This is a Miracle

Chapter 105 Eagle, speak!

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On the first day they came to Aden, the slave boys and girls slept well.

Compared with the shaking in the cabin, having a house to live in and a bed to sleep in is like living in a dream.

Even Haierbo fell in love with this place from the bottom of his heart, in addition to being a good slave and obedient.

It is quiet and peaceful here, where people live in harmony with nature.

It's so beautiful. . .


At 5:30 a.m., just as dawn rose above the horizon, a sharp whistle rang suddenly.

"what sound?!"

Helbo and Ilona jumped up from the bed almost like a conditioned reflex, and the latter rushed to the door of his sister's room immediately.

The former turned out the window, and then the cat lurked on the edge of a bush.

"What's that sound?"

"Idiot, that's the whistle that wakes you up, what's with such a big reaction?"


Haierbo was shocked and quickly looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

Strangely, he found nothing but a silver-white eagle standing on the top of the tree.

"Who? Who's talking?"

"It's dawn, you're not blind."


The first time was an accident, but the second time, Haierbo stared at Bai Yingyin. He opened his mouth, then shook his hands and pointed at the other party: "You, you are talking, Eagle, Eagle is talking!!!"

Why do eagles talk?

How can such a thing happen?

Haierbo thought of the terrifying black cat before, and he completely understood why it would give him such a huge threat.

If the animals here are all elves that can talk, then they are naturally not something that mere mortals can deal with.

"Could it be that this is really the legendary fairyland that my mother once told me."

Haierbo felt the panic that the worldview was overturned, and at the same time was extremely excited: "I, I have come to Wonderland?"


The fairyland in the language of the Kingdom of Mountains, Bai Yingyin couldn't hear it, but it quickly found the word 'wonderland' in the Adonian lexicon.

"You're pretty good at talking, boy."

As soon as Bai Yingyin finished speaking, the figure disappeared from Haierbo's eyes: "No, it's gone!"

"I am here."

The next moment, a human white eagle stood behind Haierbo like a warrior.

"You, what are you?"

"Why do you speak?"

"Here, is this really a fairyland, I was chosen, was I chosen by the great heroic soul?"

Bai Yingyin didn't know Haierbo's mythology, and it didn't explain it, just told the other party: "You are indeed selected, but not some mere heroic spirit, but my great majesty."

"His Majesty?"

Haierbo asked: "Is that the master of Aden?"

"Your title makes me very satisfied, and it is worthy of His Majesty to let me come to you in person."

"What do you need me to do?!"

Haierbo was very excited at this time, he was a talented person.

And now, His Majesty Aden has chosen him.

How could Haierbo not be grateful for this!

"Don't worry, I'm willing to do anything."

Haierbo is eager for the opportunity to show his talent, and he will be very loyal: "Even if it costs his life, it doesn't matter."

Her mother had taught Haierbo that only by dying like a hero can true glory be attained.

This is also what Haierbo desires most in his life.

Not a humble life, but a glorious death!

"You're still too weak."

"Then, why do you want me to see you..."

"Because you are talented," Bai Yingyin said, "My lord appreciates you, otherwise, His Majesty would not have sent me here to tell you the secrets of this island."

This is not a mortal island at all, but a sacred place, a wonderland of greatness and glory!

Haierbo is absolutely certain of this.

He finally found his home.

"Only, only me?"

Haierbo felt that he shouldn't ask, but he was still young after all, and young people all hope that they are special.

"Besides you, there are two more."

And two more? !

Helbo thought of Ilona, ​​but he didn't ask directly because it would be too rude.

"You are very sensible."

Bai Yingyin had seen the descriptions of Haierbo by the goblins, so she said bluntly: "In addition to you, there are also Inai and that 300-pound child."

"Huge! He, was he selected too? Great!"

Haierbo took care of the simple 'three hundred jins child' like a younger brother. Hearing that he was able to stand out, Haierbo was happy from the bottom of his heart: "So, what about Ilona? With all due respect, he is also very..."

"When the time comes, you will know."

Bai Yingyin said, and took out something like a pendant: "Now, put this on."

Haierbo was puzzled, but he still put it on: "Is this a reward?"

The craftsmanship of the pendant is quite remarkable. At first glance, it is known that it is a masterpiece (designed by my uncle), and Haierbo has the ability to distinguish and know its value.

This stuff is expensive, very, very expensive.

"I'm wearing it too, and guess what, what this thing is for."

Bai Yingyin wanted to test it out, so he took out a similar pendant. Haierbo looked at it and immediately said, "Is this a status symbol? Citizen of Aden?"

"If you want to become a citizen, you are still early, boy."

The pendant given to Haierbo is also a fairy item, but it only has a defense function, not a life-saving function.

In addition, it is not a weapon and has no lethality, so it is more like a protection for this potential stock.

"Also, don't tell anyone about this."

Bai Yingyin: "You are very smart, you should know what to do."

"I know."

"very good."

Bai Yingyin's figure disappeared, but left a sentence: "Tonight, go to the forest, you will know the truth of this world."

These children are not allowed to cross the forest, but just enter the forest, not deep, there is no problem.

What's more, this is Bai Yingyin's instruction, not random entry.

"Quick, quick, go to the meeting point!"

The whistle came from the church building in the center of the square. 120 teenagers and girls quickly got dressed and rushed there.

And there, Knowles was waiting for them.

"Half late, you are the worst class I have ever brought!!"

Once up, Knowles gave their set a zero, and then started running around the plaza.

In this early morning, no matter boys or girls, they have to go for a morning run anyway.

After that, the breakfast arranged by the Atons began, as well as basic courses, including Aton language, ideological and moral classes, and military training.

It was also at this time that the children realized the real purpose of their coming to Adun Island - serving as a soldier.

Yes, they were brought to the island to serve as soldiers.

No resentment, no resentment.

As a slave, no matter how you are treated, it is reasonable.

However, after getting this news, different children finally showed different attitudes.

Such as Haierbo, he met Bai Yingyin before, so he is very sure that Aden Island is a holy place beyond the mortal world, and being able to receive training here is simply a gift.

There is also Ina, she just wants to show her worth, so she is not afraid of fighting or something.

As long as she doesn't drive her away, she is willing to do anything!

By contrast, Ilona was worried, not for himself, but for Junono.

Because Junono doesn't seem like a good fighter at all.

Running countdown, the scheduled training can not be completed.

The learning ability is good, but Ilona is not sure what Aden will let them do.

If you really go to the battlefield, that little sister will definitely die!

It wasn't until this moment that Ilona realized Haierbo's foresight: 'Sometimes, there's really nothing wrong with being a maid. ’

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