This is a Miracle

Chapter 151 The Eighth Miracle

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"Didn't the slave arrive?"

The first wave of slaves consisted of 120 people, who had arrived on Aden Island nearly two months ago, but the second batch, Bai Luo wanted a larger number, and all of them had to be slaves with complete families.

Even if it is a mustache to find such a group of slaves, the difficulty is not small.

If it is shipped in batches, Beard is worried that the guard force will be too scattered, and the sea monster will attack when the time comes, but the gains will outweigh the losses.

"Calculate the time, the second batch of population should arrive."

"But they didn't come."

"Mustache doesn't look like someone who's going to miss an appointment."

Gonia told Bai Luo the latest news, Bai Luo shook his head and said, "It should have been discovered."

The reason why Bai Luo didn't get rid of the mustache was to give Morgan and Wei Lan a way to find themselves.

The sacred has a covenant, and legends, kings, and masters are not allowed to take action.

The kings of the East also had a pact not to harm the Lord of Miracles.

At least until Bai Luo completes the three sleeps, he will be protected as Meng Xin, and there is no need to worry about anyone against him.

After all, it is a rule that has lasted for nearly a thousand years, and it cannot be broken inexplicably because of Bai Luo's appearance.



"I feel my spell."

Lilith had cursed the moustache, but the moustache was too far from Aden Island, and the power of the goblin couldn't cover it, so Lilith didn't know whether the curse was activated.

But now, with the arrival of Hailongji and Avril, Lilith's spell was fed back to her.

"Are people still alive?"



Bai Luo nodded and said, "Then they should be there too.



Just as they were talking, Bai Luo and Lilith felt a huge miracle force at the same time. It fell from the sky and slammed onto the beach outside the town of Port Aden.

"what is this?"

The colorful rainbow light is like a pillar of heaven. The Aden civilians living here, that is, the more than 100 children, are all shocked at the scene in front of them.

"Rainbow beam, that, that legend."

There was a child who lived by the sea in the Kingdom of Mountains. He subconsciously pointed to the rainbow light: "The legend is true, the legend turned out to be true!"

"What legend?"

"Goddess of Xiaguang controls the rainbow light and descends from the sky with the army of the gods, to crusade the heretics that disobey the gods."

All the children were stunned, not only because of the legend, but because the legend happened in front of them.

"But why does the rainbow beam fall here?"

Aden is not a heretic, this is a fairyland.

Oh yes, Wonderland.

The Goddess of Xiaguang will not go out to fight, and then go home now?

"What is this..."

Ilona and her sister Junono looked at the rainbow light, and the brothers and sisters turned their attention to Helbo and Inai.

They know that teenagers and girls seem to already know the secrets of Adun Island.

"They are here."

Haierbo didn't explain too much, he just told everyone to go back to the house immediately: "Everyone must not act privately, all go back to the house!"

Haierbo has a lot of prestige among the commoners.

This is also what Bai Luo deliberately did, making him the captain of this team to facilitate management and restraint.

After two months, the loyalty of the children is no problem.

Fairy Arms proves it.

But a person who is loyal is loyal, and his IQ is not high, he will still do stupid things.

At this time, it is especially important to have a smart squad leader and team leader.

Just like now, following Haierbo's command, the children who were still immersed in shock immediately dispersed in an orderly manner.


The rainbow light disappeared, and Hai Longji and Avril appeared on the deck with unconscious mustaches.

The mustache was lying on top of a cloud, and under the control of Avril, floated behind the two girls.

"Is this their territory?"

Hai Longji said: "It doesn't seem like a big deal. Is this really a country of miracles?"

"Don't be careless, after all, it is a king's land, not our own."

Avril and Hai Longji have a good relationship. They often fought on the sea back then, so they were very familiar with each other.

"He should feel us, right?"

"There's no reason not to notice such a big movement."

The two women did not enter rashly, not because they were afraid, but because it was too impolite.

The Kingdom of Miracles has its own rules. As an outsider, it is only reasonable to ask the envoy to submit credentials before visiting.

Otherwise, two legendary powerhouses are called the door, what is the difference between this and the army under the city?

With their strength, they can almost match the army of tens of thousands of miracles.


Bai Luo knew that they would come soon, but in just two days, the fairy eagle found Aden Island.

Once again, Bai Luo felt the advantage of having the initiative.

If the battle of Sieg is not fought, but passively under pressure again and again, Aden's start will not be too bad, but it will not be much better.

"They are here."

Senior sister passed through the gate of Avalon and appeared beside Bai Luo. Xue Li also stepped out of the dream plane through the power of the unicorn.

The three most powerful miracles under Bai Luo's command were gathered here.

"As planned, I'm going to meet them."

Senior Sister looked at Lilith and Shirley: "Your Majesty's safety will be left to you."

"Do not worry."

"Just leave it to us."

Lilith said that in the event of an emergency, she would do her best to use Transfiguration.

And Shirley will also carry Bai Luo immediately and go to the Avalon world through the plane of nothingness.

"Today, all Adonians live in Avalon, and even the legendary powerhouses cannot ignore us and force their way into the world of high-ranking miracles."

After the senior sister finished speaking, she put the Sifang Wang Sacred Sword on her waist, and went to the coast of Aden under the watch of Bai Luo.


On the beach, Avril felt a strong miraculous fluctuation, and she and Hai Longji watched together.

I saw the golden light turned into a door, and a tall silver-haired woman walked out from it. She was dressed in military uniform and dressed as a knight.

Senior sister has a proud figure, but she is aloof and conservative, and she is more accustomed to covering herself tightly than those clothes that can set off a graceful posture.

Because in her opinion, only Bai Luo can have everything she has.

"You, are you fairy eagles, or are you under the command of the king of the South China Sea?"

Senior Sister's voice was cold and without a trace of emotion, as if she was just carrying out an inquiries according to the established procedures.

"You are..."

"I am the Queen of Aden," Senior Sister: "Isafiya."

Queen Aden!


These two words surprised Hai Longji and Avril, and the two of them passed the news to their Lord of Miracles almost at the same time.


Morgan: "Isn't that annihilated 200 years ago? There are still Atons?"

"It sure is him!"

Mishia can already be sure that no one other than Saros will go to revive the Kingdom of Aden: "Hurry up, let Saros speak, I want to see Saros, call Saros quickly! Hurry up, hurry up! quick!"

Avril: "..."

Having an unreliable master, Avril is also working very hard.

But it's too rude for them to call people out inexplicably when they first arrived, right?

What's more, the pressure that Senior Sister brought to the two was not small at all.

"That sword."

Hai Longji noticed Senior Sister's saber, and Avril also nodded, "Legend."

Sifang holds the King's Sword, Senior Sister holds it, and after several liberations, even if she is the Grandmaster level, she can fight against the legend.

This is also the confidence that Senior Sister has the confidence to represent Bai Luo to come to the peace talks.

"I am here on behalf of my lord, Morgan, the king of the South China Sea," Hai Longji said first: "Why did you capture my brother Sigrian, please give us an explanation."

"Morgan's people."

Hearing the senior sister calling Morgan's name, Hai Longji frowned, and she said coldly, "Is Aden's etiquette like this, my lord is the king of a country, don't you need to address your highness?"

"Since I dare to call him by his first name, you should understand who I am."


Hailongji and Avril were surprised at the same time. They never thought that the very noble Lord of Miracles would come to greet them in person.

"You, Your Excellency, the Lord of Miracles?"

Not to mention strength, the children of miracles and the masters of miracles, even the miracle people derived from the miracle of the four senses, would not dare to make mistakes in the face of a newly awakened master of miracles.

"You face me and don't even call your Highness, who do you think is rude?"

"This, it's because we don't know..."

"Do you know that now?"

Today's Aden is weak, and he doesn't even have a legendary combat power, but as the queen of Aden, Isefiya has the obligation to suppress her opponent in terms of momentum.

"Sunlight Saint Avril."

"Sea Dragon Girl Seville."

"See Her Royal Highness Queen Aden."

Seeing that the two were soft, Senior Sister was not surprised, she was not afraid of angering them.

Not to mention that they don't dare to do it, even if they really dare, senior sister is not afraid.

"Sig is in my hands."

Senior sister is not afraid of arrogance, with a tone that the whole Aden belongs to her: "If you want, let Morgan come and ask for it in person, you are not qualified."


Hai Longji didn't expect senior sister to be so rigid. Since her debut, she has never been insulted like this.

"Your Highness."

Avril hurriedly said: "According to the rules, if the Lord of Miracles meets, in order to sign a covenant, there must be a witness."

Avril could see that although Senior Sister was strong, Aden was still weak and she couldn't fight.

Looking for Morgan, in addition to forming an alliance, there is no second possibility.

It just so happened that Mishia had always wanted to make a friendly gesture to Aden and meet Saros by the way.

In this case, why not let the fairy eagle be the host?



With the permission of the master, Mihia said quickly: "On behalf of my lord, Grand Duke Xian Ying, I invite the King of the South Sea and Queen Adon to come to Stormwind City, and then, under the witness of my lord, conclude a covenant of peace and friendship."

"Xiao Luo, what do you think?"

Senior Sister's expression did not change, but she immediately contacted Bai Luo from the bottom of her heart to convey the matter to him.

"It's not a big problem."

"Then our situation..."

"Don't expose it yet."

Bai Luo said, "Let's just talk about Aden, not the Principality of Aden."

"it is good."

Once the word duchy appears, it is likely to remind people of three miracles. Although Aton is not afraid, it may be delayed one day.


The senior sister said to the two: "I really need to visit the owner of this sea area."


Senior Sister's words made Hai Longji very unhappy.

Morgan is known as the king of the South China Sea, and this sea area is theoretically his territory.

But everyone knows that this is impossible.

The Blue Principality is the owner of the South China Sea and the West China Sea. In contrast, Morgan and Ogelsell are more like two extrajudicial personnel.

The Pirate King said something harsher, that is, a group of people who did not have their own base, nor their own people, and only depended on looting for a living.

Morgan calls himself the king of a country, but in reality, few admit it.

"I like what she says."

Mi Shiya felt that the senior sister was very sensible, and her words were obviously showing her favor to the third prince of Wei Lan.

If the newly born Lord of Miracles can admit that Wei Lan owns the sea on the bright side, then in disguise, he wants to form an alliance with them.

Senior Sister threw out a smoke bomb of 'with the image of azure blue', and Micia immediately said to Avril: "Do your best to win over, and then test the miracle of the other party, at least you must know the personality."

"I don't know, Her Royal Highness," Avril said with a smile: "How powerful is your miracle?"


Almost at the moment of Avril's exit, the terrifying power of Avalon poured out from the holy sword, and an earth-shattering golden beam of light penetrated the sky.

That movement, I don't know how many Lords of Miracles turned their attention to this side.

"Median miracle!"

Senior Sister put the sword and pestle in front of her: "Dou Sheng Fa!"

Although it's nonsense, Senior Sister's attitude is more real than real.

Bai Luo is not afraid of being exposed, but needs to use this power to tell everyone that Aden is not weak, and anyone who wants to attack them must be prepared to pay the price.


"Are you in the middle..."

Although miracles are equal, the higher the rank, the rarer they are.

In the entire Blue Principality, the three Lords of Miracles, Xian Ying and Shen Brewing are all inferior, and only Grand Duke Yangbo is the median miracle.

However, Avril didn't believe in the name 'Fighting Saint Law'.

No matter how conceited the senior sister is, it is impossible to tell the secret of the miracle to others.

As for whether it is the median, it is almost impossible to hide.

The lower ranks are transformed through blood and direct, and the middle ranks will give birth to a field of covering miracles similar to dense fog.

Check it out later.

"My father also agreed to go to Stormwind City."

Morgan is unlikely to feud with a median miracle. The other party did not kill Sigrian, which was a gesture of goodwill, and there was no reason to continue the hostility.

"it is good."

Seeing that Hailongji agreed, Senior Sister also took a step back: "Siglian is here with me, and I will never let him suffer any damage. You can rest assured."

"hope so."

Hailongji is very good with Sigrian, almost watching him grow up.

The two were both teachers and friends, and now that Sigrian was arrested, Hai Longji was naturally worried about his safety and condition.

"Furthermore, free the slaves we bought."

Senior Sister mentioned the issue of slaves, and Avril hurriedly said, "Of course, Seville?"

The sea is not the family of the Fairy Eagle, and Morgan's opinion is also very important.

"what ever."

Hai Longji didn't pay attention to those mortals at all, Avril looked at her senior sister: "In three days at most, we will send the nearly 2,000 slaves to the corresponding location."

"So here, or Baibei Island?"

"It's called Haibei Island."

"But in our blue waters," Avril said, "it's called Baibei."

Obviously, the Fairy Eagle Grand Duke will not cede territory at will.

If Aden wants it, he will take out something in exchange, otherwise it will never be given to you for nothing.

"There is no need to go to transit, and send people directly to the waters outside Adun Island, and we will send people to hand over."

Adun Island has been exposed, so there is no need to hide it.

Anyway, at the current stage, Aden's real secret lies in the world of Avalon. What will happen in the future depends on the future. The world of Avalon cannot be exposed now.

"And this man."

Avril motioned to the comatose moustache: "I'll give it to you too."

Senior sister didn't like the mustache, but she didn't dislike it, so she recruited cats who knew how to shuttle, and started the "cat car" transportation.

"The curse of the mustache, help him lift it, Lilith."

On the other side, Bai Luo instructed Lilith, "It was originally an insurance. Ask him if he would like to follow me. If loyalty can be guaranteed (armed by goblins), then join Aden and be a commoner."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to, we don't lack him as a slave trader."


The rainbow beam of light fell, Avril left first, and Hailongji also dived into the sea with a dragon roar.

The next moment, in Senior Sister's perception, a huge shadow that could almost be compared to Adun Island appeared under the deep sea.

"This guy..."

Senior sister demonstrated, and Hai Longji also demonstrated to her with her own body.


Senior Sister turned and left, then passed through the gate of Avalon, and returned to Bai Luo in one step.


Senior Sister reported the situation to Bai Luo throughout the whole process. Her actions were fine. Not only did it maintain Aden's dignity, but it also fulfilled their current need—to form an alliance.

"Shocking Wave City..."

"I go!"

Senior Sister stepped forward and looked Bai Luo directly in the eyes, she would never give in to this matter.

"There is a legendary fighting force on the opposite side, one-on-one, I can block one, but several together, I am not their opponent now!"

Senior Sister has a strong attitude, so she must be strong, Bai Luo's safety has always been more important than her life.

Bai Luo knew this in his heart, so he planned to agree.

It's just that Senior Sister and Bai Luo had the Aden tradition of their wedding night, and Senior Sister lost a crushing defeat.

Therefore, in the face of Bai Luo, she is also superficially strong.

Just like now, her voice is clear and cold, but Senior Sister's body is trembling faintly, and somewhere, it is even more numb and soft.

If Bai Luo reprimanded her at this time, Senior Sister would be beaten back to her original form immediately.


Bai Luo knew that Senior Sister was worried about his own safety, and now was not the time for him to act arrogantly.

Before Senior Sister Sanjue arrives, Bai Luo is still in danger. He is in Aden, and he must not take risks.


Bai Luo said softly, "I promise."

Bai Luo didn't plan to go in the first place, this was not because he was timid, but because he was responsible for the entire Aden.

Only that kind of willful king will be very happy, want to do everything by himself, and feel that he can do the best.

Bai Luo believes in Senior Sister's ability very much. Now that she has the power of miracles, her achievements will never be inferior to those of Xian Ying, Shen Brewing, Yang Bo and Morgan.

"Yo! Is this a trip?"

"I'm going, I'm going too!!"

Yinya suddenly broke in, this girl seems to have been eavesdropping: "Spring outing, spring outing, spring outing, long live!!!"

Bai Yinuo raised her hands high: "Meow Pass~~~"

Iniya compared a scissor hand in front of her eyes: "Paz meow!"

The two girls, Yinya was wearing a strong black suit, and Bai Yinuo was wearing a loose dress similar to a training suit.

"One black and one white, suddenly appearing to scare people to death?"

Bai Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he naturally didn't want to, and it was impossible for them to go.

But when the two girls acted coquettishly, Bai Luoke couldn't stand it.

So, Bai Luo gave Senior Sister a look.

"Spring outing."

"What is spring?!"

"Homework, are you done?"

Senior Sister turned around, and her body and mind, which had been weakened by contradicting Bai Luo, immediately recovered as before: "Iniya, and Xiao Bai, the last test was 0, and you still want to go to the spring outing? I think you are just thinking about shit! "

In this world, the only person who can make Senior Sister obediently obey, is Bai Luo alone.

Senior sister has become Bai Luo's miracle person, everything she has is only for Bai Luo, and because of this, everything is controlled by Bai Luo.


The two women dared to smile with Bai Luo, but when they faced the senior sister, they were instantly discouraged.

But Aton is stupid, how can he succumb to the mere senior sister?

"Iniya, coquettish secret art!"

"Xiao Bai, cute~"

The two girls, one on the left and one on the right, pounced on Senior Sister, holding onto her arm tightly, as if she would never let go without taking her there.

Unfortunately, Senior Sister is not Bai Luo.


One person trembled, and the whole world was quiet.

"OK OK."

Bai Luo said, "This time, I can't take you there, it's too dangerous."

"In the future, I will wait for Feiya to wake up three times in the future. I don't need to worry about my own safety, and then I will find a new miracle for you, Yinya, and turn you into my miracle person."

Bai Luo spoke eloquently: "At that time, I will take you to travel around the world and see the beauty of this miraculous land."


Iniya was very excited: "In the outside world, is there roast pork trotters?"


Bai Luo was stumped by this question: "Probably, no, even if there is, it probably won't be as delicious as Uncle's cooking."


Immediately, Yinya felt that the outside world was really boring: "Forget it, I still won't go."

A world without pig trotters, cut!

"Me, me, and me."

Bai Yinuo was eager to try, and she wanted to ask questions, but Bai Luo didn't need to listen to know what she wanted to say: "No steamed buns, no buns."

At this point, the two girls came in high spirits and left in despair.

Not even steamed buns and steamed buns, and the outside world, huh, what a rubbish world.


Bai Luo looked at Senior Sister: "Is this the solution to the problem?"


Senior Sister nodded, and Lilith said, "Is there a lovely and beautiful girl in the outside world?"


Bai Luo complained, "I, Aden, can't satisfy you with so many girls?"

"Satisfied, satisfied."

Lilith: "His!"

Bai Luo has long been accustomed to Lilith's weirdness. Sure enough, among these people, only Senior Sister is the most serious.

"That, Xiao Luo."

In private, Senior Sister was allowed to call Bai Luo by her nickname, she carefully pulled Bai Luo's clothes: "Tonight..."

"rest assured."

Bai Luo gave Senior Sister a look: "At eight o'clock at the latest, I must go back to my room on time to sleep."

"Cough, I, I'm not begging you."

"I know."

"It's just an obligation."

"I really know."

"so. .."

Senior Sister was excited, but on the surface, she still had that cold look, even her tone was so cold: "Come back early in the evening."


Bai Luo originally wanted to continue interacting with Senior Sister, but the sound of flipping the book in his mind made his face change, and then he was happy.

"His Majesty?"

Senior Sister saw the change in Bai Luo's demeanor, and she immediately thought of a possibility: "Could it be?"


Bai Luo nodded, then turned his eyes to the black book in his mind: "After nearly a month, you are finally here, the eighth miracle..."

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