This is a Miracle

Chapter 133 No matter if it works or not, I'm on it anyway

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A large sailboat in the shape of a merchant ship is sailing south.

This is one of the five ships that Bai Luo brought, and it is also the only one that is not suitable for battle, and its purpose is to carry out the strategy of 'baiting the enemy' that was negotiated by Bai Luo and his uncle.

In the past two weeks, the old uncle has prepared more than 140 plans for the Adonites.

Although he said that "the battlefield is changing rapidly", but if you can prepare, the old man will be as cautious as possible.

After all, it was all his children who fought, and neither Uncle nor Bai Luo would be reluctant to die.

Of course, there are no undead in war, this Bai Luo is mentally prepared.

In a word, do your best and listen to destiny. . .

"This plan."

Bai Luo said, "The success rate is not high."

There were not many people on this boat, only Bai Luo and Senior Sister, as well as two extraordinary witches, Shirley, Elsa and Fiora, and some high-level fairies from the Feather Race such as Bai Ying.

All are masters!

And almost all have the ability to fly and have the ability to escape quickly.

That's right, there are three master classes on this ship.

And there are three crown masters!

If Bai Luo is willing to summon Lilith, that will be the four crowned masters.

"Why do you say that?"

"Test one by one," Bai Luo said. "It feels like testing a combination lock that doesn't know the password."

What are they going to do?

In fact, it's not a complicated plan, it's just simply attracting monsters to fight monsters, attracting monsters to fight monsters, and then the boss's hatred is high, and then the boss is defeated.

A very stupid plan, Bai Luo felt the most impossible anyway.

But the old man put this plan in the forefront: 'You guys, bring some Feiyu clan,

Then take the first step from the Devil's Sea. ’

'Wait until the Devil's Sea, and then pass by Skull Island. ’

"The pirates under Seeger saw it, and there is no reason to let go of our lost merchant ship," Bai Luo said, "The first time it was a few pirates, but they never came back, so they came in batches after batches, maybe as long as a few pirates. Next time, Sigrian will go out in person."

Attacking Skull Island directly is also a tactic, and Uncle has a special arrangement.

But it is one of the more troublesome and difficult ones among many tactics.

They don't know the specific strength of Siger, and they will only make a rash move, and the risk factor is too high.

"But it's good too, isn't it?"

Senior Sister said: "We don't lack time, we can test a few more times."

"If today's plan is unsuccessful, Sig is not attracted, or something goes wrong, only us can retreat at any time without leaving any traces."

So it's like a business without capital, you can fight if you want, and leave if you want.

You don't have to be responsible if you fail, and there are no side effects. Why not try it?

'Is it possible to succeed? ! ’

These are the old uncle's original words, but Bai Luo still feels quite optimistic: "Well, let's try it."

There are many kinds of plans, some are hit and miss, and some have a very high success rate.

And in these plans, Senior Sister's legendary treasure, the Holy Grail of Eternal Lake Light, is very important.

Senior Sister has a special teleportation ability——The Gate of Avalon.

But here is half a month's voyage from Aden Island, which is too far.

Without moving to Avalon Lake, Senior Sister couldn't directly open the Avalon Gate here, and could only use the power of the Holy Grail to perform group teleportation.

And every day, there is only one chance.

"I do hope this plan fails."

Bai Luo said, "Don't forget our purpose. In addition to capturing Sigrian, we also give me a chance to fight with the Aden army."

Sister has the Holy Grail, it only takes 10 minutes to open the gate of Avalon.

In other words, as long as Aden's army can withstand it for ten minutes, they can withdraw safely.

Of course, with the exception of a very small number of adult Adonites, Bai Luo didn't tell them about it, Senior Sister still has such means.

This can be considered a pressure on them.

Only through life and death can Adonites truly grow up.


Ahead, the fog was hazy.

"Wait a minute, all of you don't make a sound, just in case there are some kind of surveillance miracle tokens here."


Fiora and Elsa nodded quickly, and all the fairies also turned into ordinary animals and hid.

This is the famous Devil Sea in this sea area. There is nowhere to enter. It is also said that there are countless terrifying sea monsters and ship graveyards living there.

However, in front of Bai Luo and Senior Sister, the fog in this place was nothing.

The eyes of the two of them were slightly glowing with pale golden light, and the power of Avalon, the master-level master, had already penetrated everything.

Half an hour later, on Skull Island.

"The girl last time looked very straight."

Two pirates are patrolling, they are no different from ordinary people, and those who can live on Skull Island are, without exception, Morgan's miracle children.

So don't think of them as ordinary people, who knows if they will turn into terrible live seafood after taking off their hats.

"Look at what you don't know, what is that!"

A pirate with a big mouth joked: "I tell you, Haiwu Hualou is Paradise of Elysium."

"Haiwu Hualou? What is that place?"

"The site of the Eastern Pirate King, you just transferred from the second lady, so I don't know, the boss was praised by the old man last time, and when he was happy, he took us there."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

The fat pirate with a big mouth was full of nostalgia: "That's what beauty is. You can squeeze water out of thin skin and tender meat."

"It's just that the fierceness is too small."

"Too small?"

"After all, they are overseas deserters. Their bodies are particularly poor, but they are delicate, really delicate..."

The thin pirate and the fat pirate were talking when they suddenly noticed a black spot in the distance.

"what is that?"

The skinny pirate suddenly looked into the distance, and the two eyeballs spun strangely in opposite directions.

"what? What?"

The fat pirate followed his gaze and pricked up his ears: "Shh, someone seems to be talking above."


At this moment, on the boat, Senior Sister suddenly opened her eyes, and Bai Luo also looked at her.

At this moment, the whole ship fell silent, and Senior Sister and Bai Luo understood each other, Xue Li also knew everything, and quickly turned into an ordinary white horse and crawled down.

"We sneaked away from this sea area..."

Bai Luo began to talk to his senior sister. At the same time, Elsa and Fiora met, and the two witches cast spells at the same time.

"Hey, you all be careful."

"This is the Devil's Sea."

"Be quiet, if we are discovered by monsters, we will be all over."

"Why do you want to go here, why do you want to go to such a dangerous place..."

The crew members held their breaths on the deck, each with fear on their faces. No one would have guessed that this was a phantom created by magic.

"I saw a lot of people, merchant ships."

The skinny pirate asked, "What are they talking about?"

"Wait, let me listen carefully."

The fat pirate listened, and then repeated their words: "We can make a lot of money by secretly taking shortcuts from this sea area..."

"It's a merchant ship!!"

Almost at the same time, the fat and thin pirates identified each other.

"It's just courting death!"

"Haha, life is gone, what's the use of having money?"

"Okay, just notify a pirate ship and let them go and sink it."

"It all fails," the fat pirate said with a cruel smile: "There is no need for it to continue."

Soon, a pirate ship moored in the port was notified.

"Shortcut merchant ships?"

"Ha ha!"

"Death to a fool!"

Sigrian cultivated here. The pirates had long expected to be able to plunder the passing ships again, but they did not expect to come today, still in this legendary Devil Sea.


"Ship now!"

"Let them see how powerful our Black Scorpion Pirates are!"

A pirate dressed as a captain said this, and suddenly found that the pirates around him looked behind him like a ghost.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't the boat sailed yet?"

Pirate Captain: "What are you doing..."


Before waiting for the captain to ask, a heavy footstep sounded in his ear.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With this familiar breath, the pirate captain turned his head tremblingly, and then spit out two words: "Sig..."

This is a strong man who is over two meters tall. He only wears a thin coat on his upper body, and his chest is exposed. His explosive muscles give people a huge sense of oppression.

"Grumble rumble."

Sigrian held the bottle aloft and drank it dry.


"Every ~~~~"

Throwing the wine bottle aside, Sigrian hiccupped and sat down on the deck.

"Set off."

Sigrian's face was a little red, and the whole person was drunk, obviously because he drank a lot of alcohol and did not use the power of miracles to dispel it.


"Let's go," Sigrian felt a little swaying in front of him: "Take me out for a drive."


This strange request, but the pirate captain did not have the courage to disobey.

"Go! Let's go!"

"You idiots, put the sail down soon!"

He nodded quickly, and then beckoned everyone to put down the sails and prepare to chase.

However, the pirate captain was a little confused.

They are not miracle troops, but some desperadoes who were fortunate enough to be selected and joined Sigrian's subordinates, and they came here.

But even so, these pirates were not allowed to approach the depths of Skull Island, and they dared not disobey those powerful elite pirates.

As for Sigrian, that is almost the boss they usually don't even dare to think about!

For pirate ships like this, there are not five hundred, but three hundred in this sea area.

'That bastard of the wolf. . . ’

Sigrian was very depressed at this time: 'And Christine girl, so arrogant. ’

Cross Strait is still in the hands of the evil wolf, but he does not dare to take action lightly, for fear of being troubled by Wei Lan.

The wolf is the same, but he has the Cross Strait!

The strait is in his hands, but Sieg can't move, isn't this a loss?

'If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't care about the blue. ’

'Let's fight directly,' Sigrian regretted very much, very regretfully: 'How could he suffer such ill will! ’


The ship was moving forward in the waves, the bumps up and down, and the sudden swaying made Sigrian a little confused. He was drunk and showed a puzzled expression: "Where am I?"

"Old, boss."

Seeing that Sigrian had finished drinking, the pirate captain quickly handed over the best bottle: "Your wine."


Sigrian hurriedly took it, and then poured in 'ton ton ton': 'Wherever he is, alcohol is enough! ’

"ton ton ton ton."

“Good wine!!”

"Not enough, not enough," Sigrian shouted, "give me more wine!!!"


On the other side, Bai Luo and Senior Sister 'saw' the ships in the distance. They did not choose to stay in the Devil's Sea to meet the enemy, but chose to sail out of the Devil's Sea.

"The previous sense of surveillance is gone."

Senior Sister said, Bai Luo nodded: "Well, maybe someone's special miracle power, it seems to be sight and hearing."

The two were extremely keen, and at the same time they also found that there was no sense of surveillance on the ship that was chasing them.

This shows that the two things before are not on this ship.

"It looks like they're all small characters."

Bai Luo put the sword in front of him, quite helpless: "After all, it's brought out, let's continue, give the old man some face, and hit him four or five times."

After all, it is the tactic that the old man ranks first, and the old man also said that its possibility is not low.

But Bai Luo still thought: 'A dignified pirate, how could Sigrian be lured out so easily? ’

is it possible?

No, no, no, there are still people who believe this?

"On the other side, isn't it a bit faster?"

The pirate captain looked at Sigrian, who was still drinking wine, and asked in awe, "Old, boss, we don't seem to be able to catch up."

"Keep chasing!"

"Keep chasing!!"

"You can't even catch up with the boat, did you all grow up eating shit?!"

Sigrian didn't care about the merchant ships, he probably didn't even know where he was or what he was doing.

"Where's the wine? Bring the wine!!"

As if to vent the humiliation suffered by Christine and the wolf before, Sigrian vented: "Hurry up the boat! Didn't you eat?!!"


They did eat, but whether the boat was sailing fast or not has anything to do with whether they ate or not?

I can't drive fast even if I eat shit!

"Come on."

Elsa was paying attention to the pirate ship. As soon as she finished speaking, everyone only felt that the top of their heads lit up. It turned out to be sailing out of the Devil's Sea.

As soon as the thick fog dissipated, it was immediately bright.

"Why are you missing!"

The pirate captain was stunned, and at this time, Sigrian seemed to be a little more awake.


"Done out?"

The Devil's Sea is actually not big, but it has its own strange fog.

This fog contains the power of miracles, which will erode the hull and confuse the ship, but this does not mean that one is lost, and there are lucky ones who can ram it out.


Sigrian shook his head, and at his feet lay a pile of empty wine bottles.



Sigrian looked at the person who was talking to him: "Who are you?"


Sigrian didn't care who the other party was at all, he stretched his body, and then slightly dispelled some intoxication with the power of miracles.

Staying half-drunk and half-awake, Sigrian enjoyed it.

"Good luck."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter," Sigrian said calmly, "It's been a long time since I chased someone like this."

"Keep chasing!"

Sigrian put his hand on his knees, then held his chin, watching with interest as the thick fog receded and the sun fell.


Bai Yingyin let out a sharp cry, and Bai Luo knew that this was its code word, meaning I was going to investigate.

"Be careful."


With Bai Luo's permission, Bai Ying Yin immediately spread his wings and flew high.

"Quack quack."

In the sky, countless birds are circling, and in such an environment, it is almost impossible to find the existence of White Eagle Silver.

However, in order not to be too abrupt, Bai Ying Yin still asked the two witches to perform a simple deformation technique, disguised as seagulls, and overlooked the pirate ship from a high altitude.

"It looks like a very ordinary pirate."


Suddenly, Bai Ying Yin, who was scanning the deck, was stunned for a moment.

"This person looks familiar..."

Bai Yingyin's gaze fell on Sigrian, and almost instantly, it flew into the air.


Suddenly, Bai Ying Yin's eyes widened!

"No, no! Me, am I hallucinating?"

Bai Ying Yin felt that he had read it wrong, but to be on the safe side, it flew low again.

The Adonites are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and as the favorite of the Aden family, Bai Yingyin is naturally not afraid of death.

"Really are!!"

This time, Bai Ying Yin completely saw Sigrian's appearance, and it flew towards the ship ahead.

"Quack quack!"

As soon as he came back, Bai Yingyin made a duck call: "Cough, captain, captain! Big event, big event!!"


Bai Luo didn't know why: "What's wrong?"


White Eagle Silver: "Sigrian is on that ship!!!"


Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed, "What the hell is Walter?!!"

He just finished saying "impossible" and turned his head and slapped his face?

"Dong dong dong."

Bai Luo quickly came to the stern of the boat. With his current vision, it was not a big problem to see through such a distance.

"Really Sigrian?!"

In order to prevent the other party's gap, Bai Luo only glanced at once, but this glance made Bai Luo almost certain of the other party's identity.

The old uncle had seen Siglion, and in order to let everyone know him, Lilith specially asked Lilith to extract his memory about Siglion, and then shared it with everyone.

Therefore, Bai Luo is very familiar with Sigrian's appearance, he can't be wrong!


"What is this? The little monster that attracts the waves, which leads to the final boss?"

"Are there any soldiers around?"

"should not."

Under the boat, there is a dolphin lady from the aquatic family. It is not abrupt when it is mixed with the fish.

And through special ultrasonic detection, Miss Dolphin can be sure that there are no sea monsters around.

In other words, Sigrian ran out of the base camp without a single soldier, right in front of them! !

"Is this the battlefield?"

"Fast change."

"But has it changed beyond recognition?"

Bai Luo didn't know whether to be happy or worried, after all, things were so sudden.

My uncle told Bai Luo and Senior Sister a long time ago that war is complicated and changeable, and sometimes unimaginable things will happen.

At this time, whether you can seize the opportunity and make the most accurate judgment becomes the key.

"There is no sense of surveillance."

Senior Sister and Xue Li are both miracle bodies, and they are very sensitive to the power of monitoring miracles.

"Hey, can you play like this?"

It was not the first time that Bai Luo had encountered such a situation. Inexplicable things had also happened when he was hunting before.

"Fight or not?"


Bai Luo immediately answered Senior Sister's question: "Fools don't fight!"

Even if Sigrian discovered them, Bai Luo was not afraid.

Anyway, there are only so many people here, it's really not good, just let Shirley tow the whole ship away.

Just kidding, I can fly, okay?

However, it is too close to the Devil's Sea. If a miracle war breaks out here, it will be easily discovered by the sea monsters and pirates in Skull Island.

So, you have to go a little further. . . . . .

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