This is a Miracle

Chapter 101 Cook and Maid

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"This is the ring?"

"And the bracelet?"

"Oh, it's a pendant."

On the second day, the Adonites came to the assembly square of the castle one after another. There were the Aden family, as well as the goblins and tree elves.

"It carries the power of Teacher Lilith."

As a witch, Miya immediately sensed the familiar aura, she realized it carefully, and then widened her eyes: "This?! What a powerful fairy power! It is the guardian of life!"

Guardian of life is high-level fairy magic, which is not a power that regular witches and title witches can touch.

At least they have to wait until they go a step further and become magicians before they can master such profound fairy magic.

"What a huge mana."

Green Hedge is a witch of the tree elves and a member of the tree elves sacrifice.

Her fairy magic is very strong, and she is the strongest among the tree elf girls second only to Flara: "Even if you become a magician, how many of such magic can we release?"

But look at the small boxes in front of them. After opening, they are all amulets.

"That's too awesome..."

Although I know that Lilith is as powerful as it is, there is a dimensional gap with them.

But when I saw it, it still shocked the girls.

No way, miracle creatures have unlimited mana and no energy, so they can do whatever they want.


Bai Luo stood up and said, "This is an amulet, everyone should get it, and be sure to carry it with you. Even when you're taking a shower, it's best not to leave your body."

Things that save lives, they don't need Bai Luo to say that they know how to deal with it.

It doesn't matter on Aden Island, but if you go on an expedition or expedition, how can this amulet, a treasure that is related to life, be able to leave.

Of course, in order to make it more comfortable to wear, Bai Luo also asked Lilith to perform this magic.

"Children of tree elves, because they all stay in the ancient tree of life and are protected by the miraculous power of the ancient tree of life, they will receive them later."

This is not selfishness, but to distinguish priorities.

The Adonites also felt that Bai Luo was doing the right thing, so in the next two days, after everyone had received the amulet, Lilith began to make protective items for tree elf children.


At sea, the ship has been sailing for three days.

During these three days, those slave children were well taken care of by Elsa and Gonia.

Their bodies began to recover, and with daily exercise and work on the boat, their restless minds gradually relaxed.


On the deck, Helbo and Ilona vigorously wiped the floor, which was something Elsa and Fiora could solve with a wave of their wands.

Koniaa said, let the children go to work.

Those who do not work should not eat.

Even doing something meaningless is training and educating them.

"What the hell do you think, Elona?"

Haierbo and Ilona are very good friends, but he really feels that the other party is naive: "I chose a maid before, why do you want to stop it? This is an opportunity."


"You are too protective of her," Haierbo said, "you have the ability, you should think more about yourself, I'm not talking about selfishness, but if you can have a position and show your worth, Nuonuo's life will be as well. better."

Haierbo has already seen the needs of the Principality of Aden. It does not want slaves, but wants to cultivate talents.

Such an opportunity is simply a gift of fate, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Blind protection is not real protection."


In the past three days, perhaps because of the better days, or because of fate, Ilona and Haierbo have always been assigned to work together.

Born in the Kingdom of Mountains, and both parents died at the same time, he came out to seek a living since he was a child.

This pair of brothers and sisters soon had a common language.

Helbo knew that Ilona cared about Junono,

So give him an idea.

But as Helbo thought, Ilona was too naive.

He actually planned to protect the girl by himself.

How is this possible!

"Also," Haierbo said, "you think too much. Adon gave us food and clothes. This is a hundred times better than the slave life we ​​originally expected."

The education that Haierbo received since childhood was the repayment of the grace of dripping water.

In addition, it is to find a wise man and dedicate his life and even his soul to him.

Although it was only a few days, Haierbo felt that he had found it: "Aden is a place worthy of our allegiance. Maybe we both will have a day when we can make achievements."

"You know, I don't think so, I just want to protect Junono."


Haierbo sighed, he felt that Ilona was really stupid.


At this moment, the big man suddenly raised his hand. He pointed to Heerbo and Ilona and said, "They didn't work well."

Haierbo: "..."

Elona: "..."

Two people: "I rely on!"

The big man did not intend to target him, he was really mindless, and simply obeyed the tasks assigned by Gonia to supervise the work of the boys and girls.

"Hilbo, Ilona."


"No dinner allowed."


In three days, their bodies have been recuperated, and if they don't eat for one night, they must be hungry, but it's nothing.

On the contrary, going hungry together has deepened the friendship between the two.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Sharing weal and woe, obviously hungry, but still laughing.

'hateful. . . ’

Secretly, Haxa glared at the two of them viciously, knowing that he was the strongest in the group.

Why they, but can be preferential treatment.

Yes, preferential treatment.

Watching the wind on the observation deck at night seems like a punishment, but it is actually an exercise.

Gonia is obviously cultivating the two, focusing on training!

This made Haxa's jealousy crack open.

It's a pity, it's useless for you to explode, this is Aden, not outside.

Dare to play ruffian in front of the Atons, it's almost death.

In three days, Haxa was punished many times. He was a scoundrel and knew that a hero would not suffer immediate losses.

However, Fiora is proficient in psychic fairy magic, and the Adens know exactly what he is thinking.

"Probably tomorrow morning, we will be able to reach the Principality of Aden."

Gonia selected 3 girls, who were selected by Elsa and Fiora, who might have the qualifications of a little witch.

But Gonia didn't tell them this, but conducted training as a 'maid'.

But maid. . .

Is it really possible?

Who in Adon doesn't want to be Bai Luo's personal maid, where can they get them?

Just an excuse.

"It's salty."

"Yes, sorry."

Ina apologized again and again, she wore a mask to cover her ugly face, and she also wore gloves, so she didn't have to show those scars.

These were all given to her by Gonia.

Inai was very grateful to Gonia, and being able to be selected and trained as the only maid made Inai full of hope.

Of course, she Ina didn't think she could become the master's maid, so she asked Gonia to come to the kitchen and receive the training of the cook.

Gonia agreed, and she gave Inai hope again.

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