This is a Miracle

Chapter 145 Uncle's Past

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Bai Luo really didn't expect that Sigrian would be so stubborn.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

The old uncle quickly grabbed Bai Luo, and he said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I've expected this for a long time."

"Expected? You also expected this?"

"It can't be expected, but I did have people prepare in advance."

The old uncle said, "In that cell, after you left, I specially asked Ms. Lilith to reform it. Those who can't hit anyone will be smashed and bloodied at most."

"Scare me."

Bai Luo originally thought that Sigrian was also a man who feared death, but he never imagined that the other party was so fierce.

"Let's go."

Senior Sister opened the door of Avalon and took the two directly to the bottom of the prison.

And here, the tree elves felt for the first time that they were using the power of life to rescue the unconscious Sigrian.

"Play for real."

Looking at the blood on the ground and the blood stains on the walls, Bai Luo could imagine how much effort it took to hit him.

Sigrian's limbs were locked, but his neck could move.

He couldn't slam it forward, but he could put his head back and let the back of his head collide with the iron wall.

But because the magnitude is small, the strength is limited.

"At least you have to hit more than 10 times in a row to have such an injury."

The old uncle saw Sigrian's suicide method at a glance, while Bai Luo was a little stunned.

"Facing the same place, holding back the pain and hitting it more than 10 times?"

Bai Luo shook his head again and again: "Why did he do this, is it necessary for me to have a grudge with Morgan?"

Sigrian was Morgan's miracle son.

It stands to reason that he could not do anything disobedient and against Morgan.

Sieg died at the hands of Bai Luo, and Morgan and Bai Luo must become a deadly feud.

This is provoking a war and making enemies for the Lord of Miracles. It doesn't look like something that the Children of Miracles would do.

"Morgan has been standing still for far too long."

The old man said, "If Seager dies, Morgan will be our enemy, driven by hatred."

"Win or lose, Morgan is going to push hard, not stand still."


The old uncle actually knew Sigrian, he said: "Sigrian will not be willing to be a prisoner, this is the greatest shame."

Sigrian would rather be killed and kill himself than be turned into a piece of goods and be sold by Bai Luo.

So now, now that he has been captured, let's be a little bit more straightforward, commit suicide directly, and still be loyal to Morgan.

In fact, long ago, when Sigrian was captured by Bai Luo and his senior sister, he had this idea, intending to sacrifice himself to stimulate Morgan.

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated."

Bai Luo understood what the old uncle meant: "Under the Lord of Miracles, are there many such talents?"

"It's all over the place."

"Can that be subdued?"

As a member of the Aden family, Bai Luo grew up listening to heroic stories, and he still admired and respected those great warriors.

Sigrian is a pirate, but you have to admit, he is brave and resourceful.

Except for Tailang, there is no difference between Siger and the hero who gallops the sea.

"Your Majesty, what do you think," the uncle said, "can someone buy Aleia and the others?"

"how is this possible!"

"The same reason," the uncle said, "we can't conquer them either."


The old man changed his words: "Although it can't be conquered, it can be traded."


Bai Luo: "What does it mean to be able to trade? People can trade too?"


The old uncle said, "I told you before that it is impossible for the people of miracles to betray the Lord of Miracles, but the Lord of Miracles can betray the people of miracles."

"Like, I take back their miracle power?"


The old uncle nodded and said, "The people of miracles will fight with you, but if the Lord of Miracles takes back their power and knocks them down, although not all of them will betray them, it will definitely be chilling."

Just like, if Bai Luo took back Abaddon's power, Abaddon would not hate Bai Luo.

He will wait for Bai Luo's re-summon to give him his power again.

The problem is that this leaves an opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of it.

So the uncle suggested to Bai Luo that no matter what happens in the future, he should not take away the miraculous power of the people, but use other means of punishment.

After all, no matter what, they were all loyal to Bai Luo, and hoped that Bai Luo would become stronger from the bottom of their hearts.

Just look at Sigrian.

He died, and Morgan hated Bai Luo.

But due to the sacred covenant, Morgan would not attack Bai Luo, so Morgan had nothing to lose.

On the contrary, Morgan will start to work hard and start to rise.

Ten years from now, a hundred years from now, Morgan will be stronger and stronger.

Is it not loyal enough to trade his own life for the vigilance of the king?

"We can't directly subdue these talents," the old man said, "but through diplomatic means and coercion of war, we can force the masters of miracles to release them."

As soon as the person was released, he reached the territory of Aden, as long as Bai Luo used his means.

One year is not two years, and two years is not three years.

Sooner or later, the other party will be moved by Bai Luo, and he will sincerely join him.

As for whether he is sincere, as long as he can accept Bai Luo's miraculous power, it is the best proof.

"Then who will I see in the future..."

"Don't worry," Uncle said, "Uncle help you find a way."

The two uncles and nephews exchanged glances, and both showed the expression of 'you understand so well'.

"His Majesty."

Aleia stepped forward and knelt down on one knee: "I'm very sorry, it was my guard's mistake."

"It's none of your business, no one can think of..."

Bai Luo didn't finish his sentence, because he saw the old uncle, and quickly changed his words: "No one would expect such a thing to happen."

Bai Luo helped Aleia up and told her to continue guarding Sigrian.

As for Christine, she's just a fool, just let the Aton Rat stare at her.

Of course, there must be some guards.

But Dumb, unlike Sigrian, is of too little value.

The old uncle is almost certain that Duke Fairy Eagle will not shake his relationship with Aden because of her.

"By the way, I have almost seen Morgan's miracle power."

Bai Luo: "What's the situation with the third prince of Weilan?"

Abyss Gu Flute, Sea Monster, Sea Demon.

I have to admit that Morgan has developed this next-level miracle very well.

In 200 years, so many miracle people have been cultivated, and they are also the masters of miracles. Even Bai Luo thinks Morgan is amazing.

"The three princes of Weilan are Grand Duke Yangbo, Grand Duke Shenfu and Grand Duke Xianying."

The title of the world of miracles has no meaning in itself, it is purely based on the army and combat power.

As long as your combat power is reached, then you are a marquis, a duke and a king.

Of course, this is not the case everywhere.

For example, Earl of Thorns, he is a relatively low-key kind, even if others call him a mud leg, he doesn't care.

Everything is like a floating cloud to me, and it is the Earl of Thorns.

"What do these three mean?"

Bai Luo: "Shen Cauldron and Immortal Eagle, they sound like miracles and miracle creatures. Could it be that they are talking about miracle bodies?"

But this is impossible.

Any lord of miracles hides his own miracle body tightly.

Even Bai Luo had exposed a lot before, but he forced it to say that it was a miracle, who could prove that he was lying?

No one can prove it!

Morgan asked Seager: 'What miraculous power does he have? ’

How did Sig respond?

He could only answer: 'Frost, thunder, storms, and some warriors in exquisite gear, treasures that can summon monsters, girls flying around on broomsticks, strange abilities that can turn people into animals. . . ’

A lot of crackling.

But the result is that Morgan listened with a puzzled face: 'So what is the miracle on the other side? ’

Miracles are a deterrent, revealing a part, hiding a part, and half-covering. This is the correct way to use miracles.

"But what about Yangbo? What word is that?"


Let's swing our oars and the boat pushes the waves away.

Bai Luo felt that he could sing.

"Grand Duke Yang Bo is the most powerful one in the blue three kilometers."

The old uncle said: "He has won miracles for more than 800 years. As early as when my Aden ancestors arrived in the land of miracles, he was already divided on the sea."

"But don't worry about them."

The old uncle said: "The three masters of Weilan have been in the sea for many years, and they have their own behaviors. If a person has the same style for hundreds of years, it is impossible to suddenly change his mind."

This is the credibility, but also the country's tolerance.

Aton needs these, which is the basis of their diplomatic relations with other countries and their transactions.

"But we don't seem to have much credibility now, do we?"

"I reluctantly accumulated some, but the real credibility still has to be built slowly and slowly."

Uncle: "If my estimate is good, Wei Lan will soon send someone to contact us, maybe faster than Morgan."

"Can they find our location?"

"Don't underestimate them," the uncle said, "We hid here secretly before, so no one found out."

"But now, there are only so many areas in the sea, and it's only a matter of time to check them one by one, not to mention that we still have holes."

"A mustache?"

The slaves were transported to Aden several times in a row. How could the three masters of Wei Lan not find such obvious traces.

There was no goal before, and no one would notice a small slave trader.

But really purposeful investigation, that's too short answer.

"Don't worry, in the Avalon world, Aden can get out of his body no matter how bad it is."

"Be bold and do it!"

The old uncle gave Bai Luo a lot of confidence. Since they have a way out, Bai Luo can do his best, and this is the only thing the old uncle can do.

He is not Bai Luo, let alone the king of Aden.

The old uncle has a precise position for himself, he wants to clear the obstacles for Bai Luo, but he will not help him to walk those paths.

The future path must be chosen by Bai Luo himself.

"Whatever you choose."

The old uncle lit a cigarette, held it in his hand, and began to puff: "We will all support it."


Bai Luo: "By the way, how about cigarettes?"

"Hey! Don't say it, this thing is really good!"

Uncle: "My old smoking gun promises you that it can definitely replace the tobacco market on the land of miracles."

What the Lord of Miracles covets most is, of course, pleasure.

Miracle pockets can provide a lot of gourmet food, and even tobacco, the material used in cigarettes, can also be grown.

As for the production of cigarettes, Lilith and the witches were there, it didn't matter at all.

"That's good."

The first step for Aden to go international is to establish a market, a market that is sufficient to meet the needs of a large number of miracle masters.

As long as there is demand, Aden will not be taken lightly.

There may be threats, such as having Adon provide good food seeds, good tobacco.

But these things, Aton can take out, it's not a problem.

"These resources, we are inexhaustible."

"And take infinite things in exchange for what we don't have," the old man said, "Why not do it?"


Bai Luo asked, "Then what should we exchange for it?"

"This can be negotiated slowly."

"His Majesty."

At this time, Mao Yiyi ran over: "Sig is awake."

"Go and see."

Bai Luo and the old uncle entered the cell where Sigrian was imprisoned together, and here, Sigrian was bound to a chair unscathed.

He couldn't move, not even his head.

As for suicide, there are arranged tree spirits, and as long as there is a little problem, they will come over immediately.

It doesn't matter if Sig bites his tongue to kill himself or if he wants to suffocate himself.

In front of the power of life, you can't die if you want to.

"Talk for a second?"

After Bai Luo finished speaking, the tree elves immediately used life magic to conjure up two chairs and let Bai Luo and his uncle sit down.


Sigrian was not blocked now, and he could speak.

Bai Luo, Sigrian has seen it before.

But the white-haired old man who came in with him, Sigrian was a little puzzled.


Sigrian felt that the old man looked familiar. He looked at it carefully. After a long time, his face changed from doubt to surprise: "Saros? Are you, are you Saros?"

Bai Luo knew that the old uncle and Sigrian had met, but it was incredible that the two of them still knew each other.

You know, the old uncle has never obtained the power of miracles, he is just a mortal, and always has been.

For mortals, the heroic child of miracles is already a big man among big men.

"Hahaha, I thought who it was."

Sigrian's gaze passed over Bai Luo and landed on the old uncle: "So it's you, Saros!"

"I was thinking, in this world, who would have expected me to go out drunk."

"Oh it's you!"

Sigrian was really confused. He was drunk and went out to air on a whim, but Bai Luo was able to lead him out all at once, like a prophet.

He really doubted that Bai Luo had the miraculous power to predict the future.

But now seeing the old uncle Saros, Sigrian's doubts disappeared: "It's you, then it's not surprising, then it's not surprising!!"

If it was the old man, Sigrian felt that it was understandable and acceptable.

"You know each other?"

"Have met once."

"Is that something you've only seen once?!"

Sigrian: "I have been captured twice in my life, the first time was you! The second time, it was you!"

"Do you have a grudge against me?!"


Bai Luo looked at the old uncle in surprise, the latter raised his hand: "Low-key, low-key."

"I haven't gotten the power of miracles before, but I have led troops to fight," said the old man, "I have brought some miraculous troops casually."

"But it's no big deal."

"The God of War in the Land of Miracles! It's no big deal!"

Sigrian complained, "If you have brought some soldiers casually, what am I?"

Uncle: Don't blow it, don't blow it, it's really no big deal.


Bai Luo: "So the stories you told me, old man, are true?"

Since he was a child, Bai Luo has listened to the legend of the hero from his uncle.

Therefore, Bai Luo always suspected that Uncle's adventure back then was not simple, there must be a prototype, that is, something similar did indeed happen.

Unexpectedly, the God of War in the Land of Miracles, the old uncle still has such a title?

"I heard Grandpa Shan Weng talk about your love history before, and I thought that was exciting enough."

Bai Luo: "I didn't expect there to be more exciting things!"

Uncle: That bastard Shan Lao is immortal, dare to tarnish my image of wiseness and martial arts in Xiao Luo's mind, damn it! ! !

"Oh, it's no big deal," the old man said, "I'm just hitting, hitting casually."


Sigrian didn't want to complain anymore, a man who even counted him out for a drive.

God of war!

A true warrior!

Uncle: I really didn't count this, it's just you.

"It's not wrong to lose in your hands."

Sigrian originally wanted to die, but when he saw the old man, his mind changed.

Morgan can't fight Aden, can't.

Others don't know the power of Saros, how could Sigrian not know.

The military book that my uncle wrote back then, Sigrian still holds it like a holy scripture, and he has to read it almost every night to deepen his impression.

Not only him, but all generals who have ideas about leading troops have almost one copy in hand.

Especially the cattle who were defeated by the old uncle in those days, which one is not both love and hate.

I love my uncle's talent, and hate that he was defeated in his hands.

"But aren't you at the Marquis of Qingquan?" Sigrian: "I heard that you went home to visit relatives, and then disappeared. Now the entire Iron Eagle Kingdom is looking for you."

"There are rumors that you are dead."

Sigrian smiled: "I knew how a man like you could die in the hands of some small miracle troops."

That is a great shame!

Not only insulted the old man, but also insulted the defeated generals who were convinced of him back then.

Among them, Sigrian is naturally included.

"Okay, alright, don't mention what happened back then, it's all over."

The old uncle has an old relationship with the Marquis of Qingquan.

Bai Luo had asked about this before, but the old uncle always covered her up when he mentioned her.

So, Bai Luo asked Grandpa Shan Weng.

It's okay if you don't ask about it. When you ask about it, it's like a legendary artillery history.

When the old uncle was young, he was just like Bai Luo now, young and promising, handsome, suave, and talented.

In short, it's right to be very similar to Bai Luo.

Decades ago, a boyhood uncle accompanied a group of friends on an adventure in the land of wonder.

They have traveled to many places, traveled all over the place, and seen all kinds of wonder countries.

Uncle's talent can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

So at that time, the Lord of countless miracles threw an olive branch to him, made various conditions, and wanted to entrust him with important tasks.

Because everyone knows that once the old uncle becomes a miracle citizen, he will definitely have a bright future in the future.

It's just that the old man couldn't get their gifts.

He is a king, even if he does not find a miracle, he still has the ambition and measure of becoming a king in his heart.

How can such a person be willing to be subservient to others?

Of course, if the old man is just like this, it won't make so many people love and hate.

Uncle's excellence lies in that he can see the strengths and weaknesses of each other at a glance, and then prescribe the right medicine to help others break through quickly.

It can be said that on this land of miracles, there are countless children of miracles and masters of miracles who have received the guidance and favor of the old uncle.

"The Miracle Land at that time was not as peaceful as it is now, and there were still wars, big and small, even wars to destroy the country."

The collapse of a country does not mean the death of the Lord of Miracles.

Of course, the end must be miserable, at least under house arrest, for a lifetime.

"The Qingquan Kingdom has been chaotic for years, and although it has a foundation of four thousand years, it has been exhausted in the endless war of resistance."

Don't think that legends can be produced in a hundred years. There are really 40 legends in 4000 years. This account is not calculated like this.

People die, and legends die in battle.

Master level, hero level, extraordinary level, extraordinary level, every war is a huge loss.

But to recover, it takes ten times, or even a hundred times, a thousand times more time than war.

The miracle of Qingquan Kingdom is the fountain of youth.

It is a miracle that has nothing to do with the power of miracles, and can make anyone immortal and stay young forever.

Although Miracle Citizens live long, they still have a lifespan limit.

Therefore, the existence of the Fountain of Youth has become a treasure that people flock to.

Maybe Morgan and the Iron Eagle King, the miracle masters who founded their country for only a few hundred years, don't care, but for those thousand-year-old kingdoms, the power of longevity is very precious.

"At that time, Qingquan Kingdom was invaded by other countries and almost fell."

"It's the man in front of me."

Sigrian told his uncle's story as if he were singing a hero, an idol he admired: "Save her!"

Saros' own combat effectiveness is average, but his ability to lead troops to fight is simply too strong!

When he arrived in Qingquan Kingdom, he was ordered in danger and became a general who led the military and civilians of the whole country, and successfully led them to repel strong enemies again and again.


Bai Luo looked at the old uncle in shock. Bai Luo had never heard Grandpa Shan Weng tell this story.

The old man only talked about his uncle's love history, but it was indeed the first time that Bai Luo heard of such an awesome life peak.

"Oh, it's alright."

The old uncle said embarrassedly, "I've said that I've been low-key, so be low-key."

Really don't brag, the old man will be embarrassed to be praised.

"So I really want to know why you abandoned the Marquis of Qingquan."

Sigrian: "I have heard that she is one of the most beautiful women in the land of miracles."

"I don't know, you are so gossipy, Sigrian."

The old man interrupted Sigrian and said, "Don't you think about your situation?"

"It was originally intended to be considered."

"Now, I give up."

Sigrian is also a bachelor: "Faced with you, I know that I can't have a chance of winning. I guess you have already anticipated the strategies and methods I am thinking of now?"

Therefore, Sigrian gave up, and he asked himself if he was not the opponent of the old uncle, or should he just obey the arrangement.

More importantly, he was captured by the old uncle.

It's not ashamed!

It's really not ashamed!

Even if it was said, it spread to the entire land of miracles, and Sigrian was defeated by Saros and captured.

Is this humiliation?

This is glory, okay? !

"You, I won't tell lies."

The old uncle looked at Bai Luo, who nodded. As the king, he said, "Our country is called Aden."

"Pfft hahaha!"

Sigrian smiled: "Hey, Saros, are you really playing like this, is it necessary?"

"This is the country you built, don't you think about the Atons?"

Speaking of this matter, Bai Luo said that the old uncle did not tell him directly.

But over the years, the old uncle has hinted at Bai Luo, secretly and implicitly, the truth of that year.

So Bai Luo was actually not surprised when he heard the secret.

"Our Aton is not the Aton of the Atons, nor the Aton of the Aton Kingdom."

Bai Luo stated the reason for naming the country Aden, but did not say why: "As for why it is called Aden, I don't need to explain to a prisoner."

"So you two, who is the Lord of Miracles?"


After Bai Luo finished speaking, the old uncle saw Sigrian's astonishment and added, "I am his uncle."

"Cough cough cough."

Sigrian wanted to ask, why did you follow a brat today if you refused to be loyal to others for decades, but as soon as the reason came out, Siglion suddenly realized.

Uncle and Bai Luo, this is not actually called allegiance.

Parents protect their children, is that called loyalty?

That's not allegiance.

Although not, but this love is more indestructible than loyalty.

In the past, the uncle could not accept the miraculous power of others because he did not want to be subservient to outsiders.

And accepting Bai Luo's miraculous power is not only because of his family, but also because of inheritance.

When children are young, they naturally have to listen to adults.

But when the adults are old and can't keep up with the times, they have to turn around and listen to the children.

Relying on this love and recognition, for the first time in his life, the old uncle obtained the power of miracles, and it was also the first time that he had a monarch who could do everything and give his talents without any scruples.

"What do you want?"


The purpose of war is peace.

"Then how can you guarantee that you will not attack us again."

Sigrian was Morgan's man, and his only standard of thinking was to benefit Morgan.

"Three words of Saros, aren't they enough?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Sigrian laughed: "Enough is enough, indeed enough."

The old man has acted in his life, especially in matters of right and wrong, and he has never reneged on his promises.

In those days, the three words of Saros were the guarantee of credibility, and he never gave up the task given to him by any country, let alone failed!

That's why, in the eyes of the miracle kings, especially the Holy Empire, Uncle is a very unusual character.

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