This is a Miracle

Chapter 142 Bai Luo's Miracle Body

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"Outside, what happened?"

Haierbo and Inai are newcomers. Although they have entered the world of Avalon, they do not know the specific situation of Avalon, let alone the identity of senior sister.

Senior sister is their queen, Haierbo and Inai probably think so.

But the two of them never imagined that Senior Sister would break into the fog alone to fight those terrifying monsters that were invisible.

In their minds, the sea beast is already a natural disaster.

As for sea monsters, almost no one in this sea is lucky enough to survive under the minions of sea monsters.

If he succeeds in surviving, he will be able to play for a lifetime, and in any fishing village or small port town, he will be one of the best.

Yes, as ordinary mortals, sea monsters are things that only exist in myths and legends.

"His Majesty's sword before was so terrifying."

Yinai was still stuck at Bai Luo's Dong Zhen's strike, and that figure was like a god.

"Your Majesty is the king who dominates the fairyland, so he is naturally powerful."

Haierbo admired Bai Luo very much, and Inai nodded repeatedly: "Well, um, Your Majesty is the most powerful."

The two children had little knowledge, and Bai Luo's power far exceeded their imagination, subverting the world view, and also greatly shocked their pure hearts.

Not only that, their vision has improved too much because of this battle.

At this time, they only felt that the previous self was really a frog in the bottom of the well, and those ordinary people did not know the truth of the world at all.

"One day, I will also become stronger and become a powerful warrior," Haierbo vowed to himself: "Fight for the glory of Your Majesty."

Fortunately, they are lucky.

They got this opportunity and were introduced to the door of the new world by Bai Luo.

Haierbo looked at his hand and secretly said: 'Only with hard work and sweat can we repay His Majesty's kindness. ’



There was a burst of weeping.

The voice echoed in Haierbo's ears. The boy didn't know why, so he turned to look at Inai and asked, "This voice is coming again, Inai, have you heard it?"


Haierbo was stunned, there was no trace of Inai beside him.

"what happened?"

Haierbo turned around quickly, he looked around, the deck of the ship was empty, and there was not a single person nearby.


Haierbo wanted to shout, but the next moment, he saw a figure.

It was a woman, wearing thin clothes, standing on the bow of the boat, and the moment she saw the woman's appearance, Haierbo opened his mouth wide, his eyes full of surprise: "Mother, dear..."


The smile on the woman's face was gentle and kind, just as she remembered: "Come here."


Haierbo's heart trembled, he did not move forward, but took a step back: "What are you? My mother has already died, and I buried her with my own hands. What are you?"

"My body is dead, but my soul is still floating on the sea."

"You can't lie to me!"

Haierbo is not someone who can be easily deceived. He has a clear mind, how could he be deceived by such a few words.

Even if it is, why does the mother's soul appear here?

The souls of those who died in the Kingdom of Mountains are wandering here. Are you deceiving ghosts?

"Are you a sea monster?"

Haierbo asked loudly, "How did you get in?"

"I never came in because I..."

A voice came from his ears, and two hands spared Haierbo's neck from behind him, and then hugged him: "It's always been here."


Haierbo looked around in surprise. This place was no longer on the sea, but a dilapidated small mountain village.

At this time, he did not look like a 12-year-old, but turned into a child only four or five years old, and was held in the arms of a woman.

"Mom has always been protecting you, why is it called the mother sea monster?"

"Hierbo's mother, is she a sea monster?"

Weird voices kept coming into Haierbo's mind, and he resisted, but Haierbo's power was too low, and he couldn't stop it.

Gradually, Haierbo's eyes lost focus and became empty.

"Now," the woman smiled: "Who am I to you?"

"You are..."

Haierbo's eyes were dull and serene: "Mom."

"Yeah yeah."

The woman's hand touched Haierbo's face. The originally white and slender fingers were now dry as wood, and the sharp purple nails were even more hideous and terrifying.

"What a good boy."

Holding Haierbo tightly in her arms, the woman gave a hoarse and weird smile: "Mom, really, I love you so much, hehehehe..."


"Boom! Boom!"

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts all over.

The girl curled up on the ground, but was trampled underfoot like garbage.

"You monster!"

"Get out of the village, ugly!"

"It's all because of you. The handsome knight was scared away. I could have become a knight lady because of you!"

"Why don't you die?! Bastard!"

"Go to hell, Mud Monster!"

"Oh, it stinks, it stinks to death."

"It's so stinky anyway, let her sleep in the pigsty."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The sharp laughter full of maliciousness, how harsh.

Ina wanted to use magic to curse them, but there was no magic in her body.

As if all that was fake, there was no Aton at all, there was no world of witches and goblins.

It's all something she fantasized about herself, it's just a dream.

"No, no..."

Ina was very scared. The huge fear made her shiver. The confidence that she had built up with magic instantly collapsed.

Although she has gained strength, Ina is still the timid girl: "I know I'm wrong, I don't dare anymore, please, don't hit me again..."

Not only Inai and Haierbo, but at this moment, a large number of Aduns, including goblins, fell into this strange fantasy.

"What is this place?"

Opening his eyes, the boy looked at the familiar room, where he grew up and his home.

"Cough, cough, Miya? Cough, sister Aleia?"


"Cough, where are you, cough..."

Xiust was lying on the bed weakly, his face was very bad, even his lips were pale: 'It's so painful, Miya, Brother Bai Luo, where are you? ’

"Sister, don't go, don't leave me."

The fire burned the village, and the woman stood in front of a large burning house, looking at the boy pinned under the wooden beams.


Diana looked at the scene in disbelief. Here, it was the Aden village that was destroyed more than ten years ago.

And the boy in danger is her brother, who died more than ten years ago.


Diana clenched her fists tightly, her nails were deeply embedded, and the blood flowed continuously, but she could not feel the pain, only infinite anger: "Who is it that blasphemes the dead here?!"

Mars is a pain Diana will never forget.

But what happened back then was completely different.

‘Sister go, live, must live! ’

Diana desperately wanted to become a powerful warrior in order to find the Earl of Thorns and avenge her brother and her family.

"Ah, fake."

"Then it's fake."

"But do you really have a clear conscience?"

The flames disappeared, leaving only a ruined village, and in front of Diana, Mars stood there unscathed: "Sister?"

"Shut up, impostor."

Diana is not Helbo, nor Inai and Schuster, her mind is extremely powerful and will never be shaken by such a little phantom.

"If you can't deceive by falsehood, then you won't be deceived."

'Mars' opened his arms and saw countless corpses crawling out of the ground under the scorched earth, with hideous faces.

But dimly, Diana still recognized the identities of these people.

They were the villagers of the village where she had lived since she was a child, and they were the descendants of the seven dead Aden kings just like them.


Diana clenched the weapon in her hand. She wanted to launch an attack, but when she looked down, she found that she still had a set of Dawnguards on her body.

Diana's bare hands, and even her clothes, were as thin as ever.

"The power of miracles can't be used here," the fake Mars smiled strangely: "You have to use your most vulnerable posture to face my power."

"I like women with strong minds, because such women taste more delicious."

The corners of Mars' mouth cracked open, extremely ferocious. He wiped his saliva and said with a smile, "I can't wait, I want to taste you."

"Don't use my brother's face to make such a disgusting expression!"

Diana regarded Mars as an anti-scale, and her childhood with him was the treasure of her life: "Get out of my mind, monster!"



On the other side, the brothers and sisters of the White Eagle family, Knowles and Fiora, were standing back to back surrounded by countless dead souls.

The two brothers and sisters are exactly the same as Diana's fantasy.

The same scorched earth, the same ash village.

"Brother, what the hell is going on?"

"Those red fruit women," Knowles: "There are also strange singing voices. The other party should be a miraculous army that can affect our sanity."

Although Avalon Holy Light Enchantment is powerful, it is not invincible.

With some powers and abilities, it is possible to deceive its judgment system, and then get in through the loopholes.

Obviously, the unknown sea devil must have used such a method.

"Can you still cast spells?"


Fiora found that there was no magic in her body at all: "What kind of sea devil is that, to be able to do such a thing?"


Knowles found that the Dragon Crown Scarlet Flame Halberd in his hand was gone.

The opponent can even erase the power of the hero level, which shows that its strength is far superior to that of the hero level.


The brothers and sisters were talking when a group of zombie-like monsters rushed over. Knowles tried desperately to resist, but he couldn't defeat them all.

"elder brother!"

Fiora was very weak at this time, very weak.

This illusion is too weird, and Aton's physique is so good, it is impossible for him to be so tired after only moving a few times.

"The suppression is too serious, why is this happening?"

Is this spiritual magic, but if it is, how could she be forced to this point by virtue of her training in spiritual magic in the past few months.

"Fiora, run."

Knowles was also tired and out of breath. Here, the Holy Dou Technique was useless at all.

And without the Avalon Treasures, without the Holy Fighting Law, Norse is just a mortal.

"Do not!"

Fiora would not abandon Knowles in any way, she looked around carefully, her brain racing.

"No, it's not right, it's not like this, this is not an illusion."

If it is a fantasy, the other party can directly send the most powerful monsters to crush Fiora and Nors, and there is no need to abide by any rules.


Fiora suddenly realized a possibility: "This is the dream dimension, we are trapped in a dream!"

The unknown sea devil has the strange ability to pull people's spiritual will into a dream.

Because it is a dream, there must be a prototype.

Here is the place that Fiora and Knowles feared the most in their lives, the ruined village, the night of destruction.


On the other side, Knowles' arm was bitten by a ghoul-like monster. The severe pain was so real: "What if we die here?"

"Going into a dream within a dream."

"If we die many times," Fiora: "We'll never get back to reality!"

Regarding the magic of dreams, Lilith has already started to study it. It is like twin sisters with the mind, and they have the same origin.

"It won't die, that's fine!"

Hearing that there was more than one life, Knowles immediately came to his senses. He overturned the ghoul, and then exchanged wounds for wounds, desperate to resist the incoming monsters.

Unfortunately, it was a drop in the bucket, and Knowles was eventually engulfed by monsters.

"elder brother!"

Fiora bit her lip in a hurry, and heard the figures of ghouls eating flesh and blood.

But Knowles was indeed one of Aden's most powerful warriors, and he would never say a word even if he was slashed by a thousand swords.

"elder brother..."

She took a deep breath, she wanted to perceive the power of the goblin, and she wanted to use spiritual magic to save her brother.

However, it can't be done, Fiora really can't do it.

"Go away! Go away!"

Fiora yelled anxiously, she couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed to the corpse group in front: "Let him go, let go of my brother!!"


A hand suddenly protruded from below the corpse and grabbed Fiora's foot.


In the exclamation, Fiora was also dragged into the corpse, and there, 'Nols', who had almost half of his face bitten off, showed a strange smile: "This dream is over, we , go to the next dream."


Fiora did have doubts, but she really did not expect that the real Knowles would be fake.


'Nols' pounced on Fiora and, along with the other ghouls, began to enjoy this truly delicious meal.


However, the moment 'Nols' touched Fiora, he was bounced away.


'Nols' wailed in pain, black smoke emitting from his body, and he looked at Fiora with a grinning smile: "Resist! Good, very good! I like girls to resist the most!"


Fiora hurriedly bowed her head and found that the power of herself to bounce the opponent was a brand on her chest.

That was her contract with the silver-winged unicorn, and it was also the channel through which the silver-winged unicorn turned into nothingness and merged into her body.

"The more you resist, the more delicious the meat will be."

'Nols' discovered Fiora's strangeness, but he was not stupid, so he waved his hand, and a large number of ghouls rushed up like a tide.

First use cannon fodder to consume, and then let him shoot it himself, this is the best hunting method.

"Fiora! What's wrong with you, Fiora?!"

In reality, Knowles looked worriedly at his sister, whose eyes were suddenly dull.

Not just her, but many others.

In addition to the tree elves, almost all Adonians, including those fairies, have such a situation.

"How is this going?"

Bai Luo had never encountered such a strange situation before, he also heard the woman's singing, but Bai Luo didn't react at all.

And Norse, Zyra, Aleia, and all the tree elves led by Luanya.




Bai Luo looked at the children around him, he gathered the holy light that could expel all filth, but this power did not wake them up.

Avalon's power is not yet perfect, it still has a long way to go.

Just like now, a unit involving a new field suddenly appeared, but Avalon did not have the thought and preparation to deal with it.

"Sober people, Knowles, the four of them, and the tree elves."

Bai Luo secretly said: "The former is strong enough, and the opponent's miraculous ability is strange, but its power cannot shake the passiveness of the hero."

To deal with four people, you can't use fancy skills. If you want to fight, you can fight head-on, fight hard, and don't compare.

"The tree spirit..."

Bai Luo quickly understood the essence of the opponent's ability: "Tree elves don't need to sleep, and they're not animals, they can't dream."


Bai Luo turned his attention to Christine, wanting to say something more.

"I do not know!"

Christine subconsciously accepted the nickname of the fool: "I have never seen such a sea monster, you should be very powerful, can't you perceive it?"


In fact, Bai Luo had already begun to cheer up since the red fruit girls appeared.

But Bai Luo didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of the miraculous power, it was like scanning the air, nothing.

It can be seen that this guy is not weak.

Being able to escape the locks of Senior Sister and himself, the other party is likely to be far superior to the sea monster.

"Ability of mind, spirit, dream?"

There is no need to guess this, Bai Luo immediately noticed it.

But the question is, what should Bai Luo do.

If he opens the Gate of Avalon and takes the stranded Adonians, will they recover, or will they still suffer?

This question made Bai Luo frown: "The strange ability is stronger than the positive one, and it is much more troublesome."

"Morgan's sea monsters really have all types," Bai Luo said. "The development of low-level miracles to this level, the master of miracles, should not be underestimated."

"Do you need me to come back?"

Senior Sister sensed Bai Luo's confusion and hurriedly asked.

"Need not."

Bai Luo said, "I've almost figured out the opponent's abilities. The only problem is how to crack it."

The three masters here are at their peak, and there is no reason why they can't break a strange ability.

"The easiest way," Senior Sister: "Shock their consciousness with the use of Qi, and it will definitely be able to forcibly awaken them."

Dharma qi is the power of spirit, and the dharma qi of Bai Luo and Senior Sister is king-level, and it is inexhaustible.

There is a saying that one force can break all magic, absolute magic, it is impossible not to break the dream power of a mere sea devil.

However, doing so has considerable side effects.

Most directly, it will bring huge mental trauma to children.

"I'll think of another way, but it really won't work. I'll release the dharma."

"You are so calm."

Seeing that Bai Luo was so calm, Christine was shocked: "The Lord of Miracles is indeed extraordinary. The legendary king is just different from the people at the bottom of the miracle like us."

She guessed that Bai Luo is a miracle master.

As for the miraculous people at the bottom like her, the miracle land has only two-digit miracle masters in total, which is naturally unattainable, and even a big man who is not qualified to meet and say a word.

To be honest, Christine felt that she was honoring her ancestors by being able to talk to Bai Luo a few words.

After all, Duke Xianying didn't even know there was someone like her. . .


Bai Luo ignored the fool.

Dummy is not an old uncle. It's okay to cheat a wave. If you really encounter a problem, you almost don't know.

"Wait, old man?!"

Bai Luo thought of Lilith who was on Aden Island at this time.

He looked at the time, and it would take 3 minutes for the Avalon gate to fully open.

Bai Luo doesn't know the current situation. If the Aden family is trapped, will they automatically recover due to the long distance after Avalon is activated?

If possible, Bai Luo naturally doesn't need to worry.

But if not. . .

In fact, Bai Luo didn't dare to gamble: "Sure enough, it's still straight to use the magic gas to forcefully wake it up?"

"Stupid expression, motionless?"

On Aden Island, Lilith quickly transmitted Bai Luo's words to her uncle through memory magic.

"Master asks you, is there any other way besides Dharma qi shock?"

"Oh, this one."

"Isn't it easy?"

Uncle: Is this difficult? Why do I think this situation is for nothing?

"Skip the ability, look at the essence, don't care about dreams and spirits," the uncle didn't pay too much attention to the various information Bai Luo gave, he only said one sentence: "Aren't they trapped!"



Bai Luo's eyes lit up, but he was also dark under the lights.

The old uncle was still the same old uncle, and he answered Bai Luo's question in one sentence.


Bai Luo got on his horse, he didn't make him look like a Tianma, but secretly said in his heart, "Xue Li, take me there, go there."

where is it?

Bai Luo didn't know, but he really had a place in his heart that he wanted to go.

Shirley's ability is to never get lost, and it is also unconstrained, and no one can be trapped in freedom.

In other words, as long as it was where Bai Luo wanted to go, Xue Li would definitely be able to get there.

The prerequisite is that you have access to it.

Just like when she passed through the storm, Shirley was in contact with the storm for the first time. She took the Aden family across the sea. This is contact.

Now, they are exposed to this new force.

The old uncle reminded Bai Luo that with Shirley there, the Adonites would not get lost.

Whether it is mountains, rivers, seas, or illusory dreams, taking them to freedom, isn't this the ontology of Shirley's miracle?

Therefore, playing confused, lost, and confused in front of the Aden who owns Shirley is simply to death! ! !

"Sherry, can you feel it?"

"I sense it, Master!"

Xue Li can't run around by herself, but with Bai Luo, when she has the master on her back, even as a senior sister, Xue Li has the confidence to fight: "Wherever you want to go, I will take you there!"


"Ah! My eyes!!"

Christine only felt a stinging pain in her eyes, and the light from Shirley was even brighter and more dazzling than the Avalon Holy Light Barrier.


In the invisible fog, a heart-piercing roar of anger resounded through the sky.


Haierbo was confused, he only felt his eyelids tremble, getting heavier and heavier.


Suddenly, Haierbo's eyes saw a little amount of light, it was a pure white figure.

"Go away!"

The powerful light of hope swept away those puppets who were bullying Inai.


Bai Luo's voice came: "Are you all right, Yinai?"

"Your Majesty, Master..."

At Ina's most helpless and most painful moment, she looked at the noble and sacred pure white incarnation, Ina choked and called out: "Ina is here, save Ina."

The psychological shadow of the past continued to torment Ina.

"Don't be afraid."

A large amount of information poured into Bai Luo's mind, who was one with Xue Li, and his consciousness was instantly scattered into countless parts.

"Ina, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Bai Luo made his tone as gentle as possible, and then passed it on: "Grab my hand, and I will take you out of this world."

leave this world. . .

Bai Luo didn't realize at this time what his simple words meant to Yinai.

"His Majesty..."

This was the first time that Inai had directly contacted Bai Luo in the true sense, and holding Bai Luo's hand was obviously an illusory thing, but Inai felt that he had grasped the whole world.

She didn't want to let go. For the first time in her life, she had the desire to have it forever.

"what is that?"

Diana fought fiercely with the ghouls, covered in paint, and leaned against a black tree panting: "Damn, that damn bastard."

"You can't escape, this whole world belongs to me, no matter where you escape, you can't escape from my palm."


However, as soon as the impostor finished speaking, a crack appeared in the sky above his head, and a dazzling light ripped apart this dark world.


The fake Mars wailed in pain, his body dissolved under the white light: "What is this? This is impossible, no one can break into my world!!"


Fiora was enveloped by a beam of light falling from the sky, and within the light, the pure white Pegasus spread its wings of light.

"Wake up."

Bai Luo stretched out his hand from the light: "Fiora!"

"Brother Bai Luo..."

Fiora knew that Bai Luo would definitely come to save her, and he would definitely.

"Bai Luo, brother."

The dying Xiust saw a white figure walking from the door.

The shadows dissipated, and the dull sky outside the window was completely shattered by the dawn.

"Don't worry, Schuster."

Familiar voices, familiar words, and ten years of caring and caring for him.

"I'm right here."

The big hand fell and flicked the boy's hair: "I'm not going anywhere..."

Gradually, the pain disappeared.

Instead, there is peace and warmth.

"Brother Bai Luo..."

Xiust slowly closed his eyes, while his small right hand stretched out the quilt and clung to the corner of Bai Luo's clothes.


In reality, Bai Luo was driving Xue Li to fly.

I saw that the silver-white wings were like blades, splitting the entire cloudy sky, and even turned into the sun, illuminating this sea area.


Shirley let out a long cry, silver wings covering the sky.



The painful memories of the Adonites, the familiar scenes, and Bai Luo's unprecedented anger: "Destroy them for me, Xue Li!"

"As ordered!"

"Clap la la la la."

The silver blade of light like raindrops pierced the space and fell into the sea. In an instant, the entire sea area turned into a silver-white world.

The endless sea beasts, fish monsters, and sea monsters disappeared in an instant.


Christine opened her mouth wide, and she looked at Bai Luo who was riding a Pegasus in the sea and the sky: "What is this? This, what is this horse, a miracle soldier? One blow, one blow wiped out tens of thousands of people. The miracle unit of the sea beast?"

Confused! !

In Christine's mind at this time, apart from the words "puzzling", she could no longer find a second adjective.


Knowles was relieved to see Fiora wake up.

Seeing the recovery of the Adonites, Bai Luo summoned the Holy Shield of Opalang.

"I'm here to call you by your real name."


Bai Luo threw the holy shield: "The Immortal King of the Ideal Land, Opalang!"


Countless golden runes spread all over the surface of the Holy Light Enchantment.

The Holy Shield of Opalang is the shield used by the legendary fairy king Opalang who ruled the ideal land.

It contains the power to resist everything and isolate everything.

The Holy Light Barrier cannot defend against this strange sea monster, but with the addition of the Opalang Holy Shield, the Barrier will be truly invincible.

The only regret is that the master-level treasure needs to be liberated a second time in order to wake up the remnant soul fragments inside.

Bai Luo can do it, but now he has to deal with that damn sea devil.

To liberate the hero-level treasure, Bai Luo and Senior Sister need to consume about 5% of the miracle power.

But at the master level, in the first stage alone, Bai Luo needs to spend at least 20% of his Avalon power to continuously support this double enchantment.

He and his senior sister, one is the king of Avalon and the other is the queen of Avalon.

Essentially, their powers are exactly the same.

Senior Sister's qualification lies in her ability to quickly develop the world of Avalon.

This is five to ten times faster than that developed by Bai Luo.

However, when Senior Sister developed Avalon's power, Bai Luo could sit back and enjoy it.

No matter how strong the senior sister becomes, Bai Luo will get everything at the same time.

Just like now, Bai Luo can summon all the treasures that senior sister is not using, and she is as huge as senior sister's Avalon power.


At this moment, in front of Bai Luo, an extremely strange and twisted creature appeared in the darkness.

Its size is very huge, like a wall, spanning between heaven and earth.

Not to mention, there are also three or four hundred meters high (equivalent to a 100-story building).

On the huge body, there are countless fish heads, which are a bit like the angler fish that Bai Luo had seen in his previous life, and on the top of each head, each extended a long line, connecting a woman with pale red fruit.


Christine blurted out: "This guy is a king-level sea devil!"

King level, that is equivalent to the power of the peak of the master.

In other words, the king is the crown master with battery life problems.

Although it is not as good as the Grand Master, but in a short period of time, the Grand Master cannot eliminate the king.

'Amazing. ’

Sigrian had already raised Bai Luo's strength infinitely: 'Even the ghostly and ugly god's deep sea dream sent by his father was so easily deciphered. ’

You must know that the ghostly and ugly god is a king-level sea devil who can unleash a miraculous power by himself.

But in the face of these guys of unknown origin, Rao is it, the pressure is doubled.

"Is that you?"

Bai Luo stared at the sea demon in front of him, and Bai Luo could feel that the opponent's strength was far above the abyss demon that was hanged and beaten by his senior sister.

Although he still couldn't compare to himself, within ten minutes, Bai Luo alone might not be able to win it.

Well, there's Shirley too.

Bai Luo riding on the Pegasus, the power of Avalon plus the power of Pegasus, they joined forces, even if there is no absolute majesty of the Lord of Miracles, they can still suppress the current senior sister.

"You really did something incredible."

It saw the fearful side of Aden's heart, and Bai Luo absolutely couldn't let him keep such a guy: "Xue Li, is 1 minute enough?"

"do not know."

Shirley didn't answer directly, instead she burst out with amazing miraculous power: "But Shirley will try her best!"

"it is good!"

Bai Luo didn't get carried away by his anger, he grabbed the reins condensed from Xue Li's body: "Then let's challenge the limit!"


The ghostly creature and the ugly god looked ahead, only to see Shirley's figure shrouded in pure white light.

【The release of miracle body】

【I am the light that dispels the darkness, breaks the obstacles, and never gets lost】


Shelly is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, a silver-winged unicorn built with pure white energy ten times larger than the ghost and ugly god appeared in everyone's sight.

The thunder flashed, and the rays of light penetrated the sky, dispelling the dark clouds.

The storm fell from the sky and swept the sea, but these countless terrifying natural disasters could only crawl at Xue Li's feet and serve by her side.

She is the ruler of the natural disaster, she is the natural disaster!


Christine, the whole person is covered.

Likewise, there is Sigrian.

In Sigrian's perception, a miraculous force that was unimaginable, even stronger than the current senior sister, descended here.

【The release of miracle body】

[I am the king who conquers ideals and dreams, the true master of Avalon]

The original pure white incarnation of the gods, and then put on a golden robe, the Avalon Dou Sheng method and the power of conquering natural disasters are integrated.

That powerful force, even if it can't reach the legendary level, is a quasi-legendary existence.

On top of the white horse standing in the sky, Bai Luo also turned into a white-gold giant.

He wears a crown, holds a spear that can penetrate the sky and the earth, and has a thick white beard on his face. That face is exactly based on Bai Luo, but it is the majesty of his life at the peak of his old age. As if to conquer all the king, master.

This is the first time that Bai Luo and Xue Li have become one, and it is also the strength that Xue Li brought him.

Before, Bai Luo couldn't have such ability, that was because Bai Luo's physical fitness was not enough.

Shirley's strengthening takes time, not overnight.

But now, Bai Luo copied Senior Sister's ability, and he was already able to withstand Xue Li's strength.


The ghostly creature and ugly god realized Bai Luo's terrifying, and it began to flee. However, the Holy Light forcibly blocked it and could not break through.

"You can't get out!"

Here, is the gap between Avalon Holy Light Barrier and Opalang Sanctuary.

The double enchantment not only prevented the strange sea monsters from entering, but also made it impossible for them to escape.


The ghostly and ugly god looked at the Adonites, however, Bai Luo couldn't give him such a chance.

"Trash, how dare you ignore my lord?!"

Shirley lifted the horse's hoof, the unicorn's nihilistic power, the dazzling light of the silver-winged Pegasus, and the natural disaster power of Pegasus, three forces surged out in an instant, shrouding the ghost and the ugly god.


For the sake of safety, Bai Luo chose to summon Lilith at this time.

Time, there are still about 2 minutes.

And the remaining time was enough for Bai Luo and Xue Li to join forces to kill this sea demon.

"Master is calling me!"

Lilith was about to leave when the old uncle suddenly thought of something, and he said, "Miss Lilith."


"It's nothing, just to remind you," the old man said, "Don't worry about Sigrian's bullshit."


Lilith didn't understand the meaning of the old uncle's words, but she took it down.

In the old uncle's plan, Lilith's ability was suitable for raiding, and Bai Luo summoned her in the final stage, in order to exert Lilith's shocking power.


On the other side, on the deck, Lilith was summoned by Bai Luo, and her mission was to guard Sigrian when Bai Luo, Xue Li, and Senior Sister were not around.

However, it seems that Bai Luo didn't tell the old uncle before, they captured Sigrian, right?

'Father. . . ’

Lilith was shocked: 'You still said that you can't predict magic? ’

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