Cheng Feng’s words were like boulders smashing into the lake!!

Everyone was frightened by Cheng Feng’s words!!

There is no end to justice!

Because the truth always exists!!

How tragic is this!!

All the teachers and students were so excited that they couldn’t control themselves!!

They felt the blood rushing through their veins! Goosebumps quickly spread all over their bodies!!

This is Cheng Feng’s repressed explosion!!

This is the answer Cheng Feng gave when facing the attacks from these media!!

A college student from northern Qing Dynasty immediately responded!

He raised his fist and smashed it into the sky angrily!

"Justice cannot be killed!! Because the truth always exists!!"

Then, more and more students at the scene, whether they were college students or primary and secondary school students, roared loudly and vented their suppressed anger!!

"Brother Cheng did nothing wrong!! Everything he did was an act of justice!!"

"The truth always exists, you can't even try to block our voices!!!"

One call and one hundred responses!!

The sound of anger immediately filled the entire Qingbei campus!!

Even Qian Kun, who was mature and prudent, couldn't help but shed tears.

He looked at Cheng Feng's back and murmured tremblingly.

"Mr. Cheng Feng is really a righteous man!!"

Lao Song also wiped his tears.

None of these people, when they were young, were full of courage and were in a state where their blood was hard to cool down!

It’s just that they have been struggling in society for many years!

Many despicable things have become commonplace!

So I have long lost the passion I once had!

And now, I hear Cheng Feng’s angry shouts!

They all felt that the long-lost impulse in their hearts was awakened again!

For them, this is even more shocking than the talent Cheng Feng showed before!!

In the live broadcast room, Cheng Feng's fans clenched their teeth and trembled at this moment!

The tears in his eyes, mixed with anger, flowed down his cheeks!!

Justice can never be killed! Because truth always exists!!

It takes great courage and grief to say such a sentence!

They were all infected by Cheng Feng’s momentum!!

"Damn, I really cried!! How did Brother Cheng say such a thing!~.!"

"Brother Cheng and us, brothers, we can't be defeated by this garbage!!"

"Yes, brothers, come on for me!!!"

Angry fans instantly swarmed all over the Internet and launched a counterattack against the positions captured by the Lanfang faction!!

They are frantically posting Cheng Feng’s video clips, frantically copying Cheng Feng’s speech quotations, and posting them to various video websites and forums!!

In order to make their voices heard, all the students who did not know how to edit videos or write copy took action!

Under the guidance of big fans and self-media celebrities, they worked hard to learn all the skills that would allow them to convey their voices!!

Since Cheng Feng has said this, they cannot let the flame of justice go out in their hands!!

The popularity is quickly spreading on the Internet!

Cheng Feng’s words, “Justice can never be killed, because the truth always exists” also touched countless people!

This has become the motto of countless people!!

They were in awe of Cheng Feng's fearless courage!!

The voices supporting Cheng Feng are gradually increasing!

Outside the auditorium door.

Reporter Liu and others were completely choked by Cheng Feng's words!

He couldn't even imagine that Cheng Feng could maintain such a clear mind in the face of their pursuit!

Instead, they captured their entire car!

This made Reporter Liu feel scared for the first time!

He has been in the industry for many years, and he has always used the microphone to bombard others into scum!

It was the first time that someone took away the microphone and yelled at me with all kinds of curses!!

This completely shattered his confidence!!

However, Cheng Feng’s words are far from finished!

What’s even more shocking is yet to come!!

Cheng Feng holds the microphone like a sharp sword pulled from the enemy's corpse!

he shouted.

"You think I'm scared?!"

"Let me tell you, since I stand on this stage to speak today, I am not afraid of anything!!"

"I already have the spirit of sacrifice!"

"In the morning, I stepped out of the door with my front foot, but I was not ready to step through that door with my back foot!!!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Reporter Liu felt dizzy.

All the reporters present were dumbfounded!

Cheng Feng’s mouth is too cruel!!

All the “sacrifice” was mentioned!!

They looked dishonest, and they obviously just planned to use public opinion to choke Cheng Feng, but when it came to Cheng Feng’s mouth, it seemed as if they were going to kill Cheng Feng!!

In the editorial office of Lanfang Sunday, Editor Li was so angry that he smashed the ashtray to the ground!!

Ashes were scattered all over the floor!!

Everyone in the editorial department was ashen-faced, and no one dared to speak in the face of the furious editor-in-chief!

Editor Li’s teeth are almost broken!!

Is this still a fucking human?!

This Cheng Feng is simply not human!!

He almost had his throat split from shouting!

Are you fucking stupid?! Take his microphone back to me!"

Editor Li is now scared from the bottom of his heart!

The weapon they were proud of has now become the sharp sword in Cheng Feng's hand!

Pens can indeed kill!

But now, they are the ones being killed!

Give Cheng Feng a lens and a microphone, and Cheng Feng can turn them upside down!!

Reporter Liu, who was frightened by Editor Li's scolding, gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand.

Cheng Feng's next loud shout made him quickly shrink back.

Cheng Feng stared at him closely.

At the same time, I also keep a close eye on those sneaky people hiding behind!!

His voice is irresistible!

"Maybe today, I, Cheng Feng, will fall down, but the dawn is coming for all of us!"

"And this moment is the darkest time before dawn!"

"We have the power to break this darkness! Fight for a dawn, and this brilliant dawn is your doom! Especially!"

"Open history and take a look!! Look at it carefully!! The haze will always dissipate!! And the dawn will eventually come!!"

Editor Li cursed in Reporter Liu’s ear.

"Take the microphone off him!! Damn it!!"

Reporter Liu, as well as other reporters, have been suppressed by Cheng Feng's momentum and cannot move!!

Next, looking at everyone, Cheng Feng uttered that magnificent quatrain, which made everyone's scalp numb!!

"Take a look!!"

"Open your eyes and take a look!!!"

“A Cheng Feng fell!!”

"Thousands of Cheng Feng stand up!!!".

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