A total of 160,000 popularity points reward.

Including the remaining 20,000, Cheng Feng now has a popularity value of 180,000.

The purple wheel can be drawn once.

Cheng Feng also found that as his popularity increased, the rewards he received each time he completed an event continued to increase.

Then, following this trend, as long as he completes a few more events, he can try to draw the black wheel that requires half a million popularity points.

Without going to the lottery first, Cheng Feng turned on his mobile phone and browsed his popularity online.

At this time, the video of Cheng Feng in the school conference room just now has been spread all over the Internet!

On the scarf alone, the hashtag titled "Save the children, a spark will start a prairie fire" has reached 120 million views!

Not to mention the crazy forwarding from so many other platforms, self-media, and news media!

Cheng Feng’s speech aroused the attention of countless people!

Everyone is angrily denouncing Meile Catering and the school's failure to protect children's health!

People are going crazy to expose the bad behavior of Meile Catering!

Soon, it attracted the attention of the investigation team!

Get in quickly!

What follows is a thorough investigation!

In just a few hours, an investigation notice was issued, causing everyone to watch!

The report stated that it was clearly discovered that Meile Catering had major food safety issues!

Meile Catering has now been sealed and its business qualifications have been revoked!

The relevant personnel involved, including the arrogant Manager Wang, were all taken away!

At this time, Manager Wang was already filled with regret!

From the moment he saw the news online, he was desperately thinking about how to protect himself!

But the speed of his action is far less fast than the fermentation speed of the fishing boat!

Within minutes of Cheng Feng’s speech being posted online, angry netizens found out where his family is!

Go to his house and throw rocks at the glass! His family was greatly affected!

But this is nothing!

Then Meile Catering acted wisely and fired Manager Wang immediately!

But this did not save them from disaster!

The investigation team acted resolutely and quickly eradicated it!

Immediately afterwards, Manager Wang and others were taken away, and they would inevitably drink tea for decades!

Manager Wang regrets it so much!

If he had known this, he would not have dared to provoke Cheng Feng even if he had been beaten to death!

He couldn't figure it out why Cheng Feng, a young man who looked like he was only in his twenties, could create such a big stir with just a few words!

Let him go from being a social elite with a comfortable life to being ruined and ruined in just a few minutes!

And Meile Catering is completely finished!

The school also responded quickly under the pressure of the investigation!

Many leaders, in Princess and parent groups, publicly issued apology statements!

In the video, the principal burst into tears and denounced his dereliction of duty!

Then, everyone bowed deeply to the parents and children!

Then, they immediately launched a new tender!

They also promised that after the bidding, they would select a staff member from the school and form a monitoring team with volunteer parents to go to the catering company's kitchen every day to investigate the health and safety conditions!

Moreover, after the new tender is finalized, all school leaders will accompany the children to eat and drink in the cafeteria for a month!

In addition, outside food is completely liberalized. For families without conditions, parents are fully allowed to take their children out of school to eat!

It can be said to be clean and neat, with a sincere attitude!

There is no reason why they are not sincere!

If they don't act quickly and are perfunctory again, then Manager Wang of Meile Catering will be their fate!

As long as Cheng Feng talks again, their lives will be worse than death!

They were really afraid of Cheng Feng's mouth!

Cheng Feng's mouth is simply the most powerful weapon in the incident. With just a few words, he can arouse the anger of tens of millions of people!

And Cheng Feng has also gained great fame throughout the Internet!

In the video, Cheng Feng left too many famous quotes!

When Cheng Feng said, "They are all my children, and I am the parent of all children."

The barrage was full of excited "Dad!!!!"

And Cheng Feng’s sentence:

"Then let me be the cannon fodder!!"

"Let me be the star that sets off a prairie fire!!!"

It made countless people burst into tears and shed collective tears!

How fearless do you have to be to dare to say such a thing? ! !

Cheng Feng’s speech infected countless people!

A young man is willing to risk the world's disapproval, when all the parents are under pressure and dare not speak out!

Come forward with determination!

How many people can achieve this kind of integrity? !

Calling him the patron saint of children is well deserved! !

Just looking at his back, parents and children feel reassured! !

No matter how great an educator is, I'm afraid he can't do this! !

In addition, what also shocked people was Cheng Feng’s eloquence!

The live video of Cheng Feng speaking in the conference room has been pondered over and over again!

People found that although Cheng Feng looked emotional!

But during the conversation, the intention was always clear and the logic was clear!

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