This is a Miracle

Chapter 138 The old banquet of stupidity, the abyss Gu flute

'These idiots. ’

If Sigrian still had hands and feet, he would definitely cover his face and couldn't bear to look directly: 'Can you be any more stupid? ’


Under the shocked gazes of countless people, Bai Luo put the Dongzhen Cross Sword back into its sheath, and then gave it back to Senior Sister.

"It's really arrogant," Senior Sister: "I didn't take us seriously at all."

"do you died?"

"not yet."

Bai Luo was able to sense that the Dongzhen Cross Sword did not respond to kill the enemy. Obviously, these pirates were not dead.

"It seems to be a miracle unit above the hero level."

Senior Sister knew that Bai Luo was not trying to vent his anger, he was using this blow to test the opponent's strength.

"The profound meaning of the master level is still too scattered after all. For the hero level, if it is not extremely condensed power, they cannot be killed."

Exactly, unless, like Sigrian, it's undefended.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to kill hero-level troops in seconds.

Even if the legend comes, it cannot be killed in one move.

"So you want to try, take advantage of the miraculous power in their bodies and take them away in one wave?"


Bai Luo said: "These guys are very strange, they seem to have a concept similar to the second life in the game."

"Dongzhenjian did kill them once," Bai Luo said, "but I didn't really kill them."

Saying that, Bai Luo turned his attention to Sigrian.

If they have, then Sigrian must also have this ability. It seems that the restraint is still not enough, and he has to pay more.

"Knowles, blow the bugle and gather the troops."

After the training is over, the next battle is not something that the current Adonians can fight one-on-one.


"Next is our fight.


Bai Luo: "The children are watching, it's enough to increase their knowledge."

There are still about 5 minutes left, as long as you block for another 5 minutes, the battle is over.

【Avalon Holy Light Great Barrier】

A golden barrier rose from all around, protecting Aden's army inside.

Senior Sister made a move. In this war, it was the first real expansion: "The defense is established, consume 20% of my Avalon power."

This 20% of Avalon's power is like the senior sister has separated 20% from her energy.

They will recover continuously. As long as you can't break it at one time, the Avalon Holy Light Barrier will be replenished from the sister's body, and then quickly reshaped.

As for the defense of Avalon Holy Light Great Barrier. . .

Senior Sister can only guarantee hero-level combat power, which is difficult to break, but how many accumulated numbers can break through, because she has not tried it, she is not very clear.

Of course, that doesn't really matter.

Anyway, if the amount is not large enough, Senior Sister can continue to invest, such as dividing 80% of the energy to maintain the Great Barrier.


Seeing the golden barrier standing up, the Adonites immediately moved backward.

The goblin clan returned very quickly, no longer dashing forward.

As for those fish monsters and sea beasts that came in, they all collided with the Great Barrier without exception.

It's just that they don't have the power of miracles in their bodies at all. The impact of brute force alone does not consume much of the Great Barrier. Just a "master-level physical attack is invalid" is enough to make them helpless.

"Five minutes left?"

"Five minutes left."

"5 minutes is..."

Soon, the plans of the Aden family were passed on by the White Eagle family.

Defense, as long as they hold on for the next 5 minutes, their battle plan this time will be successfully completed.

"in addition..."

Bai Luo suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance where there was nothing.

His eyes crossed more than ten seas and landed on a big bird and the woman it was carrying.


Christine only felt a shiver all over her body. She felt as if she was being stared at by an evil dragon.

"What is that, from Sigurd's side?"

Bai Luo pointed at her, and Senior Sister immediately summoned Bilaiya in the next life: "It doesn't seem to be, her miraculous power is different from that of Sigrian and the others."

"Do you want to knock it down?"

"Well," Bai Luo said, "but be careful not to kill her."

"it is good."

Senior Sister's hand swayed lightly, only to see a black energy constructing a bowstring, which was originally like a huge long knife.

She put her finger on it, and a lot of Avalon's power poured into it: "Break the air, hit it, split, knock down, block..."

"What's the matter? Who, who is following me?"

A series of words formed a special arrow, Christine in the distance only felt a chill in her heart, but she didn't know where the crisis came from.


The arrow was away from the string, but not far from the bow, it instantly disappeared into the air and disappeared.


When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the blind spot behind Christine.

[Breakthrough]: Ignore the spatial distance, as long as you can determine the target, you can reach it in an instant

"not good!"

Christine instinctively drove the fairy eagle into the sky, but the arrow of words followed closely behind.

No matter how galloping and diving Christine was, she just kept staring.

【Must hit】: After determining the target, the arrow will definitely hit

"Definitely hit? Small causal arrows?"

Christine had encountered such an ability before, she took out the reins of the fairy feathers attached to her waist, and hit it like a long whip towards the Yanling arrow.

"Clap clap clap."


The arrow suddenly split and turned into six spiritual arrows to surround Christine.


The first arrow hit Christine's mount, the eagle, and the loud noise accompanied by the terrifying holy fighting method knocked Christine down from the air.

Christine's body was surrounded by a light blue curtain of light, which resisted Yan Lingya's attack.

In the distance, Senior Sister watched Christine quickly fall towards the island, she was still trying her best to block and dodge: "The opponent is not weak, and it should be heroic."

"Increase the output of miracle power."


Senior Sister's eyes flickered with golden light, and the five words and spirit arrows in the air immediately doubled in speed.

"It's getting faster!"

The second and third arrows that followed, both in speed and power, far surpassed the previous ones.

This made Christine's miraculous power have no time to condense at all, and the pressure was too great.


Finally, the defensive light curtain was broken, and the heroic sky knight and fairy eagle fell on the beach of the island.

"Cough cough cough."

Christine's heart was bewildered at this time: "Who are they, why are they attacking me?"



Christine was a little angry, this wave of long-range attacks was too sudden

But before Christine stood up, the three arrows were pinned to the beach with her as the center, forming a triangular sealing formation.


A steady stream of holy fighting methods poured out from it, suppressing Christine to the ground.


Christine was about to unleash the miraculous power in her body when a chain of black characters caught her wrist and forcibly pulled it away.

Then the left hand, and the legs.

"What kind of miracle is this?"

The miraculous power in Christine's body was instantly suppressed, and her body couldn't move.


Christine is struggling, but the surrounding environment has changed.


Christine found herself on a deck from the beach.

At this time, she was wearing a black collar around her neck, and the collar was divided into four chains composed of black incantations, connecting the four sides of the deck.

They are not connected to the deck, but buckle the black magic circle that emerges on the deck.

In addition, there are also chains on the wrists and legs, each with a spell chain, so that Christine can only kneel on the deck, unable to move.

"Where are you from?"

Christine was surprised when she suddenly heard Bai Luo's voice. She turned around and found that it was a man and a woman: "You..."


Christine was about to ask, but found Sigrian sitting in a chair, missing his limbs.

How is this going?

This is how the same thing! !

"Who are you and do you know what you are doing?"

Christine said in a barrage of cannonballs: "You are provoking Morgan. This will trigger a war. The entire sea will become a battlefield for sea monsters, and a lot of people will die..."

"Looks like it's not from Morgan's side."

Bai Luo analyzed it and saw a beautiful big bird flying over in the sky: "Three Dukes of Wei Lan, Yangbo, Shenniao, Xianying, are you from Duke Xianying?"

"woohoo, woohoo!"

Unlike Sigrian, this guy looks like a fool.


After Bai Luo took off the restraint on his mouth, Christine glared at him: "Is there something wrong with you? Don't you know it's a peaceful age, so you can't go to war?"


However, before Christine finished speaking, Senior Sister raised her hand and slapped her.

This time, Christine was stunned.

"Don't be angry, this guy obviously has a low status."

Bai Luo appeases Senior Sister's emotions, she has always been calm.

But someone insulted Bai Luo, regardless of whether she was a man or a woman, and she could do it, Senior Sister would never force her blindly.

Calmness is calmness, and murder is murder.

It's two different things.

But Bai Luo was right, Christine's status was not high.

In Bai Luo's view, the so-called peace is just a system structure used by the superior to facilitate the rule.

Only those who grow up with rules can establish self-restraint values.

Just like Bai Luo, he looks at things from the standpoint of the ruler of a country, where can there be peace or not, justice and justice.

"you you..."

Christine is very aggrieved, a kind of policeman of a peaceful country, and the grief and anger of being caught by terrorists.

Obviously you are wrong, why are you hitting me?


"Well, the fool confirmed it."

Bai Luo and Senior Sister did not seal Christine's mouth.

Because such a person is simply the best intelligence acquisition machine. Even if you don't ask anything, she will keep talking.

'Damn! ’

On the other hand, Sigrian sensed Christine's breath, and he knew how embarrassing he looked now.

But more, I was worried that Christine would expose his secrets: 'I've had blood mold for eight hundred lifetimes today, a group of pig teammates, and now there's a more stupid second-hand. ’

"Speaking of which, what happened to those guys, I should have killed them before."

Bai Luo said something seemingly inadvertently, and Christine quickly said: "Don't you even know this? They are deep-sea clans that have been infected and transformed by a large number of sea devil blood. They only destroy humanoid bodies, but not destroy them. Their body cannot kill them."

Sigrian: Fuck you! ! !

I really want to kill, I really want to kill this idiot! ! !

"Deep sea clan, blood of sea devil."

Bai Luo: "Morgan's miracle is a miracle creature, a sea devil?"

"of course not!"

Christine: "Sea Demon is just a derivative of Morgan's miracle. His miracle body is a subordinate miracle called 'Abyss Gu Flute'."

The low-rank miracle creatures, the abyss Gu Flute, the sea devil, the deep sea clan, the sea monster, the sea beast, and the fish monster are all derivatives of it.


Christine looked at Bai Luo in shock: "Are you kidding me?!"

Bai Luo: This shock is a good one.

"What will happen to the deep-sea clan after the body of that kind of person is killed?"


This time, without Christine answering, Bai Luo already saw the answer.

I saw in the distant sea, 10 huge monster snakes are swimming towards this side.

They are nearly 30 meters long, about two or three meters thick, and covered with black scales like volcanic rocks.

And on the jaws of these strange snakes, long kelp-like whiskers, they stir the sea like tentacles.

While circling, a small vortex is rushing towards this side.

"That's an elite (extraordinary) sea monster, a roaming python!" (Yi, yi, four tones)

Sigrian: Ah! ! !

Sigrian: Big sister, I will call you big sister, big sister, can you let me go?

In fact, Sigrian noticed it very early, that Bai Luo and his senior sister were not familiar with his troops.

Little is known about the power of the Morgan family.

This was originally his advantage, but Sigrian had calculated everything, and he never calculated that Christine would be caught by Bai Luo.

Then here, reveal the very important miracle information for them.


Bai Luo noticed the miracle level of these roaming pythons, which was the third-class supernatural level: "The size is not small, but the aura seems to be similar to that of Gonia and the others."

"Can hit."

Bai Luo raised his hand, and at the same time, the astrologer, the archer of the forbidden forest, and the tree elves immediately loaded their bows and arrows and magic stars.


However, this time the result was not as Bai Luo expected, only 10 swimming pythons plunged into the water.


They are not mindless sea beasts. When encountering such a long-range blow, a fool will be set on fire by you on the sea.

"Quick, let people run away!"

Christine shouted: "The attack of the cruising python is to manipulate the sea and use the power of miracles to form a vortex, and they threw the vortex over!!"

'It depends on your sister! ’

Sigrian was stunned, but fortunately, he was a cultivated person. Even if he was tricked, he would not be too angry.

'I won't be angry! ! ’

'I'm super angry now, have you exploded with anger? ! ’

'Fool in the front, stabbed in the back,' Sigrian: 'How could I have such a bunch of idiots? ! ’

It has to be said that capturing prisoners on the battlefield and then forcing out the information on the opposite side will really give one of them a huge advantage.

"That slap just now, shouldn't be slapped."

Rao is Senior Sister, and at this time, through the miracle contact, he secretly made a joke with Bai Luo.

"Yeah, this little baby is so cute."

Bai Luo wanted to laugh a little, but these ten maelstroms had to be guarded against.


Elsa crossed from the sky: "Let me come!"

"And us."

Diana, with four Dawnguards, rode griffins over the line from the air, armed with gleaming silver-white weapons.

"what is that?!"

Christine looked at Elsa and other witches in shock: "They ride, ride a broom? Why ride a broom? Can't you fly? Why can a broom fly?"

Sigrian: 'Finally said something decent. ’

"Feiya, strengthen the seal."

Bai Luo noticed Sigrian's reaction, and he seemed to be able to hear Christine's voice.

Hero level, the seal only has a temporary effect.

If you want to keep sealed, you have to apply the power of miracles regularly, so for non-miracle bodies, such consumption is very stressful.

But for the senior sister, it's just a sprinkle of water.

"Is it you who shot me down just now?"

Christine looked at her sister, she couldn't perceive her miraculous power.

But just based on the previous blow, Christine knew that she was by no means the opponent of the woman in front of her.

"Why did you hit me, did I say something wrong?"

Christine: "If I'm wrong, I can apologize to you, but please stop, and keep fighting like this, until the supernatural powers and deep sea lords under Sigrian join the battlefield, this sea area will be destroyed. destroyed."

The other party gave a lot of important information, such as supernatural powers (heroes), called deep sea lords (masters), and they are the combat power that can destroy this sea.

"Shut up and watch quietly."

Senior Sister said coldly: "Otherwise I will hit you."


Christine immediately shut up, she felt that Senior Sister was serious: 'Who are these two people, and how did they do it? ’

"How does she handle it?"

"Take it back and lock it up," Bai Luo said. "These are the miracles we planned to expose. It doesn't matter if she sees them. It's just that she can use her mouth to intimidate the third prince of Wei Lan."


In the air, Elsa had reached the front line, she was commanding several witches, and everyone waved their wands to freeze the vortex.


The dawn guards threw out the ice blue spears behind them, and the spears fell into the sea, like torpedoes with automatic navigation, and began to track the roaming pythons.


At this moment, Bai Luo received news from the north.

They face south, the direction the cruising python and the pirate ship came from, east with their left hand and west with their right.

"There are a lot of strange fish in the south, different types of troops!"

"Isn't there an enchantment?"

Bai Luo hurriedly looked behind him and found that there was a large group of people on the sea, mighty and fast approaching like a sailboat.

They were 50 people on the left and the other on the right, riding on big fish with wings, like knights in the sea.

[Extraordinary Arms: Wingfish Cavalry]

Through Christine's mouth, Bai Luo got the information of these pirate knights riding flying fish.

"How did they break in?"

Bai Luo frowned slightly, he thought carefully: "Ventriloquism? Not ventriloquism!"

These extraordinary deep-sea clans, they have been lurking long ago, but they have been hiding and not making a move.


As soon as Bai Luo finished speaking, Senior Sister suddenly punched Sigrian in the abdomen.


"There's something in his stomach," the senior said. "It's not ventriloquism. He's directing them through some kind of miraculous force that we can't perceive."


Sigrian was also quite shocked. He didn't dare to issue orders at will before, because he was worried about being discovered.

But he never imagined that, after only issuing a few detailed orders, Bai Luo realized something was wrong, and Senior Sister simply cut open Sigrian's abdomen with a sword and forcibly picked out the contents.


On the deck, accompanied by dark blood, a strangely shaped conch appeared in front of everyone.

"This, is this a miracle treasure?"

Christine: "I've always heard that the six sons of Morgan hold a treasure in their hands that can command all beings in the sea. Is this?"

"But putting it in the stomach, what a weird idea, isn't it disgusting?"

"It's disgusting."

Christine's words made Sigurd have the heart to kill.

He put it in his stomach, not to be unexpected.

Isn't that right, eh?

Such a cautious and insidious plan was actually judged as disgusting. . .


Bai Luo pulled out the Lionheart King's blood sword and cut the conch into two sections from top to bottom.


Sure enough, the distance was moving in an orderly detour, and the wingfish cavalry and the cruising python that avoided the long-range attack immediately turned into headless flies.

"Fortunately, it was discovered in advance."

Bai Luo looked at Sigrian who had been healed by the Holy Light: "Grandson, you really know how to play! There are sets of sets."

Unfortunately, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

In addition, Bai Luo and Senior Sister were too alert, so they could always sense his intentions immediately.

This made Sigrian under control before he could make a move.

On the other hand, Knowles was stunned.

This person has many tricks. If it weren't for Bai Luo and Senior Sister, if it was him, I'm afraid that he would really be fooled by him.

If nothing else, just let Sigliand say a few more words, and Knowles may fall into the trap he laid.

"you're good."

Sigrian's mouth was blocked, but his voice came from his abdomen: "But in the battle of miracles, soldiers and generals are fought after all."

"If it is a normal confrontation, you only need to use the decapitation tactics, and I will die."

"But you can't kill me."

Sigrian's hearing was still sealed, but this did not prevent him from speaking ventriloquically: "So next, I want to see how you can resist it."


Bai Luo and Senior Sister thought of what Uncle said, the sea devils with master-level combat power under Sigrian's command.


White fog, a white fog that can't be seen from the end of the sea floats from the end of the sea.

Their speed is very fast, and they have been engulfed by the Adonians in an instant.

"How is this going?"

"What a big fog!"

"Ability on the other side?"

"Everyone gathers immediately, close to each other, don't leave the team!"

The Adonites stood in the fog, and they began to shrink the line of defense. Seeing this, the senior sister immediately changed the way of judging the Holy Light enchantment.

"Isolate the fog!"

Following Senior Sister's order, the thick fog dissipated within the circular barrier with a radius of more than 500 meters, and the Adonites saw their companions again.

At this moment, on the vast sea, a golden ball of light was protecting the Adonites.

The inside of the light sphere is bright, but outside, there is only a pale white.


The fear of the unknown has brought a lot of psychological pressure to the Adonites.

This fog is still at sea.

Underfoot is not land, but ice, but below the ice, there is still a bottomless dark sea.

"I always feel as if a monster will rush out of my feet in the next second."

When Huest said this, his body trembled slightly, and Abaddon said quickly: "I'm standing next to you, it wants to eat, and it will eat us both together."

"Ha ha."

Huest smiled: "If you say that, I'm not afraid anymore."

It's certainly not schadenfreude.

In Schuster's view, if Abaddon was there when he was eaten, then with Abaddon's ability, it would be the sea monsters, not them, who should be damned.

He must have ripped open the belly of the sea monster and saved himself.

Such conversations take place in many places.

Although the Adonites gained strength, their moods did not improve at the same time.

In other words, lack of practical experience.

It's okay to fight against the wind, fight against the wind. . .

Escape and surrender are certainly impossible, and morale does not drop.

But in terms of judgment, most Aduns really have no second choice except to fight the enemy to the death.

Wisdom really matters when power is limited.

"Besides," Abaddon: "The enchantment on the eldest sister's head is a sphere, not a hemisphere. There is at least a 500-meter-deep holy light under our feet."

Although the consumption will be more intense, but for the safety of the children, senior sister still chose the most perfect form of enchantment.

"Aren't you coming yet?"

The ten big snakes, and the wing fish cavalry who suddenly disappeared.

These disappearing enemies are the most terrifying.

"The other party has some kind of miraculous power that hides their traces."

Neither Bai Luo nor Senior Sister knew where these deep-sea clans had gone, and the sea monsters were gone.

As for the rest of the sea beasts and fish monsters, it's fine for children to practice hands, but it's completely unqualified for them.

In a word, only those who can break through the Avalon Holy Light Barrier are worthy of their enemies.

If you can't even pass it, then the mortals in the miracle world are qualified to be cannon fodder in front of the power of miracles.

"Sigrian, what order will you give?"

Sigrian didn't have many chances to order, maybe it was just a few words before Bai Luo and Senior Sister found out.

This also means that the information he can tell his companions and subordinates is very limited.

"The enemy is very strong, don't approach it at will."

"There is a man and a woman who are king-level powerhouses. If you meet them, don't fight with them. If you can avoid them, try to avoid them."

"The opponent's submarine force is insufficient, and the attack is launched from the bottom of the sea."

"Don't think about defeating them, but," Bai Luo said the last words Sigrian could say: "Leave them away!"


If Sigrian could hear the conversation between Bai Luo and Senior Sister, he would definitely break out in a cold sweat.

Because the analysis of the two is almost the same as the order he issued before.

"Morgan's miracle."

For the first time, Bai Luo took the initiative to ask Christine, "What faction is it?"

"Forehead. .."

Christine felt that she shouldn't say something, but she thought about it, it didn't seem to violate the rules, and it wasn't the miracle of exposing the Fairy Eagle Grand Duke.

"Stupid foolish banquet."


After walking on the battlefield, Bai Luo showed a serious look for the first time. He looked at his senior sister and said, "How long will it take?"

"It's less than five minutes."

This is definitely not good news.

Bai Luo did not forget the tone and attitude of the uncle when he mentioned this camp: "The twenty-eighth camp, the most terrifying miracle..."

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