This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 253 Troubled Times, Age of Exploration

Sword-casting Villa.

Ning Zheng sat on a chair and sorted out his recent plans.

Calculating the time, there are still more than 40 days before the catastrophe of Jiuzhou that he expected.

He is not one of those little blacksmiths who have fun in the mountains every day. He has a growing sense of urgency in his heart.

So, he couldn't wait to move the villa away from the place of trouble.

He is not a sage with lofty ideals.

The first reaction is to protect himself!

Jiuzhou is in chaos, and the saints are playing games. Ask yourself, what can a small cultivator of the Three Yuan Realm do?

The main body runs away! !

That is the most important thing.

With his own cultivation speed, it only takes a few months from scratch to the Second Phase Realm. If he is given some more time, it will not be difficult to catch up with them.

Why waste time?

Hide if you can.

Even with the identity of Xirong God Craftsman, he should not join in the fun!

For details, please refer to Xinyi Baishan, Doukouhong and others. They are still slacking off and are oblivious to the outside world. Whoever is in power is in power. After the opening of the dynasty, they must be courteous and ask them to serve in the court.

Neutral professions must have a neutral attitude. Whoever wins will be the one to listen to.


The day after Ning Zheng received the news from the Wusheng Sect branch in the capital and completed the transaction, bad news came from all over Jiuzhou.

Local cities in various continents have suffered various disasters, and a huge wave of strange tides is attacking the entire Jiuzhou.

Powerful one-heart realm beings stand in the sky of various forces.

"Hand over the inheritance."

"Those who don't hand it over will die."

The local Sanyuan Realm families trembled.

They handed over their family spiritual roots, classics, and various magical inheritances, and did not dare to resist at all.

These advance troops from the imperial mausoleum were obviously collecting new era skills and inheritances, offering them to their saints and filling the treasury.

This scared Ning Zheng who got the news.

Even the think tank of the Sword-Forging Villa was confused:

"This is the real rebel, coming out of various historical time periods, it's too scary. Can our godfather Xin withstand it? With this number of rebels, only the Saint Jiusui can withstand it, right?"

"Don't make trouble, Xin's godfather is also the second strongest in human history, a master of the innate spiritual root era! The last saint of the innate myth era!"

"We can only cheer for the godfather, we can't do anything."

"Knock more wooden fish, bless the godfather."

"Go to the blacksmith shop to customize a mechanical wooden fish, knock automatically, and pray for our godfather 24 hours a day."

"Be sure to hold on! Saving the world depends on you~godfather!"

In the blacksmith shop, they chatted while forging iron.

The war in Jiuzhou became more and more intense, and there were wailing everywhere.

A large number of middle-grade forces were conquered, forcibly incorporated into the various invading advance armies, and brought to their various strongholds and local cities.

Ning Zheng was also in shock, "This is too fierce."

If he hadn't made preparations in advance, it is estimated that when the people occupied Pingchang City, it would be his middle-grade Xuelihua family and the middle-grade tomb-robbing Shi family that would be attacked.

If his Xuelihua family was taken to the city and forced into the army

He dared not even think about the scene!!

Maybe it is a new plot?

A group of unscrupulous little blacksmiths in the army's blacksmith shop, chattering, stealing soldiers' equipment while forging iron, and rummaging through their tents?

This picture is too beautiful!

It is estimated that which army will be defeated by the rebel army.

In any case, Ning Zheng knew that he reminded Xinyizhou City to prepare in advance, and he also ran away in advance.

Even some upper-grade forces in the deep mountains showed signs of being attacked.

This scared many forces with upper-grade spiritual roots, and they began to gather together frantically, hide, and seek shelter from their upper-line families and various heaven-level forces.

This led to terrible chaos in all states except Xinyizhou, with waves of disaster victims everywhere, which was even more chaotic than the Red Sun period.


More and more forces in various states saw that the situation was not good, and let huge statues of Dharma drag their clans forward in the wilderness and began to run away.

Of course, there were also some clever ghosts who ran to seek the protection of the big families early, and gloated at this time:

"You are so stupid. The entire Xinyizhou continent has entered the war fortress mode. Obviously, the atmosphere is not right. Why don't you find someone to join forces early?"

"Smart families have used Sanhua early to explore the secrets of the capital and started to prepare! Go to the Holy Land family."

An old scholar touched his white beard and laughed: "Some families have long been corrupt, not enterprising, and have no spirituality at all. They deserve to be eliminated!"

"Don't you see what weapons Xirong Shenjiang has been selling recently? Ark, defense tower, all strategic defense weapons, isn't it obvious what this implies?"

"In the entire Jiuzhou, Xinyizhou suffered the least damage!"

Countless people envy.

Xinyizhou City instantly became a continent that countless people in Jiuzhou envied, and it was the most ideal place to live.

Even some independent cultivators and families with small populations wanted to move their entire families to Xinyizhou City.

The teleportation array in Xinyizhou City never stopped.

It is said that one eternal teleportation array will break down in a day!

The more powerful the existence, the higher the teleportation load. It can be seen that those big guys have gone crazy. In the words of the little blacksmith, this is comparable to grabbing salt in the supermarket! The teleportation array is crowded!

And the Linmen City in Xinyizhou City is even more crowded!

The war came too suddenly.

On the third day, Ning Zheng even heard that some local cities were very unfortunate and the entire city was destroyed!

A city, but tens of millions of people are guaranteed, it has suddenly become a ghost city, how terrible?

It is a rare and huge tragedy in human history! !

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And the death and injury in the Rose Continent is the most serious.

This continent, which was originally known as the most disgusting anti-injury macho body cultivation, is now too prosperous because of the strong yang energy and the strong breath of young meat, which easily attracts the madness of the fierce and ghost, causing countless rampages.

On the contrary, the other side of the continent, where the Yin spirit roots are prevalent, has the least casualties.

Because their continent has too much Yin energy, it has caused the outbreak of ghost tides all year round, and the people have skilled countermeasures, so their people rarely die.

No matter what, Jiuzhou is experiencing drastic changes!

The strategic departments of various major forces are collecting images of local cities that have been attacked.

"Fortunately, we succeeded!"

In the conference room, Xin Yiyun and others were still in fear, and their eyes were focused on the crystal projection at one end of the table, which clearly showed the tragic scene of a local city in the Rose Continent.

The screen was full of black and red shadows covering the sky, and the crazy evil spirits were like heavy mountains, pressing people to the point of being unable to move.

"What should we do next?" Among the three thousand ancestors present, one of the fierce and reckless men in the past was also a little hesitant.

"The war came too fast."

The Sword Fairy said: "Let's protect ourselves first and take in more refugees from other continents! And strengthen our defense mechanism. I suggest spending a lot of resources to continue to produce the [Ark] [Defense Tower] series to increase our defense strength."

"We position ourselves as a doomsday fortress factory, protecting a human living area, and delivering various defense weapons to other doomsday living areas."

Xin Yiyun nodded, which was exactly what he wanted to say.

The entire Xinyizhou City must increase its power, frantically produce these two defense weapons, and recruit more high-level professionals.

Xin Yiyun stood up immediately:

"I will immediately post a message to summon the divine craftsmen of the nine states of the world, and all the major divine professionals, to gather in Xinyizhou City, come to Ximen, and build a city of hope for mankind together!"

"Gather the talents of the world and build these two defensive weapons together."

Now, all forces are very uneasy, and two views have emerged.

1. The main war faction.

All holy places, sects, state capitals and courts, join forces to recapture local cities and suppress evil.

The living people in the world, repel the imperial mausoleums in the tombs together!

2. Conservatives.

All major forces give up the local people's cities and directly form a group.

Because it seems that their advance troops are only at the headmaster level!

But if you provoke them, they will definitely send a saint-level existence to settle accounts with you in the future!

So, that local city, only a headmaster-level attack, they dare not take it back, there are various considerations.

Even, there are pessimistic escape factions who think that this is just the beginning. Now the upper-grade and heaven-grade forces seem to be able to protect themselves, but sooner or later it will be their turn to be attacked.

The indestructible garrison that has been passed down for thousands of years must also be captured.

They must unite to form a doomsday fortress!

Of course, Xin Yiyun also expressed his own views:

"Everyone, those beings in the imperial mausoleum, their original intention is not to eat people, kill people, they will only attack humans when they lose control and go crazy."

"As rulers, they hope to protect the survival rate of the people, and don't want to get a ruined country!"

"They didn't come to destroy the world. They will fight in the nursery to decide the winner, so we don't need to think too much, and we will not become their main target of attack."

"There is only one thing we have to do, protect the people, hold on to the doomsday fortress, not be affected by the aftermath of their battle, and wait for those high saints to decide the result!"

"They will not take the initiative to attack our Zhoucheng, and will only attack Zhoucheng when they go crazy."

Everyone chewed the meaning carefully.

This policy is essentially: drag!

If they can decide the winner, then the matter will be settled. But they are saint-level beings, the strongest heroes in the long river of human history. It is also very difficult to stop their aftermath!

Soon, the meeting ended and Xinyizhou City issued a call for action.

The local major sects and families of Xinyizhou drove the ark, packed up their belongings, and moved their families to "Xinyizhou City".

The nine states in the world are discussing:

"After this, their Xinyizhou City will not only accommodate 1,000 official cities, but also various major sects. Xinyizhou has completely gathered into a super city."

"After all, who doesn't want to go to the doomsday fortress of Xinyizhou? There is also the Xirong God Craftsman."

"Xinyizhou City will become the first fortress of Jiuzhou."

"After they use up the ark, I hope to borrow the ark. We will also move to our state city in Qiangweizhou. It's too chaotic here."

"Yes, we all gather into a huge doomsday fortress with the state city as the center."

The days are getting more and more chaotic.

Fortunately, those Tianpin forces traveling on the Ark were not attacked.

After all, even if they were down and out, the strongest living person of this generation was only at the state of one mind, but their ancestors had saints, so naturally there were saint-level city wall ancestors in charge.

They drove the Ark, sailing in a zigzag, constantly passing by some forces, and pulling them onto the Ark.

"Saving you is also saving us!"

"Living humans should be united!"

These holy places said this in a high-sounding manner.

The world of scholars values ​​reputation the most, and these holy places that have saved various forces along the way have gained great reputation.

The arks of the entire Jiuzhou began to set sail, as if they had completely entered the Age of Navigation.

And Xinyizhou City will become a "world-class shipyard" in the endless ocean, and countless large ships will pass by for supplies and purchase new ships.

This time, there were only two defensive weapons before, and they were just popular, but in this war-torn era, they have completely resounded throughout the world!

Ark, defense tower, how can this be a weapon?

This is the life of the people of Jiuzhou!

In this chaotic world, the foundation of survival.

"Xirong God Craftsman, is there a rumor that they have been researching this kind of thing before?"

"Fortunately, we prepared in advance."

"Savior, the real savior!"

Countless people sighed, and some god-level professionals went to Xinyizhou through the teleportation array.

They are also scholars, so why don’t they have the ambition to save the world?

Joining the shipyard is the best choice for them. Now every ark and defense tower can save one more force and countless people.

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