
Chapter 184 The Plague Knight is gone

“Hello, we have verified the information you provided us.”

After shopping with Elma for some food, the Yingnan newspaper called.

“How? Exactly?”

After closing the door, Zhou Li sat in the seat and asked neither fast nor slow: “I gave you the contact information of the Shadow Union. Have you used it?”

“It has been used, the information is accurate.”

The operator on the other end paused and asked hesitantly: “Our supervisor wants to Let’s meet you.”

“What? Don’t worry?”

Zhou Li turned the pen in his hand, and said to the operator with a teasing: “I brought you such a bang It’s not enough for you to feel at ease?”

It is because of your unconditional gift that we are not at ease.

For this unfathomable mystery, an unknown person who suddenly delivered breaking news to the newspaper, the whole Yingnan Daily thought he was strange. But after all, it is a profitable company. Even if this man is very strange, the huge profits he brings are enough to make Yingnan Daily choose to believe this man. even more how and the shadow guild endorsement of the twenty-four guilds, it should be no problem.

“Okay, we won’t make this kind of request again, Mr. Zhou.”

Although Monday claimed to be the subordinate of hero Zhou Li, Yingnan Daily reported that it was not too bad. taking seriously. After all, Yingnan has no concept of hero since ancient times, and Yingnan is generally not affected by disasters, and Yingnan’s own special disaster hero cannot be controlled.

“Okay, then don’t forget my payment.”

Zhou Li flipped through the newspaper in his hand and said, “You can count how much money and donate it all to the rescue of Jordan. It is in the project. Just take it as my little thought.”

“Okay, thank you very much for your support to Yingnan Daily and Yingnan, do you need to sign your name?”

Zhou Li paused while flipping through the newspaper, he thought for a while, and said with a smile: “Of course, after all, I always have something to gain.”

“Just write, a smart lava giant Beast.”


It was obvious that the operator didn’t think that Mr. “Monday” was not going to use his own name, but made up a pseudonym. Although the pseudonym was odd, the operator chose to respect his decision. After recording it, the operator sincerely thanked Zhou Li, then hung up the communicator.

“Zhou Li, there are guests~~~”

At this moment, Elma came from the living room with a slightly sleepy sweet voice. Zhou Li stood up, tidied up his clothes, and went to the living room. He came to the door and asked:

“Hello, who?”

“It’s me, Molly. Kiana.”

After hearing the name, a planned smile appeared on Zhou Li’s face. He pushed open the door, not too enthusiastic, but also politely said: “Miss Molly, you are still beautiful today.”

“many thanks for your compliment.”

Lifting the corner of her skirt, she leaned forward and saluted. Molly, who was wearing a gorgeous long purple dress, took off her white hat and said with a smile: “I would like to interrupt today, because there are some things I want to discuss with you.”

“No Question, please.”

Zhou Li made a gesture of please, then came to the living room and sat down. Elma on the side smiled sweetly at Molly, then walked to the kitchen and started preparing tea.

“Miss Elma is a kind and beautiful lady, I like her very much.”

Looking at Elma’s active back in the kitchen, Molly’s brows were crescent and she smiled at Zhou Li Said: “You are very lucky.”


Zhou Li indifferent expression, raised his eyebrows, “Who said no?”

“I came to you this time, using the identity of Chief-In-Charge of the Jordan Evening News.”

Putting down her handbag, she took out a dozen papers and handed them to Zhou Li, Molly explained: “We have received a thousand gold coins that you supported us yesterday. This is the detailed table of the circulation of gold coins, you can check and compare at will. What I assure you is that you have given away one thousand one hundred coins so far. All gold coins have flowed into the hands of people who are really suffering, and no one will embezzle even a single Copper Coin.”

Zhou Li responded, took a cursory look at the form, and placed it in the Aside, “Miss Molly’s reputation is recognized, of course, I will check and compare it from time to time. After all, not everyone has the same noble character as you, if there is any problem, please contact me immediately.”


Nodding, Molly took out another piece of paper. But this time, it’s a contract.

“One more thing.”

Zhou Li took over the contract and looked towards the title, which was an invitation from the Jordan Evening News.

“I’d like to ask you to do an interview with us.”

Molly’s voice is different from Elma’s, which is often as rich and sweet as her favorite honey milk. , but always with a soothing clarity. Molly’s voice is more like Yingnan’s black tea, very mellow, although not so sweet, it makes people want to listen subconsciously.


Even if it’s all under his control, Zhou Li still perfectly shows a puzzled and puzzled look. Looking at Zhou Li who was “doubted”, Molly nodded, continued:

“The plague has been temporarily suppressed, we would like to take this time to issue an interview with you. You have solved grotesque cases many times, and donated 1,110 gold coins during the plague, so the Jordan Evening News would like to interview you to see if you can give the frightened people some spiritual strength.”

Faced with this request, Zhou Li hesitated for a moment, and after a while, under Molly’s expectant gaze, Zhou Li slowly opened the mouth and said: “Yes, but I have a small request.”

“You speak.”

As expected, Molly nodded and motioned Zhou Li to continue.

“Let me ask first, is it a live broadcast?”

The communicator in this world can watch the live broadcast, but only the “interview” live broadcast of the major newspapers. Facing Zhou Li’s question, Molly replied as it should be by rights: “There is a certain script, but the whole process is live.”


Zhou Li nods , responded: “I agree, you can tell me a time.”

“So how do you see tomorrow?”

It’s self-prepared, Molly blunt’s Said: “Tomorrow at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, at the Thirteenth Layer of the Jordan Tower, we will have a special car to pick you up to ensure that you and Miss Elma will not come into contact with any infected person.”

“This is not necessary, I Divine talisman is there for you.”

Showing Molly the paper crane made of paper torn from the hero exclusive, Zhou Li said to her: “Elma and I will go by ourselves. Also, you don’t Should you just invite me?”

“Well, that’s it. You can turn to the third page to see the invitation list, but the most important thing is you and an officer named Roja .”


After hearing this familiar name, Zhou Li raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: “What is he doing now? ”

Zhou Li also contacted Roja recently, but maybe because of work reasons, Roja’s phone has always been unanswered. When Molly heard the news from Roja, Zhou Li was also interested.

“He participated in a secret operation of the Yingnan official, but it will be public soon. Now I tell you that it is not against the rules.”

Molly looked towards Zhou Li, He took out a photo and put it on the ground, with a little pride, he said:

“Just the day before yesterday, the Templar Knight dispatched the whole army and destroyed a nest.”

“Killed the source of the plague.”

In the photo, the plague Knight was pierced by the silver long sword. Its pale green eyes have lost its diving light, its peeled nose bone is covered with maggots, and its mouth, which is split to the base of the ear, is wide open and grows very large.

As if mocking someone.

(End of this chapter)

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