This is a Miracle

Chapter 159 Electronic Frontier

"I didn't use it, guardian clan."

More than 20 years ago, Glass got a miracle, and he was all-powerful: "This miracle has no great power at all. It is a vine that needs trees and can only be wrapped around other things. It is a shameless thief."

【Electronic Frontier】

The miracle camp with the most imaginative, creative and speculative abilities, the miracles it brings are the gospel of the wise and the nightmare of the fool.

Theoretically, any kind of miracle can be developed and extended by the omnipotent hand.

However, the power of miracles belongs to someone else.

How could the Lord of Miracles allow his miracle power to be used by outsiders?

"But it is the first miracle that my Aden family has found in a hundred years."

"Master, didn't you find it?"

"Leave a clue," Saros said. "After you leave, I will set off to find the miracle."

"What it is?"

"do not know."

Saros: "The old guy lost his life trying to find it."

When Saros was very young, Grandpa Bai Luo left home to find a miracle. Saros grew up under the care of his brother.

Therefore, compared to his brother, Saros was not so familiar and recognized with his father.

Even though he's almost 40 years old now, he still can't care.

"then you..."

"My time is running out," Saros said. "Next, I will try my best to find it. This is the last hope of our Aden family."

"That's why I want to..."

Glass hesitated, he was about to execute an extremely grand, even terrifying plan.

"You should understand."

Saros said to Graman, who was still very young at the time: "Even if we find miracles, there is no way to surpass them. The development of miracles takes time.

They have been a hundred years faster than us, even a thousand or ten thousand years, and we can't catch up. "

"Since they can't catch up," Saros' eyes were cold, "then let them fall."

If you can't defeat the opponent head-on, let him decay, decay, and degenerate. When it becomes weak, bite it on its neck and kill it with one blow.

"What about Mertis?"

"I don't worry about my safety, it doesn't matter if I die," Glass: "But Mertis, she just got married."

"Although I have always looked down on that kid, I know that he will definitely protect her."

"Just use this as an excuse and leave."


"It's better to let her hate you than to miss you and worry about you?"


Glass asked: "Is this plan really feasible, Empress East, that woman, will you really believe it?"

"In this world, if anyone really desires peace, it must be her."

"But there is more than one path to peace," Glass asked. "She doesn't necessarily want to rule the world."

"It is the Eastern Empire that dominates the world, not the Eastern Empress who dominates the world," Saros said, "The master of more than 20 miracles in the Eastern Empire, if he wins, it will just start another tragedy. The Eastern Empress is amazing, she must be I'll understand, and I'll definitely take your advice."

"After the Eastern Empire, there is the ancient country of gold, then the sacred, the extreme north, the mountains, the starry night, and..."

Saros looked into Grasse's eyes: "Iron Eagle."

"Iron Eagle?!"

Glass was shocked: "Why even it..."

"The iron eagle is the breakthrough," Saros said: "It is your last stop, and it is also your only stop. You have to try your best."


Glass: "What if it fails?"

"There are only two possibilities for failure," the old man said, "First, you and I are both dead, and second, we wait for the genocide."

"What if there is such a day?"

Facing Grass's question, Saros was silent for a while.

"If it fails."

Gradually, Saros' eyes became more and more stern and terrifying: "Then let this world be buried with me Aden!"

The Octopus family finished scrubbing Glass.

After that, the tree elves took action to treat Glass's injuries.

Change another piece of clothes, and in an instant, the dirty old man who was sloppy turned into an elegant old man with dark gray and white hair.

Grass's temperament is a bit like a learned man with a lot of knowledge, the feeling of a great scholar and a philosopher.

And his identity was also a multi-national technical consultant, and his life was magnificent and wonderful.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. It was so exciting when I came up, and it almost killed me."

Glass is fifty years old, much younger than Saros, but he has suffered from wind and frost, and it seems that he is older than his uncle.

"Isn't that too happy?"

"Just play when you are happy, there is no one but you."

Glass didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he was also a prudent old man: "But to be honest, your ability to take a bath is really appreciated by you."

The Gonia family's personalities are similar, and they are all geniuses with high IQ and EQ.


"Feel sorry."

There was sadness in the old uncle's eyes. He had promised Glass that he would protect his family well.

Glass went to perform unimaginable tasks and suffered humiliation, and he, not only failed to protect the Metis couple, but even himself was no longer as sharp as before.

"you've changed."

Glass in turn comforted the old uncle: "I want to know more than whether she is still alive, whether she is happy."

"Metis married that bastard and was locked up by him."

The Aton family is the direct descendant of the Aton God of War, that is, the descendants of miracles. This is different from most ordinary Atons.

They are stronger and stronger, and their physical qualities and talents are far superior to ordinary people.

However, there are pros and cons, and the Atons are not without their weaknesses.

Just like tree elves, they can live for 666 years, but if the seed of life representing the heart is poached and eaten, then that person can live for 666 years.

That's right, tree spirits are like living ginseng fruit and pan-peaches.

The talent bestowed by God has become the most terrifying curse.

Likewise, the Atons have similar flaws.

There is nothing bad about Aden men. The shortcomings of Aden's descendants are basically reflected in women.

Aden women were almost all very cold before they broke down, and they were the kind that would not respond to drugs.

Under the premise that they are of similar age to each other and are not directly related by blood.

Aden men only need constant care, care, and careful care to make themselves occupy an extremely important position in Aden women's minds.

In this way, the Aden woman will slowly become the shape of the person she loves.

It's not a metaphor, that's what it means.

Just like Senior Sister and Iniya, they belong to this situation.

As long as Bai Luo broke their bodies, the two sisters would be locked in by Bai Luo, and they would only bloom for him in this life.

Needless to say, senior sister, Iniya is more appropriate.

Not only that, once locked up physically and mentally, Aden women would never be able to disobey her husband in her life. No matter how strong and domineering she was before marriage, after marriage, she would become the most obedient and docile little woman in her husband's eyes.

It's just that in Aden, looking like Bai Luo's shape, there's really a lot going on.

Bai Luo: Too good, plus there are too few men, I can't do anything about it.

Fortunately, this situation is not irreversible and changeable.

For example, when Xiao Miya and Gonia are too close to Bai Luo, they can improve their relationship by taking a bath.

Only family members can do something so intimate.

Bai Luo is his elder brother, so he can't take his shape.

When Miya and Gonia understand this subconsciously, their bodies will gradually recover.

So, don't underestimate Bai Luo's bathing skills.

You must know that during this process, Bai Luo cannot have any selfish desires.

Anything a little will be lost.

Bai Luo: This is the ultimate mystery that has been tempered after countless spiritual tests!

Okay, that's a bit of a stretch.

Glass, as his elder brother and sister, was married off, he should have been angry.

But in fact, Glass didn't hate Gonia's father, but liked it very much.

All this is just an excuse for running away from home agreed by Glass and his uncle.

Metis didn't know the truth, and always thought it was her own problem. Until the end of her life, the old uncle told her the truth of the year.

"That boy is a hero."

The old man talked about the difficulties of Aden Village in those days: "In order to protect his wife and daughter, he fought to the end."

"It's still like a man!"

Glass was very anxious when he heard that Aden Village was destroyed, and now it is the same, mixed with joy and sorrow.

"Speaking of which, I haven't sworn an oath to you yet."

Glass looked at Bai Luo: "It's really rude, Your Majesty."

In the face of the Aden royal family, Glass did not hesitate at all. He knelt down on one knee and recited the ancient oath to Bai Luo.


Although Bai Luo still had some doubts about this former descendant of the Seven Kings, on the whole, he was willing to trust him.

The old uncle has always been very accurate in seeing people, and Bai Luo has never seen him miss him.

But Bailuo is the king of Aden after all. He is responsible for everyone. It is impossible to allow a spy to move freely in Aden and know all the secrets.


Bai Luo flicked a ring out, and Glass caught it: "This is, do you want to test it?"

"Please excuse me."

"No," Glass said, "I'll be relieved if you do this."

Although Glass is away all year, he still thinks of the Aden family. Glass is very happy to see that Bai Luo can treat him with caution.

This is a good leader, a wise king.

"This is..."

Glass found that the ring in his hand was glowing brightly, Bai Luo looked at the old uncle, who nodded.

The power of miracles cannot fool anyone, it is the best lie detector.

As soon as Glass got the goblin weapon, it immediately resonated with it.

It can be seen that Glass's sense of belonging to Aden is comparable to that of the older generation like Shan Weng's grandfather and old uncle.

This is a man who loves the Aden family from the bottom of his heart, and can even give his life for him.

"His Majesty."

Before Bai Luo could speak, Glass said, "I have an idea, may I allow it?"


Glass belonged to the people who could immediately become his miraculous people. Bai Luo treated his own people with gentleness and kindness.

"Can I live with those outsiders?"


Bai Luo: "Why?"

"I don't want to know too much of Aden's secrets," Glass said. "My identity is too special, and even if you trust me, I have to pay attention to that."

What is Glass's identity? Simply put, he is actually an undercover agent sent by the Aden family to the other princes and kings.

Yes, undercover, that is the kind of Infernal Affairs.

In the entire Aden family, only the old uncle and Grandpa Shan Weng knew the identity of Glass.

Others, even his own younger sister, Metis, thought he had run away from home.

"You are a hero of the Aden family and should be treated like a hero."

Bai Luo is very clear about what Grass has done. His contribution to the Duchy of Aden, which is now Bai Luo, is enough for the people of the whole country to pay him respect.

Rabbits die and dogs cook, and birds hide their bows.

Bai Luo is not such a person, he will only give the best to the hero.

Of course, the premise is that he is really loyal to himself.

Glass has passed the test, and the power of the fairy likes him very much. If the old man is too old and still a man, maybe he can transform into a little magic fairy with one hand.

"If my omnipotent hand is still there, maybe it can help you, Your Majesty."

"But in that case, I probably won't gain your trust."

How to conquer the Lord of Miracles, let alone Bai Luo, the old uncle has never heard of it.

How can a king bow his head to another king?

If you lose, it will only be death, so what is there to fear?

"Even if there is no omnipotent skill, you are one of my Aden."

Gonia's uncle, Aunt Metis' brother, with this relationship, coupled with Glass's undercover career, Bai Luo couldn't treat him badly.

After investigating for a while, I was sent to Avalon World to practice holy fighting.

If it can be successful, what's the hesitation?

My own person! !

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

Glass said: "If I could have met you a few years earlier, maybe I could have created a grander career with you, but now, I am really old."

Not just the body, but also the mind.

More than ten years ago, Grass met a very talented woman, and with her, gave birth to a pair of children, son Boros, daughter Minerva.

However, Glass performed too well in the Iron Eagle King.

He was supposed to leave to find Glass of the Aden family, but was forced to stay by Kahn, who was under the command of the Iron Eagle King, using his wife and daughter as threats.

In the end, because of an accident, Glass's family died under the weapon he designed for Iron Eagle.

"Tsk, it's Iron Eagle again!"

Bai Luo was really unhappy: "This iron eagle, is it our Aton? It's so annoying!"

In other countries, any Bailuo can enter into a covenant with them, seek common ground while reserving differences, and coexist peacefully.

But the iron eagle, and the thorns.

If Bai Luo tolerated them, wouldn't it be too useless?

"Perhaps, this is retribution."

After such a long time, Glass also figured it out. He didn't try his best, and he didn't want to fight any more. He just wanted to spend his old age in peace.

"It's just that now, with your Majesty's strength, I'm afraid you can't compare to Iron Eagle," Glass advised. "So, I hope Your Majesty can be more patient."

Bai Luo naturally knew that the premise of his intolerance was that Aden had sufficient military strength.


Glass said: "When I was in Iron Eagle, I left a lot of interesting design drawings, which I left on purpose."


"Some, delusional work, the kind that is simply impossible to achieve."

Glass said, asked Bai Luo for a pen, and then quickly drew a city on a piece of paper: "Your Majesty, please look at this."

"This is..."

"This is the strategic weapon I designed for Tie Ying," Glass said. "It's just a side project of mine, and its rationality is very low. Even if it can be successful, it will cost Tie Ying Nation a lot of manpower, material resources and resources. Time, once it fails, is wasted."

"What's it called?"

"There is no name," Glass said. "If your Majesty likes, you can choose whatever you want."


Bai Luo carefully looked at the design drawing in his hand, and he found that although Grasse lost his omnipotent skill, the level of this painting was simply superb.

Moreover, it was too fast. In just ten minutes, such a large design drawing came out.

"This thing looks a bit like it," Bai Luo said, "City in the sky."

Sky City, referred to as Floating City for short, is the highest technology crystallization on the magic side that Bai Luo occasionally saw in his previous life.

"Tie Ying, wouldn't you really be making this kind of thing?"


Glass said: "But this thing is just my fantasy. In fact, the level of iron eagle's magical energy cannot support its creation at all."

Therefore, this is the exhausting strategy of deceiving the Iron Eagle King to waste time and slow down the development of the Iron Eagle Kingdom.

"Is there anything else, sir, have you designed similar things for other countries?"

"Occasionally, some inspiration does come."

Therefore, Glass gave Bai Luo a lot of blueprints, including the organs he designed in the Eastern Empire, and the huge tomb of the ancient golden country.

In short, his brain hole is wide open, and it is simply unrestrained.

No matter if he can or not, anyway, he got the design drawing first.

"Father, why don't you continue to help me study miracles."

Bai Luo's heart was moved. He had Pegasus, Fairy, Avalon, and the Wolf of Covetousness in his hands, but Glass's designs were some miraculous arms and weapons of war that had nothing to do with human talent.

They cost a lot of money, and the energy consumption is terrifying.

But the miracle of the electronic frontier series, the biggest feature is mass production.

More is good, big is beautiful.

The electronic frontier, the limit of information and ideas, the last bottom line that can stop even the truth!

"It's impossible, Your Majesty."

Glass said: "There is no omnipotent skill. My talent is too far behind Brother Saros."

"If he can do it, he won't need me. If he can't, neither can I."

"And over the years, I'm really tired."

"If Your Majesty will be sympathetic," Glass said, "give me a place to retire, and I will be satisfied."

Immortality or something, and Glass doesn't want to.

Although his life is short, it is wonderful enough, and there is nothing to give up.

At the end of his life, being able to be buried on Aden's homeland and beside his sister Metis' tomb is Grass's only wish now.


"Your Majesty," said the uncle, "as he wishes."

With more than two decades of espionage, Glass has done what he can for Aden's rise.

"OK then."

Bai Luo chose to respect Glass.

He wouldn't spy on Aden's miraculous power, not even a peek.

And what Bai Luo wanted to give him was the same treatment as other slaves.

"The same, it's definitely impossible. No matter how you say it, you are still my clan."

Bai Luo said, "Well, it just so happens that Haigang Town is going to develop and needs a shopping street. Otherwise, how about opening a shop, old man?"

Open a shop. . .

Seeing Glass hesitate, Bai Luo asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, no, it's fine."

Glass: "Yeah, I'm thinking what store should I open?"

"What does the old man know, do you have any hobbies?"

Bai Luo: "How about painting?"

"Drawing, I only know a little bit of fur."


Bai Luo lowered his head, glanced at the design drawings in his hand, and then looked at the stack of blueprints next to him.

Dude, what do you call this fur? !

"My hobbies are very broad, I know something..."

Glass thought for a while, and finally said, "I know a little bit about everything."

Bai Luo: "..."

Here comes another one who understands a little bit?

"Well, I'll give you the store. Whatever you want to open, tell Gonia directly."

Although he is a commoner, Glass is more like a GM, a hidden boss among sheep.

"Also, if possible, sir, help me guide the commoners by the way," Bai Luo said, "so that they can feel a sense of belonging to Aden as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about this."

Glass said: "If someone is dissatisfied, I will tell you as soon as I find out."

The Aden family is the only reason for Glass to fight all his life.

Whoever dares to be detrimental to Aden is the enemy of Grasse and will never be tolerated!

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