to generation."

Some people sneered, and some people cursed.

The mysterious black-robed man sneered, "Wait until I read his memory and see the knowledge in his mind, then I can tell whether it is true or false."

He stretched out his hand and pinched it, and a ball of invisible flame enveloped the Yin-Yang Corpse-Slaying Sword.

Countless knowledge was purified and turned into pure books.

The embers are the soul shell formed by an extremely delicate balance cycle, which will collapse instantly once it is destroyed.

Generally, this kind of balance cannot extract information.

But his means are very amazing.

His magical power can burn the essence and turn it into effective knowledge.

Although he will not have memories, the knowledge in it can also have a lot of side information value.

"Let me see."

The man snorted coldly.

"Wait!" Someone stood up and said coldly: "You must share information synchronously. Who knows if you will hide anything?"

"That's it."

"We just happen to have the magical power of information transmission here!"

Everyone spoke up.

The mysterious man sneered, "As you wish, but this is your first time to bear it. The knowledge is overloaded and the sense of substitution is too deep. Don't blame me."

Crashing! !

Soon, the entire weapon was crushed by him, and the embers quickly disappeared in his hands.

His burning can extract part of the information, but it cannot completely extract all the knowledge of a person and turn it into a book.

If it can be completely extracted, it would be too exaggerated.

Crash! ~

A huge amount of information appeared in the minds of everyone present.

"Young Woman's Whiteness", "Brick Moving Guide", "Eating Soil Technique", "Blacksmithing Skills", "Recognizing Daddy Skills", "Spiral Bed Skills", "Suicidal Swimming Spark Beating Techniques", "Thirty-seven Techniques for Roasting People"

All kinds of messy books suddenly flooded into the mind.

The huge flow of information made everyone couldn't help but scream.

It's all garbage!

It's all useless waste information!

What the hell is in this creature's head?

The old men next to them were not at a high level, generally in the Three Yuan Realm, and they were empty frames that had hardly ever fought. How could the medicine jars piled up with resources bear such things?

"What is this??"


They all let out a shrill scream, their brains overloaded by the junk information flow, and they were dizzy.

Some even fell to the ground, twitching, foaming at the mouth, and talking nonsense, as if they had an epileptic attack, and fell down.

They had been pampered for too long, and suddenly it was as if an invisible big hand had grabbed their throats, and their whole bodies were a little twisted.

Everyone was dead silent, lying on the ground in all directions, like stranded salted fish that could only breathe heavily!

Their minds were full of those terrifying and weird information, they were silent, and their eyes showed fear.


Outside the door, the guards suddenly broke through their door.

"What happened?" Several headmaster guards at the level of the first state of mind rushed in quickly.

These people are the peak existences of Jiuzhou. Although they have no combat power, if one of them gets into trouble, they will not be able to bear it.

"What happened? Who attacked you?" Several headmaster-level existences were stunned, thinking it was incredible that someone could bypass their eyelids and attack people?

"You guys go out."

Man Tianshou was sweating profusely, and he slowly stood up and waved his hand, "It was that damned Xirong Master who attacked us."

The hearts of these masters sank.

That person also has this kind of means of attacking from a distance, attacking their meeting headquarters?

This is a slap in their face.

They didn't dare to say more, and after confirming that they were fine, they retreated silently.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, Xirong Godsmith had expected this possibility a long time ago, and was disgusting us."

The black-robed figure looked at the ground and fell, showing a trace of disdain, took a deep breath, "Do you want to continue?"

Everyone was silent, cursing in their hearts.

Xirong actually calculated that we would use this trick from the beginning, and dug a big pit.

Waiting for us to jump, deliberately implanting some filthy things into this weapon spirit, disgusting us crazily.

"It's better not to come again."

After a long time, someone helped up the chair and sat down with difficulty, saying awkwardly:

"The other party has been prepared for a long time, and the calculations are thorough. This sincere disgusting people have left this kind of killing move on the weapon to prevent being peeped."

"I think so too, it's better not to start from the weapon spirit." Someone gasped, took out a few elixirs and swallowed them, and then he recovered his breath.

Recalling the great fear just now, they felt that their minds were tainted.

As scholars from famous families, they read famous works handed down from generation to generation and met literati and scholars.

They had never seen such a pornographic and vulgar plot, such crazy technology, and at this moment they just wanted to pay a lot of money for a brain that had not been tainted.

"Then will you continue to study? I think there may be secrets in the information of a more advanced Ark series." The black-robed figure said.

Everyone was completely silent and kept silent.

Obviously, no one was willing to bring up this topic anymore.

The people who were arrogant just now and wanted to teach Xirong the God Craftsman a lesson began to have psychological shadows in their hearts.

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