This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 238 Sun, Moon and Dragon Fishing at the Wellhead

"What a strong wind!"

A tall giant statue of a Dharmadhatu was running on the land, passing through the gaps between mountains and rivers.

Countless blacksmiths looked down at the scenery, and a beautiful picture of the earth appeared before their eyes. At this moment, they seemed to be looking down at the world from the perspective of God, which was amazing.

So beautiful.

This was everyone's thought.

The background animation of the Sword Forging Villa was changed to the sky!

Their villa was like a high-speed train, running wildly. This picture was very fresh to them and was extremely interesting.

Someone looked down and saw a whistling wind blowing. Several blacksmiths on the mountain flew out directly while screaming, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Were they blown away?"

"The wind is so strong." "Wuhu, take off."

"Stupid, open the villa's protective shield to prevent the wind."

Yan Shuangying, the spirit of the Ark, was speechless:

"The protective shield of our Ark consumes a lot of energy. What are you doing without opening the pile of two-phase formations we collected? You can't even block the wind?"

Several people reacted immediately and quickly opened the protective shield.


Bursts of strong winds were instantly blocked out.

"New version, new version."

In the Sky Square, a group of blacksmiths felt that they had witnessed the times.

They were looking at the high sky, and the parallel white clouds not far away. They soon calmed down and began to clear various materials.

The great mythical journey has begun!

The ironwork!

A group of people were so excited that they had nowhere to vent their blood. They ran directly to the blacksmith shop and hammered two hammers. The sound of duangduang was like the sound of a heavy ancient bell, constantly echoing in the vast and distant blue sky.

Several people in charge were counting the luggage for this long journey.

Su Yu Niang sat on a chair and looked at the thick white clouds in the distance. Suddenly, she said, "This reminds me of the scene when a group of students were bragging on the bus during the school days."

Shao Chai Kun said, "No, we are bragging on the plane now. When I was in school, I proposed that the whole class take a plane to go on vacation, but was ruthlessly rejected by the teacher."

Everyone: ""

It would be strange if you didn't refuse.

Shao Chai Kun was confident: "Only here can we experience a high-end life, with food comparable to various lobster dinners, a group of people taking a plane to go on a picnic, and having three girlfriends to chat online, forgetting the brick-moving Shao Chai Kun in reality."

Everyone felt even more pitiful when they heard it.

They quickly said some things, vented their extremely excited emotions at this time, and started to talk about business.

"The ghost villages around the mountain were also brought along, and the villagers were basically not left out. As for the burden of bringing along the villagers, my answer is no burden."

Yan Shuangying kept analyzing: "What burden can there be in bringing along a few small ghost villagers?"

The warden of the Ember Su Yu Niang prison at the foot of the mountain was also counting the number of people: "Well, the Demon Suppression Tower was not left behind, and the thousands of female ghosts were all pulled up."

Fang Zhou pulled this group of small ghosts, which was simply a waste of talent.

"The three ancestors"

Everyone reacted at once.


The three ancestors forgot to bring them.

They took away the mountain and the circle of ghost villages under the mountain, and the three paper house nodes farther away were not taken away at all.

"Ahem!" At this time, just when everyone was confused, Jiu Cairong said: "This is the request of the old steward."

"Why?" Shao Chai Kun asked curiously.

Jiu Cairong said: "The old steward said that they stayed where they were, guarding the house, and they can wait for us to come back later."

"Ah?" Everyone was a little confused, but still didn't think much about it.

If the three ancestors want to stay where they are, then leave them!

After all.

The three earth-binding spirits of the Three Yuan Realm seemed to really affect the speed of the villa.

Anyway, no one would care about the earth-binding spirits if they were left where they were, so the safety was naturally fully guaranteed.

In the courtyard at the foot of the villa.

"The three ancestors cannot be taken away."

Ning Zheng was in the courtyard at the foot of the mountain hanging in the endless sky, looking at the howling wind in the distance, and her heart was very calm.

If their villa is the top of the crown, then the house at the foot of the mountain is the position of the brim of the hat.

The reason for not taking the three ancestors is very simple.

It is a problem for a cultivator of the same level in the Three Yuan Realm to pull out the three of them in one breath.

How to explain to them is another problem.

Even if these two problems are solved, how to solve Li Youzhu's problem?

He is still exploring the secret realm in the capital.

If I take his earth-binding spirit with me and pull it out and take it away, it will be easy to be discovered.

He is not stupid.

Therefore, the best way at the moment is:

Just take Ning Jiao Jiao and run away.

See you later.

"Wow, brother, look, the manor power we are loyal to on the mountain is flying with us!" Ning Jiao Jiao said very happily, and she never thought that she was far away from her father. 83 Latest Address "We are born on green hats, and we are the real crown of green hat manor. Look at this height, the scenery we see is completely different." Yu Jin Su Yu Niang was also very happy, eating melon in the yard and looking at the scenery outside. Looking down. The mountains are like a dense maze, and they, the giant, are shuttling in an endless maze. It is worth mentioning that the terrain and mountains in this world are almost all Danxia landforms.

There are almost no plain areas, just endless mountains.

There are occasional small gathering places of creatures and some streams in the gaps between the mountains.

Perhaps in the distant ancient times, the landforms of the whole world were not like this. It was those Dharma images that washed the land all year round, and they all pressed their palms horizontally and vertically, resulting in the landforms of palm prints everywhere.

And the plain areas are only man-made!

Generally, the construction of plain areas is used when building cities.

As long as you have a Dharma image master, you can easily change the landform, move mountains and fill the sea, and make a plain.

At this moment, a gap suddenly appeared in the defense shield of the villa above the head, and a huge human-shaped kite appeared above the head.

"Hahaha, pull quickly! Pull quickly!"

A person was pulled by a rope, with a pair of large wings installed on his back, flying in the sky, "I have a pair of invisible wings, take me to fly, fly over despair!~~"

Ning Zheng looked up in the yard and looked at the black shadow: "???"

They really have a big imagination.

It had only been a short time since the "plane" took off, but he couldn't hold back and thought of a new way to play.

Since the strong wind can blow people away, just stretch a rope and start flying kites.

After a while.

Several little blacksmiths flew up, howling in the sky, and several people below pulled the ropes together in the square, like tug-of-war, waving flags and shouting.

Ning Jiao Jiao looked up and looked at the kites on the top of the mountain: "Brother, this looks like fun."

Ning Zheng didn't have time to speak.

Suddenly, the "kites" in the sky were pounced on by several huge black bird monsters, and they were pulled hard and taken away directly.

"Wow wow!"

With the screams of several little blacksmiths, they were taken away and turned into black dots and disappeared.

"We have to turn off their contact!" Ning Zheng did not hesitate and directly disconnected the network cables of the blacksmiths who were taken away.


Ning Zheng immediately reset the parameters in the yard and set the activity range with the previously improved server magic weapon.

As long as they leave the villa, whether they are blown away by the wind or carried away by monsters, they will automatically disconnect and be considered dead.


It's really a headache.

Ning Zheng felt helpless.

The troubled times have come, and people all over the world are worried, but these heartless little blacksmiths are still "making fun of suffering" while running away.

Ning Jiaojiao looked at the few little blacksmiths being towed away by birds in the sky, and was slightly stunned: "Brother, they are not fishing."


Ning Zheng was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

"Before, Sister Su Yu Niang told me that when fishing, you have to pull, loosen and tighten, and slip until the prey is exhausted."

She pointed to the direction of the kite with a broken line in the sky, "This is also fishing, but they are too stupid and don't know how to pull. They are obviously new to fishing."

Ning Zheng was silent for a while, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Ning Jiaojiao suddenly ran to the courtyard and pointed to the well, "Brother, how about fishing here."

Now, the whole villa has been pulled up.

The wellhead is not connected to a water vein, but a big hole. The wellhead is connected to the boundless blue sky.

Su Yu Niang beside her was also stunned for a moment, and then her eyes lit up: "We can fish again, come on."

Ning Zheng was speechless.

This Ning Jiao Jiao is really good at playing.

And her logic is not normal. How can ordinary people think of fishing like this?


She is not a human.

A half-demon with a dragon bloodline likes to fly in the sky and swim in the river. Is it the nature of the dragon?

That's fine.

But it's the nature of the dragon, and what's wrong with you, Su Yu Niang?


You are not a human either, you are the backup spirit of the sun and the moon.

Sun and the moon like to wander in the sky and shuttle through the clouds. Is that reasonable?

Ning Zheng couldn't resist them. After a while, she pulled the fishing rod and threw the two mermaids into the well.

They went to seduce the hot-blooded boys of the demon birds again.

Wow! ~

The two were flying kites in the sky, shouting constantly.

"Forget it, troubled times are coming, fishing to relax is good."

Ning Zheng brewed tea beside the well, silently pulling the fishing rod, the weight of the two mermaids was nothing.

He suddenly thought.

Is this really fishing for two mermaids?

At this moment, he felt like he was a great and sacred figure sitting in front of the well, fishing for an eternal sun and moon, a dragon princess!

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