
Chapter 187 Conquest

Except for the famous Lu Yu appointment, the role of the general talk show host is all It is to control the field and lead the topic, and to help the guests promote themselves. And Molly, who is the first female host, is no exception. Her opening is very calm, which directly leads to today’s protagonist.

“Hi everyone, today’s show officially begins, I’m Molly, the host. Today we’re going to interview Detective Folders next to me.”

That’s right, this world ‘s TV shows are so unpretentious, Lu Yu is a lively host compared to them, after all, she can really irritate everyone.

Folders’ deeds were introduced eloquently, among which the key name was “Legend of the Fastest Detective in Yingnan·Eagle of Great Wisdom of the Empire·Folders Detective Solved the Werewolf Murder”, Rao is Zhou Li’s face became a black hole, and he felt a little speechless.

“So, Detective Folders, what was your mood when you were catching the werewolf?”

After a while, Molly would The topic was thrown to Zhou Li, who was a little sleepy. Hearing this, Zhou Li was no longer sleepy.

“Actually, I don’t have any special mood.”

Zhou Li’s expression was very indifferent and his tone was calm, as if he was not in the “dangerous” at that time, “I At that time, I just did what a responsible professional should do, and I didn’t think about it.”

“Actually, I’m not as calm as everyone says, I’m not a god, I’m just an ordinary person. A detective. At that time, there was only one detective in my mind that should do, investigate the scene, find evidence, analyze the evidence, and then arrest the criminal. When I think about it now, I seem to have nothing in my mind at that time, except to catch the criminal. Single thought drives me.”

A passage of Zhou Li silenced the audience, who were used to seeing heroes who boasted, but also warriors who were not good at speaking. However, Zhou Li’s remarks are clear, not only does not give people a sense of taking credit, but also makes people pay attention to his contribution, and he can speak truth.

“Thank you for your answer, and it should be said that Detective Folders has long maintained the habit of being a detective in that environment, which is very difficult to deal with.”

After complimenting Zhou Li normally, Molly entered the following text.

“We would like to thank Mr. Foldes for one thing. During the plague, Mr. Foldes personally donated eleven hundred gold coins to our Molly Foundation. This One hundred and one hundred gold coins are all used to help the citizens in need, as well as doctors in major medical institutions. Here, I would like to interview Mr. Fulders, how you feel when you donate, or Say, what did you donate for?”

Zhou Li was instantly refreshed when he heard this. He tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Oh hoo.

As soon as she saw Zhou Li’s action, Elma in the audience was shivered. She knew that, in addition to Zhou Li’s standard “kind smile”, whenever Zhou Li made this action, Someone must be unlucky.

“It’s because of hatred.”

A moment later, Zhou Li gave an answer that surprised everyone.

“Can you elaborate a little more?”

Molly showed the level of a qualified host, she did not lose self-control, but asked: ” We may not understand, can you explain why you hate it?”

“Ms. Molly, from now on, what I say has nothing to do with anyone, only my own opinion.”

Zhou Li pointed to himself. At this moment, he took off the skin of Folders. Roja, who was on the viewing platform, was stunned. He looked at Zhou Li on the stage and felt strange for a while. .

impudent, arbitrary, arrogant.

And the blazing flame.

“First of all, Miss Molly, do you know what is the most important thing to deal with the plague?”

Facing Zhou Li’s question, Molly just thought for a moment, and then immediately replied: “The government’s ability to mobilize.”


Zhou Li smiled, and he leaned back. At this time, he completely lost his so-called elegance and gentleness. Yes, there is only gradual arrogance.

“It’s money.”

“In other words, in Yingnan, if you want to fight the plague, you must have money.”

Molly was a little flustered at this time. , She seemed to know what Zhou Li was going to say, and before she could interrupt, Zhou Li continued:

“Medical materials need money, divine technique rune needs money, sorcerer needs money, quarantine zone needs money , the skyrocketing prices during quarantine demand money, and everything needs money.”

“But the problem is, the people have no money.”

Christine from the audience looked at the stage Zhou Li, he was in an area that rays of light could not cover, and Zhou Li, speaking in that only one halo.

But Kristin knew that Zhou Li’s speech was bloody darkness.

“He shouldn’t have said that.”

With some regret, Christine said to Roja: “Folders is finished.”

“ Why?”

Roja turned his head and asked inexplicably: “He’s right.”

“This is why I don’t want you to take my place until now. The reason.”

Looking at the Disciple that he was most proud of, Christine sighed, and then said nothing.

“No money for who people?”

At this moment, Zhou Li’s words seemed to have magic power, and people began to gather their attention. He didn’t look at Molly’s face, indifferently said: “It’s very simple, because of the high prices.”

“And the people who raise the prices are the rich.”

It’s a very simple truth, just like people die when they are killed, so simple that elementary school students can understand. But at this time, this is the sharpest blade.

“You have no money, and you have been called to your door by all kinds of pain during the plague. Does it have a direct relationship with you?”

“Do you dare to stop working? You can afford high prices. Food? Can you go to church, pay enough money to ruin your family, and have church people cast spells on you to remove the plague?”

“You can’t, but it’s not your fault.”

Zhou Li looked directly into the eyes of the demon warrior, his words were like a deadly whisper, and he couldn’t help but listen and think.

“There is nothing wrong with those who work hard, and those who are poor because of their hard work.”

Actually, I can save people.

I can go to the city, find the poor people infected with the plague, and use the power of Chonghuang to remove the plague from their bodies. I will be deeply grateful for the common people, and I will also be treated differently by the upper class.

But it’s no use, the plague will still find the poor and give them back the pain.

I know what you want to do, and I know what you want to do with the Gospels. You want to start an unsolvable plague, and let me play the role of an angel with the power to save the world. You will make me keep climbing, you will make Jordanian people respect me, and make Jordanian nobles need me.

The Jordanian people want me to save them, the nobles need me to help them, and the government needs me to calm people’s hearts. The public opinion gradually boiled and lifted me to the highest peak. At that time, I will be coerced by public opinion to fight this invincible plague.

Then, when I stand on the highest peak in Jordan, you will detonate the plague, and I will be thrown to death, from hero to hypocrite despised by thousands. It’s normal, it’s human nature.

But, you’ve got a little bit of a miscalculation.

I have never come here as a savior.

“Now, the plague has subsided for a while, and everyone seems to be back on track. But who can guarantee that in the next outbreak of the plague, you will not be the next poor to die?”

“So, I’ve been hating.”

You want me to save?

“You, too, deserve to be hated.”

Unfortunately, the Dark Emperor only knows how to conquer.

(End of this chapter)

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