This is a Miracle

Chapter 107 Inai's Fantasy Journey

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"I'm so tired."

"But really happy."

Although it was only five days, and he was still training and studying hard every day, Inai fell in love with Aden's life.

There is no discrimination, no strife.

Aden gave her food, a home to live in, warm bedding and comfortable clothes.

And all she has to do is to exercise herself, improve her ability, and serve Aden in the future.

Ina's thoughts are pure, she is eager to get needs, and she wants to show her value by spelling her name.

Aden gave her food and a home, and she made this place her home.

Inai likes what Teacher Fiora said in class: 'Aden is not only in us, but also in you, in everyone's hands and blood and sweat. ’

Fiora told them that Aden was fair and that they would be rewarded as long as they worked hard.

Such a simple truth subverts the values ​​of slave boys and girls.

Slaves, is there a reward too?

Shouldn't they be the private assets of the Duke and need to be left to their disposal?

So Fiora said: 'In Aden, all citizens are His Majesty's people, all are equal, as long as you can become citizens of Aden, you and we will not be separated from each other! ’

As long as you do well, you will be rewarded.

With such an obvious way of promotion, almost all slave boys and girls yearn for citizenship.

This naturally includes Ina, who wants to meet the 'master' who bought her and thank him for his mercy.

"Let's eat."

When Ina returned home, she put the food on the table, then took off her mask and began to taste today's dinner.

Because of her ugly appearance, Ina was reluctant to take off her mask.

Only when you eat, you have to take it off.

So every time I eat, Ina will hide in the dark, and at night, you can take it home, so even if Ina doesn't eat hot food, she will bring it back to eat.

She has low self-esteem and has few friends, only Junono.


Ina finished her meal and was packing her things when suddenly, she heard a cat meowing.

Ina turned her head and found that at some point, a white cat was standing gracefully on the table, looking at her so quietly.


Ina likes small animals very much, because only small animals will not dislike her ugliness: "How did you get in?"

The windows are closed and the doors should be closed too.

"Ah, sorry."

Ina quickly put on the mask, even if it was an animal, she was a little inferior.

"Hello, my name is Ina."

The girl raised her hand and wanted to touch Mao Yiyi, she would not hurt it, just touch it, not against Aden's law.

However, just when Ina's hand was about to touch Mao Yiyi, the cat disappeared. . .


Ina was extremely stunned. She looked around in surprise, but couldn't find Mao Yiyi.

How is this going?

Ina was surprised. The next moment, a cat's meow came from outside the door.


Opening the door, Ina saw Mao Yiyi standing in the yard. It raised its hand and made a 'come' gesture to the girl.

"Yes, do you want me to come with you?"

What a strange scene, but Ina was not afraid. She only felt that there was a strange intimacy on Mao Yiyi, which attracted her to approach.

Want to go?

Ina asked herself over and over again in her heart.


In the end, Ina made up her mind, and she followed Mao Yiyi.

In this way, Ina followed Mao Yiyi to the edge of the forest, and then she hesitated: "That, ahead, I can't go in front."

"There are rules."

"It is stipulated that we cannot enter the forest."

Ina had noticed that Mao Yiyi was definitely not an ordinary cat.

Ordinary cats disappear and appear inexplicably?

"That's because the forest is not safe,

But with me, no problem. "

At the edge of the forest, in Ina's surprised eyes, Mao Yiyi floated lightly.

A pale blue light wafted around its body, and it swam in the air like smoke, like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"Speak, speak!!!"

Ina was stunned, she felt that this was a dream, otherwise, how could such a strange thing happen.

"Am I dreaming? I, am I dreaming?"


Mao Yiyi covered her mouth and smiled softly: "You heard it right, let me introduce myself, my name is Mao Yiyi, hello, Inai."

Mao Yiyi is very fond of Ina, which is the resonance of the power of miracles.

The other party can adapt to the power of the goblin, and is absolutely loyal to Bai Luo. To the people of miracles, they are a family.

In addition, Mao Yiyi does not dislike Ina's ugliness.

To be honest, Mao Yiyi is actually still not good at distinguishing the beauty and ugliness of human beings. She only thinks that Ina looks a little strange, but she is not afraid or disgusted.

"You, did you really speak?"

"Cats can talk, why, this, how is this done?"

"You can still fly, are you flying?"

Ina exclaimed repeatedly, she never thought that there was such a thing in the world.

Inai is not Haierbo, she came from a humble and lowly background, and she doesn't even know a word, let alone those fantasy stories that very few people have heard of.

But it is precisely because of this that Ina can better accept and understand.

Because there is no worldview, any world can be accepted.

"Have you calmed down yet?"

Mao Yiyi floated to Ina's side and circled her twice: "If you calm down, just listen to me and finish what I have to say."


Ina nodded obediently: "You, you said."

"Don't be so polite, we are equal now and are all members of Aden," Mao Yiyi: "Ah, by the way, I have to congratulate you, you will soon become a citizen of Aden."

"Aden Citizen!!"

Ina didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, it's only been a few days, and he can become a citizen: "Really? I, can I become a citizen?"

"But why?"

Ina has no knowledge, but she is not stupid, her brain is actually very flexible.

"Don't you understand? Since it will make you a citizen, there must be a set of criteria for scoring and judging."

After listening to Mao Yiyi's words, Inai suddenly realized: "You, little animals in the village, are you..."

"You're pretty smart."

Mao Yiyi covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Those idiots thought they were talking and doing things, so that no one would find out."

But in Aden, the bird outside the window, the little mouse in the corner, and the cat with light footsteps, they are all eyeliners of Adon.

"I really became a citizen of Aden, I, I really..."

Ina cried with joy. She didn't know what it meant to be a citizen of Aden, but she stood out so quickly, how could she not make her happy.

No matter what happens next, if you are chosen, that's enough!

She is valuable!

Aden recognized her and accepted her.

Then no matter what Aden wants to do to her, even if he kills her tonight, Ina won't frown!

"Excuse me, what can I do?"

"I'm willing to do anything," Ina: "Really!"

Mao Yiyi likes this attitude very much, and Aton needs someone like Inai.

Ability can be cultivated, and as for talent, being able to adapt to the power of miracles is the greatest talent.

However, a person's character and thoughts, Bai Luo values ​​this more.

"It's not up to me to decide what to do, I'm just a guide," Mao Yiyi slowly swam in the air, and it flew forward: "Come, come with me, I'll take you to see someone noble lord."

"Ah yes."

Mao Yiyi turned around and said, "Let me tell you first, and you have to be polite when you see him later."

Mao Yiyi didn't tell Inai that it was Duke Aden, her majesty, that she wanted to see.

This was Bai Luo's request, he was afraid of scaring this little girl.

"Well, I, I know."

Inai is not very courageous, and even trembling in the face of the superior, how can she dare to disobey the other party.

"Then, come with me, you have to follow closely, this forest is very dangerous."


In this way, Ina caught up with the cat Yiyi.

The forest is very old, there are towering ancient trees everywhere, and the roots of the wrongly twisted trees are exposed on the surface, which makes Ina's way forward very inconvenient.

Many times, she had to climb over with her hands and feet.


Ina was tired and panting, but she didn't shout tired.

"Okay, take a rest."

Mao Yiyi stopped, she raised her hand, and saw a ring of blue fog appeared in the air: "Come on, eat something."


A few apples fell from the blue fog, and they were suspended in mid-air under the power of Mao Yiyi: "You were only a civilian in Aden before, so you only ate ordinary rice noodles and some bread."

"To be honest, it's almost the most simple food in Aden today."

Adonians are not picky eaters, so even flatbread, steamed buns, or even white rice, they can eat happily.

After all, the amount of exercise is so large, and the hungry chest is attached to the back, so eat it naturally.

"As for these fruits, civilians cannot eat them temporarily because of the limited quantity."

"But you can."

Mao Yiyi pushed an apple towards Inai: "Come on, taste it."


Ina quickly grabbed the apple suspended in mid-air and took a bite.


Ina covered her mouth and swallowed the juice. She had never eaten such a delicious fruit: "This is delicious!!"

Very sweet, with some sourness in the sweetness, and the taste is even better.

This apple variety has been cultivated by countless people, coupled with the power of the mysterious dragon, each one is the best of the best, how could it not be delicious.

After replenishing her energy, Ina continued to follow Mao Yiyi.

Gradually, the sky darkened and night fell, which completely shrouded the already depressing forest in darkness.

"Don't be afraid, good girl."

Mao Yiyi turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared, and when it reappeared, it came to Ina's back, and it said in the girl's ear, "Do you see the door in front?"


In front of Ina, two ancient trees were erected. The branches of the trees extended together to form an arch. Behind the door was a tunnel leading to nowhere.

"Come on, don't be afraid."

Mao Yiyi flew in front of Ina, its hair was originally gray and white.

But at this time, light blue light appeared on those lines, illuminating this dark world.

Ina followed Mao Yiyi forward. She stepped on the grass and focused on her feet. In front of her, the moonlight was shining, and before she knew it, Ina had followed Mao Yiyi out.

"here is..."

The girl raised her head and saw that there were ancient trees standing in front of them, and around the roots of the trees, large or small mushrooms bloomed with fantastic light.

Pink, pale yellow, golden and sparkling.

The colorful mushrooms will reflect the whole forest, like a fairy tale country.

Fireflies flutter up and down among the flowers, and strange hummingbird-like creatures pass from Ina to the left and right in a fleeting moment.

"so beautiful!"

Inai had never seen such a beautiful colorful forest before, she looked at Mao Yiyi, who winked her left eye playfully: "This is just a part of Aden, come, come with me to see that Highness."


Ina quickly followed Mao Yiyi, and along the way, she saw many magical things.

The mushrooms grow hands and feet, swing on the branches and among the grass, and some play with each other happily.

There are also countless small animals, these little goblins who have no qualifications to become fairies, but have opened up their intelligence, and are looking at Ina curiously.

They all seemed to want to see what kind of existence was the first outsider recognized by Bai Luo.

Walking in this carnival park of nocturnal animals, Ina looked around curiously, while twisting her skirt, paying attention to her feet, for fear of stepping on any small animal.

"Hello, I, my name is Ina."

Ina thought that they were all like Cat Yiyi and could talk, so she took the initiative to say hello.


And this behavior attracted a lot of laughter from the goblins.

"Me, did I say something strange?"

Ina looked at Mao Yiyi in confusion, who quickly shook his head and said, "No."

"Let's all give up, let's give up."

Mao Yiyi took Ina through the extremely lively Goblin Paradise, and in front of them, two ancient trees suddenly moved.


Ina was taken aback, because she saw that the tree was like a human, with hands, feet and faces.

"Calm down, this is the tree man who guards the forest, the doorman created by Master Lilith with magic."

These treemen are not tree elves, they have no wisdom, and all actions have only the most basic "artificial intelligence".

And for Inai who doesn't have the power of Bai Luo's miracle, they will naturally take the initiative to stop it.

"This is the person His Majesty wants to see, let's get out of the way, old trees."

"Ge la la."

Mao Yiyi explained, the two ancient tree guards got up and let go, and Mao Lingling turned back and shouted to Ina: "You can go, come over quickly."


Immediately, Yinai ran to the cat Lingling's side, and at the same time did not forget to bow down to the ancient tree guard: "Thank you, thank you."

Going further, Ina saw an extremely beautiful lake.

The crystal clear light blue reeds fluttered in the wind, shedding a little white light, and the heroic tree elves stood on the left and right.

They showed handsome faces, which were not like all the beauty in the world, which made Ina, who was already ugly, even more ashamed.


Bai Luo sensed the movement, he turned his head and waved at Mao Yiyi.


Mao Yiyi turned into blue smoke and slipped into Bai Luo's arms in a flash, then like a real cat, enjoying the owner's caress.

For the fairies, being able to get Bai Luo's favor is simply the greatest honor and the happiest thing.

This can be seen by looking at the competition of goblins.

"Lord, Lord..."

Seeing this scene, Yinai couldn't guess that Bai Luo was the big man he wanted to see.

At this point, the two old men had already left.

They still have things to do, so Bailuo was left alone, waiting for Inai's arrival here.

"It's finally here."

Bai Luo got up and patted it casually. Lilith said, "Master, I have used magic on your clothes, so they won't get dirty."

"Almost forgot about it."

Bai Luo smiled and walked towards Inai, while Lilith followed closely.

However, Lilith released the magic to hide her figure on herself, so Ina did not notice the existence of such a beautiful fairy.


As soon as Inai saw Bai Luo approaching, he knelt down on the ground in a conditioned reflex, and then squatted and said, "See Master, I, I am Inai, Inai, see Master!"


Bai Luo understood why this girl was favored by the power of miracles.

This kind of reverence written in the bones is purer than loyalty.

"Aden has no etiquette to kneel at will."

"Don't call me master."

Bai Luo had a completely different attitude towards himself and outsiders.

Inai already has the qualifications to become an Adonite, so Bai Luo will be as kind and kind as he treats Adonites.

Of course, there is no such thing as liking and petting.

After all, they were not familiar with each other. Bai Luo accepted her and brought her to Aden Island for Inai's potential.

However, this kind of relationship itself is the accumulation of memories and life.

After getting along for a long time, the relationship between Yinai and Bai Luo will naturally become closer and closer, sooner or later, they will be like the people of Aton.

"You are just like them, just call me Your Majesty."

Bai Luo personally helped the girl up. He saw that Yinai was wearing a mask. Although he knew that the girl was burnt and ugly, Bai Luo never discriminated against others with her flaws.

"His Majesty?!"

Yinai exclaimed, her legs were weak, and she almost wanted to kneel again, but fortunately Bai Luo supported her and avoided kneeling again.

There is only one person on Aden Island who can be called Your Majesty, and that is the Duke of Aden, the master of this duchy.

Ina thought that the person who met him might just be a minister, or a random official.

But she never expected that His Majesty the Duke would personally summon him.

"Take off the mask and let me see you."


Bai Luo's words touched what Inai feared the most. She pleaded with tears: "Your Majesty, I, I look ugly..."

It is a great honor to be summoned by the Duke.

But Yinai was very scared, afraid that because of her ugliness, Bai Luo would drive her away.

"Don't be afraid, this is Aden."

Bai Luo's tone was very kind. He was well versed in the art of imperial subordinates and knew how to gain the favor of his subordinates.

At the same time, Bai Luo should also encourage Yinai and help her get out of her psychological shadow.

"Aden is not outside, Aden people never discriminate against the weak."

So, with Bai Luo's encouragement and not daring to disobey the master's orders, Yinai chose to take off the mask.

"I'm sorry, please, please don't abandon me..."

Without the protection of the mask, and exposing her ugly face to the master, Ina was terrified to the extreme.

The girl frantically covered her face with her hands and lowered her head, trembling.


However, the next moment, Bai Luo's hand was on top of the girl's head.

"Don't be afraid, I won't abandon you either."

In the case of Bai Yinuo, Bai Luo knew the mental state of these poor people.

They have been scolded and ridiculed too much, and desperately longed for a shelter from the wind and rain.

Inai's appearance is indeed not good-looking, but Bai Luo didn't find it too ugly.

Bai Luo felt that this should be a kind of ridicule since childhood, and being called 'ugly' and 'monster' all his life would make Yinai feel so inferior.

"Your Majesty, I, I am ugly."

Ina said loudly about her worth: "But I will work hard, and I will do whatever I want."

"There is really something you need to do."

Bai Luo didn't say anything nonsense about "not utilitarian". What he saw in himself was Yinai's loyalty and talent.

Of course, Bai Luo's attitude will change after he recognizes that Yinai is his own.

Bai Luo doesn't care about outsiders.

But in his own eyes, Bai Luo is definitely a good leader and a good boss.

"Maybe, you'll need to wear a mask for a while longer."

Looking at the mask in Yinai's hand, Bai Luo said, "But don't worry, this is only temporary."

Perhaps it was Bai Luo's kindness that gave Yinai courage, and she began to look at her master secretly.

Bai Luo's appearance is naturally incomparable to that of the tree spirit that hangs.

But he has a special temperament, which is the charm of the Lord of Miracles, which is far more lethal than appearance.

In particular, Ina has now begun to absorb the power of fairies, which makes her instinctively want to get close to and worship Bai Luo, and regard it as the object she needs to serve.

'Is this the Duke of Aden, my lord? ’

Yinai's mind is sensitive, she didn't see the slightest disgust in Bai Luo's eyes, but a kind of protection like a father and brother.

It's just that Yinai didn't understand what Bai Luo meant. What does it mean to wear a mask for the time being?

"I have a present for you."


Yinai looked at Bai Luo in confusion.

As a slave, how can you accept the gift of the master.


But before Inai said he couldn't accept the gift, Bai Luo looked at Lilith.

"It's fine, Master."

In Ina's puzzled eyes, Lilith condensed the fairy stick and waved it gently.


The white light enveloped Ina, and Ina felt a little itchy on her face, as well as the back of her hands, arms, and body.

But before she could scratch, the warm power that made people feel began to appear in these places. Ina only felt like she was soaked in hot water, and she almost groaned out of comfort.

"what is this..."

Ina didn't know what happened, she only knew that Lilith used power that she couldn't understand at all.


Lilith summoned a full-length mirror and made it float in front of Ina.


The mirror that suddenly appeared, scared Ina's face pale, and the girl's psychological shadow all came from that ugly appearance.

She was afraid that others would see it, and she didn't want to see it either.


However, that ugly appearance did not appear in the mirror. Instead, it was a pretty thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

The girl's skin can be broken by blowing bullets, and her long hair as black as a starry night is as beautiful as a princess in a fairy tale.

But Ina didn't know fairy tales. What she had at this time was just an indescribable shock: "Who is this? She..."

Clothes and behavior. . .

"I, this, it's me..."

Ina couldn't believe it, she never thought that there was such a thing in the world.

Suffering misfortune, Ina has already accepted her fate.

but now. . .

"pat, pat."

Tears kept falling from Ina's face, and the girl burst into tears: "It's me, this is me."

Bai Luo didn't bother her either, he waited quietly, leaving the time to this poor girl.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Finally, Yinai regained her composure, and she bowed to Bai Luo: "No, master, my master, master..."

Yinai didn't know what to do, the only thing she could do was to call Bai Luo constantly to express her inner excitement and joy.

"This is a miracle, your miracle."

The slender jade hand fell, and Ina raised her head. She saw Lilith, a fairy queen who was enough to subvert the girl's concept of beauty, holiness, fantasy, and dignity.

"Also, what you just did was wrong, the miracle ceremony is not like this."

Holding hands by Lilith, Inai stood in front of Bai Luo, and she knelt down: "Come on, in front of the master, complete your final oath."


Just as Bai Luo was about to say something, Lilith gave him a look.

Helpless, Bai Luo had to let Yinai perform a miracle ceremony.

But this time, time seems to be a little long. . . . . .

"Is it going to take this long, Lilith?"

In the bottom of his heart, Bai Luo quietly asked Lilith, only to hear the latter voice transmission: "You now have six kinds of miracles, each for 3 minutes, for a total of 18 minutes, which is normal."


What Lilith said made sense, Bai Luo said that he was speechless.

As for Yinai, let alone kneeling for 18 minutes, she was kneeling for a day. Even if she knelt down and died here, she would have no regrets.

In this way, Inai officially received the blessing of the power of the fairy, obtained the qualification to become a little witch, and truly became a member of Aden.

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