The current popularity of Cheng Feng is completely different from yesterday.

Even before the broadcast started, there were more than one million viewers staying in his live broadcast room.

In less than a minute after it started airing, the audience soared to three million!

Popularity immediately reaches the top!

The senior leaders of Shark were all dumbfounded, thinking that Cheng Feng was torturing some evil person again.

As a result, I went in and saw that it had just started broadcasting.

Mr. Chen wiped his sweat.

This is too scary.

"Xiao, Xiao Li, hurry up and put his live broadcast room on the homepage! All recommendations are full!"

The secretary looked embarrassed.

"Mr. Chen, the recommendation seats are full."

"Won't you kick people off when it's full? Pig brain!"

Mr. Chen was furious.

Now, Cheng Feng is the lifeblood of their platform.

I can't protect you enough.

The secretary trembled and immediately complied.

A big game anchor with more than five million fans was happily chatting with a girl friend.

Suddenly I saw that the recommendation on my homepage had been kicked off.

Big anchor:? ? ?

Cheng Feng's side.

He turned on the live broadcast and went outdoors to find a place to eat.

There was nothing going on on the road.

Arrive at the door of a cafeteria.

Cheng Feng decided to eat here and pushed the door open.

The decoration inside is quite luxurious.

There were many people coming to eat, and it was very lively.

Cheng Feng took something casually and sat down to eat.

After the transformation with the potion, he now has a huge appetite and needs to replenish a lot of energy.

His powerful metabolism ensures that even if he overeats, he will not lose his shape.

Fried chicken, ice cream, twists, elbows, lobster and abalone were piled on the table like a mountain.

People passing by envied Cheng Feng's appetite.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was drooling.

"Oh my God, it's so delicious to see Brother Cheng eating!"

"Brother Cheng, why don't you switch to mukbang? Brother Cheng has the potential to become a big eater!"

"Brother Cheng wiped out such a big fried chicken in two bites? Awesome!"

"Brother Cheng Feng is so handsome even when he is eating! Ahhh, I'm dead!"

At this time, not far from Cheng Feng, a man and a woman attracted the attention of the entire restaurant.

The woman is wearing yoga clothes, has a fairly curvy figure, and has heavy makeup on her face.

The man next to him is a muscular man, shirtless, showing off his muscles.

This woman is a fitness blogger with millions of followers on all platforms.

At this time, she was running a live broadcast and said to the screen in the live broadcast room.

"Dear babies! Standing next to me is Brother Ding who has returned from studying abroad!"

"Brother Ding has a doctorate in nutrition and has just obtained an internationally recognized bodybuilding coach qualification certificate!"

"Today Rongrong specially invited Brother Ding to spread the knowledge about diet to everyone. Babies who want to lose weight should listen carefully!"

Brother Ding greeted the audience in the live broadcast room and then showed off his biceps.

The other customers looked weird at this scene. Why are they still shirtless in the restaurant?

This Brother Ding is quite big, but his muscles are not exaggerated. He is much stronger than ordinary passers-by.

But what they said next made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Brother Ding said.

"Today I recommend Rongrong to come here for the live broadcast, just to tell everyone how unhealthy the eating habits of us Longguo people are according to research from international medical journals!"

"The food here, nutritionally speaking, is a calorie bomb. Eating it for a long time is very harmful to the body!"

Brother Ding picked up a piece of fried chicken and faced the camera.

"See, this is fried chicken that's high in oil and salt. It's junk food."

"Everyone can just eat chicken breast. Don't add any oil, just boil it in water. This way you can stay in shape."

The person next to him who was eating fried chicken immediately frowned.

Brother Ding continued to introduce.

"And ice cream, which is high in sugar and a calorie bomb."

"Don't eat these barbecues, they're all rubbish."

"Including the porridge that we Longguo people mistakenly think is very healthy, it actually contains excessive sodium and is full of carbohydrates, which is very unhealthy."

"I recommend everyone to eat milk cereal for breakfast, it is very nutritious."

"To stay in good shape, you must be able to endure hardship and be hungry."

Brother Ding's words made the entire restaurant lose their appetite.

The restaurant owner's face turned green.

Is this person looking for trouble?

What to look for in a good figure from the food buffet!

This person is so annoying!

Everyone is having a good meal and enjoying the food.

As a result, he was said to be eating garbage.

Everyone wants to live healthy.

But for the sake of body, I eat grass and go hungry every day.

The greatest joy in life cannot be enjoyed.

Is this healthy?

Everyone in Cheng Feng's live broadcast room was also furious.

"Is this person disgusting? He comes to the cafeteria to sell anxiety!"

"According to what he said, don't eat anything, just give him glucose until he dies!"

"Even porridge? My uncle downstairs has been drinking porridge for decades. He is very healthy! He goes to spin on the horizontal bar every morning!"

"This person is not promoting health at all, he is just hungry and stinky!"

But in the restaurant, no one dared to speak, they all bowed their heads and said nothing.

After all, the other party is a doctor of nutrition who has returned from overseas and is also a bodybuilding coach.

No one thinks they can speak better than this Brother Ding.

Rongrong saw that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was full and started to bring goods.

"Babys, now we introduce to you the weight loss package we developed!"

"There's all kinds of vegetables, and corn juice."

“A portion is only one hundred yuan!”

Rongrong took out their package and showed it to the live broadcast room.

In the Cheng Feng live broadcast room, the audience almost vomited.

"Just this box of grass, how much does it cost?"

"Let's cut leeks!"

"Eating this is probably the same as being tortured!"

Rongrong felt even more proud when she saw many people placing orders.

He pointed to a girl eating mahua who was sitting next to Cheng Feng.

"Brother Ding, tell everyone."

Brother Ding walked over to the girl and cleared his throat.

"Mahua is nothing but fried carbohydrates, just like garbage."

"If you don't want to be as fat as her, then don't eat."

"Everyone must read the ingredient list before eating. Do not eat foods with high calories."

Rongrong on the side proudly showed off her waistcoat line.

The girl was almost crying.

She is not actually fat, she has an average figure, just a little baby fat.

But was humiliated like this.

The surrounding customers were very angry.

Cheng Feng’s live broadcast room also exploded.

"Damn it, why is this guy still insulting?"

"Is this considered fat? Do you have to starve to a skeleton to not be fat?"

"Why should we live according to his standards?"

“Everything you eat depends on the ingredient list, what’s the point of living like this?”

Brother Ding continued to point at the girl.

"You see this girl is fat, I will continue to tell you about the dangers of twist..."

At this time.

Cheng Feng, who was next to him, spoke.

"Brothers, let me show you a mukbang today."

Facing the camera, Cheng Feng picked up a piece of twist.

"Eat some mahua first."

"Brothers, before we eat, we must check the ingredient list of the food."

“Avoid junk food.”

Cheng Feng's words left everyone confused.

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