This is a Miracle

Chapter 136 Look at the old lady's Gatling machine gun


Bai Luo fell from the air, and the Adun Army had already arranged an army formation to deal with this situation.

The witches used the levitating technique to arrange the four ships like flower petals.

Their sterns touch, and their bows face south, east, west, and north.

And in the center of the ship, the Holy Grail radiated golden light, bathing all in its brilliance.

"Team 1, Team 2, Team 3..."

Bai Luo began to lay out: "Luo Li's shield guard is in front, set up a shield."

The equipment of extraordinary and extraordinary treasures will be replaced according to the most suitable situation, and Aden is training for this moment.

"Boom boom boom!!"

With the sound of a huge shield falling to the ground, 25 Lorry shield guards surrounded the four ships on the ice.

The Luo Li Shield Guards are now all composed of elven men, and they have extraordinary powers themselves. With this Luo Li suit, their strength is close to extraordinary, and no matter how bad they are, they are at the peak of extraordinary.

Although the number of people is small, the gap is relatively large.

But Lori Shieldguard's shields can be connected to each other, creating enchantment-like abilities.

Their individual defenses may be average, but as the number increases, even if they are stronger, they may not be able to easily break through.

"Mingguang infantry lowered their spears and aimed them at the enemy!"


Beside these 25 Lori Shield Guards, more than 20 female tree elves composed of Mingguang infantrymen were holding their weapons tightly.

They stood behind the Lori Shield Guard, and once the enemy approached, the silver spears in their hands would immediately pierce.

"The cavalry should not act rashly, all stay on the deck."

The voices of Luanya and Anderson came from the air: "Listen to my Lord!"

The tidal squires are separated from men and women, with 13 men and 12 women. They are led by the tree elf patriarch Luanya and Anderson.

Both siblings rode huge griffins,

Carrying a very long Hanmang spear.

The two have their own tree elf longbow, which can not only use the power of extraordinary weapons, but also snipe the enemy from a height, causing huge damage.

In addition, there are about 20 white eagle swordsmen.

Among them, there are 10 male tree elves, and 10 females are the elder sisters and women of the Aden family.

Aden women are not weaker than men, and even because they are older, at the moment when only Knowles and John have grown up in the Aden family, they are the core combat power.

"We're in our place too, Captain."

4 astrologers headed by Gonia, 4 Forbidden Forest shooters headed by Zyra, and 3 Dawnguards followed by Luanya and Anderson.

Avalon's extraordinary arms are all standing in their own positions.

"Captain, the witches are all ready."

The 4 tall and slender royal sisters, wearing dragon head guard suits and mighty red dragon helmets, covered their faces.


The witches rode brooms and hovered high in the sky, waiting for Bai Luo's orders.

Aden has 20 witches above the regular level.

10 of them are from the Aden family, and 10 are from the tree elves.

The witches of the tree elves, led by Flara and Lia, began to cast spells on this area.

The witches of the Aden family, under the command of Elsa and Fiora, arranged the next trap magic.

"And us, and us!"

The fluffy clan has 100 ordinary level goblins and 50 extraordinary high level goblins.

There are also aquatics and flying feathers.

The fluffy clan all got off the boat, and everyone was assigned a high-level goblin and about two ordinary goblins.



Lu Anya raised the Luhua ring in her hand, and saw that the originally frozen sea water suddenly rose into the sky, she waved her hand and immediately froze it.

In only about ten seconds, the four ships and the location of the Holy Grail had already reached more than 20 meters in the air.

"We'll stay here."

Senior Sister brought Knowles to the top of the iceberg, along with Sigrian.

"The aquatics try their best to protect the bottom."

Bai Luo: "If you can't hold on, the witches will open the ice layer for you and immediately retreat to the ice!"

"As ordered!"

The task of the aquatic tribe is to place the fish monsters that have washed up from the bottom of the sea.

The strength of these fish monsters is not strong, but the number is too large, so it is a huge project.

Bai Luo didn't need them to keep resisting, as long as they resisted for less than 9 minutes, Aden's army could return to the city.

"Boom rumble~~"

The group of black sea monsters in the distance is rushing towards this side at an alarming speed.

"Calm down."

Bai Luo was at the very center, and then patrolled around, while secretly timing in his heart: 'Also, about 8 minutes. ’

The jet-black sea monster army finally approached.

"It's within range!"

Bai Luo gave an order, and all the tree elves, no matter what kind of Avalon treasure they were wearing, all retracted their weapons into their bodies.

They raised their arms, and two emerald branches grew from their wrists, forming a beautiful green bow.


Following Bai Luo's voice, the tree elves elegantly condensed arrows made of life energy, and then drew the arrows and bows in an incomparably tidy manner.

Not just them, but the Forbidden Forest shooters.

This group of extraordinary long-range troops has long been itchy, and among them, Zyra stood on the ship, overlooking the front.


Ji Lai Ya opened up, forming a longbow shape.


Zyra said two words, and at the same time, the black rune originally written on Bilai Chilai Ya turned into words.

They floated slowly and quickly condensed into a bow and arrow.

This is the first ability to avoid Chi Lai Ya --- Yanling Arrow.

As long as you speak, the words become arrows for you to use.


"chirp chirp~~"

Nearly a hundred arrows were shot in all directions at the same time, and their speed was very fast, and the most conspicuous among them were the four Forbidden Forest shooters.

I saw their arrows leaping high, straight into the sky, and then turned into an incomparably bright moon disk under this daylight.


The huge circular energy sphere, like the moon sinking in the west, smashed towards the sea monsters below.


Four silver spheres with a diameter of 1 meter fell into the sea beasts, the powerful force turned into shock waves, and endless silver wind blades formed a sphere tearing space with a radius of 10 meters.

And the sea monsters in this space, without exception, turned into ashes.

But the number of sea monsters is too large, and some sea beasts are too huge, these four arrows down, not even one ten thousandth can be eliminated.


Immediately after the ‘Moonfall Silver Light’ are the shade arrows of the tree elves.

"Clap clap clap."

These arrows fell into the sea beasts, first killing the sea beasts one by one.

The sea beast fell, but was immediately covered by the sea beast behind it. The process before and after took less than 1 second.

However, this was just the beginning. I saw the arrow that plunged into the body of the sea beast, and the green life force quickly poured out.

There is a small seed at the top of it. At this time, it is absorbing the flesh and blood of the sea beast and growing vigorously.


Sharp wood pierced through the dead sea beast, ripped open by numerous vines.

These vines are like poisonous snakes, tying up the surrounding sea beasts, creating 80 green bushes just above the sea.


Sea beasts give the shade the best foothold.

Even on the sea, you can still use this endless corpse to make a piece of land.


The arrows of the tree elves continued. They rely on blood instinct and life force, so there is almost no cooling time.

In contrast, although the Forbidden Forest shooter has a strong attack power, the pressure brought by the extraordinary treasure is too great.

These big sisters have just been exposed to the power of Avalon for more than a month, and the Holy Fighting Law in their bodies has been condensed to an extraordinary level, the kind that has just crossed the threshold.

And with this fighting method, it would be too self-righteous to want to motivate Huiyue to flood light.

Therefore, they can only rely on the power of Avalon stored in Huiyue Floodlight.

But this way. . .


Now the most stressed, is obviously Zyra.

The girl lifted her sleeves and found that black characters were branded on her palm like tattoos.

Dou Lai Chi Lai Ya is a hero-level treasure. Using it is not only stressful, but also has more side effects.

Before she had enough physicality, Zyra used its powers, and the more often she used it, the more black text would appear on her skin.

They spread towards Zyra's heart, and once they touch the heart, Zyra will die.

Well, it's worth it.


An earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky.

It was a fire that shot up into the sky, swallowing almost a hundred sea beasts at once.

If a heroic blow is not a huge sea beast, but a mortal without the power of miracles, I am afraid that this arrow will kill more than two or three thousand.

"what sound?"

At this time, Christine was patrolling the nearby waters with Coral, as well as more than 20 cavalry captains and eagle strikers.

She was assigned a new task by the upper echelons of the Fairy Eagle Principality, that is, to guard Sigrian, to prevent him from going to the wolf to take revenge and retake the Cross Seas.

For the Fairy Eagle Principality, it doesn't matter to these pirates that they kill civilians.

As long as the war of miracles does not break out, everything is negotiable.

"What a powerful miracle."

Coral felt the faintly heard sound, and she quickly blew the 'Vulcan horn' and called everyone: "Follow me to see!"


A crack appeared in the frozen sea, like the mark left by a hammer strike.

Under the ice layer, countless human-shaped fish monsters are slamming into the ice surface. They slam into it frantically.

"Ge la la."


The ice surface shattered, and endless fish monsters came round from the deep sea.

As if termites came out of the cage, the fish monsters made an unpleasant and harsh cry, and they used their hands and feet to rush towards the army formation of the Adonites.

"Have you crossed over?"

Bai Luo found that the frenzy of sea beasts in the distance was still far away, and these fish monsters were obviously originally under this sea area.

"It's just one place that hides so much."

Bai Luo: "How many troops does Morgan have?"

"His Majesty."

Miss Dolphin and General Shark ignored the ice block and jumped directly onto the ice surface. They slid on it and shouted at the same time, "I can't resist it, it's too much."

"Go ashore."

Bai Luo closed his eyes and opened them again: "All ashore!"

At the same time, all the aquatic tribes glowed with golden light, which was the 'redemption mark' in Avalon's holy aura.

"The witch opens the door!"

A wand was swung, and a large number of circular holes were opened on the ice. Dolphins, sharks, goldfish, manta rays, whales, and some fishes that were hardly regarded as aquatic species by the Aduns.

These aquatic tribes are not ordinary fish, but fairies who can transform into humanoid mentality, as well as high-level fairies mastering exclusive fairy magic.

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you..."

A pure white dolphin wearing ancient armor, using its tail fin as its foot, stood on the ice, and even knelt down on one knee towards Bai Luo, saluting with self-blame.

Its body was covered in blood, showing how fierce the battle under the sea was.

"No need to blame yourself, Miss Dolphin."


"Heal them, Holy Grail."

As Senior Sister's voice fell, a large amount of golden spring water poured out of the Holy Grail, and they quickly shuttled around the aquatic elves.

The scars disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the lost body parts were repaired in an instant, and the severed limbs were reborn.


Miss Dolphin stood up and said angrily, "Those damn fish-headed monsters dare to raid us."

"Little ones, go down with the old lady and take revenge!!"

"Oh oh oh!"

As a result, a large group of aquatic people rushed down again, with an aura that would never give up until they had killed ten or a hundred times more enemies.


On the other side, the eight holes collapsed suddenly.

The first wave of fish monsters has not yet approached, and the second wave and the third wave are coming.

"Go to battle!"

The Mingguang infantry stepped out, and behind them, Luo Li Shield Guard stuck his shield in the ice, and the silver-white barrier rose into the sky.

"It's finally time to kill the enemy."

At this time, Abaddon was wearing a Mingguang infantry armor, and I saw him burst out, and then faced the group of fish monsters in front of him with a punch: "Extraordinary fighting skills: Do not forgive me!"

The golden holy energy rushed towards the fish monsters ahead with explosive power.


Dozens of fish monsters were sent flying by Abaddon, and the nearest one turned into a cannonball and smashed into the tide of monsters behind.


The ten-year-old boy was extremely petite.

But in his hand, a bright light spear taller than others suddenly swept across a large circle, and the spear passed by, full of broken limbs.

"Who else?!!"

Abaddon has been eager to fight and kill the enemy since he was a child, and now he has the opportunity to chop melons and vegetables like this, which is simply flying.


A figure descended from the sky, crushing the group of fish monsters in front of Abaddon into meat sauce.

"Sister Gonia?!"


Nodding at Abaddon, the blue magic energy quickly gathered around Gonia's body, she raised her hand, and took off a Big Dipper-like constellation from it: "The power of the stars."


With a flick of her fingers, the bright spot on the Big Dipper popped up, and the next moment, seven blue orbs were suspended in front of her.


The orb flew out and landed in the group of fish monsters, and the powerful star power turned into countless star-like torrents, venting wildly.

Where has the fish monster ever seen such power, and it was immediately beaten into a sieve.

"Ding Ding Ding~~"

Six or seven constellations were created by Gonia.

For a time, it was as if there were seven Gatlings, shooting wildly in all directions.


Abaddon was stunned for a moment, then instinctively jumped up, and then fell down, kicking a fish monster that wanted to sneak attack on him into meat sauce.


A huge sea beast smashed the ice, and in front of it, Gonia did not dodge.

I saw the woman raised her hand, and a magical barrier formed by countless starlights blocked the huge sea beast from the outside.


The bright light spear spun in Abaddon's hand, and the boy stood firm and threw the spear suddenly, penetrating the sea beast above Gonia's head.

"Thanks, little Abaddon."

Abaddon smiled and opened his palm, only to see the bright light spear that had been flying high in the sky immediately turned around and flew back into his hand.

"You're welcome!"

Abaddon danced a few handsome guns: "But can you remove the small print?"

"Okay little Abaddon," Gonia: "I'll remember it next time, little Abaddon."


In the distant sky, Christine overlooks the black tide of the sea.

Sea beasts are all sea beasts.

They are rushing in the same direction, and more and more, it is almost endless.

And the islands, fishing boats, and merchant ships on this sea all suffered annihilation.


Christine was stunned: "What the hell is he doing, is he crazy?"

"Boss, do we want to go?"

"You are not strong enough, remember to stay here."

Christine's face was serious, she thought of the master and heroic sea devils under Sigurd, which were definitely not comparable to her subordinates.

Even for herself, facing several heroic sea monsters is the limit, master level. . .

Apart from turning around and running, she never thought of the second possibility.


Don't look at Christine's daring to challenge Sigrian, that's because she is covered by the Duke of Fairy Eagle.

If Sigrian dared to take action against her, Morgan would have put the boy in confinement.

Just like now, the sea beasts directly ignored Christine, because of Sigrian's order, they could not take the initiative to take action against the miracle people under the Duke of Fairy Eagle.

In other words, as long as Christine doesn't take action, these sea beasts and sea monsters will never attack her.

"What are you doing, those war madmen!"

While complaining, Christine crossed the tide of sea beasts. She saw the light of miracles blooming in the distance from a distance. It was some kind of power that she was not familiar with.

"What kind of breath is this? I've never seen it before."

In this sea area, whose miraculous power is golden in color, there is such a miracle?

The four dazzling masters, the three masters of blue, and the four pirate kings from the south, east, and northwest, including the Earl of Thorns and the Lord of the Birch Tree, seem to have no such power.

"Go and see."

After all, Christine has only joined Wei Lan for more than ten years. Her qualifications are too shallow, and the only miracles she knows are all at the ‘Celebration of Kings’.

At that time, Christine was just an extraordinary eagle striker on the edge.

"No matter who it is, this matter must be reported to the Grand Duke," Christine: "In peaceful times, the war of miracles broke out recklessly. It's abhorrent."

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