This is the most primitive human ancestor! Perhaps, the blood flowing in many humans in Jiuzhou now comes from his body. He is the first hairless ape in the human world. The fur cycle, this system is very primitive and rough in modern humans. Because modern humans basically have no hair, how to circulate? So. This method is not suitable for this era, but it is the most suitable for that ancient era! In that era, hair was abundant. "The second fur cycle, this speculation, not only conforms to our development of the history of hairy apes, but also indicates the transition period from apes to primitive people." "It also fits the virus in front of us." "They should have used the fur civilization to its peak. It is natural to use this hair as a means to make all living beings grow hair." They pointed at the little blacksmiths who turned into plush apes. The Sword Fairy said seriously: "I think that with the evolution of human beings, the intelligence of apes should be lower than that of modern people."

"But this ape ancestor has such a sinister plan, a meteorite attack, and he doesn't use his own background as bait, but smashes the tombs of other tomb owners as bait. He is too immoral and too thrifty. Obviously, he is very smart."

"He is worthy of being the most intelligent ancient ape, leading the ape tribe forward and finally transforming into a human sage."

Everyone nodded.

Three-color Cloud Rainbow also immediately expressed his own suggestions and joined the discussion:

"Our inference about the puppet structure is still valid!"

"Because we found that those hairs do have the ability to control people."

"They use hair to the peak and use hair to treat people as puppets. It's normal."

Three-color Cloud Rainbow said. Doukouhong couldn't help but interrupt: "The other party's infection is obviously to turn the entire Jiuzhou into apes, grow hair again, and return to the ape myth era he ruled!" Everyone present couldn't help but be silent for a while, looking at each other with fear. Today, all the people in Jiuzhou have reverted to their ancestors and are all hairy apes. This is a bit "Too creepy! My aesthetics can't accept it." The sword fairy couldn't help but say. "Each period has its own aesthetics, and people's aesthetics change with the times." A historian next to him was very rational and analyzed: "From the perspective of human historical evolution, today's human aesthetics are not innate, because human civilization has been around for too long, and has formed an aesthetic for people." "If we return to apes, we will usher in an unprecedented era of fertility plummeting, and we will not be able to accept each other as apes." "But our adaptability is extremely strong. It only takes a few hundred years for the new generation of apes to alternate, and apes are everywhere. We will return to the aesthetics of apes." "On the list of beauties in Jiuzhou, we will see a group of beautiful apes." It makes sense. But most people still can't accept it!!

Xinyi Baishan also began to join the discussion:

"According to this situation, this ancient ape emperor should be a unique existence in the imperial mausoleum."

"Because he is an ape, only he can turn people back into ancient apes."

"No matter what historical period the other saints are from, they are guaranteed to be human beings. They will not commit adultery and turn people back into apes."

Everyone nodded and agreed with his statement.

The good news now is: only an ancient existence in the imperial mausoleum would poison like this.

The bad news is: this ape virus is going to spread, and it cannot be stopped at present.

This time, not only the ancient tombs descended, but also the clothing and dress returned to the ecology of that era.

Even their race will return to that period!

"This chaotic world is too outrageous." Even if everyone present was mentally prepared, they still seriously underestimated the degree of disaster in this chaotic world.

At this time

Ning Zheng, who had been listening to their discussion in secret, finally spoke up. As the real person in charge of Ximen, he distributed tasks to everyone:

"Everyone, let's start distributing your responsibilities."

"The lineage of the divine doctor has begun to study the antidote. Although this is not a virus, it is a kind of atavism in the flesh and blood. The human body has that kind of ancient gene, but we still need to study and restrain the atavism phenomenon."

"Historians, I need you to set up a research project. At present, I only know that there is an era called Rongtianji. The specific situation is unknown. I need the various forces in Jiuzhou to provide some of your ancient books and records, and everyone can piece it together."

"Blacksmiths, you still have to forge the ark, speed up the population gathering of various human settlements, bring them back to the Doomsday Fortress, and prevent the spread of the ape poison in the wild."

He arranged the tasks one by one.

In theory, these distributed tasks are also simple, and anyone can coordinate them.

But in fact, this is not the case at all. It takes a person with enough prestige to be the commander-in-chief to gather this group of unruly scattered sand and form an iron plate.

This is the importance of a leader!

A successful leader doesn't even need any talent, he just needs to connect the top people in all fields and become their hub

After Ning Zheng issued the task, he returned his gaze to the villa.


He turned off the projection over there and said directly: "Start to withdraw!"

"Ah!?" Jiu Cairong was a little puzzled, "Sir, you are leaving now, do you want to take a group of infected test subjects and isolate them?"

Ning Zheng glanced at them.

Bringing such a dangerous thing into the villa, if you want me dead, just say so.

The little blacksmith is not afraid, but Ning Zheng is very afraid.

This thing is a contagious magic attack, not a physical attack that a bodyguard can block, and it will pose a fatal threat to him.

"No need, the research has been initially completed."

Ning Zheng said lightly: "Although the second research will be launched, your batch of experimental subjects are no longer needed. Meteorites have fallen all over Jiuzhou. Even if we remind them, some people should have been infected."

"There will be enough experimental subjects in all places."

Ning Zheng drove the villa directly.

From beginning to end, he was very vigilant and did not come into contact with the meteorite crater. The blacksmith who entered also died on the spot and resurrected, and returned to the villa through death.

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"We have to go."

With a crash, the villa continued to sail.

Ning Zheng looked back and sighed: "It's terrible. Even the high temperature of magma can't kill these virus sources. This source of infection will gradually spread."

They have done initial experiments. Animals cannot be infected with the ape virus.

This is a special toxin for human attack.

But animals can carry viruses, and as long as they come into contact with humans, they will be infected and degenerate into apes.

It is conceivable that the source of infection in this meteorite crater will spread with various animals.

The final result is to spread to Kyushu, forming an unprecedented super-large animal disaster.

Wild animals cannot be touched or eaten!

Once in contact, humans will degenerate back into apes.

But even if they do not come into contact with wild animals, as long as the human doomsday living area still maintains the passage in and out, even the most rigorous disinfection method may bring the ape virus into various doomsday living areas.

Human living areas will quickly fall one by one and become ape living areas.


Ning Zheng's face showed a heavy look, "Is this the great horror of the ancient imperial tombs?"

"Even if the simplest model is used, the conclusion is that humans have no escape, and soon, the last human will disappear from the surface!"

No wonder the Saint Jiusui was so cautious before.

Although they had been prepared before, when they really faced these fears, they knew how worried the Saint Jiusui was!

As long as the Imperial Tomb is leaked, even if the Nine-Spiked Saint, the [Nuclear Button], is awakened to save the world, the entire broken ape land will not be able to recover.

Humanity will degenerate back to tens of millions of years ago!


"Humanity will evolve back to tens of millions of years ago."

Shrouded in white mist, a figure with loose black hair stood upright in the sky.

He was more than two meters tall, tall and mighty, but his back was not straight, with the hunchback of the ancient ape.

But this hunched ape brought enough pressure to Xin Xichen.

"How is it possible? How did you do it? What magical power do you have!" Xin Xichen's face gradually changed.

His body was actually degenerating into an ape and being controlled.

His body became extremely stiff, like countless puppet lines stretched on his body, making it difficult for him to move.

It was clearly an ancient ape with weak combat power, primitive system, and weak combat power.

"In this world, not only the strong can win." The ancient ape figure whispered: "Future monkeys, do you know what I relied on to lead your ancestors to rise?"

"It's here."

He pointed to the temple of the furry black head:

"You left a hidden hand and can take away the [core] into the tomb to try to control future humans."

"But I can't take away some kind of [core] into the imperial mausoleum to try to control future descendants?"

"You left a hidden hand on our future race? What did you take away and enter the tomb?" Xin Xichen asked in a deep voice: "Your era is too old, and you can't take away the famous Things called [artifacts] will inevitably become outdated as time goes by. They are garbage in today's era. How can they control the future era? Control my future self? "

"Superficial! ! "

The ancient ape smiled, "Only the weak carry artifacts. What I take away is a treasure that you future humans can never think of or guess no matter what!"

"No matter what, as long as I burn you, I will understand everything!" Xin Xichen said coldly: "As long as you die once, you will definitely not be my opponent."

"Very interesting magical power, it is indeed very strong in this era. Kill me, most of my foundation will belong to you, but you have to kill me."

The majestic breath of the ancient ape suddenly erupted, and endless pressure enveloped the earth.

"Future monkeys, just tell you."

"Hair, what I took away when I entered the tomb is your hair."

He grinned with a hint of sneer.

"Hair!" Xin Xichen's face suddenly changed, as if he saw something unbelievable in his life.

Even when he swept through the saints in the Xin Dynasty royal family and faced the absolutely brutal Jiusui Saint, he never showed such an expression.

Because this fundamentally overturned his understanding of humans! !

"What is a human?"

This ancient ape sat on the roof of a ruined house in the capital, flicked his fingertips, picked up a cup of tea elegantly, and said softly:

"You are complacent, thinking that from hairy to hairless, it is your evolution."

"Have you ever thought that this is something you are missing from birth that you should have."

"Haven't you discovered yet? In this land of Kyushu, only humans are different."

He dragged his chin, and the corners of his hairy eyes were filled with smiles.

"Is it that human wisdom is different? No, no, no, it's not. The wisdom of the divine beasts is higher, but their numbers are rare."

"Then, in terms of numbers, is it that human reproduction ability is unique? No, not either, there are countless species with reproduction ability far exceeding that of humans."

"It's hair!!"

"Every advanced species in Kyushu is born with a shell, scales, shells, and fur. Only you are unique. You don't have a protective shell."

"You are used to it, but you don't know how ugly it is."

"Knowing the tiger ? You are like bald tigers that suddenly lost their hair. A group of bald tigers live, ugly to death, and you have become familiar with this ugliness over the years. "

"Even formed their own aesthetics, a group of bald monkeys, actually selected a list of beauties. "

"In the final analysis, where is the creature like [human] in this world? It's just that the [hair] was taken away by me before entering the tomb, and living in the future"

"A group of hairless monkeys with defects."

"I return, walk out of the tomb again, and bring your defects back to you."

His voice resounded throughout Kyushu, and even the ancient dead saints of various eras in the imperial mausoleum showed extremely shocked expressions while secretly observing.

They appeared in various periods of history, and also took various [cores] into the imperial mausoleum, leaving behind secret hands to facilitate their comeback, control the future era, and ascend the throne again.

But I didn't expect that this first-generation existence would be so cruel! He actually plucked their hair directly and took it into the tomb as [core].

"Monkeys of the future, I am back."

"You will also become monkeys again, complete your innate foundation, and the common people will be healthy, and we will return to the ancient ape era that belongs to us!!"

The unprecedented upheaval in human history has already begun in the capital.

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