This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 256 Kyushu's No. 1 Divine Doctor, Convinced

Sanse Yunhong looked at it for a while.

He felt that the list was actually okay, and it was a kind of motivation.

It was not that he could not understand it. For details, he could refer to the professional lists of the major nine states. The list of divine craftsmen and the like also had the same purpose.

For scholars, a good reputation is a good thing, and ranking can motivate people.

But what about the beast fighting competition and gambling?

"How can this commercialization be so obvious!?"

Sanse Yunhong was a little surprised.

He was a little disdainful, even angry, and his good impression gradually disappeared.

The outside world was already full of famine and disasters, and various research and development plans were urgent. Forget about rankings, this group of old friends are gambling here and not doing their jobs.

This defiled the sacred academic hall and subverted the lofty ideals of saving the world for these scholars.


As he walked along, he was indeed carefully observing the entire City of Last Hope, which was known as the doomsday fortress of mankind.

The initial feeling was excellent!

He thought that the entire Linmen City was full of academic atmosphere.

The running vehicles, clouds and pumpkin carriages are all attempts by the refiners to communicate with each other.

——This is a competition among refiners.

There is a fragrance in the air.

He also knows what it is.

It is a spiritual farmer, cultivating spiritual plants!

The green plants along the way are full of mutant plants that emit strange fragrance.

In his eyes, if he is not mistaken, I am afraid they are all synthetic plants cultivated by the [Yin Yang Creation Furnace]!

They take "fragrance" as the main core, which has a slight effect of soothing nerves. The fragrance spreads throughout the Ximen City, bringing a sense of elegance of scholars.

Although this sweet air has no practical effect, it is in line with his classical aesthetics!

It also makes the scholars who come here feel relaxed!

——This is a competition among a group of spiritual farmers!

This made him even more curious:

"Every detail of this Ximen city reveals an academic atmosphere, and all fields are competing."

"Xirong the God Craftsman is a very detail-oriented and elegant scholar."

He smelled the fragrance and was curious about the [Yin Yang Creation Furnace] that synthesized plants, so he took a detour to the Agricultural College.

I thought it was a rigorous and classical academic atmosphere for discussion, but I didn't expect

to be gambling!

It was like a downtown casino, a group of people were watching the "live broadcast room".

There was also a group of old men and women who jokingly called the current Doukouhong: the first sister of the list.

"Absurd, absolutely ridiculous!"

The three-color cloud rainbow was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and the white beard couldn't help but pull it off several times.

Next, he saw that the two sides cultivated two divine beast eggs in the mutual competition, and after hatching, they began to be sent to the arena.

It was a quadrilateral arena, where two hatched cubs were allowed to fight.

The crowd shouted happily.

It seemed that they were betting and competing to see which side would win.

This seems to have become an assembly line.

Synthesis - hatching - competition.

And after the competition, not only a group of people are recording the battle data, but also a passionate host is explaining the ring.

At this time, a new competition is about to begin.

The steady voice of the male announcer of the TV news kept coming:

"Okay! After the accumulation of players from both sides, we once again ushered in the exciting mythical beast rally, the fourth game today."

"First, let us introduce the first contestant!!"

"The cloud-stepping unicorn dragon with green stripes, with a turtle back with extremely strong defense, exudes a strong offensive in its ferocity"

"The specific parent race is not convenient to disclose here."

The voice kept explaining, with emotion and passion:

"Look at our second contestant, it is the demon crane that we have won three consecutive victories. This is a veteran and should not be underestimated!"

"Now I declare that the competition officially begins!!"

"Everyone!! In our future history, it will be recorded that our Ximen, this group of 'Father Gods', created countless fairy beasts here, and in the battle experiments of [Fighting Fairy Field] again and again, in these natural selections, the origin of the fairy world will be revealed!!"

"We will lead!"

"We will promote!"

"We will create one divine beast after another!!"

"If the two fairy beasts in today's competition are strong enough, they will be the first generation ancestors of a great fairy clan in the future! And the two who created them will go down in history!"

This made everyone excited and full of expectations.

And the two top-level old men who participated in the competition also held their heads high and looked proudly at the fairy beast cubs they created with their hard work, as if they were sure that their fairy beasts would win.


On the ring opposite the Sword Casting Villa, two fairy beast cubs suddenly started fighting.

And a group of spectators, a group of people were clamoring.

"After watching it several times, I think the arena design of Xirong Master Craftsman is good and aesthetically pleasing."

"I don't know how long this batch can live?"

"It is estimated that they will not live more than six hours and will die young."

"The combat power is enough, but the bloodline is too unstable. The flesh and blood will collapse and they cannot live for a long time."

"Yes, the continuation of a life is not about being strong or weak, but the stable inheritance of bloodline."

"Everyone, how do you think future history will describe today's scene?"

"Let me think about the records of ancient history in the future: in ancient times, human skills reached the peak and broke into the forbidden zone of creating life. A group of great scholars who created living beings created the fairy beasts of the ancient times and opened up the primitive fairy world era."

"Another ancient mural is attached, hanging on the [Book of History of Years]. The mural shows two people on the ring, competing in beast control and becoming the ancestors of the fairy beast race!"

"Well said! This depicts our group of people!"

"Which side do you bet on to win?"

"What are the odds?"

The conversation among the crowd even made Sanse Yunhong, the first divine doctor in Kyushu, feel a little excited.

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This gambling actually has such an elegant meaning?

This is a supreme honor! !

No wonder these people are so happy.

"Our first divine doctor in Kyushu is here?" At this time, Mantian Shou also came over.

"You are here too." Sanse Yunhong sighed and looked at the nominal first divine craftsman in Kyushu.

Three major professions.

Mantianxingzhou, blacksmith.

Doukouzhou, spiritual farmers.

Even the last Pansyzhou, doctors, have come.

How arrogant were they before?

Coming to Ximen City means being weaker, so they are all hesitant.

They are divine doctors and divine craftsmen, unlike the Doukou family, who have no conflicts of interest and come to cooperate openly and provide spiritual root technology as shares.

However, they finally couldn't bear it one after another and came completely. The entire professional circle of Jiuzhou was completely wiped out.


It is already the first professional holy land in Jiuzhou that is completely recognized.

"Alas." Man Tianshou also sighed, "But we blacksmiths are okay. We have also developed basic yin and yang fusion magic tools."

Sanse Yunhong smiled, "I understand where you got this technology. You surrendered to the son of the Xinchao Saint and helped him kill his father?"

Man Tianshou: ""

Why is the mastermind now? Now everyone is rumored to be the son of that person!

Who spread it?

Originally, they didn't think there was anything wrong with surrendering to the mysterious person.

Professionals just support different factions.

Xirong Master Craftsman supports Xinchao Saint, so what's wrong with supporting the mastermind?

They gave them benefits.

However, Mantianshou did not expect that the mastermind would directly "collapse of idol". Not only did he claim to be someone's son, but he was a head shorter, he was also said to be the real murderer who blew up the imperial mausoleum.

The culprit of the chaos!

They are now trying to distance themselves from the truth, but their reputation is still damaged.

"Alas, who would have thought?"

Mantianshou sighed, "He is so stupid that he exposed his identity. He turned out to be a son who killed his father. How could this be known to others?"

"I wonder who exposed his background?"


Because of the "exposure" of the little blacksmiths, rumors were spread crazily.

The mastermind has now taken the blame. Everyone says that he is a son who killed his father. His reputation is so bad in the world.

It takes only one mouth to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them!

Ye Kuangxiu's "wonderful" reasoning in the villa was also wildly promoted everywhere. What the hell did someone do!

The mastermind who harmed Xin Xichen was still furious in secret.

"Let's not talk about this today."

The three-colored rainbow pointed to the distance and said angrily: "People are dying every day in the outside world, why is it so lively here? It simply tarnishes our academic spirit!"

What's the difference between this and a casino?

This is a shock to a classical and polite scholar like him.

"I thought so at first. What a mess of gambling, what a ranking, and the ring competition is not doing the right thing."

Man Tianshou said: "Later, I found that in the past week, this seemingly stupid model has continuously improved the breeding technology of all beast farmers. It's very scary."

"Can this help improve? Isn't this cheating money?"

Sanse Yunhong frowned secretly, "Are you sure? I saw that they gambled so much that several old friends lost their fortunes and their eyes were red! Isn't this using the name of fairy beasts to make money everywhere?"

Man Tianshou smiled:

"It is precisely because of this that their enthusiasm can be stimulated. They study like crazy and come here to participate in the competition every day, hoping to make better fairy beasts. I asked the dazzling housekeeper, and he told me that this is called the [Fighting Cricket] mode."

"[Fighting Crickets] makes people progress. Everyone will be unable to sleep day and night, and they are crazy about researching a stronger [Cricket King] to fight back in the ring."

Fighting Crickets?

Sanse Yunhong, the best doctor in Jiuzhou, was stunned.

But he was not stupid, and he understood the deep meaning of it at once.

This is a research model that is proficient in human nature!

This is much better than the usual dull research.

The essence of the ring competition is to collect data after the experiment, and it can also form an alternative competition through this competition, a crazy cricket fight.

Kill two birds with one stone.


Sanse Yunhong couldn't help but exclaimed, "I am shallow-minded. I had a superficial look before and doubted that the other party was not doing their job. There was a turbulent disaster outside, and they were gambling and having fun here."

This seemingly unrestrained model has the strongest actual combat effect.

"Are you convinced?" Man Tianshou said.

"I am convinced, really convinced." Sanse Yunhong sighed, "There are details everywhere, even the gambling here that seems to be singing and dancing is to strive to promote research."

The means of transportation is a competition for the blacksmith profession.

The street aromatherapy is a competition for the spiritual farmer profession.

The beast fighting arena is a competition for the synthesis of fairy beasts.

The competition among the professionals in this city, the communication and discussion of the great powers are perfectly reflected in every small detail of the city!

This is the ocean of knowledge, and all kinds of knowledge are bursting here!

This will become a discussion place for human history, where everyone discusses and competes!

The three-color cloud rainbow completely understands that in the city of Ximen, the research in the field of fairyland of various professions will usher in breakthroughs.

The rumors outside are not wrong.

——This is the city of hope for mankind.

Carrying the important mission of saving the world and fighting against the ancient imperial tombs!

"This place is destined to be famous for eternity, and even the city of [Gods of the Origin of the Fairyland], right?" The three-color cloud rainbow couldn't help but say.

Looking at the noisy people in the distance who were still trying to merge the fairy beasts and compete, Mantianshou nodded woodenly.

"Yes, if we make achievements, you and I will all be the gods of the ancient immortal way."

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