This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 248 The Second Spiritual Root Subordinate: Wusheng Whale

The nursery in the sky.

The branch of Wusheng Sect in the capital.

A secret underground building complex.

In the conference room, three high-level Weirdly Raising Banners were displayed.

"Here, there are a full 10,000 four-organ realm ancestors."

"Enough for you to build a branch of our sect. Don't let people look down on you when you go out."

Space rings containing paper houses were placed in front of him.

"These are the luggage of the ancestors, their clothes and jewelry. It's better to bring some when you get used to living here."

Ning Zheng looked at the silence.

I just want your ancestors, and you also demolished the ancestral tombs and old houses?

That's too polite.

These ancestral tombs alone, if piled up, are estimated to be worth tens of millions of magic money!

This is an undoubted huge sum of money.

Ning Zheng was a little moved.

This is a caring and loving ancestor, who dotes on his descendants so much.

What good things are, they are selflessly given to the descendants.

This family affection is too warm, they love us so much.

And I only need to pay two things.

1. Reluctantly plucking one of your own three flowers, it will take a week to grow back.

2. A small blacksmith's spirit has no cost at all.

In summary, the little blacksmith is not worth much, it is only worth a little money if he cannot practice for a week

No-cost business!

"What do you think?"

Wuxin's mother smiled slightly through the gauze curtain, her charming and enchanting hazy figure, full and plump, seductive.

Her implication is:

This foundation worth billions of magic money has been given to you, you should also show some sincerity.

Ning Zheng is of course sincere.

Since others are so sincere, he must show a picture of motherly love and filial piety.

He is also prepared, and took advantage of this gap to send a spirit to the capital.

This spirit is:

Lin Daiyu.

Because of the female blacksmith branch plot of Wusheng Sect, you can only choose from female blacksmiths.

Lin Meimei is the head of the Hairpin Tower, the big sister.

She has good abilities and is a practical person like Dao Jiujiu, unlike those sand sculptures.

Now, this female blacksmith is thrown into the Wusheng Sect, and it is not bad to be an undercover.

With a clatter.

Ning Zheng also handed over Lin Meimei.

A living money boy and a remnant of Lin Meimei have opened a heavenly spiritual root.

This heavenly spiritual root is a single spiritual root left over from the sun and moon orders for the saints before, and she has opened it in advance.

When everyone saw it, they immediately discussed:

"There is already a remnant here?"

"This remnant has opened a heavenly spiritual root before he died."

"The other remnant is still alive. After the heavenly spiritual root is opened, it can be killed and paired with yin and yang."

Everyone discussed.

In order to ensure user experience, Ning Zheng had to show her sincerity.

A single heavenly spiritual root.

After all, there is no other way.

You need a living person to open a heavenly spiritual root.

You can't take out two living Lin Meimei and give them to them at once, right?

This is exposed!

They can only take a remnant of a well-opened Heavenly Spiritual Root and a living Money Boy.

After all, the extra Heavenly Spiritual Root has been left unused, and the assets given by the people in front of them are far more than a Heavenly Spiritual Root worth hundreds of millions.

Ning Zheng introduced lightly:

"Everyone, when we caught this Money Boy, half of the immortal spiritual roots had been opened."

"The remaining Money Boy has not planted a spiritual root yet. You let her plant a spiritual root, and then merge the yin and yang."

"Both sides are souls of the same origin. I don't know what means Xirong Master Craftsman used to split them into two."

They nodded, and they were quite satisfied.

Although half of the spiritual roots have been determined, there is still the right to choose the other half of the spiritual roots!

As long as the two Heavenly Spiritual Roots merge, you can have a spirit of an immortal weapon.

This is a cross-era treasure, which is enough to suppress their Wusheng Sect!

"Very good."

Wuxin's mother glanced at the well-behaved Money Boy.

People are ruthless and don't talk much, just check the goods directly.

Someone brought out a heavenly spiritual root, and immediately asked Sister Lin to plant the spiritual root and bloom three flowers.

To avoid any problems when she took it back later, and any after-sales disputes, which would make both parties unhappy.


Sister Lin planted the spiritual root and bloomed three flowers.

This money boy died quickly, and they used the treasure that increased the probability of embers early to make her produce embers.

For low-level life, using such treasures is almost certain to produce embers.

With a crash.

Yin and Yang blended and circulated.

The spirit of the fairy root appeared immediately.

Wuxin's mother reached out and grabbed it, silently feeling the breath of the fairy root, showing a hint of shock, not hiding her joy at all: "Very good, very good, worthy of being the embryo of a fairy weapon!"

The high-level Wusheng Sect next to him couldn't help but be curious.

"Senior, what is this immortal power?"

"Yes, we don't have the technology of the Doukou family. We can only take two similar spiritual roots and fuse them. It depends on luck to create a magical power. But no matter what kind of magical power it is, it must be powerful enough to defy the heavens!"

"We are now very lucky, and this spiritual root must be powerful enough!"

They said one after another.

Wuxin's mother smiled and looked at the people outside the gauze curtain, saying lightly:

"You don't need to know the details. This spirit of the weapon still needs to be studied. We have to find a master craftsman to cast the body of the weapon for us."

Seeing that this person did not talk about it, everyone did not dare to ask more.

Wuxin Old Mother said: "Next, where is the inherited spiritual root of Xirong God Craftsman?"

Ning Zheng said: "Please let those who have not opened their spiritual roots come, and it is best to be a dead person."

"Spiritual roots can only be opened by dead people?"

Everyone was shocked.

Could this be the secret of Xirong God Craftsman?

"Yes, we were also very surprised at first."

Ning Zheng said: "However, it is also possible that the spiritual roots we stole at that time were still immature versions, and they were cultivated and advanced and mutated afterwards."

Everyone was thoughtful.

Ning Zheng did not hide it from them. They would know it after studying it for a while.

"It just so happens that we also have mortal descendants with good qualifications." Wuxin Old Mother said.

After all, even the royal family of Xin Dynasty can give birth to mortals without spiritual roots. In that era, they naturally had descendants who could not practice.

So in a struggle for interests, a woman came out.

"Please give me a private room." Ning Zheng said lightly, glancing at the woman.

"Hello, senior."

"My name is Wusheng Jing."

The other party also smiled gently at Ning Zheng. He was quite well-educated. The surname of Wusheng Sect was Wusheng.

Obviously, the other party was also a mortal like Princess Xin'e.

In their era, they only had amazing talent and talent. Even when they were alive, they could improve the skills and research some things, becoming "Wang Yuyan" who could not practice but guide others to practice.

Because they had no qualifications for practice, they could only live a life of depression.

If this kind of people got the key to practice in the post-natal myth era, they could almost soar to the sky.

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