This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 241 Infiltration, Wusheng Branch in Beijing

There are more three flowers in the capital now than before.

The walls, deep pits, eaves, tables and chairs of the war ruins are full of bright and beautiful flowers, giving people a strange and charming beauty.

The three-flower "camera" is the only channel for most middle and low-level families to explore intelligence in the capital.

They must come.

While they are fleeing like Ning Zheng, they send people to the capital to collect information.

Even Ning Zheng herself took time out of her escape to come here, grow three flowers, and spy on intelligence.

Princess Xin'e's mansion.

When the capital city underwent a huge change, Princess Xin'e chose to hide and reappear when the wind and waves were calm.

At this time.

Xin'e walked out of the refuge secret room, looking at the dark ruins of the capital city, and the people were gloomy and bleak, and slowly shook her head.

A large number of buildings in the capital city were broken, and it was not difficult to rebuild.

It was just that going back and forth was very boring. She is now acting as the civil engineering department of the capital city, and she has to recruit a new batch of Dharma guests and establish a new brick-moving site!

Think about yourself, a future mother of no birth, who actually built a family.

"Now, the world has changed drastically, and even the ancient imperial tombs in the capital have emerged."

"I don't know when I can fight back?"

She felt her realm.

The early stage of the Four Organs Realm.

This is already a very fast speed.

She was a mortal without spiritual roots before, but her theoretical knowledge is extremely rich. Now it's like reincarnation and cultivation. The previous realm can't hold her back at all.

In addition, there are all kinds of top natural treasures. If she still stays in the Five Body Realm, it would be funny.

"It's just that I gave up the royal fire spiritual root magical power and chose this mysterious spiritual root magical power of cutting out soul clones."

"I don't know if it's good or bad."

Princess Xin'e also knew that she had no choice.

The royal spiritual root is good, but you have to have it!

She felt that her spiritual root, if developed, would have great potential.

While she was thinking, she didn't realize that the three flowers on her head gradually grew the fourth petal, the fifth petal, and the sixth petal.

Hua La La! ~

A gorgeous flower with six petals slowly bloomed.

If anyone noticed this scene, they would be shocked.

Because it looked very much like those ancient creatures that were possessed by the imperial mausoleum, but those ancient creatures were attached with incomplete three flowers, and the one in front of them was a complete three flowers.

"Princess, it's time to bathe and change clothes." Two maids came.

"No need."

Princess Xin'e's face and breath kept changing, with a hint of weirdness, as if she was possessed by something terrifying.

But the two weird maids didn't notice it at all, "Then Princess, let's go out and take a look now."

Ning Zheng felt Princess Xin'e's body, and said in a controlled manner: "Disguise yourself."



The two maids hurried to prepare.

Ning Zheng took a look at the entire princess's mansion and looked at the surrounding buildings and environment.

Such a large mansion in the capital is controlled by himself, and he is also a blood relative of the royal family. It is indeed a good base.

This is also his first official visit.

Following the three flowers he gave to Xin'e, he used his newly grown three flowers to possess the body, forming a vision similar to those of the ancient creatures in the imperial tomb.

Not long after.

Several maids brought clothes to change, and Ning Zheng stood up and let them do whatever they wanted, but he was a little uncomfortable controlling a body.

The breastplate was a bit heavy, and he thought about it and stretched out his hand to cut it, and he immediately felt a lot more relaxed. Anyway, as a ghost, it was all flesh and blood filling, and it would grow back soon, so he was not afraid.



"I feel phantom pain when I see this knife!"

"This Xin'e is not right! Is the owner of the manor possessed? Sure enough, the owner of the manor has a backup plan! Trick this Princess Xin'e into opening this three-flower spiritual root, and then leave a secret door!"

"Wow, the owner of the manor is possessed."

"Is this the first official appearance of the owner of the manor?"

"I knew that our owner's game background board setting is super strong and super mysterious. It is still very mysterious now."

"Don't play nonsense literature."

Ning Zheng heard the voices of those hairpin girls in her mind. They had nothing to do and came here, chattering, so lively.

The villa "stopped for gas" and explored intelligence by themselves. They obviously listened to the words of other blacksmiths and came to Beijing to try to find some information.

At this time, those happy hairpin girls really wanted to go out and brag wildly, posting crazily, and get a wave of popularity and traffic.

This wave!

The owner of the manor came to Beijing in person.

Look at this evil three flowers that are possessed, no, it's six flowers! Just the petals alone are better than the four-flower and five-flower spirits possessed by other ancient evil beings.

This level and momentum are overwhelming.

If other people in the capital saw this scene, they might think that the ancient dead saint was born and possessed, right?

"I officially declare that the owner of the manor will be called Xiaoniao from now on."

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"Because this state of imitating the possession of ancient creatures, I am willing to call it Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua."

Ning Zheng didn't understand their clichés at all, ignored them, dressed up as a man, walked out of the princess's mansion, and looked around.

Walked around.

Found that because the guards of the court were severely damaged, it would take some time for these earth-binding spirit generals under the Xin Dynasty royal family to revive, and the public security management of the entire capital has declined significantly.

It is more convenient for some beings to sneak in.

Now the Dharma images outside don’t even need to mix up their identities. They can walk on the street openly and will not be arrested and imprisoned, nor will they be killed.

Ning Zheng came to a restaurant, sat down, ordered a pot of wine, a few dishes, and listened to the people around him chatting.

"Although the Xinchao Saint immediately recovered and suppressed the entire imperial mausoleum half an hour after the battle, I heard that the core has been broken."


"Someone has successfully stolen it, what virtue and ability?"

"No, it is estimated that a group of people are fighting for it, and it may have been broken!"

Everyone took a breath of cold air, and the clouds of worry were bleak.

It’s good to get it, but if the "Imperial Seal" is broken, who will suppress these historical murals in the future?

Those ancient figures in the imperial mausoleum can come out and go back whenever they want?

This capital city is probably going to become the largest hybrid nightmare-level secret realm for mankind! !

The capital will be like an ancient abyss, with cracks in time and space, and the figures of ancient saints will continue to emerge, stretching out their hands from the old time and space and slowly climbing to the present world.

"Now, how can this saint in the present world suppress it?"

"How can he be a saint in the present world? He is essentially a dead saint in the imperial mausoleum. Now there are no living contemporary saints in our Kyushu land, suppressing the world and sitting in the imperial mausoleum." Someone sobbed.

Someone said bitterly: "Saints of all dynasties were the emperors guarding the imperial mausoleum, what a style, but now?"

Some people who are emotionally sensitive have even sobbed and cried, and the breath of fear spread in the teahouse: "Saint Jiusui, please come back, we miss you, and the people of Kyushu cannot live without you."

The feeling of fear is like a black cloud hanging over everyone's heart.

"In this world, a hero like the Saint of Jiusui will soon emerge to save this chaotic world and pacify the country."

"Woo woo woo, it will definitely work. Whenever there is a chaotic world, there will be a demon born to sweep across the world and suppress the entire era with personal power!"

"Yes, isn't Xirong Divine Craftsman an example? The strongest civil official has been born, and the only thing missing is the strongest fighting power. A young saint emperor will come out of Xirong to assist such a person and will surely rebuild the country."

"The head of the civil official has been born, and the only thing missing is a saint!"

Some people sighed.

Some young monks' eyes flickered with longing.

They even fantasized that they would pacify, protect, and suppress this chaotic world, and they would follow the path of the Saint of Jiusui back then, and conquer the entire country under the guidance of civil officials and saints like Xirong Divine Craftsman!

Some people miss Jiusui, the most peaceful era, while others think that this era should not be too pessimistic.

"This Xinchao Saint is as powerful as Jiusui Saint! He is so powerful that all saints bow down to him."

"I don't believe it!"

"Then tell me, why didn't those ancient beings come out?"

"Do you think it is possible that they don't want to come out, but just sent out advance teams to collect information about the present world and come out after confirming the strategic plan?"

"It is possible."

"I think so too. It is undeniable that the last saint is powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he can't suppress everyone's joint breakthrough. It can only be that the hearts of those ancient saints are not united! They are still unwilling to join forces to attack!"

"Or maybe, they are just waiting, with deep thoughts and many tricks, waiting for the next time this saint goes crazy, so that they can easily get out."

Ning Zheng pricked up her ears to listen, and felt that there was some truth. Maybe they had analyzed the overall situation clearly?

As expected, the think tank cannot rely solely on those small blacksmiths.

The scholars who discuss national affairs in these restaurants and teahouses are also very strong think tank figures!

There are many masters among the people, and their IQ and strategies are not too low.

The reason why they cannot reach the height of mastering the overall situation and calculating the world is not because of their lack of intelligence, but more because they can't get the intelligence of the high-level circle at all, and they don't know when they are about to die.

No matter how strong the strategy is, it is just an auxiliary to the combat power.

The core of this world is, after all, an era that gathers thousands of great powers.

"Their analysis seems reasonable."

"It is not without limitations. They have too little information, and their analysis may be wrong."

Ning Zheng felt that he should not be trusted.

His current intelligence is the same as theirs, so he felt that what these passers-by said made sense.

He listened for a while in the restaurant, then stood up and walked around the street again, deliberately walking through some special nodes.

Some of the mumbling of the Wusheng Sect and the wailing of the female prisoners in the prison came out of him.

They were chopped to the ground, and their weak bodies fell limply in the villa, but it made their wailing and obsession seem more resentful and gloomy, with a sense of gentle resentment.

"If it were in the past, I wouldn't dare to show off the aura of a cult like this."

"But now the capital is in a window period, and all kinds of evil are emerging. If I take the opportunity to show up, they won't target me."

"Why don't I disguise myself as a person of the Wusheng Sect and try to sneak into the enemy camp."

Ning Zheng thought.

Infiltrating the capital branch of the Wusheng Sect was the plan of the young blacksmiths before, but unfortunately it didn't succeed completely in the end because the supervision in the capital was too strict at that time!

If we make contact rashly, Xirong Godsmith will be exposed, and something big may happen.

Now there is no such concern. Sure enough, Ning Zheng, who disguised herself as some evil three flowers of the Wusheng Sect, walked around, and someone immediately noticed Ning Zheng's aura of the Wusheng Sect.

A clear, sweet and gentle voice came, full of maternal radiance, secretly transmitting:

"This fellow believer, please come this way."

Ning Zheng smiled slightly.

It worked out.

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