Fahe thought for a long time and said: "The situation described by the donor will not happen here. With my cultivation, I can save all the children!"

Huang Feng shouted directly at Li Motang: "This monk answered irrelevant questions and made unreasonable arguments. You should cut him down!"

Li Motang did not remain silent this time and looked at Fahe: "So, the master is determined to break them up today?"

"Don't you understand? In the eyes of this monk, killing millions of people to save one person is a sin, killing one person to save millions of people is a virtue, not to mention bullying a monster!"

Huang Feng sneered and continued: "It is obvious that his Buddhist practice is not good enough, or maybe... you know!"

Some words are only suitable to be said halfway.

Li Motang did not respond, and Xiao Nuan beside him was full of doubts. What do you know?

Soon she had an idea and blurted out: "I understand, it may also be that he was born in the Buddhist sect... Well, Miss, why are you knocking me?"

Huang Feng squatted on the wall and praised: "Xiao Nuan is really smart, but this is what you said, it has nothing to do with me!"

Xiao Nuan was shocked. No wonder Huang Feng only said half of the words. He only offended Fahe, and she offended the Buddhist sect of the monks!

"Miss, I didn't mean it." Xiao Nuan was very aggrieved, with tears in her eyes, afraid of causing trouble for Li Motang.

"You!" Li Motang pinched Xiao Nuan's face lightly with his fingers, without blaming her, and looked up and glared at Huang Feng fiercely. She really wanted to cut him now.

Qingfeng was unsheathed!

She raised her hand and slashed at Fahe's demon seal that was covering Xiaoling.

If Huang Feng hadn't suddenly appeared and quarreled with Fahe, she would have taken action long ago!

The awe-inspiring sword energy easily shattered the demon seal.

The golden light dissipated. Xiaoling, who had escaped from the trap, did not fight back. Instead, she said weakly to Liu Chengshun who was running over: "My husband, now everyone knows that I am a demon. If you marry me, you will have a hard time surviving in Dongshi Town. Otherwise, you should divorce me and I will leave with this monk."

Liu Chengshun held Xiaoling's hands and shook his head desperately to refuse: "No, my wife, Dongshi Town cannot survive. Let's go somewhere else. As long as I can be with you, we can go anywhere!"

Liu Chengshun's mother was shocked when she heard it: "Son, what nonsense are you talking about? Stay away from her, she is a demon!

"Master, he must have been bewitched by the magic and is unconscious. Please be sure to exorcise the demon and save him. "

She begged Fahe again, but she didn't dare to talk to Li Motang who had drawn his sword.

The immortals can fly and hide, and their cultivation is extremely high. They should protect the people. This woman with a sword is hiding her head and showing her tail. She is not a good person!

She has made up her mind and will go to the Monster Collection Bureau to seek justice tomorrow.

As for the yellow maple on the wall, Liu Chengshun's mother thought of the words she heard when she often went to the temple to worship Buddha.

As the Buddhists say, appearance is determined by the heart, and the vast night cannot hide it in the slightest. How could he be a bad guy? He must be deceived, absolutely!

The demon seal was broken, but Fahe was not angry.

He raised his Buddhist staff and hit it hard. The six-character mantra hovering above was printed on the ground in six directions. Golden light rose and merged into a statue of Arhat, pushing Liu Chengshun away and covering him and Xiaoling.

In the Arhat statue, Xiaoling completely turned back into her original form as a mole.

Fahe picked up Xiaoling and faced Li Motang: "Amitabha, this is Dongshi Town. If we start a war, it will hurt the people in the town.

And I don't want to be enemies with the three donors. Why don't we each take a step back? If the three donors can break my Arhat statue, I will return this demon. If they can't break it, let me take her away. How about it? "

This Arhat statue is more than three feet high and glittering. The Liu family members have never seen such a sight before and could not help but prostrate themselves on the ground.

Li Motang's expression was solemn.

Huang Feng saw it and understood it clearly.

He found that although this monk was stubborn, he was not stupid. If he did not agree to his request, he would be at a disadvantage.

But if he agreed, Fahe would not go outside the town to compete. He also specifically reminded that this was in Dongshi Town. The area around the Arhat statue was as bright as day. The people in the town came to watch and prostrate themselves. He could defend with all his strength, but Li Motang could not use his sword with all his strength.

As one strengthened, the other weakened. Li Motang's hesitation was understandable.

"Miss, this monk is very strong!" Xiao Nuan whispered.

"Yes, he is very strong! "Li Motang responded calmly. Even if she was not absolutely sure, she would definitely use this sword. There was no reason to retreat!

Inside the courtyard, the night breeze was gentle.

Inside the Arhat statue, Fahe was as still as a mountain.

Li Motang pointed the tip of the sword diagonally, his light clothes fluttered, and the sword energy was emitted.

But at this moment, Li Motang and Fahe's faces changed, and then when the two of them had no reaction, the Arhat statue shattered from the center of the eyebrows.

Immediately, they heard Huang Feng, who was squatting on the wall, exclaimed: "Oh no, it went off! "

Mistakenly fired?

What does that mean?

Li Motang couldn't believe it. She just caught a strong spiritual pressure appearing at Huang Feng's position.

Then this strong spiritual energy gathered at one point, and penetrated Fahe's Arhat statue at a speed beyond her consciousness.

What kind of skill is this?

She had never heard of or seen it before!

Fahe's face, which had never shown much expression, also showed a look of shock.

He had been traveling for many years. Although he rarely fought with people, he had encountered too many powerful monsters and ghosts. He could be safe all the way, all thanks to the protection of the Arhat statue. Even monsters that were stronger than him could hardly hurt him.

But the aura that had just broken the Arhat statue was like tearing up a piece of papyrus when it destroyed the Arhat statue.

"Amitabha!" Fa He was filled with admiration and looked at Huang Feng, "The donor is powerful, but he did not arbitrarily suppress the poor monk before. Instead, he was willing to discuss the Tao with the poor monk. The poor monk admired him. Since he has made it clear before, he is the poor monk. The monk lost."

Fahe put down Xiaoling in his hand, bowed again, ignored the Liu clan members, and turned to leave.

Huang Feng felt a little innocent when he saw Li Motang glaring at him.

He was quite interested in this kind of contest where the opponent would not fight back. He rarely had the opportunity to practice in the sect. His hands were itchy just now and he looked at the Arhat statue which seemed quite powerful. He reached out to take a look at it, but unexpectedly it misfired.

"I really didn't mean it!"

Huang Feng tried to explain that it was not good to steal other people's limelight, but he still understood this!

"Since you took my sword away, shall I pass the sword that was supposed to be directed at Fahe to you?"

Li Motang gestured to draw his sword.

Just now, she had a hunch that if this sword could cut open the Arhat statue, it would be beneficial for her to sharpen her mind and sword skills, but she didn't expect that Huang Feng would snatch her away.

If you rob, you just rob. What does it mean if it’s not intentional? !

Huang Feng quickly shouted to stop: "Don't worry, let's deal with the current matter first."

Fa He left, and the Liu clan members were left in a panic. They wanted to rush up and kill Xiao Ling on the ground, but even eminent monks like Fa He were unable to retreat, so how could they dare to act rashly.

Huang Feng jumped down from the wall and waited for Xiaoling on the ground to turn into a human form again before saying to them: "The matter is now over. Let's discuss how to make a decision!"

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