Cheng Feng’s words fell like thunder in the auditorium!

People looked at him in shock, with unbelievable looks in their eyes!

Is this what he said?!

The leaders in the front row were all shocked by Cheng Feng, a young man in his early twenties~!!

Just now, they had given up hope that Cheng Feng could outperform Zhao Decheng in this round!

They all felt that it was already good if Cheng Feng could speak in front of the article written by Zhao Decheng, who gathered all the teachers from the Western Literature Group in Northern Qing Dynasty!

But Cheng Feng told them they were wrong!

The height of "The Story of Young Taki Country" not only did not crush Cheng Feng!

This article "Hot Wind" has brought Cheng Feng to a new level!

If we say that the whole story of "The Story of Young Taki Country" is grand and bold!

Then this article "Hot Wind" is a little more prosperous!!

This bitter irony made their scalps tingle when they heard it!

Not to mention this superb vernacular style!

The sense of mission and foresight that overflows in the article alone cannot be compared to Zhao Decheng's manuscript!

They were all impressed!

Before Cheng Feng arrived, they regarded Cheng Feng as a traffic darling, a typical symptom of mass vulgarity!

However, Cheng Feng overturned their arrogance time and time again with his sonorous and powerful speeches!

This is a literary genius!

He is also a swordsman who cares about the world!!

The students in the auditorium looked at Cheng Feng and shed tears!

Cheng Feng’s words broke the ice in their hearts!

Cheng Feng faced the blockade by Zhao Decheng and others and told them not to be afraid!

Their choice was the right one!

There is no road in this world, but when there are more people walking, there is a road!!

In the face of Zhao Decheng and others, these remarks would chill the young people of Long Country!

Cheng Feng wants all the young people to get rid of the air conditioning and just walk up!!

Ask them not to listen to self-destructive people like Zhao Decheng!!

Each of them can shine!

No need to wait for them seniors to show up!

They are the only light!!

Cheng Feng’s words speak to the hearts of all students!

They only felt that the hot fire was burning in their veins!

Get rid of the cold air!!

Cheng Feng’s words are the words of a man who truly puts the future in the hands of their youth!

Cheng Feng’s words are the most sincere and fearless message to young people!!

They can no longer express their inner excitement!

One student wiped his tears and applauded hard!!

Applause soon swept the entire auditorium!

Qian Kun even stood up and gave Cheng Feng warm applause!

Now, he can no longer face Cheng Feng as an elder!

Cheng Feng's two speeches demonstrated a literary foundation that Qian Kun had not achieved after a lifetime of learning!

He was full of admiration for Cheng Feng!

Not only was he impressed by his literary skills, but also by his compassion and magnanimity!

Faced with so many leading figures from all sides, Cheng Feng boldly used his voice to turn these dross upside down!!

Cheng Feng is a real husband! He is a real youth leader!!

The roar of applause lifted Cheng Feng to a dazzling position!

Zhao Decheng, who was sitting behind Cheng Feng, had a blood-red face!

He never expected that Cheng Feng could give such a superb speech after the entire Western literature group was dispatched!

All his arguments were beaten to pieces!

This made Zhao Decheng, who was in a high position, feel huge humiliation!

He was unwilling to lose to a young boy like Cheng Feng whom he looked down upon at all!


Zhao Decheng was breathing rapidly and his face was ashen!

When the teacher next to him saw this, he ran up quickly and quickly took out a quick antihypertensive medicine for him to swallow!

Then he helped Zhao Decheng to the lounge!

This scene is in the eyes of everyone!

Naturally, it was another shock!

Cheng Feng's article "Hot Wind" made the vice principal of Qingbei so angry that he developed high blood pressure!

All the Western literature teachers in northern Qing Dynasty have ugly faces.

The article they wrote with all their efforts was criticized by Cheng Feng as a piece of shit!

This makes them feel that their decades of accumulation have simply accumulated into a dog’s belly!

In the live broadcast room, Cheng Feng’s fans laughed heartily!

"Haha, this Professor Zhao is too narrow-minded, and he even suffered from high blood pressure!!"

"He definitely can't accept it. Brother Cheng's "Hot Wind" speech is so shocking to him in every aspect!!"

"Brother Cheng's literary skills are so great! We all guessed wrong before! We thought that Brother Cheng's speech must be over this round, but we didn't expect that Brother Cheng would be the winner as soon as he made a move!

"Brothers, I am really in tears! Brother Cheng knew that so many people were targeting him! He still stood up without hesitation and spoke to our young people!!"

"We can't let it get cold! We need to make hot air to blow Brother Cheng's hot air to all places! Brothers, rush!!!"

In the live broadcast room, the excited fans have completely suppressed the old man who fell to Cheng Feng!

They were forced to exit the live broadcast room in embarrassment.

The enthusiastic fans began to speak out everywhere on the Internet, and all the suppressed flames burst out!

Douyin, D station, scarf "Hot Wind" by Cheng Feng

Become popular quickly!

"This has always been the case, right?"

"There is no road in the world. When more people walk on it, it becomes a road!"

"May the young people of Taki country get rid of the air-conditioning and just walk upward!"

"From now on, I will be the only light!"

Every word touches people's hearts!

Cheng Feng is really the light that shines into the hearts of all young people!!

Almost every sentence in "Hot Wind" quickly hit the screen and dominated the headlines or hot search lists of major websites!

Especially when it comes to scarves, in the topic "Should young people be cooler or warmer?", the voices supporting "hot" have completely suppressed the other side!

Cheng Feng brings a new round of shock!

Countless old professors who specialize in modern and contemporary literature have praised Cheng Feng's "Hot Wind"!

After "The Story of Young Long Country", Cheng Feng actually came up with another vernacular article!

The writing style of this vernacular article has already overturned the entire Western literature group in northern Qing Dynasty!

Not to mention the purpose of this article!

This is from the perspective of the entire nation, because it awakens the passion in the hearts of all young people!

Tell them that only by going up and getting rid of the air conditioning can society have hope!

Don’t worry about your insignificance, just be warm and shine!

This is completely incomparable to Zhao Decheng’s speech!

In front of Cheng Feng, they turned into a group of pathetic self-destructive people!

Countless self-media broke through the blockade of Lan Fang and published articles to support Cheng Feng!

Under the inspiration of Cheng Feng, they turned into fireflies and gathered into a dazzling fire!

Under the powerful offensive from netizens, Lan Fang’s scarf on Sunday has been captured!

0Please ask for flowers…………

They were really panicked!

The Lanfang Department and several other media immediately contacted each other and quickly held an online conference.

Discuss next steps!

If they can't suppress Cheng Feng this time, they won't be able to survive in the press in the future!

Netizens’ saliva will definitely drown them!

So, they immediately started brainstorming!

Soon, they grasped a key point!

That's what Cheng Feng might be performing!

Although he said before his speech that he was speaking without a script!

But an article of this caliber, and Cheng Feng’s fluent performance, cannot be unscripted at all!

Cheng Feng obviously prepared the manuscript in advance!

Then, they diverge from there!

Since Cheng Feng prepared another manuscript in advance, it is very likely that the manuscript was not written by him!

Cheng Feng probably found some academic master to help him write these articles!

Then help him market! Increase traffic!

Now, the media found their way, so they rushed to write articles!

Soon, a long article that seemed a bit sloppy due to time constraints was posted on Sunday’s scarf!

The title is:

"Ghostwritten by Cheng Feng: The shark is the mastermind behind the scenes?!"

This article, from the perspective of Cheng Feng’s ghostwriting, claims that Cheng Feng’s two articles were both written by an unknown literary master!

Behind the scenes is the operation of sharks!

Shark Platform found a ghostwriter in advance, rushed out the article, and then deliberately asked Cheng Feng to recite the article in an unscripted state during this lecture!

It's all a show!

There is no such thing as a genius Cheng Feng, everything is a scam! It is a scam created by Shark Platform to attract attention and gain traffic!

As soon as this article came out, it immediately caused an uproar!

The idea of ​​​​this article is indeed very lethal!

He also cleverly diverted everyone's attention away from Cheng Feng and dragged Shark Platform in!

Just enough to remove the halo from Cheng Feng!

This speculation immediately gained support from many people who hated Cheng Feng, and even some neutral netizens began to waver!

After all, Cheng Feng’s speech was so shocking!

Published two world-class articles in a row, suppressing the old professors in northern Qing Dynasty and even the entire Western literature group!

The more I think about this, the more suspicious it becomes!

More media followed suit, and there were more and more articles questioning Cheng Feng!

"Cheng Feng is deeply involved in ghostwriting!"

"The Fall of the "Genius", the Black Hand of Shark Capital!"

"Cheng Feng is a sensational liar!"

"Using micro-expression psychology to dig deeper into various doubts in Cheng Feng's speech!"

The voices of doubt are getting louder!

Teacher Ma from the Writers Association, who had just been scolded and had his scarf posts deleted, saw that the whirlwind attacking Cheng Feng was blowing again!

He immediately cheered up and spoke sarcastically.

"I guarantee with my many years of experience working in the Writers' Association that Cheng Feng's ghostwriting is the real deal!"

"Many of my friends have been writing all their lives, but they can't guarantee that they can come up with such an article. Why can Cheng Feng do it?"

"I hope the majority of netizens will keep their eyes open and not be deceived by clowns!"

"I also hope that the ghostwriter behind Cheng Feng will come forward quickly and don't wait until everyone finds you out!"

"Come out now, our Writers Association still welcomes you to join and contribute to the literary cause together!"

All Cheng Feng’s fans have locked the door on his posts!.

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