This is a Miracle

Chapter 149 Hailongji

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On the sea, the heroic deep-sea clan under Sigrian were all on an island, respectfully waiting for the arrival of a person.

Hailongji, ranked second among Morgan's six adopted sons and daughters, is Morgan's eldest daughter and the most talented one.

"Sieg was arrested, you are to blame."

This is a tall, blue-haired woman. She has no clothes on her body. Instead, she turns dragon scales into armor, covering her whole body, and then covering it with a transparent veil that looks like a jellyfish coat.

The sea breeze blew, and the crystal armor of dragon scales outlined the graceful figure of the woman, and the skin exposed in the air was as delicate as snow.

On Hai Longji's chest, the neckline is open, and the two looming breasts are suffocating.

However, no one in the audience dared to look at such a beautiful scenery.

Because in this sea, Hailongji represents extinction, and only when Morgan is the most angry, Hailongji will take action.

Either slaughter the city, or sink the island!

"The ghost and the ugly god is dead, and the opponent's strength is at least the king, but the greater possibility is that it is a legend."

Hailongji has a cold temperament and a proud personality.

That miracle power, even though most of it has been restrained, only a trace of it has been released, which still makes all the deep-sea clans feel great fear.

This is the suppression of strength, and it is also the crushing of the power of the abyss against the power of the deep sea.

However, Hai Longji did not feel reluctant to part with the death of the ghostly and ugly god.

This guy likes to eat people, and especially likes to eat beautiful women.

To be honest, Hai Long Ji hates it.

"I won't kill you for now."

Hai Longji seems to be only in her twenties, but in fact, she has been across the sea for more than a hundred years. With her prestige, how can the deep sea clan dare to be disobedient at all: "Her Royal Highness Princess Xie is gracious."

"The death penalty is forgiven, but the living sin is hard to forgive."

Hailongji: "Immediately activate the sea beasts and search every island in the whole sea."

"They got Sig,

It must be a deal with my father, which shows that their interests are related to our South China Sea. "

In disguise, if Aden is not in the South China Sea, or is far away from the South China Sea.

Then there is no reason for it to ally with Morgan, which is unreasonable.

Of course, it is also possible that Aden is helping countries such as Bright and Weilan.

But if so, why arrest Christine?

"This is a force that no one knows about. I will give you three days, if you can't find it."

Hailongji: "You don't have to come back!"

Expelling Morgan's subordinates was the greatest punishment.

Because once driven out, Morgan will definitely take back the power of miracles.

In this way, without an object of allegiance, not to mention a lonely ghost, but also because of the power of the deep sea, it will become a brainless monster, and life is better than death.


The deep sea clan hurriedly knelt on the sandbar.

They dared to fight with Sigurd because Sigurd was a bold man and could get along with his subordinates.

But Hai Long Ji. . .

She is famous for her stubbornness and stubbornness.


At this moment, a colorful rainbow light impact fell from the sky, and the huge energy almost split the sandbar from the island.

"Have you found anyone over there?"

Avril stepped out of the rainbow beam. She is the confidant and love of the Grand Duke of Fairy Eagle, Mishia, and the Saint of Xiaguang in the legendary realm.

Like Hailongji, Avril also dislikes worldly coarse clothes.

I saw that the woman was wearing a white robe woven by the power of the glow, and the glow on it was flowing, faintly glowing with colorful colors, which made Avril like a goddess from the realm of the gods, sacred and inviolable.

"Did Duke Xianying send you here?"

Hailongji was a little surprised.

You must know that legendary combat power is not simply something that can appear on the land of miracles.

Even if they do appear, it is impossible for them to participate in the battle.

Participating in the war at the master level can also be said to be exploiting loopholes, but at the king level, that is to treat people as fools.

As for the more terrifying legendary realm. . .

Once they got involved in the fight, the leaders of the entire international condemned them.

As long as Morgan and Mishia don't want to be the target of public criticism, Avril and Hai Longji will not be able to do it themselves.

"what happened?"

Hailongji originally thought it was just the birth of a new master of miracles.

But now even Avril has been dispatched, she can represent the fairy eagle, and even the person who vaguely represents the three princes of the blue.

"We investigated something," Avril said. "The birds saw a merchant ship bringing slaves here."

"But neither to the resplendent, nor to the land of thorns and birches."

"On the sea, to buy so many slaves?"

Hai Longji immediately heard the voice of Avril: "Are those people?"

They didn't know 'Aden', after all, only Bai Luo, Senior Sister and others were with Sigrian at the time.

"Apart from them, I can't think of any other possibilities."

"But where are they?"

"We caught someone, come with me?"


Seeing Hailongji nodding, Avril told her not to resist, the woman raised her head: "Let's go."


Rainbow light descended from the sky and enveloped Hai Longji and Avril. The two turned into streamers, and in an instant, they crossed the ten-day voyage and landed in Coral City.


The moustache looked around in horror, and he was stunned by the god-like warriors.

where is this?

who I am?

what am i doing here?

After three consecutive streaks of quality, the mustache looked at the two women who fell from the sky: "Biography, the legendary Pillar of Rainbow Light, the Goddess of Xiaguang, you are the legendary Goddess of Xiaguang, Avril!"

"Is this your title among mortals?"

Avril's appearance does make people think of a god.

Hailongji is also, if she calls herself the goddess of the sea, it is estimated that these mortals will not feel disobedient.

"do not know."

Avril: "I haven't heard of it."

The power of miracles can control the law, and the legendary field is even more powerful than the world. Such people are indeed qualified to call themselves 'Gods'.

However, the Azure Principality has not shown the power of miracles to mortals for many years.

"Have you seen me before?"

The pillar of rainbow light mentioned by the moustache is the power of the Saint of Xiaguang, that is, Avril.

In the war about seventy years ago, Avril had carefully shot once, thus leaving such a legend.

Mortals don't understand the nature of miracles, so they think it's a miracle.

Of course, different countries have different definitions of "God". For example, the mountains refer to the fairyland, and the starry night refers to the heaven.

"It turned out to be true, there really is a Pillar of Rainbow Light!"

After the shock, the mustache had a chance to look at the two of them.

But when he saw it, he was shocked.

The mustache is only in his thirties now, and seventy years ago, his grandfather was only about ten years old.

It has been passed down for three generations, and it is natural to doubt the authenticity.

"Please, may I ask the little one to do anything, and the little one will do his best to do it."

The moustache hurriedly bowed his head. He was also a human being, and he knew how a mere mortal could look directly at the Goddess of Rainbow Light and the Ocean.

Is this what he can see?

Do not die? !

"Is that him, the slave owner?"

Hailongji has no interest in mortals, slave owners like this, let alone others, King Nitouch has to kill a bunch of them every year.

"Have you been tortured, Coral?"

"not yet."

Coral is Christine's adjutant. As a client, she is honored to be able to speak to Avril, the Saint of Xiaguang.

If this makes Christine know that her idol is here, and she has no chance to see it, I am afraid that she will not be able to eat for three days.

"Where's Haitang, where is Haitang?"

"Captain Haitang," Shan Shan said, "I was tired from work last night, so I might be resting."

"Is she drunk again?"

Avril: "Hurry up and wake her up, her subordinates have been arrested, and you can still drink like that. If I were you, I would beat her to death today."

"Who to kill, who wants to kill who, add me?"

Just as she was speaking, a lazy lady with a bottle of wine came over. She was exactly the Haitang Avril's mouth, Miss Ji Haitang, the Light Flame Sword.

Well, a girl in her eighties is indeed an amazing girl.

Haitang: Can you blame me for not marrying? I want to get married too! ! !


Haitang saw Avril, she was stunned for a moment, then looked at Hailongji: "Ah, isn't this Lord Hailongji, long time no see, do you remember me?"

"The girl behind Streus?"

"Yes, yes, that's who I am," Haitang said, "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but it's like yesterday. It's really time flies, tons, tons, tons."

"It's enough."

Avril helped her forehead, she had a headache: "Don't change the subject for me, immediately, immediately, throw away the wine bottle for me."

"Ah! No!"

Haitang hurriedly hugged the wine bottle tightly and protected it tightly: "The bottle is there, the bottle is broken and the person will die!"


"Ah!! My wine~~~~"

Haitang lay on the ground: "You devil, wine is innocent, why hurt it?"

"Get up quickly, there are outsiders here."

"No, no, no," Haitang said, "It's not like I haven't seen Mr. Hailongji."

Ashamed in front of Hailongji, Haitang didn't care at all.

"There's another person here."

Looking down Hailongji's fingers, Haitang saw the mustache, and then her face changed suddenly.


Haitang got up quickly, and then dressed in an instant. The original drunkard turned into a goddess of brilliance and brilliance in a few seconds.

"Lord Avril, may I ask, what's the matter?"


Watching Haitang instantly change from a sloppy drunkard to a flamboyant sword girl with a cold temperament and a divine killing aura, Beard felt that her worldview had been subverted.


Noticing the mustache's gaze, Haitang gave him a threatening look, and the latter immediately lowered her head: "Dare to ask Xiao Xiao what he did wrong, please let the goddesses tell Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao must make corrections, and let Xiao Xiao be spared. Die."

"Tell me, whoever bought slaves from you before, where did you send the slaves."

Just, just this?

The mustache felt that Bai Luo had offended these goddesses, but for the sake of his life, he immediately said, "I know I know, they are..."


The mustache was about to speak, but his body twitched violently, and he spat out a mouthful of black blood.


Avril was very surprised, and she immediately blessed the mustache.

However, Lilith's curse is endless, even Avril can only suppress it, but cannot eradicate it.

"It's him, it's him!"

The man who asked Beard to buy slaves, he was the lord of miracles they were looking for.

"how is the situation?"

Hailongji's ability system is biased towards destruction, and she will not lift such a high-end trick as the curse.

"No, it's too weird."

Avril noticed: "It's a spell under the miracle body, and we can't crack such a spell."

To break such a spell, there are only two ways.

One is a miracle body with the same level, exerting its equivalent power to hedge.

The other is that, like the miracle unit, it is immune to powerful curses.

Lilith is the crown master (king), and her curse must be at least heroic to resist.

But the mustache is just an ordinary person, no matter how powerful Avril is, she is only a miracle derivative, and she is not qualified to lift the curse of a miracle body.

"Then he..."

"Attempting to reveal the secrets of a Lord of Miracles is nothing short of blasphemy."

But the mustache should not know about this, Avril said: "If you can send it to my lord, let my lord take action..."

But Avril was really reluctant to do such a thing.

The mustache is just a mortal person, and Avril can't accept it at all for him to meet Micia.

"I'll ask the master first."

The legendary powerhouse has the qualification to communicate directly with the Lord of Miracles, and Avril contacted Mishia.

"Your Majesty, how should we handle this?"

Avril informed Mishia of the situation, and the latter listened and said, "Don't send it to me, but don't let him die."

Avril pondered issues as a child of miracles, while Mishia confronted Bai Luo as the lord of miracles.

"This person is the downline of the development of the Lord of Miracles. If he wants to kill, it is his business. We can't save this person at will."

Mishia's attitude hinted at Avril.

Fairy Eagle has good intentions for Aden, and Avril can't be too rude, let alone make trouble.

The Lord of Miracles is the most humiliating group of people in this world.

After all, as long as they are still alive, sooner or later, they will be able to rise.

And at that time, who would dare to say that he would not be slapped in the face?

Just like now, Mishia holds the miracle of 3 sleeps, and has Avril and other legendary powerhouses under her command.

But one day a war broke out, someone invaded the fairy eagle territory, and then Avril died in battle, or Mishia was calculated, the miracle broke, and she fell 2 sleeps.

By that time, Mishia won't be allowed to talk about incense with Bailuo?

This is to stay on the line as a person, and see you in the future.

Every country will have its ups and downs, as long as it is not an endless hatred, there will still be some scruples.

'My lord, have the intention to form an alliance with him,' Avril understood: 'This person cannot be dealt with arbitrarily. ’

"I will maintain his vital signs and hand them over to that Highness."

There are rules on the land of miracles. The people of miracles call the Lord of Miracles their own majesty, and those of others are called your majesty.

It is very rude to call the Lord of Miracles by his first name.

In some cases, it even leads to war.

"What about that person?"

Through the moustache, Hai Longji had some preliminary understanding of Bai Luo.

First of all, the opponent's methods are ruthless and decisive, and when things go against them, they are quite decisive.

"It's not hard to find people. Even without this mustache, we can find a place through his fleet."

The mustache has been caught, and the slaves have been detained. Is it difficult to find Aton?

Haibei Island, it's the same as who doesn't know.

"Does Your Majesty have any thoughts and experiences on this naval battle?"

On Aden Island, it was already dark at this time.

Bai Luo and his uncle stayed in the White City of Avalon, together with senior sister Isafiya, tree elf matriarch Luanya and Nors, and they exchanged the gains and losses of this war together.

"Let me speak first."

Luanya: "Your Majesty, I think our tree elves have a very weak sense of existence in this war."

"The Avalon treasure is powerful, and it can improve our actual combat power."

"But it distracts us."

The tree elves have their own fighting system and style. Although they put on extraordinary suits and extraordinary suits, their strength has greatly increased.

But in the end, he forgot his original personality and was covered by the more powerful Avalon power.

In the war, fairies only wear fairies armed, and they fight vigorously.

Although the enemies are not strong, they are all scum, but the goblins have proved their position, and they can play their advantages well.

The witches also played well, as well as the power of Avalon.

Some people may say that the tree elves also have tidal squires and other extraordinary troops?

Yes, so Bai Luo did not say that the tree elves and the others did not contribute to this battle.

What Luanya said was that the 'tree spirit' did not contribute much in this battle.

The power of tree elves is simply dispensable.

As a low-rank miracle race, the tree elves have a complete technology tree.

As long as they dig well, sooner or later, they will be able to develop a system no less than the power of the fairy and the world of Avalon.

What is a miracle race, can it be called a miracle race if you randomly make a few lives?

No, of course not.

In fact, if you want to make a race into a miracle race, you need a big precondition, that is 'Peak Creation'!

What is the pinnacle of creation?

It was Bai Luo who developed a miracle to its peak, which is the last awakening in the legend.

Take Shirley and Lilith for example, they awakened to the final stage and successfully developed the ultimate child of miracles.

In this way, goblins, witches, and Tianma will become an independent miracle after Shirley and Lilith fall, that is, the miracle race.

Therefore, according to this statement, today's goblins, unicorns, and witches cannot be called miracle races at all.

They are also Miracle Tokens, or Children of Miracles.

The tree elves have developed to the extreme in ancient times.

It is like a technology tree, blood inheritance, recorded in the depths of the soul of every tree spirit, and it will bloom when the miracle evolves.

Therefore, the tree elves have great potential, and Bai Luo must pay attention to them.

"Anya, you're right."

Bai Luo said: "In this battle, we did find many problems, such as uneven distribution of power, overflow of output, too little actual combat experience, weak troops, too large gap between high-end and low-end, and so on."

"We need to take a long-term view on the tree elves."

"My idea is," Bai Luo said, "in the future, let the tree elves go their own way and study their own things."

In fact, tree elves are not good at naval battles. It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter.

Bai Luo has some miracles, and there will be more in the future.

But it has to be admitted that Bai Luo lacks the miracle of naval battles, which makes it difficult for the Adonites to open up the sea at the current stage.

He does hope that the next miracle will be of the marine system.

But miracles are not what you want, and Bai Luo is not a prophet, so there is no way to control it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lu Anya breathed a sigh of relief, she actually blamed herself, because the tree elf disappointed Bai Luo.

"In terms of time, if I estimate well, at most three days, they will find Aden."

The old uncle said: "According to my understanding of the three masters of the blue and Morgan, they are likely to send a legendary powerhouse to contact us first."

"Legendary powerhouse!"

Senior Sister frowned, she is only the peak of the second sense now, and there is still some distance from the third sense.

"don’t worry."

The old uncle said: "Unless the miracle body comes in person, your strength, Feiya, is enough to stop the legend."

Senior Sister is in control of the world of miracles, plus her own talent, even a legendary powerhouse can't consume her.

"I'll go to this meeting."


Bai Luo has something to say, but Senior Sister is extraordinarily tough: "I have to go!"

Looking at Isefiya's eyes, Bai Luo knew that Senior Sister's decision, unless he used the majesty of the Lord of Miracles to force her to submit.

Otherwise, even Bai Luo couldn't change.

"Let Feiya go."

The old man said, "Although there is no danger, a gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger."

Bai Luo is in the middle of Aden, and if something happens to him, he will immediately destroy the country.

"However, Your Majesty doesn't have to mind."

The old uncle said: "As long as Feiya breaks through the three senses, then the Lord of Miracles will be protected by the national fortune, and you will be able to act at will."

The miracle of national fortune, this is something that only appears when the miracle body has three awakenings.

Its function is that as long as the Miracle People and Miracle Territory under Bai Luo's command are not reduced to a certain number, no ability can kill Bai Luo.

Poisoning, cursing, and assassination may make the Lord of Miracles uncomfortable for a while, but they will soon recover.

And this also means that everything that will lead to death and permanent damage is ineffective against the Lord of Miracles.

Of course, seals, house arrest, captivity, bondage.

These are not considered damage and are effective against the Lord of Miracles.

But no one can be so stupid!

If you dare to move the Lord of Miracles without destroying the opponent's army and subduing them, then tomorrow, the army will be under the city.

No talk, really no talk!

Even if the monarch humiliates his subjects and dies, even if the master of miracles does not want to fight, the following miraculous subjects and subjects will take revenge at all costs and defend the dignity of the master.

Therefore, jumping over the country and not talking about martial arts and moving the Lord of Miracles is to declare war, and it is an endless rhythm.

"Then, can't I just drive and go personally?"

Hearing Bai Luo's words, everyone present gasped, and even the old uncle regretted telling Bai Luo about it.

"Your Majesty is the King of Martial Arts. If you can fight well, it's not impossible for you to fight in person."

"But Your Majesty, your meritorious deeds are too outstanding, don't the people under you have no chance to perform?" The old uncle began to persuade: "Children are eager to make achievements, do you have the heart to deprive them of their happiness?"


One of Bai Luo's weaknesses is to dote on the people: "Okay, okay, I won't get involved in petty troubles, but I am the king of Aden in matters that determine the fate of Aden!"


"I'll wait to understand."

"Never dare to overstep."

Bai Luo's face, that must be given.

Besides, Bai Luo is not the Marquis of Mishiya and Qingquan. Before he got the miracle, he was the strongest of Aden. After he got the miracle, he was the first person to take on the responsibility of combat power.

Two senior sisters tied together is not enough for him to have sex alone.

Bai Luo: No, I think I can fuck ten times, Feiya is vulnerable on the bed.

Isabella: You. . .

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