People looked at the furious Cheng Feng in shock!

Then, my emotions were suddenly ignited!

Too cruel! !

How dare you curse! ! !

When everyone was worried about this or that, Cheng Feng stood up!

Without saying a word, just two crisp sentences of national curse!

No fancy language, simple to the extreme! ! !

However, simple bad breath, the ultimate enjoyment! ! !

The scolding was too sharp!

The national football team is stupid! ! !

The audience immediately roared like a tsunami, following Cheng Feng and started cursing very rhythmically and neatly.

"National football team! Idiots!!!"

"National football team!! Idiots!!!"

"National Football Team!!! Idiots!!!"

Cheng Feng's powerful aura and huge appeal immediately mobilized everyone!

The deafening curses made people forget about the rain falling on them!

Even Sun Dahai and Ma Cheng couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts. As commentators and old fans for decades, their anger towards the national football team is probably stronger than that of many spectators on the field!

They couldn't help but stood up and cursed angrily.

"National football team!! Idiots!!!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room immediately joined the carnival!

They have never seen such a famous scene in all these years!

The commentators couldn't help but start complaining, which shows how infuriating the national football team is!

"Brother Cheng is so awesome! The scolding is so exciting!!!"

"Damn, a thousand words can be condensed into four words: National Football Team!! Idiots!!!"

"National Football Team!! Idiots!!!"

"Brothers, take revenge when you have a grudge, and take revenge when you have a grudge!!!"

The scene got out of control for a while! Everyone has joined the crusade against the national football team! !

The world preliminaries are obviously over, but its popularity has just begun and is still rising rapidly! !

Hot searches immediately dominated the screen! !

The third most popular search: The national football team was blocked by Monkey Country 3-0!

The second most popular search: National football team! ! Idiot! ! !

Hot search No. 1: Japanese NM! ! ! Get your money back! ! !

Many older viewers are not used to watching live broadcasts on live broadcast platforms. They watch live broadcasts on Yangshi.

After watching the live broadcast, I was so angry that I had nowhere to vent my anger!

I just happened to see it online and in the circle of friends, and it was overwhelmingly popular!

Only then did they realize that a young man in his early twenties had helped them express their feelings!

So, they downloaded the Shark Platform one after another!

Click on the homepage to enter the live broadcast room of the World Cup preliminaries!

The momentum of the scene made them immediately infected! !

What a good scold! ! What a good scold! ! !

The grievances that had been accumulated for decades were released in the sound of Cheng Feng’s slogans! ! !

These middle-aged and elderly fans immediately joined in, frantically posting in the live broadcast room:

"National football team!! Idiots!!!"

The female reporter from Yangshi was dumbfounded. She has never encountered such a scene in such a long time in the industry!

He doesn't even get used to looking at sheep!

You should be scolded anyway!

Facing the angry fans, she didn't dare to speak!

The faces of the national football players and the coaches of the national football team were green with anger!

With a salary of tens of millions, he lives in a big house and has sex with girls!

Eat sea cucumbers!

When did you get so insulted!

They are full of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction!

Wu Xiaoxi yelled at Cheng Feng on the big screen at the top of her lungs!

He was furious. He didn't expect that a young anchor would dare to incite fans to scold them like this! !

However, his voice was no match for the roar of the fans, and he was drowned out as soon as he opened his mouth!

Wu Xiaoxi was furious, ran around and found a loudspeaker.

Finally, he can make his voice heard!

"shut up!"

"You are a little anchor, what do you know about football!!"

"You also lead the fans to curse, what qualities do you have?!"

Cheng Feng’s voice rose another octave, and he counterattacked without any politeness!

"Shut the fuck up!!"

"You still have the nerve to talk?!!"

"Let me ask you, what happened to your first ball?! As the captain, you didn't know how to stand up and stop the ball when it came flying towards you, but you actually shrank your head?! You are a coward? ?!!”

"Have you eaten too much fucking sea cucumber? Are you shrinking like this?!!!"

"I think you have the same virtue as sea cucumbers. You look thorny, but you are actually a softie!! Is it because sea cucumbers melt as soon as they are exposed to the sun?!!"

“A person who eats sea cucumbers can’t do better than a person who eats bananas?!!”

"If sea cucumber knew your virtue, sea cucumber would regret that he didn't die in the sea!!!"

"Reflect on your fucking thoughts, are you worthy of sea cucumbers?!!"

Wu Xiaoxi was stunned by Cheng Feng!

He doesn't usually watch live broadcasts and seldom surfs the Internet. He has no idea about the power of Cheng Feng's mouth! !

"you you……"

Cheng Feng waved his hand and interrupted his words!

"It is the honor of Qingshan to bury loyal bones, and the innocent sea cucumbers feed the national football team!!!"

"RiNM, spit it out!!!"

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