This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 70: God of Food: I am the God of Food of Heaven and Earth, Bonfire Eternal Life Great Saint

"The clue is here indeed."

Two days ago, Meilingran caught a wild foreign monk in a case, and found a semi-finished weapon similar to the Yin-Yang Rice Flower Sword on his relics.

It looks like an unfinished new style without semi-finished products.

He is absolutely sure.

This is Xirong's unique Yin-Yang Rice Flower Sword series.

And it was cast within a few days, very new, and should not have been released

"This Group of Players is More Weird Than Weird" Chapter 70 God of Food: I am the God of Food of Heaven and Earth Bonfire Yongshou Great Sage True Lord

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