This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 90 Careful as hair

Seeing that Wu Zuo was very nervous, fearing that he would be punished, Huang Feng reassured him: "It's okay, it's okay. After all, not everyone is as careful as me."

"Yes, yes, yes." Wu Zuo quickly agreed.

As for the others, they looked at Huang Feng with different expressions, and they were all looking for suitable words to describe this young master.

Huang Feng didn't care and continued: "It is precisely because of the reasons just now that I determined that Dazhu was not the murderer.

Dazhu usually does dirty and tiring work. Look at his physique. Although he doesn't look strong, his arms are full of muscle. Compared with Agou, he is obviously more powerful.

If it were him, he should be able to lift Master Yao who fell on the ground and prevent him from collapsing halfway.

If you don't believe it... Dazhu, don't hold up Master Yao's body. Come over and try to carry the golden catcher. "

Jin Captou: "???"

Huang Feng looked at him and ordered: "Lie on the ground."

Jin Captou had no choice but to lie flat on the ground. When he turned his head, he saw the body of Master Yao and felt very awkward.

"Don't use too much force, Dazhu, help him up." After reminding Huang Feng, he called Dazhu over.

"Here we come." Dazhu came over, put his hands under Jin Catutou's armpits, and fished up Jin Catutou, who was about the size of half a cow.

Everyone immediately believed Huang Feng's conclusion.

Looking at the looks in these people's eyes, Huang Feng continued: "Also, if Dazhu is the murderer, there is no need to hide the apron and boning knife. Just clean them and put them back in their original places. Why throw them in a room where the criminals will definitely check them? Here, it adds to the suspicion on oneself.

After excluding Dazhu, let's talk about the method of killing. The key lies in Master Yao's habit of boiling water. "

The shopkeeper couldn't help but ask: "There's nothing wrong with the tea, but it's poison in the tea, but how can we ensure that Master Yao drinks the tea just when he needs to do it?"

Agou quickly followed and said: "Yes, sir, this makes no sense at all. The villain is unjust."

Huang Feng shook his finger lightly, with a proud expression, which seemed a bit hateful in the eyes of others.

Li Motang wanted to hold his wagging fingers and break them hard.

Huang Feng said to Agou: "Don't worry, did Master Yao ask you to boil a pot of tea for him before he closed the door to make braised seabass? Don't lie, someone saw it."

When Agou heard that someone had seen it, he quickly said: "Yes, but I didn't poison him."

Huang Feng smiled: "You're a little panicked. I lied to you. No one saw that you boiled water for Master Yao. Of course, it doesn't matter even if you deny it."

Agou explained: "No, Master Yao did ask me to help him boil the water, and he also told me to close the door when I left. Besides, there is no poison in the tea leaves and there is no poison in the pot."

Huang Feng asked curiously: "You are not the murderer, how do you know there is no poison in the pot? We just said it was made of tea leaves."

Agou was speechless for a moment and said quickly: "But after I went out, I had a stomachache and called for help. I never went in again. When I was squatting in the hut, I even talked with a few guests."

A prisoner testified for him: "We just asked, and indeed a guest said that he had a few words with him when he was squatting in the latrine."

Huang Feng became serious: "Actually, as long as you understand the technique, everything is easy to explain.

First of all, the shopkeeper is right. You can't guarantee when Master Yao will drink the tea, so the drug you get is not taken orally, but heated by boiling water. The water vapor evaporates and spreads into the air, allowing Master Yao to inhale it. .

This way you can not only control the time, but also have another benefit.

You wanted to create the illusion that Master Yao stood here and had his throat cut, and you borrowed the apron and boning knife used by Dazhu to cut open the cow, just to frame others.

In addition to the fatal injuries, the autopsy will also pay attention to the mouth and nose of the deceased. Inhaling the drug diluted in the steam is different from drinking the drug. It is difficult to find traces in the mouth and nose.

Taking a step back, even if Zuo Zuo still has doubts, the first step in autopsy is to look at the stomach to see what he has eaten.

I haven't discovered it until now. Normally, I won't check if there is any problem with the chest and lungs. There is a high probability that it can be hidden. "

Captain Jin was puzzled: "But if the room was full of drugs, how could he come in and kill people? We didn't even notice it when we came in."

"This question is not bad." Huang Feng praised.

Jin Captou was happy in his heart, with a smile on his face. After a while, he came back to his senses. What am I enjoying?

Huang Feng explained: "Because if everything is normal in the kitchen, the diluted drug will be dispersed through water vapor and will not make people faint. He has calculated and designed this amount.

If you look at the structure of the stove, the firewood smoke under the stove goes out from the chimney, while the oil smoke and water vapor in the pot go out from the other two vents on the roof.

He put medicine in the pot, filled it with water, heated the firewood, closed the door and left, calling for help.

After leaving, he quietly went to the back wall of the kitchen, climbed up the ladder, and used tiles to half-block the two openings for draining oil smoke.

Because it was completely blocked, the kitchen was completely unventilated and easily noticed by Master Yao.

And he only needs to reduce the ventilation speed so that the amount of medicine that cannot stun people can reach the level that can stun people because of poor ventilation.

It takes time for the water to boil, and it also takes time for the drug to spread, so he took advantage of this moment and hurried to the latrine. With so many guests in the restaurant, there was a high possibility that the latrine would be occupied, so he deliberately chatted with the other person, and then someone would be there. He proves it.

After the guest left, he quickly returned to the kitchen and took off the tiles blocking the vent.

After the ventilation was smooth, the steam in the room dissipated quickly. He quietly took Dazhu's apron and boning knife, waited until the steam in the room dissipated almost, covered his mouth and nose and went in to commit the crime.

In fact, the crime would not take long. How much time would it take to lift up a knife?

But in addition to killing, he had to clean the pot, fill it with water and boil it.

Although Master Yao only needed half an hour to make a clear-cooked sea bass, he knew that even if it took a little longer than the time, others would not break in immediately. They would only open the door to check when they felt something was wrong.

At this time, the drugs in the room had been ventilated and exhausted. Not to mention the arrests by the government, even the monks could hardly detect it.

After doing this, he threw the apron and boning knife into the room, slipped into the toilet when there were no guests, and then left in front of the guests.

Even if there was no gap, it didn't matter if he met a guest outside the toilet directly. If he had a stomachache, he would go in one more time and squat for a while. It was normal to go back and forth.

But he overlooked some details!

The first is that this kitchen has the same structure as the one next door. Cooking is done on both sides at the same time. If ventilation is smooth, the situation in the kitchen should be similar.

But I found that the kitchen on this side is obviously more humid than the other side. Even if an extra pot of water is boiled here, Master Yao only made a dish of braised sea bass and was killed before it was finished, while Miao Zhen has been cooking. Why is it more humid here?

Because someone blocked the vent for a while, a lot of water vapor was accumulated on the roof and could not get out, condensing into water droplets attached to the roof.

When he reopened the vent, although the ventilation returned to normal, the water droplets already attached to the roof would not be so easy to disperse.

Another detail is that he cleaned the kettle and refilled it with water, but filled it too much.

When I came in, I deliberately looked at this kettle. At that time, I was thinking, this is not a fairy magic weapon, how can it not be boiled dry after boiling water for an hour. "

Hearing this, Agou changed color slightly and argued: "But this can't prove that I did it. "

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