This is a Miracle

Chapter 103 Laws

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"Is that the group of people?"

Bai Luo didn't come in person, instead, it was Norse, the current chief coach of the three armies of the Duchy of Aden.

Knowles got the Black Pegasus and Shirley's miracle power. Like the tree elf, it belongs to the lower miracle race.

Unlike the tree spirit, however, the Kuroda is a direct relative of the miracle creature Shirley.

Although the tree elves are also a miracle race, there is an intergenerational effect after all.

Therefore, in terms of qualifications, they should actually be equivalent to the purebred second-generation Pegasus bred by the first-generation Pegasus.

Yes, the aptitude of tree elves is not as good as that of black pegasus.

This also means that once Tianma Xiaohei grows up, the increase that Nors can get, and the combined strength of the two will surpass that of ordinary tree elves at the same time.

Of course, that is the future.

Today's Norse has just begun to acquire the power of miracles, and he can't compare with the tree elves.

"Have you been trained?"

"I've been training along the way."

Anderson and Knowles have a very close relationship, and the two often compete in private, learning from each other's strengths.

Today, they are a defense officer and a chief instructor, and even the nature of their work is complementary.

"let me try?"

"Just try!"

Knowles smiled and nodded. He stepped onto the high platform, and his face instantly became extremely serious: "All at attention!"


After several days of training, these children immediately knew what to do.

No matter what kind of character or gender, at this moment, they have become Aden's recruits, waiting for Knowles' review.

"Well, it's alright."

Knowles gave Anderson a "nice" look.

"You listen up!"

Knowles began his teaching: "I don't care where you come from, where you belonged before, now, you are my Aden's, but only Aden's, not Aden!"


Knowles speaks Common Language, and children who can speak Common Language translate his meaning into various dialects and convey it to the companions around him.

But there is one place in this sentence that is more eloquent, that is, the people of Aden and the people of Adon.

They are somewhat difficult to translate.


Haierbo raised his hand. Every time he asked, it was for the collective, and this time was no exception.


"Excuse me, what's the difference between the people of Aden and the people of Adon?"

All children want to know this question.

Knowles saw it, and he found that Haierbo had a good personal charm.

Such a person is suitable for leading others, or at least being a captain.

"Good question."

Knowles said solemnly: "This is called the Principality of Aden, and I am the head of the Imperial Guard personally appointed by His Majesty! My name is Knowles White Eagle, remember my name!"

Haierbo, Ilona and the others immediately silently wrote down the name.

Knowles just had his birthday, and now he is eighteen years old. He is burly and strong. With that light beard, his handsome face is more mature and majestic.

As the existence of male Aduns, second only to Bai Luo, Knowles was entrusted with important tasks, and he was also placed in high hopes by the Duchy of Adun.

"We Aton are not the same as outside."

Knowles continued: "One of the things is that I, Aden, have no slaves!"


The sudden sentence made the crowd below explode.

Children cannot imagine that there is a place in this world where slaves do not exist.

But the question is, if Aden doesn't have slaves, what do they do?

Some might say, wouldn't it be better to have no slaves?

In this world, however, slaves are private property.

When some nobles, landlords, and rich people fled, they would directly abandon the free people, but they would take the slaves with them.

When freedmen encounter robbers, robbers, and enemies, what a tragic end is there, and there is no freedom at all.

In contrast,

Although slaves are poor, as long as they are obedient, their masters will not abandon them.

"Aton has only Aton's people, no slaves."

Knowles said: "So from today, you are my Aden civilians."

"But don't think civilians are nice."

Knowles: "Above the commoners there are citizens, and above the citizens are subjects!"

"And now you are only the civilians of Aden, not Adon, because only citizens of Aden are worthy of being called Adon!"

"So next, I'm going to train and educate you for a month," Knowles said.

"One month from now, our great majesty will personally select from among you those who are eligible to become citizens of Aden."


For a time, there was a lot of noise below, and 120 children were talking about it.

After all, they are not professional soldiers. It is good to be able to stand in a military posture, where absolute silence can be maintained.

In this regard, Knowles did not rebuke, let them discuss.

"Okay, training starts tomorrow."

Knowles didn't say anything about 'let you think about it'.

They were the slaves that Bai Luo bought back. To put it bluntly, they were Bai Luo's property.

On this point, Haierbo and Ilona were very clear.

There are no slaves, but it's just a name change. If Knowles' words are taken seriously, I don't know how they died.

But even so, the two of them felt Aton's respect for them.

"Here, I'll start by announcing some of the most important laws you need to abide by in Aden."

"One, do not steal."

Knowles: "The plants and trees on Aden Island are all owned by the Lord. You can use them, but you can't destroy them arbitrarily, and you can't take them without asking!"

Simply put, everything on this island, even a single stone, does not belong to them.

'This should be for those who have the habit of stealing. ’

Ilona immediately understood what Knowles meant, and then only heard Knowles continue: "Second, you must not harm your companions."

"It's not just the people around you," Knowles: "There are also birds in the sky, fish in the water, and even small animals in the forest."



Ilona and Haierbo showed puzzled eyes at the same time: 'What law is this? So inexplicable! ’

But if you think about it carefully, if the mountains and forests are also regarded as the property of the lord, then the wild animals are naturally Bai Luo's, and of course they can't hunt them at will.

Birds cannot fight, fish cannot catch, and beasts cannot hunt.


"Third, don't do anything that harms Aden's interests."

"As for what can't be done," Knowles took out a pamphlet: "The specifics are already written in it."

"Today's task is to ask you to memorize it, and I will come to intervene tomorrow."

"If you don't know the words, you can ask someone who knows the words to read it to you."

It was only eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and there were still nearly sixteen hours today. Aden didn't have many basic laws, there were only more than twenty in total, and it was not difficult to memorize them.

"I don't need you to memorize every word, just understand the general meaning."

At this time, Elsa gave Knowles a wink, and our head coach immediately said: "Next, everyone will choose their own dormitory under the leadership of Miss Gonia."


Everyone was a little puzzled, but fortunately, Gonia took over immediately, and Knowles had time to ask Elsa: "What's the matter, girl, what's the matter?"

"There's someone, that one over there, yes, that stupid big guy."

"What's up with him?"

"He doesn't have a good brain," Elsa said. "You let him carry things, I'm afraid he won't be able to carry them."

"No, no matter how bad your brain is, it won't be..."

Seeing that Elsa didn't speak, Knowles said in surprise: "Uh, is it true or not, there are such people?"

"In the words of Sister Gonia, he should have an underdeveloped brain."

"So special?"

Knowles looked at the big man and asked, "What's it called?"

"The big one."


Good guy, I don't even have a name, just call it that.

Elsa explained the situation of the big man, and Knowles also wondered if the big man could be the descendant of a miracle: "Otherwise, show it to the big father."

The eldest father is the old uncle Saros.

His eyes have always been accurate, and there are two experienced old men, Andrew and Shan Weng.

Chances are they can see anything.

"Silly big!"

Elsa waved at the big man, and the three-hundred-pound child subconsciously wanted to come over, but he seemed to have thought of something.

"Big sister, that young lady over there called me over there."

After several days of training, even a big man knows to obey the rules and not leave the team without permission.


For this silly, very naive, simple big boy, the Atons have a better perception.

"Hello, big brother."

When the big man saw Knowles, he directly ignored his identity as the head coach, but Knowles was not angry, but raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Well, quite strong, if fully armed, it is simply a humanoid chariot. ."

Knowles was also interested in the big man. He pointed to a house and said, "In the future, you can live there."

The hut was too big, it should have been able to accommodate four people.

But now, it's only for the big guy.

"Really, really?"

"We, can we live here?!"

"Can we really live in these houses?"

On the other side, the boys and girls were completely shocked by Gonia's phrase "Choose a house".

The houses in Port Aden are so beautiful that even the landowners in the countryside do not have such a good living environment.

Although it looks simple, it is really beautiful here!

Even more astonishingly, Gonia said 'choose your own'.

She didn't want a few of them to squeeze into one room, but she chose whatever they wanted, even if she lived alone.

But Aton never did.

Although the dormitory with bunk beds can better integrate into Aden, Bai Luo wanted to see their reactions when they were alone.

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