This is a Miracle

Chapter 153 The Way to Be King

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"Just, who should I look for?"

The task on the black book requires that you love your children.

It wasn't that Bai Luo didn't have a choice, but there were just too many choices.

Ice Spirit Witch Elsa, Silver Wing Unicorn Knight Fiora, Beast Soul Witch Sheila and more.

With so many children, just pick one, who wouldn't want to take risks for Bai Luo?

"Look for the strongest."

Yes, if there is really a problem, and the wolf eats people, then the stronger the child, the higher the safety factor.

What's more, they still have the life guardian charm given by Lilith.

This spell, senior sister personally tested.

With the mana that Lilith exerted, even Senior Sister couldn't destroy it at one time. Instead, she had to divide her power and hit again after a few seconds to kill it.

There is only one wild wolf, and four kings are stalking.

In addition, the child's own strength is not weak, and he also wears a life guardian charm.

If this is. . .

Bai Luo didn't raise the flag, but he did make enough preparations.

"I come!"

Elsa did her part and was the first to raise her hand.

She knew there might be danger, but danger was better.

The more dangerous, the greater the credit, how could the Bailuo family's Bingling Little Witch let go of such an opportunity?

Elsa: Great, finally it's my turn to perform!

As long as it can make Brother Bai Luo happy, little Elsa is willing to do anything!

There should be an achievement here - Elsa is taking the shape of Bai Luo.

"Aden, the fourth quasi-hero, but they are all adults."

Zyra is the youngest,

15 years old, but at such an age, can it really be considered a child?

Bai Luo didn't know how the 'child' was judged.

But Elsa is only 12 years old, no matter how young she is, she is little Miya.

"Little Elsa and little Miya, you two come with me."

Bai Luo chose two girls, which made the little guy jump up and down with joy, shouting "Long live brother Bai Luo".

Although Miya is only a substitute player, but a substitute is also a human being, so maybe she also has a chance to play.

"Don't fool around."

Bai Luo gently patted the little heads of the two girls and said, "This time, there is still a danger in this incident. Even if it is very small, you still have to be prepared and not be careless."


Elsa and Mia naturally wouldn't let their guard down.

But, I am really happy.

As for the children who were not selected, Tie Hanhan was the most noisy.

"I'm going to feed the wolves too, I'm going too~~~"

Bai Luo: Hurry up and eat this silly girl.

Fortunately, Bai Yinola and Tie Hanhan went to roast sweet potatoes, and only then took this Aton Wild Boar Princess Hanhan away.

"Hey, my Aden boy paper, when will I be able to stand up?"

Abaddon: The girl is about to surround Brother Bai Luo!

What are they trying to do?

Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by senior sister if you book a seat next to Bai Luo in advance?


Seeing that Bai Luo brought Elsa and Xiao Miya over, the old uncle nodded and said, "It's time to start."

"What to feed?"

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

Bai Luo took over the wolf animal's favorite raw meat specially prepared by the old uncle. In order to better complete the task, the old uncle even specially prepared this raw meat.

He understands the habits and hobbies of almost all animals, so he specially selected this piece of meat.

The black wolf is a miracle creature, but it has not yet awakened, just like Shirley, even if she becomes a miracle, she likes to eat grass.

In the same way, black wolves should also be different from ordinary wolves.


Wolves are inherently wild and hard to tame, and will not give in easily.

Those green and faint eyes, with their eyes that devoured people, just looked at them, which made Elsa and Miya feel a sense of horror for no reason.

Fortunately, they are two powerful witches.

Miracle arms have countless passives, anti-fear, anti-shock, and naturally included.

So the girls calmed down very quickly, and Elsa took the raw meat from Bai Luo's hands, regardless of the blood on her hands.

At the same time, Xue Li, Lilith, Senior Sister, and Bai Luo stood in four directions.

The four of them are ready for emergencies at any time, and if the black wolf has an attacking attitude, they will immediately stop it.


The black wolf was locked in a cage constructed of golden holy energy at this time, and as Elsa approached, the cage door was opened.

"It looks like a very ordinary wolf."

Elsa is not afraid of beasts, and the Aden woman is the nemesis of beasts.

"Be careful, Elsa."


But Elsa didn't dare to hold it too big. She untied the silver rapier from her waist, held it with her right hand, and put it behind her.

Then he bent down and handed the raw meat in his left hand to the black wolf.

'It is now. . . ’

Bai Luo looked at the black wolf, if it just ate raw meat, it means he misunderstood.

The purpose of this task is just to test the bravery of a child, and it is only dangerous.


The black wolf let out a low growl, quickly removed the large piece of raw meat from Elsa's hand, and devoured it.


The black wolf growled again, Elsa thought he still wanted it, so she straightened up and looked back.

It was also at this moment that the black wolf suddenly jumped up and slammed towards Elsa.


The golden holy air formed a barrier, blocking between Elsa and the black wolf.

Ling Lie's cold air gushed out from the girl's back. Without this holy air barrier, the black wolf might have been frozen into an ice sculpture by Elsa.

"It attacked me?"

Elsa didn't expect things to happen so suddenly, she didn't care about an ordinary wolf's attack.

Compared to this, Elsa was even more afraid that the mission Bai Luo gave her would fail.

"How about it?"

At this moment, Senior Sister looked at Bai Luo, the black wolf was still roaring angrily in the Holy Qi cage.

It has no humanity and is a total mad beast.

The reason why they didn't attack Elsa was just the wisdom of the beast, first to reassure the other party, and then to surprise and attack suddenly.

"This guy is so smart."

Uncle: "Ordinary beasts can't eat food of unknown origin, but it eats raw meat first, and then attacks little Elsa."

If he hadn't observed this black wolf and determined that it was an ordinary beast, the old man would have suspected that it was the descendant of some kind of monster.

Like Silvermane, its wisdom is not below that of humans.


"Boom! Boom!"

Seemingly feeling the effect of Little Elsa on him, the black wolf roared wildly, and even started to slam into the holy energy cage.

Fortunately, the senior sister controlled it and shaped the cage into a flexible state, otherwise the black wolf would have fainted if it weren't for him.

"Xiao Luo? How is it now, that mission?"

Senior Sister looked at Bai Luo, but found that Bai Luo was born with open eyes, his face full of confusion and disbelief.


At this moment, Bai Yinuo, who was squatting beside the bonfire with Iniya and waiting for the roasted sweet potato, stood up.

"What's the matter, Xiaobai?"


Bai Yinuo blinked and said to Yinya, "Master is angry."

"Master means, my brother? Angry?"

Yinya has lived with Bai Luo for more than ten years. To be honest, she has never seen Bai Luo get angry.

So it's hard to imagine what Bai Luo's anger looks like.

But it must be scary.

Yinya felt that if Bai Luo got mad at her, she would be 100% trained to cry, and then she would never dare to make the same mistake again.

"The master is very angry."

Bai Yinuo said, "It's unimaginable to be angry."

So angry that Bai Yinuo had a rage in his heart and wanted to vent.


Suddenly, Bai Yinuo punched a tree trunk beside him.

The strength she used was so huge, the trees were sunken, but the girl's fist was also bleeding.

"Wow wow, what are you doing, Xiaobai?"

Bai Yinuo is like a little sister to Yinya, and Yinya's desire to protect her sister is no worse than Bai Luo's for her.


Bai Yinuo didn't care about Yinya, but smashed the other fist at the tree trunk: "Xiao Bai, you are angry, you want to vent, don't worry about me."

"Boom! Boom!"

Again and again, Bai Yinuo hit this innocent little tree like this.

What surprised Yinya was that although Bai Yinuo's fist was bloody, it was healing, and it was restored to its original state at an astonishing speed.

Destroyed again and again, the speed can be restored, but it is faster than each time.

Yinya's talent is not bad, she was just suppressed by her elder sister and Bai Luo too severely, and grew up under the protection of them all her life.

"Your power..."

Iniya faintly thought of a possibility: "Could it be that you have awakened?"

"Boom! Boom!"

On the other side, the holy energy cage made a metallic clanging sound because of the collision.

Looking at Bai Luo again, he slowly raised his head, but his eyes were unprecedentedly cold.

The senior sister was startled and instinctively felt scared.

Not only her, but also Shirley and Lilith felt the anger from Bai Luo.


"Xiao Luo?"

"Back off."

Bai Luo looked at the black wolf in the cage, his eyes fell on the black book in his mind, only to see new words appearing on the eighth page of the greedy giant wolf.

That is the next task, a task that is clearer and more inhumane than the previous one.

[Although you haven't sacrificed your first people yet, it's only a matter of time]

【Love is the source of hatred. Those who yearn for loneliness must have been hurt. No one in this world truly loves you except yourself.】

[The people are all false, loyalty only deceives themselves, don't worry about them anymore, take the so-called love as its ration]

[Feed it the people you cherish, the deeper you love and the more you feed it, the stronger it will become, until it devours all your fears and makes everyone fear you! 】


Senior Sister, Xue Li, and Lilith all got the quest content from Bai Luo.

To feed, to feed Bai Luo's people, they are still the people Bai Luo cherishes and loves. . . . . .

Who does Bai Luo love?

Little Miya, little Elsa, little Seust, little Abaddon, that is everyone in Aden, his most important younger siblings.

The miracle brought hope to Bai Luo.

Therefore, Bai Luo has always believed that no matter what kind of miracle, its essence is to make the country and the nation better.

But, the miracle of cannibalism. . .

"You deserve it too."

Bai Luo came to the cage and looked down at the black wolf: "Do you call yourself a miracle?"

What is this miracle called?

With your own hands, feed your children, wife, father, sister, sister, and brother to a monster, just for this monster to gain more power?

At this moment, everyone present felt Bai Luo's attitude.

The greedy giant wolf touched Bai Luo's bottom line.

The Adonite is Bai Luo's most important treasure, anyone who dares to covet it or threaten it will become Bai Luo's enemy!


The black wolf is roaring, it does not have enough intelligence.

But inexplicably, Bai Luo heard a voice from the roar, and this voice was questioning Bai Luo: 'Are you longing for power? ’

'Your people are all waste. What's wrong with feeding the waste to the strong to make the strong stronger? ! ’

'Yes. ’

The voice uttered a utterly disappointed rebuke: 'You are also a waste! ’

King, be ruthless, cut off everything you love, and you will have no weaknesses!

A loving king.

He is also worthy, calling himself a king? !

Only rights!

Only power!

Only these are eternal! !

The reason why a mortal is afraid is because he has something he is reluctant to give up, and it will swallow up all the reluctance and eat everything you fear!

If Bai Luo is worried about losing Yinya, then kill Yinya, and naturally he will not be afraid of losing her anymore, right?

To gain the power of the greedy wolf, one should abandon human nature.

Cruel enough, crazy enough, bloodthirsty enough, this is the master it wants!


These words seem to be Bai Luo asking himself, wanting to get an answer from his heart.

"Xiao Luo..."

The old uncle and senior sister were very worried about Bai Luo.


Bai Luo raised his hand and stopped them.

"Speak up."

Bai Luo looked at the black wolf in the cage indifferently: "I still don't know what kind of miracle you are?"

Naturally, the black wolf could not answer, but what Bai Luo asked was not the black wolf either.


Before, Bai Luo was attracted by that extremely incomparable task. Now that he came back to his senses, he realized that the attributes of the black wolf had already changed.

【The greedy giant wolf】

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Grade: Median

Species: Miracle Creatures

Faction: Old Feast of Stupidity

Ability: Unawakened (please sacrifice your loved ones to it, the more it devours, the higher the aptitude will be, at least 100 people)


Bai Luo smiled, a kind of self-deprecation, even sarcasm: "Your mission is so arrogant, I thought you were some kind of powerful guy."

"A median."


Bai Luo thought it was ridiculous, if there was only one miracle, the world-greedy wolf might indeed be very strong.

But Bai Luo has a black book, and he has more than one miracle.

"I have the middle position, and I still have the upper position."


Bai Luo said in a deep voice, "Is there a lack of someone like you, a mere median?!"

After saying that, Bai Luo pulled out his sword and at the same time withdrew the Holy Qi cage, and then directly stepped on the black wolf's head under his feet.


Everyone looked at Bai Luo in astonishment. He actually treated miracles like this, blasphemed and insulted a noble and great miracle in such a way.

This is a miracle!

It is a miracle that anyone who gets one can become king!

"Miracle, use it for me!"

"If I have to change myself in order to obtain a so-called miracle," Bai Luo said, "who is the master, is it me, or you?"

"I am the master of miracles."

I said yes, only then can, I said no, no one said no!

"I'll never get you in my life."

"let it go."

"It's just a miracle, don't worry."

Bai Luo used an incomparably flat tone, and said words that were enough to shock the whole world.

The world-greedy giant wolf is at your fingertips, as long as Bai Luo feeds Elsa, or Xiao Miya and the others to the black wolf.

It's really not good, young tree elf!

260, they are also the treasures that Bai Luo loves and cherishes.

Feeding them can also awaken the black wolf and awaken the power of the world-greedy giant wolf.

"This country is my home."

"I will not abandon everything here."


Bai Luo apologized to Heilang, but not for killing it, but for: "I shouldn't have saved you before, so now, can I ask you to die?"


The long sword fell, and Bai Luo calmly pierced the black wolf's head, and then chopped it down directly.

And after doing all this, Bai Luo only felt that his thoughts were clear.

Of course, Bai Luo can leave it behind, figure it out slowly, or find other ways to drill through the loopholes of the miracle through the black book.

But this is not a good start.

If Bai Luo did this today, then next time, next time.

When there is a more terrifying miracle mission, how should he choose?

Betrayal, only 0 times, and countless times.

Compromise is the same.

Bai Luo would not allow such a bad start, so he decided to make a choice at the very beginning: 'In the future, whenever such a miracle that is harmful to the people and the country occurs, it will be dealt with immediately and will not be tolerated! ’


However, just after what Bai Luo had done last night, the black book, which had been calm, turned over once again.


Bai Luo looked at the black book in his mind puzzled, and saw the words on the eighth page disappear.

Bai Luo originally thought that this was because the miracle disappeared.

Because he was killed by him, the eighth page naturally became blank.


Just the next moment, Bai Luo looked at the new words that appeared on the eighth page with incomparable surprise.

【The heart of greed (true)】

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Grade: Median

Type: Miracle Thing

Faction: Old Feast of Stupidity

Contract method: With love for the country and cherishing of the people, understand the meaning of power and protection, and then face the true heart without being confused by power, and eliminate the greed in the heart.

Ability: This is the essence of the power of the greedy wolf. It removes the evil from the outside, leaving only pure miracle power. It will be stronger than the greedy wolf and completely follow the master's will.

How to use it: Let it replace the heart and you will devour eternity

"A new miracle?!"

Bai Luo didn't expect that the real body of this miracle was not the black wolf, but this miracle called 'the heart of greed for the world'.

"Will it be more powerful than the greedy wolf?"

After the twists and turns, Bai Luo felt that the surprise came so suddenly.

"His Majesty?"

"Xiao Luo?"

Bai Luo looked at the corpse of the black wolf, he turned it into ashes, and then opened his hand, only to see a blood-red, gem-like heart appearing on the palm of his hand.

"Replace the heart and devour eternity."

Two sentences, but told Bai Luo's greed of the world how to use it, and the direction of its ability - swallowing.

"Uncle, Feiya!"

The real miracle, the information on the black book, gave Bai Luo great encouragement.

He did nothing wrong, he did it right!

If you can't even protect the country and its people, and you can only sacrifice them in exchange for the stability of the country, such a person is not worthy of being called a king at all.

"I found the eighth miracle!"

For the first time, Bai Luo was so excited.

Not only because of the miracle's affirmation of his way of being king, but also because this miracle is the first time that Bai Luo has relied on his own judgment to awaken a miracle: "I found it..."

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