This is a Miracle

Chapter 126 Unicorn

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After that day, Bai Luo's daily routine was to get up and inspect the territory during the day and work hard to exercise his Avalon power in the afternoon.

In the evening, light up the lights to watch the reports and suggestions submitted by Uncle and others.

At the same time, they will also discuss and analyze the surrounding situation, including the military, political, economic, diplomatic, etc. of the countries.

And just like that, five more days passed.

In the past five days, Bai Luo's control of power has become more and more precise, and the strength of Knowles and others has also steadily improved.

On this day, Bai Luo received Xue Li's call.

"What's the matter, Shirley?"

Bai Luo immediately rushed over, and when he arrived, Bai Luo found that Xue Li was radiating white light: "A miracle blooms? A miracle blooms again?"

"No, no, not a miracle bloom."

Shirley has experienced the feeling of a miracle blooming, that is, the body is full of power and wants to vent and release.

"I don't know what's going on. It seems that there is some power that is responding to me."


Bai Luo suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be that your miracle people made a breakthrough, so Xue Li, you also gained a new power?"


As soon as Bai Luo finished speaking, Xue Li raised her head.

At the same time, a single horn as white as jade appeared on Xue Li's forehead, while the wings around her body turned into white energy and quickly fell.

"This is!!"

Where was Bai Luo's Pegasus in front of him, and in its place was a unicorn radiating divine brilliance.


"It's me, master."

Shirley said, "I seem to have gotten a whole new form."

"Unicorn? The unicorn the master said,

Is it a creature similar to me now? "

Bai Luo didn't know what a real unicorn looked like, but Xue Li looked like a unicorn right now.

"You, do you have any abilities?"

"Yes, Master."

As Xue Li spoke, her body suddenly turned into pure white energy, and then charged towards Bai Luo.


Bai Luo naturally didn't worry that Xue Li would hurt him, and the result was the same, Xue Li's body passed directly through Bai Luo, and then flew towards the air.

Shirley in the unicorn pose is no slower than Pegasus.

The white energy seems so light that it can defy gravity and fly through the air.

"Master, Shirley has gained the power to transcend matter."

Not only material, but also a certain degree of miraculous power, Shirley: "As long as I maintain the virtual form, I can ignore all attacks."

To be precise, it should be that if the opponent does not have any tricks to 'target' blur, no amount of power can hurt Xue Li.

"Can you attack while in a virtual state?"

Bai Luo thought of a certain animation he had seen in his previous life, which also had similar abilities, but his weakness was that his body would be exposed when he attacked.


However, Shirley has no such worries at all.

I saw that she maintained the blur, and then raised her feet in the air, and the white energy bloomed instantly.


The huge energy converged into Xue Li's forefoot, like two giant pillars reaching the sky, and fell fiercely into Avalon's garden.

Well, and Bai Luo.

Although there was no damage, Bai Luo was indeed enveloped by one of the beams of light.


The whole garden was trembling, and the place where Bai Luo stood was sunken, leaving two horseshoe prints dozens of meters wide.


Xue Li's laughter sounded in Bai Luo's mind: "Master was hit by me."

"So fast."

Bai Luo found that Xue Li's attack speed was extremely amazing, although there was an element of being attacked.

But even if he was attentive, Bai Luo had to pay 12 points of attention to avoid Xue Li's energy attack.

"How much effort did you use?"

Bai Luo knew that Xue Li didn't use all her strength. If she was really reckless, this sea of ​​flowers would surely suffer.

But the power is not the key, the key is that Shirley can continue to attack while maintaining the blur.

So what is this?

The enemy's attack is ineffective against me, can't you dodge my attack?

"Very few."

Shirley said, "But I'm me, that kid is that kid, we're different."

The child in Shirley's sky is obviously the Pegasus who awakened to a unicorn.

Oh, can't be called Pegasus now.

Bai Luo felt that Xue Li was probably not some kind of pegasus, but the origin of the miraculous creature 'horse'.

Any miracle species related to horses may appear in the country of Aden through Shirley.

"It, can't attack while in the virtual?"


Xue Li shook her head and said, "Xue Li means that it can't maintain the blur for too long."

Although invincible, the power of miracles that can maintain it is too amazing.

Shirley can keep blurring all the time because as much as Shirley's miracle power consumes, she will recover as much, and her miracle power is infinite.

Infinite blue means you can do whatever you want.

"What about that child?"


Shirley felt it for a moment and said, "With its miraculous power, it can only last for about 10 seconds."

And it's just maintenance, wanting to launch an attack is more than a joke.

"Speaking of which, what should I do?"

Bai Luo let Xue Li down, then turned over.

He knew that Shirley had just stepped on him because he rode the deformed horse when he was fighting with his senior sister.

Shirley didn't care about anything else, but the mount was a matter of principle, and Shirley would never back down.

Bai Luo's first mount must be her Xue Li!

Shirley: The master can only ride me, I am the most comfortable ride

"Xue Li is a very good mount, how could she leave her master."

Xue Li said that her blurring also included Bai Luo.

As long as she is riding, other than the ability to 'break the void', any attack will be ineffective against Bai Luo.


Bai Luo was intrigued: "Quick, try."


Shirley nodded: "It's coming, Master!"

Bai Luo only felt that the surrounding space was shaking like water waves, milky white energy surrounded himself and Xue Li, he raised his hand and found that his arm had turned into pure white energy.


Obviously his body is very dazzling, but Bai Luo found that his line of sight was not blocked, but it was countless times clearer.



Xue Li sensed the power of Avalon, she turned her head slightly, and saw a golden holy knight sword condensed in Bai Luo's hand.

"Doesn't affect the power of other miracles?"

Perhaps it was all Bai Luo's miracles. The power of Avalon, the power of the fairy, and the power of the Pegasus could all be well blended together to exert enormous power.

"If you throw it out, master, and get out of my virtual range, then only the power of Avalon is left."


Bai Luo thinks this is very reasonable, if the attack can be blurred, it will be too heaven-defying.

"But which Pegasus awakened into a unicorn?"

The question returned to the original point, Bai Luo: "Also, why is it a unicorn, and what happened here that I don't know about?"

Pegasus awakened into a unicorn. Are these two species already?


Name: Shirley

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

rank: lower

Species: Miracle Creatures

Possession Status: White Horse, Pegasus, Silver-winged Pegasus, Unicorn, Silver-winged Unicorn

"It's really changed!"

Bai Luo discovered Shirley's miraculous name and turned into a unicorn: "Aren't you a Pegasus, Shirley?"

"I just found out," Xue Li smiled, "It turns out that I'm not just a Pegasus."


Sure enough, the potential of miracles, even miracles themselves do not know.

"Can you sense where that mutated little guy is?"

"Should be over there."

Xue Li motioned for Bai Luo to look in the direction of Avalon Lake. Bai Luo was stunned for a moment: "Why is it there? In the Avalon world, there are your people, and it seems that only..."

"It's a walnut!"

In the entire Avalon world, there is only one Pegasus.

That is Senior Sister's mount, the pure white little Pegasus, the walnut.

"Feiya? Feiya, come here quickly."

Bai Luo immediately informed the senior sister that recently, the power of miracles collided every day in the Avalon world, and the power of miracles before that obviously came from Xue Li.

Therefore, the senior sister did not pay too much attention.

"What's wrong?"

Senior sister can appear in any corner of Avalon world, and when she came, she found Shirley's change: "This is, a unicorn?"

"How did Shirley become a unicorn?"

"Because of the walnuts."


Senior sister has a contract with Hu Tao, but because she has become Queen of Avalon, her strength has greatly increased.

This makes the walnut, who is just a scum, completely transformed into a cute pet-like existence.

Of course, Senior Sister is not someone who likes the new and hates the old, she really likes walnuts.

But the difference in strength made it impossible for Senior Sister to choose the walnut, so she placed it beside the fairy lake in Avalon World.

Every day, my sister will go to see it and give it some delicious food.

Like the senior sister, Hu Tao likes to be quiet, and the environment around Avalon Fairy Lake is indeed suitable for the life of Hu Tao.


Senior Sister sensed her own miraculous power and found that in addition to Avalon's power, there was another power: "Is this Shirley's miraculous power?"

Miracles can also give each other blessings and strength.

It's just that they are too powerful, so they don't look down on such a limited power of miracles.

"Let's go and see."

Senior Sister was very interested in the changes in the walnut, she waved her hand gently, and instantly brought Bai Luo and Xue Li to the side of the fairy lake.


Sensing the arrival of Senior Sister, a pure white unicorn ran towards her cheerfully.

Unlike the petite body before, perhaps because of the mutation, the walnut has completely grown.

"so beautiful."

Just one glance, senior sister completely fell in love with walnut.


Hu Tao was very close to Senior Sister, and when she looked up, Hu Tao noticed Xue Li and Bai Luo, and immediately said respectfully, "Hu Tao sees Your Majesty, and Mother Mother."

All Pegasus and unicorns are descendants of Shirley, so it is not an exaggeration to call her mother.

"It always feels weird."

Shirley: "But, forget it, the mother is the mother."

"Feiya, try the power of walnuts."

"it is good."

Senior sister wants to ride, Hu Tao is extremely happy, she has gained a new attitude and strength, and originally planned to go to senior sister.

I didn't expect the sister to come so quickly.

Exactly, let her show the majesty of the mount!

"A little, vegetables."


However, the results were embarrassing.

Walnut is not Shirley, her most powerful virtual power, just to maintain for 12 seconds, the power of miracles has been exhausted.

Such power, in the eyes of the Grandmaster's senior sister, is really too bad.

No, this is not a dish anymore.

This is a 12-second invincible tool horse!


"Don't be sad, Walnut."

Senior Sister comforted the sad Hu Tao: "At least you still have a blur. This ability is very useful to me."

Senior Sister took a good look at the blur, and found that it was like some kind of 'dimensional' power.

Dimension is not a simple space, but a space with special laws.

Essentially, the world of Avalon is also a different dimension.

Therefore, the virtualization of Walnut and Shirley is like transforming their body into a component of a special dimension, thus immune to attack.

The blurring of unicorns is not without solution. Once someone parses the law of this different dimension, the blurring will be cracked.

"It's a really, really interesting ability."

Senior Sister stroked Hu Tao's neck and said softly, "In the future, you will follow me to practice the power of Avalon, and soon, we will be able to fight side by side."

Since he can get Avalon's blessing, it must mean that the walnut can absorb the power of Avalon.


Hu Tao jumped up and down happily: "Hu Tao will work hard, she will definitely work hard!"


On the other hand, the old uncle also learned about this, and he immediately said: "Then have you brought other Pegasus into the world of Avalon? There are other miracle derivatives."

"We are what you think."

Bai Luo said, "After we discovered that Hu Tao had obtained the power of Avalon in the fairy lake, we began to bring the goblins and other heavenly horses in."

Bai Luo really didn't expect that the world of Avalon could even affect miracle tokens.

If Pegasus can, there's no reason fairies can't.

"and also."

"and also?"

Bai Luo looked at the old uncle in confusion, he felt as if he had already thought about it.

The pegasus went in, the goblins also went in, and the tree elves and the Aden family were endowed with various treasures, and in the three major training grounds, they accepted the inheritance of Avalon troops.

Among them, Bai Yinuo as a miracle creature is also included.

Apart from the unstable factor of the mysterious dragon, Bai Luo should take all his miracles. . .


Bai Luo discovered his omission, he clapped his hands: "How could I forget my pocket!"

Maybe it was because the first cute holy bag was too common, causing Bai Luo to forget about it for a while.

"If the little Pegasus can absorb some special Avalon power," the old man said, "then maybe, the seeds poured out of the pocket also have a chance."

"what do you mean..."

"Avalon World, how old is it now?"

"The astral world cannot be calculated."

Senior Sister said: "In terms of land area, it is about 350 square kilometers."

That is about one-eighth of Aden Island, a circle with a diameter of 10 kilometers.

"What about the plantable range?"


Senior Sister: "Avalon World has many lakes, mountains and forests. If other reclaimable places are reclaimed, there should be more than 100 square kilometers (150,000 mu) of farmland."


The old man nodded and said, "In the world of Avalon, there are trees and flowers. We can't move these things, and try not to move them."

Before Bai Luo got the Avalon World, this world had been dormant for a long time, the power of miracles in it was exhausted, and flowers, plants and trees were naturally not miracle resources.

But this is only temporary, as long as they can fully absorb the power of Avalon for a long time.

Since they are plants that grow in the world of Avalon, they must be the most suitable carriers for the power of Avalon.

Sooner or later, they will also become miracle resources.

How could the uncle not have this vision: "Can you open up a few hundred acres of land as much as possible, without hurting the forest and flower beds?"


Senior Sister is taking a good look at the entire Avalon world, and soon she came to the conclusion: "2000 acres, it's not a big problem!"

"Then open 2,000 acres!"

The old uncle said, "Xiao Luo, you will turn your pocket into a mulch mouth later, and then pour out all the weight accumulated during this time."

Because of the mysterious dragon, Aden has no shortage of food and seeds.

The function of covering the mouth of the seed cloth has become a special purpose for medicinal materials.

"Cover the crops and pour the crops that we don't have in Aden."

"There are some," said the uncle, "from our stockpile."

One and a half months have passed since the gift of the mysterious dragon, the spring is about to pass, and the Adonites have sown for the second time.

With the fertilizer specially developed by Lilith, Bai Luo estimated that in August and September, Aden should be able to receive the goods again.

Therefore, in terms of food, Aton is not under much pressure and can withstand it completely.

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